967 resultados para Abortion, spontaneous


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Concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) have an important role in multiple ovulation. An association has been reported between mutations in the FSH receptor (FSHR) in a family with Increased twinning frequency. We sequenced the transmembrane region of FSHR (located on chromosome 2) in 21 unrelated mothers of dizygotic twins and found no differences to the published sequence. A linkage study of 183 sister pairs and trios, in which all sisters had given birth to spontaneous dizygotic twins, excluded linkage to this region of chromosome 2. Wa conclude that mutations in FSHR are not a common cause of familial dizygotic twinning.


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The tendency to dizygotic (DZ) twinning is inherited in both humans and sheep, and a fecundity gene in sheep (FecB) maps to sheep chromosome 6, syntenic with human 4q21-25. Our aim was to see whether a gene predisposing to human DZ twinning mapped to this region. DNA was collected from 169 pairs and 17 sets of 3 sisters (trios) from Australia and New Zealand who had each had spontaneous DZ twins, mostly before the age of 35, and from a replication sample of 111 families (92 affected sister pairs) from The Netherlands. Exclusion mapping was carried out after typing 26 markers on chromosome 4, of which 8 spanned the region Likely to contain the human homologue of the sheep FecB gene. We used nonparametric affected sib pair methods for linkage analysis [ASPEX 2.2, Hinds and Risch, 1999]. Complete exclusion of linkage (lod < -2) of a gene conferring a relative risk for sibs as low as 1.5 ((s) > 1.5) was obtained for all but the p terminus region on chromosome 4. Exclusion in the syntenic region was stronger, down to lambda (s) = 1.3. We concluded that if there is a gene influencing DZ twinning on chromosome 4, its effect must be minor. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This paper deals with non-Markovian behavior in atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum electromagnetic field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in high-Q cavities or photonic band-gap materials. In cases such as the former, we show that the pseudomode theory for single-quantum reservoir excitations can be obtained by applying the Fano diagonalization method to a system in which the atomic transitions are coupled to a discrete set of (cavity) quasimodes, which in turn are coupled to a continuum set of (external) quasimodes with slowly varying coupling constants and continuum mode density. Each pseudomode can be identified with a discrete quasimode, which gives structure to the actual reservoir of true modes via the expressions for the equivalent atom-true mode coupling constants. The quasimode theory enables cases of multiple excitation of the reservoir to now be treated via Markovian master equations for the atom-discrete quasimode system. Applications of the theory to one, two, and many discrete quasimodes are made. For a simple photonic band-gap model, where the reservoir structure is associated with the true mode density rather than the coupling constants, the single quantum excitation case appears to be equivalent to a case with two discrete quasimodes.


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There is now evidence to show that, as time passes, epilepsy, even if untreated, tends to undergo spontaneous remission in a significant proportion of patients. The question therefore arises as to whether anticonvulsant drug therapy increases this chance of the patient with epilepsy ultimately entering a terminal remission which continues after the treatment is withdrawn, Le. whether anticonvulsant drug therapy itself may sometimes cure epilepsy. There are no well-designed studies available in the literature that provide a clear answer to this question. However, data from a number of investigations carried out for other purposes can be used to see whether contemporary anticonvulsant drug therapy is associated with higher rates of expected untreated terminal remission than those that apply for never-treated patients with epilepsy, or for those whose anticonvulsant treatment has probably been inadequate for various social or historical reasons. Despite the admitted uncertainties inherent in drawing conclusions from such material, there appears to be a reasonably consistent tendency for contemporary anticonvulsant drug treatment to be associated with a greater chance of achieving probable cure of epilepsy. Therefore it would appear premature to take the view that contemporary anticonvulsant drug therapy does no more than suppress epileptic seizures until epilepsy remits spontaneously, or fails to remit, with the passing of time.


