976 resultados para BINARY-MIXTURES


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The evolution of fungicide resistance in the cereal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, is a serious threat to the sustainability and profitability of wheat production in Europe. Application of azole fungicides has been shown to affect fitness of Z. tritici variants differentially, so it has been hypothesised that combinations of azoles could slow the evolution of resistance. This work was initiated to assess the effects of dose, mixtures and alternations of two azoles on selection for isolates with reduced sensitivity and on disease control. Naturally infected field trials were carried out at six sites across Ireland and the sensitivity of Z. tritici isolates monitored pre- and post-treatment. The azoles epoxiconazole and metconazole were applied as solo products, in alternation with each other and as a pre-formulated mixture. Full and half label doses were tested. The two azoles were partially cross-resistant, with a common azole resistance principal component accounting for 75% of the variation between isolates. Selection for isolates with reduced azole sensitivity was correlated with disease control. Decreased doses were related to decreases in sensitivity but the effect was barely significant (P = 0.1) and control was reduced. Single applications of an active ingredient (a.i.) caused smaller decreases in sensitivity than double applications. Shifts in sensitivity to the a.i. applied to a plot were greater than to the a.i. not applied, and the decrease in sensitivity was greater to the a.i. applied at the second timing. These results confirm the need to mix a.i.s with different modes of action.


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This paper presents an approximate closed form sample size formula for determining non-inferiority in active-control trials with binary data. We use the odds-ratio as the measure of the relative treatment effect, derive the sample size formula based on the score test and compare it with a second, well-known formula based on the Wald test. Both closed form formulae are compared with simulations based on the likelihood ratio test. Within the range of parameter values investigated, the score test closed form formula is reasonably accurate when non-inferiority margins are based on odds-ratios of about 0.5 or above and when the magnitude of the odds ratio under the alternative hypothesis lies between about 1 and 2.5. The accuracy generally decreases as the odds ratio under the alternative hypothesis moves upwards from 1. As the non-inferiority margin odds ratio decreases from 0.5, the score test closed form formula increasingly overestimates the sample size irrespective of the magnitude of the odds ratio under the alternative hypothesis. The Wald test closed form formula is also reasonably accurate in the cases where the score test closed form formula works well. Outside these scenarios, the Wald test closed form formula can either underestimate or overestimate the sample size, depending on the magnitude of the non-inferiority margin odds ratio and the odds ratio under the alternative hypothesis. Although neither approximation is accurate for all cases, both approaches lead to satisfactory sample size calculation for non-inferiority trials with binary data where the odds ratio is the parameter of interest.


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Lifestyle factors are responsible for a considerable portion of cancer incidence worldwide, but credible estimates from the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) suggest that the fraction of cancers attributable to toxic environmental exposures is between 7% and 19%. To explore the hypothesis that low-dose exposures to mixtures of chemicals in the environment may be combining to contribute to environmental carcinogenesis, we reviewed 11 hallmark phenotypes of cancer, multiple priority target sites for disruption in each area and prototypical chemical disruptors for all targets, this included dose-response characterizations, evidence of low-dose effects and cross-hallmark effects for all targets and chemicals. In total, 85 examples of chemicals were reviewed for actions on key pathways/mechanisms related to carcinogenesis. Only 15% (13/85) were found to have evidence of a dose-response threshold, whereas 59% (50/85) exerted low-dose effects. No dose-response information was found for the remaining 26% (22/85). Our analysis suggests that the cumulative effects of individual (non-carcinogenic) chemicals acting on different pathways, and a variety of related systems, organs, tissues and cells could plausibly conspire to produce carcinogenic synergies. Additional basic research on carcinogenesis and research focused on low-dose effects of chemical mixtures needs to be rigorously pursued before the merits of this hypothesis can be further advanced. However, the structure of the World Health Organization International Programme on Chemical Safety 'Mode of Action' framework should be revisited as it has inherent weaknesses that are not fully aligned with our current understanding of cancer biology.


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The aim of this work is to review current knowledge relating the established cancer hallmark, sustained cell proliferation to the existence of chemicals present as low dose mixtures in the environment. Normal cell proliferation is under tight control, i.e. cells respond to a signal to proliferate, and although most cells continue to proliferate into adult life, the multiplication ceases once the stimulatory signal disappears or if the cells are exposed to growth inhibitory signals. Under such circumstances, normal cells remain quiescent until they are stimulated to resume further proliferation. In contrast, tumour cells are unable to halt proliferation, either when subjected to growth inhibitory signals or in the absence of growth stimulatory signals. Environmental chemicals with carcinogenic potential may cause sustained cell proliferation by interfering with some cell proliferation control mechanisms committing cells to an indefinite proliferative span.


