951 resultados para Fear of Self Questionnaire


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Background: Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a widely used therapeutic group in the world, and particularly in the Portuguese population. Objective: To compare NSAID’s use by prescription and self-medication acquisition and to determine the pattern of indication of NSAIDs, their usage profile and possible implications for patients’ safety. Methods: A cross-sectional design was used where individuals presenting at a community pharmacy requesting NSAIDs during the study period (one month) were invited to answer a face-to-face interview where socio-demographic characteristics, the indication pattern and previous experience of side effects were assessed. A follow-up interview was performed one week later to assess the incidence of adverse effects. The study was ethically approved. Results: A sample of 130 NSAIDs users was recruited, comprising mostly women (n=87; 66.9%), actively employed (n=77; 59.2%) and presenting a mean age of 49.5 years old (SD=20.49). An equal proportion of individuals acquired NSAIDs by self-medication and with medical prescription (n=65; 50%). Over 4/5 of patients (n=57; 87.7%) acquiring NSAIDs without a prescription were self-medicated by their own initiative, and only 10.8% (n=7) had been advised by the pharmacist. The most commonly acquired active substances were ibuprofen and diclofenac. Self-medicated users more frequently resorted to topical NSAIDs following short term treatments. The major underlying condition motivating NSAIDs sought were musculoskeletal disorders (45.0%), regardless of the regimen. An important proportion of prevalent users of NSAIDs reported previous experience of adverse effects (11.3%). One week after initiating NSAID therapy, a small proportion of patients reported incidence of adverse effects. Conclusion: Self-medication with NSAIDs is sought for numerous medical conditions. Reported adverse effects (prevalent and incident) confirm the need for a more rational use of NSAIDs and ongoing pharmacovigilance.


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The dissertation is devoted to the study of problems in calculus of variation, free boundary problems and gradient flows with respect to the Wasserstein metric. More concretely, we consider the problem of characterizing the regularity of minimizers to a certain interaction energy. Minimizers of the interaction energy have a somewhat surprising relationship with solutions to obstacle problems. Here we prove and exploit this relationship to obtain novel regularity results. Another problem we tackle is describing the asymptotic behavior of the Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility. By framing the Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility as a gradient flow in Wasserstein metric, in one space dimension, we prove its convergence to a degenerate parabolic equation under the framework recently developed by Sandier-Serfaty.


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Abstract : Providing high-quality clinical experiences to prepare students for the complexities of the current health-care system has become a challenge for nurse educators. Additionally, there are concerns that the current model of clinical practice is suboptimal. Consequently, nursing programs have explored the partial replacement of traditional in-hospital clinical experiences with a simulated clinical experience. Despite research demonstrating numerous benefits to students following participation in simulation activities, insufficient research conducted within Québec exists to convince the governing bodies (Ordre des infirmières et des infirmiers du Québec, OIIQ; Ministère de L’Éducation supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie) to fully embrace simulation as part of nurse training. The purpose of this study was to examine the use of a simulated clinical experience (SCE) as a viable, partial pedagogical substitute for traditional clinical experience by examining the effects of a SCE on CEGEP nursing students’ perceptions of self-efficacy (confidence), and their ability to achieve course objectives. The findings will contribute new information to the current body of research in simulation. The specific case of obstetrical practice was examined. Based on two sections of the Nursing III-Health and Illness (180-30K-AB) course, the sample was comprised of 65 students (thirty-one students from section 0001 and thirty-four students from section 0002) whose mean age was 24.8 years. With two sections of the course available, the opportunity for comparison was possible. A triangulation mixed method design was used. An adapted version of Ravert’s (2004) Nursing Skills for Evaluation tool was utilized to collect data regarding students’ perceptions of confidence related to the nursing skills required for care of mothers and their newborns. Students’ performance and achievement of course objectives was measured through an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) consisting of three marked stations designed to test the theoretical and clinical aspects of course content. The OSCE was administered at the end of the semester following completion of the traditional clinical experience. Students’ qualitative comments on the post -test survey, along with journal entries served to support the quantitative scale evaluation. Two of the twelve days (15 hours) allocated for obstetrical clinical experience were replaced by a SCE (17%) over the course of the semester. Students participated in various simulation activities developed to address a range of cognitive, psychomotor and critical thinking skills. Scenarios incorporating the use of human patient simulators, and designed using the Jeffries Framework (2005), exposed students to the care of families and infants during the perinatal period to both reflect and build upon class and course content in achievement of course objectives and program competencies. Active participation in all simulation activities exposed students to Bandura’s four main sources of experience (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion, and physiologic/emotional responses) to enhance the development of students’ self-efficacy. Results of the pre-test and post-test summative scores revealed a statistically significant increase in student confidence in performing skills related to maternal and newborn care (p < .0001) following participation in the SCE. Confidence pre-test and post-test scores were not affected by the students’ section. Skills related to the care of the post-partum mother following vaginal or Caesarean section delivery showed the greatest change in confidence ratings. OSCE results showed a mean total class score (both sections) of 57.4 (70.0 %) with normal distribution. Mean scores were 56.5 (68.9%) for section 0001 and 58.3 (71.1%) for section 0002. Total scores were similar between sections (p =0.342) based on pairwise comparison. Analysis of OSCE scores as compared to students’ final course grade revealed similar distributions. Finally, qualitative analysis identified how students’ perceived the SCE. Students cited gains in knowledge, development of psychomotor skills and improved clinical judgement following participation in simulation activities. These were attributed to the « hands on » practice obtained from working in small groups, a safe and authentic learning environment and one in which students could make mistakes and correct errors as having the greatest impact on learning through simulation.