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A new method has been established to define the limits on a spontaneous mutation rate for a gene in Plasmodium falciparum. The method combines mathematical modelling and large-scale in vitro culturing and calculates the difference in mutant frequencies at 2 separate time-points. We measured the mutation rate at 2 positions in the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene of 3D7, a pyrimethamine-sensitive line of P. fulciparum. This line was re-cloned and an effectively large population was treated with a selective pyrimethamine concentration of 40 nM. We detected point mutations at codon-46 (TTA to TCA) and codon-108 (ACC to AAC), resulting in serine replacing leucine and asparagine replacing serine respectively in the corresponding gene product. The substitutions caused a decrease in pyrimethamine sensitivity. By mathematical modelling we determined that the mutation rate at a given position in DHFR was low and occurred at less than 2(.)5 x 10(-9) mutations/DHFR gene/replication. This result has important implications for Plasmodium genetic diversity and antimalarial drug therapy by demonstrating that even with lon mutation rates anti-malarial resistance will inevitably arise when mutant alleles are selected under drug pressure.


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We establish a connection between the simple harmonic oscillator and a two-level atom interacting with resonant, quantized cavity and strong driving fields, which suggests an experiment to measure the harmonic-oscillator's probability distribution function. To achieve this, we calculate the Autler-Townes spectrum by coupling the system to a third level. We find that there are two different regions of the atomic dynamics depending on the ratio of the: Rabi frequency Omega (c) of the cavity field to that of the Rabi frequency Omega of the driving field. For Omega (c)


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We investigate the fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a multiple amplitude-modulated field. The driving held is modeled as a polychromatic field composed of a strong central (resonant) component and a large number of symmetrically detuned sideband fields displaced from the central component by integer multiples of a constant detuning. Spectra obtained here differ qualitatively from those observed for a single pair of modulating fields [B. Blind, P.R. Fontana, and P. Thomann, J. Phys. B 13, 2717 (1980)]. In the case of a small number of the modulating fields, a multipeaked spectrum is obtained with the spectral features located at fixed frequencies that are independent of the number of modulating fields and their Rabi frequencies. As the number of the modulating fields increases, the spectrum ultimately evolves to the well-known Mellow triplet with the sidebands shifted from the central component by an effective Rabi frequency whose magnitude depends on the initial relative phases of the components of the driving held. For equal relative phases, the effective Rabi frequency of the driving field can be reduced to zero resulting in the disappearance of fluorescence spectrum, i.e., the atom can stop interacting with the field. When the central component and the modulating fields are 180 degrees out of phase, the spectrum retains its triplet structure with the sidebands located at frequencies equal to the sum of the Rabi frequencies of the component of the driving field. Moreover, we shaw that the frequency of spontaneous emission can be controlled and switched from one frequency to another when the Rabi frequency or initial phase of the modulating fields are varied.


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We study the effect of quantum interference on the population distribution and absorptive properties of a V-type three-level atom driven by two lasers of unequal intensities and different angular frequencies. Three coupling configurations of the lasers to the atom are analysed: (a) both lasers coupled to the same atomic transition, (b) each laser coupled to different atomic transition and (c) each laser coupled to both atomic transitions. Dressed stales for the three coupling configurations are identified, and the population distribution and absorptive properties of the weaker field are interpreted in terms of transition dipole moments and transition frequencies among these dressed states. In particular, we find that in the first two cases there is no population inversion between the bare atomic states, but the population can be trapped in a superposition of the dressed states induced by quantum interference and the stronger held. We show that the trapping of the population, which results from the cancellation of transition dipole moments, does not prevent the weaker field to be coupled to the cancelled (dark) transitions. As a result, the weaker field can be strongly amplified on transparent transitions. In the case of each laser coupled to both atomic transitions the population can be trapped in a linear superposition of the excited bare atomic states leaving the ground state unpopulated in the steady state. Moreover, we find that the absorption rate of the weaker field depends on the detuning of the strong field from the atomic resonances and the splitting between the atomic excited states. When the strong held is resonant to one of the atomic transitions a quasi-trapping effect appears in one of the dressed states. In the quasi-trapping situation all the transition dipole moments are different from zero, which allows the weaker field to be amplified on the inverted transitions. When the strong field is tuned halfway between the atomic excited states, the population is completely trapped in one of the dressed states and no amplification is found for the weaker field.


