994 resultados para Baumgarte stabilization method
This study aimed at comparing the efficiency of various sampling materials for the collection and subsequent analysis of organic gunshot residues (OGSR). To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that sampling devices were investigated in detail for further quantitation of OGSR by LC-MS. Seven sampling materials, namely two "swab"-type and five "stub"-type collection materials, were tested. The investigation started with the development of a simple and robust LC-MS method able to separate and quantify molecules typically found in gunpowders, such as diphenylamine or ethylcentralite. The evaluation of sampling materials was then systematically carried out by first analysing blank extracts of the materials to check for potential interferences and determining matrix effects. Based on these results, the best four materials, namely cotton buds, polyester swabs, a tape from 3M and PTFE were compared in terms of collection efficiency during shooting experiments using a set of 9 mm Luger ammunition. It was found that the tape was capable of recovering the highest amounts of OGSR. As tape-lifting is the technique currently used in routine for inorganic GSR, OGSR analysis might be implemented without modifying IGSR sampling and analysis procedure.
The most suitable method for estimation of size diversity is investigated. Size diversity is computed on the basis of the Shannon diversity expression adapted for continuous variables, such as size. It takes the form of an integral involving the probability density function (pdf) of the size of the individuals. Different approaches for the estimation of pdf are compared: parametric methods, assuming that data come from a determinate family of pdfs, and nonparametric methods, where pdf is estimated using some kind of local evaluation. Exponential, generalized Pareto, normal, and log-normal distributions have been used to generate simulated samples using estimated parameters from real samples. Nonparametric methods include discrete computation of data histograms based on size intervals and continuous kernel estimation of pdf. Kernel approach gives accurate estimation of size diversity, whilst parametric methods are only useful when the reference distribution have similar shape to the real one. Special attention is given for data standardization. The division of data by the sample geometric mean is proposedas the most suitable standardization method, which shows additional advantages: the same size diversity value is obtained when using original size or log-transformed data, and size measurements with different dimensionality (longitudes, areas, volumes or biomasses) may be immediately compared with the simple addition of ln k where kis the dimensionality (1, 2, or 3, respectively). Thus, the kernel estimation, after data standardization by division of sample geometric mean, arises as the most reliable and generalizable method of size diversity evaluation
A BASIC computer program (REMOVAL) was developed to compute in a VAXNMS environment all the calculations of the removal method for population size estimation (catch-effort method for closed populations with constant sampling effort). The program follows the maximum likelihood methodology,checks the failure conditions, applies the appropriate formula, and displays the estimates of population size and catchability, with their standard deviations and coefficients of variation, and two goodness-of-fit statistics with their significance levels. Data of removal experiments for the cyprinodontid fish Aphanius iberus in the Alt Emporda wetlands are used to exemplify the use of the program
Their extended transparency in the IR makes them attractive for use as optical fibers for CO laser power delivery and optical amplification. This paper firstly describes the spectacular stabilizing effect of MgF2 on the binary system InF3-BaF2. The investigation of the InF3-BaF2-MgF2 system led to samples up to 5mm in thickness. Further optimization of this system was achieved by incorporation of limited amounts of other fluorides and resulted in increased resistence to devitrification. The second approach of this work was concerned to the investigation of the pseudo-ternary system InF3-GdF3-GaF3 at constant concentrations of ZnF2-SrF2-BaF2-NaF. Several compositions were studied in this system. The samples presented a better thermal stability when compared to other families of fluoride glasses. Therefore, these glasses seem to be very promising for the fabrication of special optical fibers. Thermal data are reported.
Weak acid cation exchange (WAC) resins are used in the chromatographic separation of betaine from vinasse, a by-product of sugar industry. The ionic form of the resin determines the elution time of betaine. When a WAC-resin is in hydrogen form, the retention time of betaine is the longest and betaine elutes as the last component of vi-nasse from the chromatographic column. If the feed solution contains salts and its pH is not acidic enough to keep the resin undissociated, the ionic form of the hydrogen form resin starts to alter. Vinasse contains salts and its pH is around 5, it also contains weak acids. To keep the metal ion content (Na/H ratio) of the resin low enough to ensure successful separation of betaine, acid has to be added to either eluent (water) or vinasse. The aim of the present work was to examine by laboratory experiments which option requires less acid. Also the retention mechanism of betaine was investigated by measuring retention volumes of acetic acid and choline in different Na/H ratios of the resin. It was found that the resulting ionic form of the resin is the same regardless of whether the regeneration acid is added to the eluent or the feed solution (vinasse). Be-sides the salt concentration and the pH of vinasse, also the concentration of weak acids in the feed affects the resulting ionic form of the resin. The more buffering capacity vinasse has, the more acid is required to keep the ionic form of the resin desired. Vinasse was found to be quite strong buffer solution, which means relatively high amounts of acid are required to prevent the Na/H ratio from increasing too much. It is known that the retention volume of betaine decreases significantly, when the Na/H ratio increases. This is assumed to occur, because the amount of hydrogen bonds between the carboxylic groups of betaine and the resin decreases. Same behavior was not found with acetic acid. Choline has the same molecular structure as betaine, but instead of carboxylic group it has hydroxide group. The retention volume of choline increased as the Na/H ratio of the resin increased, because of the ion exchange reaction between choline cation and dissociated carboxylic group of the resin. Since the retention behavior of choline on the resin is opposite to the behavior of be-taine, the strong affinity of betaine towards hydrogen form WAC-resin has to be based on its carboxylic group. It is probable that the quaternary ammonium groups also affect the behavior of the carboxylic groups of betaine, causing them to form hydrogen bonds with the carboxylic groups of the resin.
