942 resultados para Illinois Energy Education Development Program


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The dissertation reports on two studies. The purpose of Study I was to develop and evaluate a measure of cognitive competence (the Critical Problem Solving Skills Scale – Qualitative Extension) using Relational Data Analysis (RDA) with a multi-ethnic, adolescent sample. My study builds on previous work that has been conducted to provide evidence for the reliability and validity of the RDA framework in evaluating youth development programs (Kurtines et al., 2008). Inter-coder percent agreement among the TOC and TCC coders for each of the category levels was moderate to high, with a range of .76 to .94. The Fleiss’ kappa across all category levels was from substantial agreement to almost perfect agreement, with a range of .72 to .91. The correlation between the TOC and the TCC demonstrated medium to high correlation, with a range of r(40)=.68, p Study II reports an investigation of a positive youth development program using an Outcome Mediation Cascade (OMC) evaluation model, an integrated model for evaluating the empirical intersection between intervention and developmental processes. The Changing Lives Program (CLP) is a community supported positive youth development intervention implemented in a practice setting as a selective/indicated program for multi-ethnic, multi-problem at risk youth in urban alternative high schools in the Miami Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS). The 259 participants for this study were drawn from the CLP’s archival data file. The study used a structural equation modeling approach to construct and evaluate the hypothesized model. Findings indicated that the hypothesized model fit the data (χ2 (7) = 5.651, p = .83; RMSEA = .00; CFI = 1.00; WRMR = .319). My study built on previous research using the OMC evaluation model (Eichas, 2010), and the findings are consistent with the hypothesis that in addition to having effects on targeted positive outcomes, PYD interventions are likely to have progressive cascading effects on untargeted problem outcomes that operate through effects on positive outcomes.


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This study examined differences in cultural competency levels between undergraduate and graduate nursing students (age, ethnicity, gender, language at home, education level, program standing, program track, diversity encounters, and previous diversity training). Participants were 83% women, aged 20 to 62; 50% Hispanic/Latino; with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (n = 82) and a Master of Science in Nursing (n = 62). Degrees included high school diplomas, associate/diplomas, bachelors’ degrees in or out of nursing, and medical doctorate degrees from outside the United States. Students spoke English (n = 82) or Spanish (n = 54). The study used a cross-sectional design guided by the three-dimensional cultural competency model. The Cultural Competency Assessment (CCA) tool is composed of two subscales: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity (CAS) and Culturally Competent Behaviors (CCB). Multiple regressions, Pearson’s correlations, and ANOVAs determined relationships and differences among undergraduate and graduate students. Findings showed significant differences between undergraduate and graduate nursing students in CAS, p <.016. Students of Hispanic/White/European ethnicity scored higher on the CAS, while White/non-Hispanic students scored lower on the CAS, p < .05. One-way ANOVAs revealed cultural competency differences by program standing (grade-point averages), and by program tracks, between Master of Science in Nursing Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners and both Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Registered Nurse-Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Univariate analysis revealed that higher cultural competency was associated with having previous diversity training and participation in diversity training as continuing education. After controlling for all predictors, multiple regression analysis found program level, program standing, and diversity training explained a significant amount of variance in overall cultural competency (p = .027; R2 = .18). Continuing education is crucial in achieving students’ cultural competency. Previous diversity training, graduate education, and higher grade-point average were correlated with higher cultural competency levels. However, increased diversity encounters were not associated with higher cultural competency levels.


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A partir de uma panorâmica do atual contexto social, do ensino superior e da situação das bibliotecas universitárias, introduz-se o problema da definição disciplinar em literacia da informação e dos seus modos de ensino. O presente capítulo procura dar resposta a esta questão, aferindo alguns modelos de instrução em literacia da informação e, a partir das linhas de intervenção internacionais e dos principais documentos orientadores, é elaborada uma proposta aplicável às bibliotecas de ensino superior em Portugal.