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We study a three-level atomic system of the vee type, but driven on only one transition by a monochromatic laser. It is shown that the gain of a probe beam, recently predicted for this system by Menon and Agarwal (Menon S and Agarwal G 2000 Phys. Rev. A 61 13 807), is due to an unexpected amplification on a completely inverted, nondecaying (dark) transition. This prediction violates the well known balance condition between the population inversion and the coupling strength of the probe field to the inverted transition, which requires that the coupling strength reduces with increasing population inversion. We show that the condition may be violated only if the probe field selectively couples to just one of the atomic transitions: when it couples to both transitions, the balance condition is satisfied and the system is transparent for the probe field coupled to the dark transitions. No amplification is possible in the latter case.


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Non-Markovian behaviour in atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum EM field modes, such as in high Q cavities, is treated using a quasimode description, and the pseudo mode theory for single quantum reservoir excitations is obtained via Fano diagonalisation. The atomic transitions are coupled to a discrete set of (cavity) quasimodes, which are also coupled to a continuum set of (external) quasimodes with slowly varying coupling constants. Each pseudomode corresponds to a cavity quasimode, and the original reservoir structure is obtained in expressions for the equivalent atom-true mode coupling constants. Cases of multiple excitation of the reservoir are now treatable via Markovian master equations for the atom-discrete quasimode system.


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Mice transgenic for E6/E7 oncogenes of Human Papillomavirus type 16 display life-long expression of E6 in lens and skin epithelium, and develop inflammatory skin disease late in life, which progresses to papillomata and squamous carcinoma in some mice. We asked whether endogenous expression of E6 induced a specific immunological outcome, i.e. immunity or tolerance, or whether the mice remained immunologically naive to E6. We show that prior to the onset of skin disease, E6 transgenic mice did not develop a spontaneous E6-directed antibody response, nor did they display T-cell proliferative responses to dominant T-helper epitope peptides within E6. In contrast, old mice in which skin disease had arisen, developed antibodies to E6. We also show that following immunisation with E6, specific antibody responses did not differ significantly among groups of EB-transgenic mice of different ages (and therefore of different durations and amounts of exposure to endogenous E6), and non-transgenic controls. Additionally, E6 immunisation-induced T-cell proliferative responses were similar in E6-transgenic and non-transgenic mice. These data are consistent with the interpretation that unimmunised Eb-transgenic mice that have not developed inflammatory skin disease remain immunologically naive to E6 at the B- and Th levels. There are implications for E6-mediated tumorigenesis in humans, and for the development of putative E6 therapeutic vaccines. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Quantum feedback can stabilize a two-level atom against decoherence (spontaneous emission), putting it into an arbitrary (specified) pure state. This requires perfect homodyne detection of the atomic emission, and instantaneous feedback. Inefficient detection was considered previously by two of us. Here we allow for a non-zero delay time tau in the feedback circuit. Because a two-level atom is a non-linear optical system, an analytical solution is not possible. However, quantum trajectories allow a simple numerical simulation of the resulting non-Markovian process. We find the effect of the time delay to be qualitatively similar to chat of inefficient detection. The solution of the non-Markovian quantum trajectory will not remain fixed, so that the time-averaged state will be mixed, not pure. In the case where one tries to stabilize the atom in the excited state, an approximate analytical solution to the quantum trajectory is possible. The result, that the purity (P = 2Tr[rho (2)] - 1) of the average state is given by P = 1 - 4y tau (where gamma is the spontaneous emission rate) is found to agree very well with the numerical results. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A survey of hybridization in proper names and commercial signs. CODE-SWITCHING is commonly seen as more typical of the spoken language. But there are some areas of language use, including business names (e.g. restaurants), where foreign proper names, common nouns and sometimes whole phrases are imported into the written language too. These constitute a more stable variety of code-switching than the spontaneous and more unpredictable code-switching in the spoken language.