EU on käynnistämässä ympäristöteknologioiden verifiointijärjestelmää, jonka avulla voidaan tarjota käyttäjille ja sijoittajille riippumatonta tietoa innovatiivisten teknologioiden toimivuudesta ja suorituskyvystä ja parantaa niiden markkina-asemaa. Verifioinnilla tarkoitetaan kolmannen osapuolen suorittamaa prosessia tai mekanismia, jonka avulla tuotteen toiminta ja suorituskyky voidaan todentaa. Kansallinen ympäristöteknologioiden verifiointijärjestelmä on käytössä mm. Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa. Euroopassa järjestelmä otettaneen käyttöön vuonna 2011–2012. Suomessa tehdään nykyisin noin 300 pilaantuneen maan puhdistushanketta koskevaa lupa- ja ilmoituspäätöstä vuosittain. Noin 85 prosentissa kohteista käytetään kunnostusmenetelmänä massanvaihtoa. Massanvaihto tulee ainakin toistaiseksi säilymään yleisimpänä kunnostusmenetelmänä, mutta mm. in situ -menetelmien käytön arvioidaan lisääntyvän. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli arvioida voidaanko verifiointia hyödyntää pilaantuneiden maiden laadukkaan käsittelyn edistämisessä ja voiko verifiointi nopeuttaa innovatiivisten kunnostusmenetelmien markkinoillepääsyä. Aihetta tarkasteltiin mm. kahden erityyppisen pilaantuneen maan ja pohjaveden kunnostusmenetelmän, reaktiivisten seinämien (in situ) ja bitumistabiloinnin (ex situ) kautta. Pilaantuneiden maiden kunnostusmenetelmien toimivuus riippuu monista eri tekijöistä, joista osaa ei voida hallita tai mallintaa luotettavasti. Verifiointi soveltuukin parhaiten laitteiden tai PIMA-menetelmiä yksinkertaisempien puhdistusmenetelmien suorituskyvyn todentamiseen. Verifiointi saattaa kuitenkin hyvin toimia PIMA-kunnostuksen kohdalla esimerkiksi tiedollisena ohjauskeinona. Reaktiivisten seinämien ja bitumistabiloinnin verifioinnin työvaiheet ovat hyvin samankaltaiset, suurimpana erona seinämien kohdalla tulee kuvata myös kohde johon seinämä on asennettu. Reaktiivisten seinämien toiminta on riippuvaista monista ympäristötekijöistä, toisin kuin erillisellä laitteistolla suoritettavan bitumistabiloinnin. Tulosten perusteella voidaan yleistää, että verifiointi soveltuu paremmin ex situ -, kuin in situ -kunnostusmenetelmille.
Needle trap devices (NTDs) are a relatively new and promising tool for headspace (HS) analysis. In this study, a dynamic HS sampling procedure is evaluated for the determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in whole blood samples. A full factorial design was used to evaluate the influence of the number of cycles and incubation time and it is demonstrated that the controlling factor in the process is the number of cycles. A mathematical model can be used to determine the most appropriate number of cycles required to adsorb a prefixed amount of VOCs present in the HS phase whenever quantitative adsorption is reached in each cycle. Matrix effect is of great importance when complex biological samples, such as blood, are analyzed. The evaluation of the salting out effect showed a significant improvement in the volatilization of VOCs to the HS in this type of matrices. Moreover, a 1:4 (blood:water) dilution is required to obtain quantitative recoveries of the target analytes when external calibration is used. The method developed gives detection limits in the 0.020–0.080 μg L−1 range (0.1–0.4 μg L−1 range for undiluted blood samples) with appropriate repeatability values (RSD < 15% at high level and <23% at LOQ level). Figure of merits of the method can be improved by using a smaller phase ratio (i.e., an increase in the blood volume and a decrease in the HS volume), which lead to lower detection limits, better repeatability values and greater sensibility. Twenty-eight blood samples have been evaluated with the proposed method and the results agree with those indicated in other studies. Benzene was the only target compound that gave significant differences between blood levels detected in volunteer non-smokers and smokers
The research on language equations has been active during last decades. Compared to the equations on words the equations on languages are much more difficult to solve. Even very simple equations that are easy to solve for words can be very hard for languages. In this thesis we study two of such equations, namely commutation and conjugacy equations. We study these equations on some limited special cases and compare some of these results to the solutions of corresponding equations on words. For both equations we study the maximal solutions, the centralizer and the conjugator. We present a fixed point method that we can use to search these maximal solutions and analyze the reasons why this method is not successful for all languages. We give also several examples to illustrate the behaviour of this method.