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Because of global warming the energy production development has progressed towards more renewable energy sources. Biomass has great potential in this matter and pellet is already a big market that has increased seven times the past decade. A periodically strained woodchip resource market and statements of short supply in the future has got actors exploring opportunities with other commodities. Grasses such as Canary grass has shown great potential in this matter and in this study a wetland grass is tested as an additive, 0,5, 1,0, 1,5, and 1,9%, with spruce woodchips. The test production series was performed at a production unit located at the department of environmental and energy system at Karlstad University, Karlstad. Quality was controlled accordingly to the European standard and parameters such as energy consumption, moisture content, mechanical durability and bulk density was tested. For comparison, a sample with only spruce wood chips was produced, and a sample containing 1% of a commonly used additive, potato starch. The results showed that a decrease in energy consumption with 14% when 2% wetland grass was added, part of the decline may be due to the increased production flow compared with the reference sample. The positive effects on decrease in energy consumption, that 1% potato starch results in, is equal to reults from 1% wetlandgrass. This indicates lubricating properties in wetlandgrass. This is attributed to that herbaceous plants have a high content of extracts such as waxes and that they cause less friction in the press. Tests also showed that pellet with wetland grass did not qualify the European standard in terms of mechanical durability. Extracts can form a weak boundary layer in the pellet and cause this. A possible trend shows a better mechanical durability with more grass in pellets. The presence of different size of particles can be a reason. Moisture content qualifies according to the European standard but is below optimum 8%. This despite to relatively high moisture content in the mixer. Higher moisture content in the press would certainly result in a generally higher quality. Suggestions for future studies are to produce pellets with greater distribution on the wetland grass added, to easier interpret a connection. Also examine the extracts behavior with different moisture content. For a sustainable development accordingly renewable energy it is important to ensure the future commodity market for pellets. Further studies should be performed to help the development of alternative raw materials in conjunction with pellet production.


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As a relatively new phenomenon in 2009, Swedish nonprofit social service providers proposed quality improvement as a way to reduce mistakes, use resources more effectively and meet the needs and expectations of clients in a better way. Although similar experiences have been studied in health care, the transfer of quality improvement to nonprofit social services gives a possibility for more knowledge on what enables, and constrains, systematic quality improvement in this specific context. This thesis is based on five years of supporting quality improvement in the Swedish nonprofit welfare sector. Specifically, it builds knowledge on which active mechanisms and enabling or constraining structures exist for nonprofit social service quality improvement. By studying quality improvement projects that have been conducted in the development program Forum for Values, critical cases and broad overviews are found valuable. These cases have resulted in four papers on quality improvement in nonprofit social services. The papers include: critical cases from a nursing home for elderly and a daycare for disabled children (Paper I); a critical case from a sheltered housing (Paper II); an overview of performance measurements in 127 quality improvement projects (Paper III); and an analytical model of how improvement policy and practice are bridged by intermediaries (Paper IV). In this thesis, enabled or constrained events and activities related to Deming's system of profound knowledge are identified from the papers and elaborated upon. As a basis for transforming practice into continuous improvement, profound knowledge includes the four knowledge domains: appreciation of a system, theory of knowledge, understanding of variation and psychology of change. From a realist perspective, the identified events are seen as enabled or constrained by mechanisms and underlying regularities, or structures, in the context of nonprofit social services. The emerging mechanisms found in this thesis are: describing and reflecting upon project relations; forming and testing a theory of action; collecting and displaying measurable results over time; and engaging and participating in a development program. The structures that enable these mechanisms are: connecting projects to shared values such as client needs; local ownership of what should be measured; and translating quality improvement into a single practice. Constraining structures identified are: a lack of generalizable scientific knowledge and inappropriate or missing infrastructure for measurements. Reflecting upon the emergent structures of nonprofit social services, the role of political macro structures, reflective practice, competence in statistical methods and areas of expertise becomes important. From this discussion and the findings some hypotheses for future work can be formulated. First, the identified mechanisms and structures form a framework that helps explain why intended actions of quality improvement occur or not. This frameworkcan be part of formulating a program theory of quality improvement in nonprofit social services. With this theory, quality improvement can be evaluated, reflected upon and further developed in future interventions. Second,new quality improvement interventions can be reproduced more regularly by active work with known enablers and constraints from this program theory. This means that long-lasting interventions can be performed and studied in a second generation of improvement efforts. Third, if organizations integrate quality improvement as a part of their everyday practice they also develop context-specific knowledge about their services. This context-specific knowledge can be adopted and further developed through dedicated management and understanding of variation. Thus, if enabling structures are invoked and constraining structures handled, systematic quality improvement could be one way to integrate generalizable scientific knowledge as part of an evidence-creating practice.


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This project aims to clarify the importance of acquiring cross-disciplinary competencies in the Law and Criminology degrees, specifically entrepreneurial capability in order to further students' comprehensive training and complete preparation for the legal and professional sector, thereby fostering students' greater involvement in the development of such competencies.


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This project in teaching innovation and improvement aims to disseminate the case method as one of the most innovative educational instruments inteaching of Law in general, and specifically with regard to Family and Inheritance Law. The methodology used ensures learning through a legal conflict, which must be resolved by the students themselves from different viewpoints as legal agents. This is an activity in teaching innovation, in which students become the protagonists. Participation is voluntary, and the main aim is student motivation. The subject's aim is for students to learn public speaking skills fundamental to the profession while familiarising themselves with judicial practice. Theteacher sets up a legal conflict in order for students to resolve the dispute as legal agents with divergent viewpoints - in other words, as judges, attorneys, lawyers and so on. The project seeks alternatives to traditional teaching methods and is an innovative teaching method aimed at professionally training future lawyers as well as being a model that involves students more in their own learning.