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Influenza is a major cause of morbidity and mortality; current estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO) are 3 to 5 million cases and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths worldwide every year. Most deaths associated with it occur among people age 65 or older, as well as among persons suffering a chronic debilitating disease regardless of age. The recent 2009 pandemic served to foster interest in this disease. An inactivated virus vaccine has been available since the late 1940´s but it only began to be used extensively when the influenza virus antigenic variability was taken into account. Aside from such variability, influenza viruses are capable of infecting a wide variety of vertebrates, including many avian species, both wild and domestic, thus it is essential to monitor the antigenic characteristics of influenza virus strains currently circulating, and so the vaccine formula has to be evaluated and modiied accordingly every year


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BACKGROUND: Self-reported anthropometric data are commonly used to estimate prevalence of obesity in population and community-based studies. We aim to: 1) Determine whether survey participants are able and willing to self-report height and weight; 2) Assess the accuracy of self-reported compared to measured anthropometric data in a community-based sample of young people.

METHODS: Participants (16-29 years) of a behaviour survey, recruited at a Melbourne music festival (January 2011), were asked to self-report height and weight; researchers independently weighed and measured a sub-sample. Body Mass Index was calculated and overweight/obesity classified as ≥25 kg/m². Differences between measured and self-reported values were assessed using paired t-test/Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Accurate report of height and weight were defined as <2 cm and <2 kg difference between self-report and measured values, respectively. Agreement between classification of overweight/obesity by self-report and measured values was assessed using McNemar's test.

RESULTS: Of 1405 survey participants, 82% of males and 72% of females self-reported their height and weight. Among 67 participants who were also independently measured, self-reported height and weight were significantly less than measured height (p=0.01) and weight (p<0.01) among females, but no differences were detected among males. Overall, 52% accurately self-reported height, 30% under-reported, and 18% over-reported; 34% accurately self-reported weight, 52% under-reported and 13% over-reported. More females (70%) than males (35%) under-reported weight (p=0.01). Prevalence of overweight/obesity was 33% based on self-report data and 39% based on measured data (p=0.16).

CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported measurements may underestimate weight but accurately identified overweight/obesity in the majority of this sample of young people.