The counteranion exchange of quaternary 1,2,3-triazolium salts was examined using a simple method that permitted halide ions to be swap for a variety of anions using an anion exchange resin (A¯ form). The method was applied to 1,2,3-triazolium-based ionic liquids and the iodideto- anion exchange proceeded in excellent to quantitative yields, concomitantly removing halide impurities. Additionally, an anion exchange resin (N3¯ form) was used to obtain the benzyl azide from benzyl halide under mild reaction. Likewise, following a similar protocol, bis(azidomethyl)arenes were also synthesized in excellent yields. The results of a proton NMR spectroscopic study of simple azolium-based ion pairs are discussed, with attention focused on the significance of the charged-assisted (CH)+···anion hydrogen bonds of simple azolium systems such as 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium and 1-benzyl-3-methyl-1,2,3-triazolium salts.
The counteranion exchange of quaternary 1,2,3-triazolium salts was examined using a simple method that permitted halide ions to be swap for a variety of anions using an anion exchange resin (A¯ form). The method was applied to 1,2,3-triazolium-based ionic liquids and the iodideto- anion exchange proceeded in excellent to quantitative yields, concomitantly removing halide impurities. Additionally, an anion exchange resin (N3¯ form) was used to obtain the benzyl azide from benzyl halide under mild reaction. Likewise, following a similar protocol, bis(azidomethyl)arenes were also synthesized in excellent yields. The results of a proton NMR spectroscopic study of simple azolium-based ion pairs are discussed, with attention focused on the significance of the charged-assisted (CH)+···anion hydrogen bonds of simple azolium systems such as 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium and 1-benzyl-3-methyl-1,2,3-triazolium salts.
The counteranion exchange of quaternary 1,2,3-triazolium salts was examined using a simple method that permitted halide ions to be swap for a variety of anions using an anion exchange resin (A¯ form). The method was applied to 1,2,3-triazolium-based ionic liquids and the iodideto- anion exchange proceeded in excellent to quantitative yields, concomitantly removing halide impurities. Additionally, an anion exchange resin (N3¯ form) was used to obtain the benzyl azide from benzyl halide under mild reaction. Likewise, following a similar protocol, bis(azidomethyl)arenes were also synthesized in excellent yields. The results of a proton NMR spectroscopic study of simple azolium-based ion pairs are discussed, with attention focused on the significance of the charged-assisted (CH)+···anion hydrogen bonds of simple azolium systems such as 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium and 1-benzyl-3-methyl-1,2,3-triazolium salts.
A spectrofluorometric method has been developed and validated for the determination of gemfibrozil. The method is based on the excitation and emission capacities of gemfibrozil with excitation and emission wavelengths of 276 and 304 nm respectively. This method allows de determination of the drug in a self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) for improve its intestinal absorption. Results obtained showed linear relationships with good correlation coefficients (r(2)>0.999) and low limits of detection and quantification (LOD of 0.075 μg mL(-1) and LOQ of 0.226 μg mL(-1)) in the range of 0.2-5 μg mL(-1), equally this method showed a good robustness and stability. Thus the amounts of gemfibrozil released from SNEDDS contained in gastro resistant hard gelatine capsules were analysed, and release studies could be performed satisfactorily.
Induction motors are widely used in industry, and they are generally considered very reliable. They often have a critical role in industrial processes, and their failure can lead to significant losses as a result of shutdown times. Typical failures of induction motors can be classified into stator, rotor, and bearing failures. One of the reasons for a bearing damage and eventually a bearing failure is bearing currents. Bearing currents in induction motors can be divided into two main categories; classical bearing currents and inverter-induced bearing currents. A bearing damage caused by bearing currents results, for instance, from electrical discharges that take place through the lubricant film between the raceways of the inner and the outer ring and the rolling elements of a bearing. This phenomenon can be considered similar to the one of electrical discharge machining, where material is removed by a series of rapidly recurring electrical arcing discharges between an electrode and a workpiece. This thesis concentrates on bearing currents with a special reference to bearing current detection in induction motors. A bearing current detection method based on radio frequency impulse reception and detection is studied. The thesis describes how a motor can work as a “spark gap” transmitter and discusses a discharge in a bearing as a source of radio frequency impulse. It is shown that a discharge, occurring due to bearing currents, can be detected at a distance of several meters from the motor. The issues of interference, detection, and location techniques are discussed. The applicability of the method is shown with a series of measurements with a specially constructed test motor and an unmodified frequency-converter-driven motor. The radio frequency method studied provides a nonintrusive method to detect harmful bearing currents in the drive system. If bearing current mitigation techniques are applied, their effectiveness can be immediately verified with the proposed method. The method also gives a tool to estimate the harmfulness of the bearing currents by making it possible to detect and locate individual discharges inside the bearings of electric motors.
This paper proposes a calibration method which can be utilized for the analysis of SEM images. The field of application of the developed method is a calculation of surface potential distribution of biased silicon edgeless detector. The suggested processing of the data collected by SEM consists of several stages and takes into account different aspects affecting the SEM image. The calibration method doesn’t pretend to be precise but at the same time it gives the basics of potential distribution when the different biasing voltages applied to the detector.