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Deakin University developed and tested a range of tailored, needs-based approaches to preventing stress at Victoria Police and Eastern Access Community Health (EACH) Social and Community Health. At Victoria Police trial sites, a supportive leadership program was developed for senior staff supervising junior officers, an online workload management system was developed to better track correspondence and workloads and Mental Health First Aid training was delivered. At EACH, a supportive leadership development program for all managers was developed in addition to the creation of a ‘wellbeing day’ and staff resiliency workshops.


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En vista de las inequidades entre mujeres y hombres como las implicaciones que éstas posan sobre la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo agro-rural, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) ha incursionado en procesos de comunicación para el desarrollo con un proyecto que innovador, integra un enfoque de género.


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La educación y el desarrollo han sido conceptos aliados desde hace más de 50 años. Esta monografía retoma a autores como Paulo Freire, Manfred Max-Neef, Amartya Sen y Martha Nussbaum para analizar cómo el desarrollo determina la forma como se estructuran los proyectos educativos en el contexto colombiano. Las consideraciones de teóricos de la economía y educadores se complementan alrededor de la idea que estructura este trabajo: la búsqueda del desarrollo orienta el sentido de la educación en proyectos como el del Plan Nacional de Lectura y Escritura y determina el concepto de libertad en el proyecto educativo de instituciones como el Colegio Rural Quiba Alta en Bogotá. Explicar por qué el desarrollo tiene un papel protagónico en este contexto es solo una parte del proceso, aquí también se quiere mostrar cómo el ideal de libertad y una visión particular de la educación se ven limitadas ante la búsqueda del crecimiento económico.


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Con el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el escenario que planteaba la Guerra Fría, la manera de entender y explicar la seguridad en la comunidad internacional se amplió, y pasó de ser concebida únicamente en términos políticos y militares, a incluir aspectos como el medio ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. Por esta razón el concepto de seguridad se complejizó dando paso a la construcción de distintas definiciones y debates alrededor de la ampliación de la agenda de seguridad y los temas que en ella se debían tratar. Así pues el fin principal del presente trabajo es el análisis de un fenómeno socialmente relevante en el marco de las relaciones internacionales como lo es la configuración de seguridad, a partir de intervenciones de terceros actores que involucran poblaciones afectadas como en el caso somalí, la cual enfrentó una situación de crisis como producto de la emergencia de seguridad que se produce en el año 1991 con la expulsión de Siad Barre del poder. Su importancia radica en la reivindicación de la trascendencia tanto de los derechos humanos, como de la relevancia del papel de las organizaciones internacionales y de los Estados más poderosos del Sistema Internacional, en la protección de esos derechos y de las comunidades vulnerables que conforman dicho sistema.


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De modo a terminar o mestrado em Gestão, especialização em Recursos Humanos, considerou-se pertinente a realização de um estágio em contexto laboral, como forma a melhorar as competências técnicas e comportamentais. O estágio teve dois objectivos: aplicação dos conhecimentos adquiridos na primeira fase do mestrado e pesquisa de uma oportunidade de inserção no mercado de trabalho. O mesmo foi realizado na Caixa Geral Depósitos (CGD), empresa escolhida devido à posição de destaque que assume em Portugal e por se considerar que é uma organização líder e forte em muitos aspectos, nomeadamente em áreas da gestão de recursos humanos. Apesar das múltiplas abordagens que a gestão de recursos humanos tem e devido à especialização existente na CGD nesta área, o estágio foi essencialmente centrado no âmbito da formação. Considera-se que trabalhar nessa área trará bastantes beneficias pessoais uma vez que me dotará de competências fundamentais para enfrentar a realidade empresarial actual, que é fortemente acentuada na gestão do conhecimento. ABSTRACT: ln order to finish the master degree in Management, specializing in Human Resources, a pertinent stage-based learning was considered as a way to improve technical and behavioral skills. This stage had two targets: application of the obtained knowledge during the first stage of the master degree, and search for an opportunity of entering the labor market. This same stage was done at Caixa Geral Depósitos (CGD), a company that was chosen because of its prominent position assumed in Portugal, and is also considered a leading and strong organization in many areas, particularly human resource management. Despite the multiple approaches that human resources management has, and due to the know-how of CGD in this area, the stage was mainly focused in the training. It is considered that work in this area will bring many personal benefits as it will give me fundamental skills to deal with the actual business reality, which is strongly marked in knowledge management.