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This study investigated the effects of increased genetic diversity in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), either from hybridization across genotypes or from physical mixing of lines, on grain yield, grain quality, and yield stability in different cropping environments. Sets of pure lines (no diversity), chosen for high yielding ability or high quality, were compared with line mixtures (intermediate level of diversity), and lines crossed with each other in composite cross populations (CCPn, high diversity). Additional populations containing male sterility genes (CCPms) to increase outcrossing rates were also tested. Grain yield, grain protein content, and protein yield were measured at four sites (two organically-managed and two conventionally-managed) over three years, using seed harvested locally in each preceding year. CCPn and mixtures out-yielded the mean of the parents by 2.4% and 3.6%, respectively. These yield differences were consistent across genetic backgrounds but partly inconsistent across cropping environments and years. Yield stability measured by environmental variance was higher in CCPn and CCPms than the mean of the parents. An index of yield reliability tended to be higher in CCPn, CCPms and mixtures than the mean of the parents. Lin and Binns’ superiority values of yield and protein yield were consistently and significantly lower (i.e. better) in the CCPs than in the mean of the parents, but not different between CCPs and mixtures. However, CCPs showed greater early ground cover and plant height than mixtures. When compared with the (locally non-predictable) best-yielding pure line, CCPs and mixtures exhibited lower mean yield and somewhat lower yield reliability but comparable superiority values. Thus, establishing CCPs from smaller sets of high-performing parent lines might optimize their yielding ability. On the whole, the results demonstrate that using increased within-crop genetic diversity can produce wheat crops with improved yield stability and good yield reliability across variable and unpredictable cropping environments.


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We have performed systematic Monte Carlo studies on the influence of shifting the walls in slit-like systems constructed from folded graphene sheets on their adsorption properties. Specifically, we have analysed the effect on the mechanism of argon adsorption (T = 87 K) and on adsorption and separation of three binary gas mixtures: CO2/N2, CO2/CH4 and CH4/N2 (T = 298 K). The effects of the changes in interlayer distance were also determined. We show that folding of the walls significantly improves the adsorption and separation properties in comparison to ideal slit-like systems. Moreover, we demonstrate that mutual shift of sheets (for small interlayer distances) causes the appearance of small pores between opposite bulges. This causes an increase in vapour adsorption at low pressures. Due to overlapping of interactions with opposite walls causing an increase in adsorption energy, the mutual shift of sheets is also connected with the rise in efficiency of mixtures separation. The effects connected with sheet orientation vanish as the interlayer distance increases.


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The objective of this study was to apply response surface methodology to estimate the emulsifying capacity and stability of mixtures containing isolated and textured soybean proteins combined with pectin and to evaluate if the extrusion process affects these interfacial properties. A simplex-centroid design was applied to the model emulsifying activity index (EAI), average droplet size (D-[4.3]) and creaming inhibition (Cl%) of the mixtures. All models were significant and able to explain more than 86% of the variation. The high predictive capacity of the models was also confirmed. The mean values for EAI, D-[4.3] and Cl% observed in all assays were 0.173 +/- 0.015 mn, 19.2 +/- 1.0 mu m and 53.3 +/- 2.6%, respectively. No synergism was observed between the three compounds. This result can be attributed to the low soybean protein solubility at pH 6.2 (<35%). Pectin was the most important variable for improving all responses. The emulsifying capacity of the mixture increased 41% after extrusion. Our results showed that pectin could substitute or improve the emulsifying properties of the soybean proteins and that the extrusion brings additional advantage to interfacial properties of this combination. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is believed that eta Carinae is actually a massive binary system, with the wind-wind interaction responsible for the strong X-ray emission. Although the overall shape of the X-ray light curve can be explained by the high eccentricity of the binary orbit, other features like the asymmetry near periastron passage and the short quasi-periodic oscillations seen at those epochs have not yet been accounted for. In this paper we explain these features assuming that the rotation axis of eta Carinae is not perpendicular to the orbital plane of the binary system. As a consequence, the companion star will face eta Carinae on the orbital plane at different latitudes for different orbital phases and, since both the mass-loss rate and the wind velocity are latitude dependent, they would produce the observed asymmetries in the X-ray flux. We were able to reproduce the main features of the X-ray light curve assuming that the rotation axis of eta Carinae forms an angle of 29 degrees +/- 4 degrees with the axis of the binary orbit. We also explained the short quasi-periodic oscillations by assuming nutation of the rotation axis, with an amplitude of about 5 degrees and a period of about 22 days. The nutation parameters, as well as the precession of the apsis, with a period of about 274 years, are consistent with what is expected from the torques induced by the companion star.