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BACKGROUND: The ubiquitous use of mobile phones provides an ideal opportunity to deliver interventions to increase physical activity levels. Understanding potential mediators of such interventions is needed to increase their effectiveness. A recent randomized controlled trial of a mobile phone and Internet (mHealth) intervention was conducted in New Zealand to determine the effectiveness on exercise capacity and physical activity levels in addition to current cardiac rehabilitation (CR) services for people (n = 171) with ischemic heart disease. Significant intervention effect was observed for self-reported leisure-time physical activity and walking, but not peak oxygen uptake at 24 weeks. There was also significant improvement in self-efficacy.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the mediating effect of self-efficacy on physical activity levels in an mHealth delivered exercise CR program.

METHODS: Treatment evaluations were performed on the principle of intention to treat. Adjusted regression analyses were conducted to evaluate the main treatment effect on leisure-time physical activity and walking at 24 weeks, with and without change in self-efficacy as the mediator of interest.

RESULTS: Change in self-efficacy at 24 weeks significantly mediated the treatment effect on leisure-time physical activity by 13%, but only partially mediated the effect on walking by 4% at 24 weeks.

CONCLUSION: An mHealth intervention involving text messaging and Internet support had a positive treatment effect on leisure-time physical activity and walking at 24 weeks, and this effect was likely mediated through changes in self-efficacy. Future trials should examine other potential mediators related to this type of intervention.


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This study evaluated double blind ingestions of placebo (PLA) versus 6% carbohydrate (CHO) either as capsules (c) or beverage (b) during 60 km self-paced cycling in the heat (32°C and 50% relative humidity). Ten well-trained males (mean ± SD: 26±3 years; 64.5±7.7 kg and 70.7±8.8 ml.kg-1.min-1 maximal oxygen consumption) completed four separate 60 km time trials (TT) punctuated by 1 km sprints (14, 29, 44, 59 km) whilst ingesting either PLAb or PLAc or CHOb or CHOc. The TT was not different among treatments (PLAb 130.26 11.2 min, CHOb 140.5±18.1 min, PLAc 143.1±29.2 min, CHOc 137.3±20.1 min; P>0.05). Effect size (Cohen's d) for time was only moderate when comparing CHOb - PLAb (d = 0.68) and PLAb - PLA c (d = 0.57) whereas all other ES were 'trivial' to 'small'. Mean speed throughout the trial was significantly higher for PLAb only (P<0.05). Power output was only different (P<0.05) between the sprints and low intensity efforts within and across conditions. Core and mean skin temperatures were similar among trials. We conclude that CHO ingestion is of little or no benefit as a beverage compared with placebo during 60 km TT in the heat.


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A pilot program for Aboriginal people with diabetes on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, aimed to test the acceptability and impact of using the Flinders model of self-management care planing to improve patient self-management. A community development approach was used to conduct a twelve-month demonstration project. Aboriginal health workers (AHWs) conducted patient-centred, self-management assessment and care planning. Impacts were measured by patient-completed diabetes self-management assessment tool, goal achievement, quality of life and clinical measures at baseline and 12 months. Impact and acceptability were also assessed by semi-structured interviews and focus groups of AHWs. Sixty Aboriginal people with type 2 diabetes stated their main problems as family and social dysfunction, access to services, nutrition and exercise. Problems improved by 12% and goals by 26%, while quality of life scores showed no significant change. Self-management scores improved in five of six domains. Mean HbA1c reduced from 8.74-8.09 and mean blood pressure was unchanged. AHWs found the process acceptable and appropriate for them and their patients. It was concluded that a diabetes self-management program provided by AHWs is acceptable, improves self-management and is seen to be useful by Aboriginal communities. Barriers include lack of preventative health services, social problems and time pressure on staff. Enablers include community concern regarding the prevalence and mortality associated with diabetes.


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We examined a model, informed by self-regulation theories from the health psychology literature, which included goal adjustment capacities, appraisals of challenge and threat, coping, and well-being. Two-hundred and twelve athletes from the United Kingdom (n 147)= or Australia (n = 65), who played team (n = 135) or individual sports (n = 77), and competed at international (n = 7), national (n = 11), county (n = 67), club (n = 84), or beginner (n = 43) levels participated in this study. Participants completed measures of goal adjustment capacities and stress appraisals two days before competing. Athletes also completed coping and well-being questionnaires within three hours of their competition ending.The way an athlete responded to an unattainable goal was associated with his or her well-being in the period leading up to and including the competition. Goal reengagement positively predicted well-being, whereas goal disengagement negatively predicted well-being. Further, goal reengagement was positively associated with challenge appraisals, which in turn was linked to task-oriented coping, and task-oriented coping positively associated with well-being.When highly-valued goals become unattainable, consultants and coaches could encourage athletes to generate alternative approaches to achieve the same goal or help them develop a completely new goal in order to promote well-being among athletes.