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P2X(1)-type purinoceptors, have been shown to mediate fast transmission between sympathetic varicosities and smooth muscle cells in the mouse vas deferens but the spatial organization of these receptors on the smooth muscle cells remains inconclusive. Voltage clamp techniques were used to estimate the amplitudes of spontaneous excitatory junction currents (SEJCs) in cells of the vas deferens longitudinal smooth muscle layer. These currents involved the activation of about 6% of the P2X-type channels present on the cell, as compared to whole cell currents produced when isolated smooth muscle cells were exposed to maximal concentrations of either ATP or alpha,beta -MeATP. Immunofluorescence staining of the vas deferens with antibodies against P2X(1) receptor showed a diffuse, grainy distribution over the entire membrane of each smooth muscle cell. Anti-P2X(1) staining was not markedly clustered beneath anti-SV2-stained sympathetic varicosities. Similar results were obtained for cells in the urinary bladder. During development, P2X(1) mRNA was detected as early as embryonic day 15 (E15). Increasing intensities of diffuse immunostaining for P2X(1) were observed in the walls of the bladder, tail artery, and aorta from E15 until 6 weeks postnatal. The vas deferens showed increasing intensities of diffuse staining of its smooth muscle layers between 2 and 6 weeks postnatal, consistent with the time-course of development of fast purinergic transmission described previously. Together, the results suggest that the response of smooth muscle of the vas deferens to ATP released from sympathetic varicosities relies on rapidly desensitizing P2X(1) receptors, distributed diffusely across the smooth muscle cell surface. Synapse 42:1-11, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The pre- and postsynaptic actions of exogenously applied ATP were investigated in intact and dissociated parasympathetic neurotics of rat submandibular ganglia. Nerve-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were not inhibited by the purinergic receptor antagonists, suramin and pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2 ' ,4 ' -disulphonic acid (PPADS), or the desensitising agonist, alpha,beta -methylene ATP. In contrast. EPSPs were abolished by the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists, hexamethonium and mecamylamine. Focal application of ATP (100 muM) had no effect on membrane potential of the postsynaptic neurone or on the amplitude of spontaneous EPSPs. Taken together, these results suggest the absence of functional purinergic (P2) receptors on the postganglionic neurone in situ. In contrast, focally applied ATP (100 muM) reversibly inhibited nerve-evoked EPSPs. Similarly, bath application of the non-hydrolysable analogue of ATP, ATP gammaS, reversibly depressed EPSPs amplitude, The inhibitory effects of ATP and ATP gammaS on nerve-evoked transmitter release were antagonised by bath application of either PPADS or suramin, suggesting ATP activates a presynaptic P2 purinoceptor to inhibit acetylcholine release from preganglionic nerves in the submandibular ganglia. In acutely dissociated postganglionic neurotics from rat submandibular ganglia. focal application of ATP (100 LM) evoked an inward current and subsequent excitatory response and action potential firing, which was reversibly inhibited by PPADS (10 muM). The expression of P2X purinoceptors in wholemount and dissociated submandibular ganglion neurones was examined using polyclonal antibodies raised against the extracellular domain of six P2X purinoceptor subtypes (P2X(1-6)). In intact wholemount preparations, only the P2X(5) purinoceptor subtype was found to be expressed in the submandibular ganglion neurones and no P2X immunoreactivity was detected in the nerve fibres innervating the ganglion. Surprisingly, in dissociated submandibular ganglion neurones, high levels of P2X(2) and P2X(4) purinoceptors immunoreactivity were found on the cell surface. This increase in expression of P2X(2) and P2X(4) purinoceptors in dissociated submandibular neurones could explain the increased responsiveness of the neurotics to exogenous ATP. We conclude that disruption of ganglionic transmission in vivo by either nerve damage or synaptic blockade may up-regulate P2X expression or availability and alter neuronal excitability. (C) 2001 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.