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Various popular machine learning techniques, like support vector machines, are originally conceived for the solution of two-class (binary) classification problems. However, a large number of real problems present more than two classes. A common approach to generalize binary learning techniques to solve problems with more than two classes, also known as multiclass classification problems, consists of hierarchically decomposing the multiclass problem into multiple binary sub-problems, whose outputs are combined to define the predicted class. This strategy results in a tree of binary classifiers, where each internal node corresponds to a binary classifier distinguishing two groups of classes and the leaf nodes correspond to the problem classes. This paper investigates how measures of the separability between classes can be employed in the construction of binary-tree-based multiclass classifiers, adapting the decompositions performed to each particular multiclass problem. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several real problems involve the classification of data into categories or classes. Given a data set containing data whose classes are known, Machine Learning algorithms can be employed for the induction of a classifier able to predict the class of new data from the same domain, performing the desired discrimination. Some learning techniques are originally conceived for the solution of problems with only two classes, also named binary classification problems. However, many problems require the discrimination of examples into more than two categories or classes. This paper presents a survey on the main strategies for the generalization of binary classifiers to problems with more than two classes, known as multiclass classification problems. The focus is on strategies that decompose the original multiclass problem into multiple binary subtasks, whose outputs are combined to obtain the final prediction.


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The purpose of this paper is to develop a Bayesian analysis for nonlinear regression models under scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions. This novel class of models provides a useful generalization of the symmetrical nonlinear regression models since the error distributions cover both skewness and heavy-tailed distributions such as the skew-t, skew-slash and the skew-contaminated normal distributions. The main advantage of these class of distributions is that they have a nice hierarchical representation that allows the implementation of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to simulate samples from the joint posterior distribution. In order to examine the robust aspects of this flexible class, against outlying and influential observations, we present a Bayesian case deletion influence diagnostics based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Further, some discussions on the model selection criteria are given. The newly developed procedures are illustrated considering two simulations study, and a real data previously analyzed under normal and skew-normal nonlinear regression models. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we study binary differential equations a(x, y)dy (2) + 2b(x, y) dx dy + c(x, y)dx (2) = 0, where a, b, and c are real analytic functions. Following the geometric approach of Bruce and Tari in their work on multiplicity of implicit differential equations, we introduce a definition of the index for this class of equations that coincides with the classical Hopf`s definition for positive binary differential equations. Our results also apply to implicit differential equations F(x, y, p) = 0, where F is an analytic function, p = dy/dx, F (p) = 0, and F (pp) not equal aEuro parts per thousand 0 at the singular point. For these equations, we relate the index of the equation at the singular point with the index of the gradient of F and index of the 1-form omega = dy -aEuro parts per thousand pdx defined on the singular surface F = 0.


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The design of translation invariant and locally defined binary image operators over large windows is made difficult by decreased statistical precision and increased training time. We present a complete framework for the application of stacked design, a recently proposed technique to create two-stage operators that circumvents that difficulty. We propose a novel algorithm, based on Information Theory, to find groups of pixels that should be used together to predict the Output Value. We employ this algorithm to automate the process of creating a set of first-level operators that are later combined in a global operator. We also propose a principled way to guide this combination, by using feature selection and model comparison. Experimental results Show that the proposed framework leads to better results than single stage design. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The design of binary morphological operators that are translation-invariant and locally defined by a finite neighborhood window corresponds to the problem of designing Boolean functions. As in any supervised classification problem, morphological operators designed from a training sample also suffer from overfitting. Large neighborhood tends to lead to performance degradation of the designed operator. This work proposes a multilevel design approach to deal with the issue of designing large neighborhood-based operators. The main idea is inspired by stacked generalization (a multilevel classifier design approach) and consists of, at each training level, combining the outcomes of the previous level operators. The final operator is a multilevel operator that ultimately depends on a larger neighborhood than of the individual operators that have been combined. Experimental results show that two-level operators obtained by combining operators designed on subwindows of a large window consistently outperform the single-level operators designed on the full window. They also show that iterating two-level operators is an effective multilevel approach to obtain better results.


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We explicitly construct a stationary coupling attaining Ornstein`s (d) over bar -distance between ordered pairs of binary chains of infinite order. Our main tool is a representation of the transition probabilities of the coupled bivariate chain of infinite order as a countable mixture of Markov transition probabilities of increasing order. Under suitable conditions on the loss of memory of the chains, this representation implies that the coupled chain can be represented as a concatenation of i.i.d. sequences of bivariate finite random strings of symbols. The perfect simulation algorithm is based on the fact that we can identify the first regeneration point to the left of the origin almost surely.