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BACKGROUND: Research studies may have limited generalizability when survivors of stroke with physical, language, or cognitive impairments are excluded. AIMS: To assess whether presence of cognitive, language, or global impairments affects participation in self-management programs.

METHODS: Stroke survivors were recruited in South Australia from seven hospitals or via advertisements into a randomized controlled trial (1:1:1 ratio) of a Stroke Self-Management Program, the Stanford chronic condition self-management program, or standard care. Impairment status was measured using: Cognistat (cognition), Frenchay Aphasia assessment (language), modified Rankin Score (mRS; where score 3-5 = global disability).

PRIMARY OUTCOMES: participation (i.e. booked, accessed, and completed a program (defined as attending ≥ 50% of sessions)) and safety (i.e. adverse events). Outcomes were compared by impairment status. RESULTS: Among 315 people screened 143/149 eligible were randomized (median age 71 years; 41% male; with impairments: 62% cognitive, 34% language, 64% global disability). Participation did not differ by cognitive or language impairment status (cognitive 75%, no cognitive 68%, p = 0.54; language 78%, no language 69%, p = 0.42). However, participation did vary by global impairment status (global disability 61%, no disability 96%, p < 0.001). Participants with cognitive impairment experienced more adverse events (severe n = 9 versus no cognitive impairment n = 1).

CONCLUSION: Survivors of stroke with cognitive, language, or global impairments are able to participate in self-management programs and should be included in these types of research studies or programs. Reduced participation by those with global disability and the possibility of more adverse events in people with cognitive impairments needs to be considered.


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Since the 1990s there has been a surge of televisual dramatisations of real-life cooking shows in industrialised countries (Versteegan 2010: 447). Through reality television cooking shows such as, MasterChef, Jamie 's Kitchen, Hell's Kitchen, viewers have encountered celebrity chefs, 'foodies', hospitality trainees, contestants, cooking competitions and customers. These shows have been understood as an indication of- and intervention into - contemporary consumption trends and as vehicles for social change. Many reality-based cooking shows have been regarded as educational, pedagogical sites that 'encourage populations to undertake surveillance of their own and others' bodies' and eating habits with messages like: 'You are what you eat!' or 'Organic is better' (Rich 2011: 3; see also Lewis 2007 and Chapter 4 in this book by Szkupinski-Quiroga, Sandlin and Redmon Wright).In this chapter we explore the reality television programme Jamie's Kitchen as a pedagogical site which seeks to transform young people's understandings about food, work and ultimately themselves. In 2002 the high-profile celebrity chef Jamie Oliver set out to transform a group of unemployed young Londoners into the enterprising, ideal workers of twenty-first century, :flexible capitalism.1 This process of transformation was represented in the enormously successful Channel 4 TV series Jamie's Kitchen.2 In Australia, we viewed the series, as it was screened on Channel 10 over five weeks during July and August 2003.


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Self-leadership is a concept from the organisational and management literature broadly combining processes of self-goal setting, self-regulation and self-motivation. Research has typically focused on the impact of self-leadership on work performance outcomes, with little attention to potential benefits for learning and development. In this paper, we employ a longitudinal design to examine the association of a number of processes of self-leadership with higher educational attainment in a sample of business students (N = 150). Self-reported use of strategies related to behavioural, cognitive and motivational aspects of self-leadership were measured in the first semester of the academic year, and correlated with end-of year grade point average. We found that in particular, self-goal setting, pro-active goal-related behaviour, behaviour regulation and direction, motivational awareness, and optimism were all significant predictors of educational attainment. We discuss implications for educational research and for teachers and tutors in practice.