990 resultados para 90-01-GC1
根据八带k·p理论,在三维InGaAs/GaAs量子点阵列中求解kx=ky=kz=0 处的有效质量哈密顿H0的本征值,得到InGaAs量子点中导带中电子基态EC1,第一激发态EC2和重空穴态EHH1的能级.随着In组分从30%增加100%,InGaAs量子点中EC2到EC1的带内跃迁波长从18.50 μm 蓝移到11.87 μm,而EC1到EHH1的跃迁波长则从1.04 μm红移到1.73 μm;随着量子点高度从1.0 nm增加到 5.0 nm,In0.5Ga0.5As和InAs量子点中EC1到EC2的带内跃迁都从束缚态-连续态型转换到束缚态-束缚态型,对应于两种量子点的带内跃迁波长分别从8.12 μm (5.90 μm)红移到 53.47 μm(31.87 μm),两种量子点中EC1到EHH1的跃迁波长分别从1.13 μm(1.60 μm)红移到1.27 μm(2.01 μm).
通过对抚顺市温道林场20、53和69年生长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)人工林生物量和营养元素的积累与分配、养分利用效率和养分再吸收效率、养分生物循环的研究,探讨了长白落叶松生长发育不同阶段的养分生态学特征;对东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场17年生兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)人工林进行5年的施肥(NH4NO3,15 g•m-2•a-1),研究了施肥对人工林养分生物循环的影响。结果表明: (1)20、53和69年生单株落叶松生物量分别为33.14 kg•tree-1、311.42 kg•tree-1和408.46 kg•tree-1,随林龄的增长而增加。各器官生物量的分配格局为:树干>根>树枝>树皮>针叶。树干生物量的分配比例为50.16%~69.20%,随林龄的增长比例增大,而其他器官生物量的分配比例则逐渐减小。20、53和69年生单株落叶松净生产力分别为3.04 kg•tree-1•a-1、9.68 kg•tree-1•a-1和10.21 kg•tree-1•a-1,随林龄的增长而增大。针叶和树干的净生产力最大,分别占整株林木净生产力的40.07%~47.93%和27.32%~40.97%,并且随林龄的增长而增大。树枝、树皮和根的净生产力则表现出随林龄的增长呈抛物线状。 (2)20、53和69年生单株落叶松N、P、K、Ca、Mg等5种营养元素的总贮量分别为308.14 g•tree-1、2021.01 g•tree-1和2485.24 g•tree-1,随林龄的增长而增加。5种营养元素的贮量大小为:Ca>N>K>Mg>P。树干养分贮量的分配比例为19.74%~34.23%,随林龄的增长呈抛物线状。针叶、树枝和树皮的养分贮量占整株林木养分贮量的比例为35.16%~45.59%,建议在采伐木材时实施去皮、打枝等措施,留下针叶、树枝和树皮在林地中,让其自然分解以使营养元素重新归还利用,对于维持林地的养分平衡和长期生产力具有积极作用。 (3)20、53和69年生单株落叶松年吸收养分量分别为35.31 g•tree-1•a-1、97.83 g•tree-1•a-1和100.08 g•tree-1•a-1,随林龄的增长而增加。5种营养元素的年吸收量大小为:Ca>N>K>Mg>P。落叶松的养分利用效率随林龄的增长而增大,但生长到一定年龄阶段后,其养分利用效率逐渐趋于稳定。落叶松的最佳采伐年龄应为养分利用效率保持稳定时的年龄,此时采伐单位干材所带走的林地养分量较少。不同营养元素的利用效率不同,P的利用效率最高,Mg、K次之,N、Ca最低。不同器官的养分利用效率不同,树干的养分利用效率最高,其次是根、树枝、树皮,针叶最低。随着林龄的增长,树干和根的养分利用效率增大,而树枝和树皮的养分利用效率减小。 (4)落叶松叶片的N再吸收效率为50.76%~55.11%,随林龄的增长表现出增大的趋势;P和K再吸收效率分别为64.38%~68.85%和87.85%~90.62%,随林龄的增长表现出减小的趋势。从养分利用效率和养分再吸收效率综合判断,本研究区落叶松生长可能受土壤N、P、K供应的限制,3种营养元素的限制作用大小为:K>P>N。 (5)落叶松人工林养分的年吸收量、年存留量和年归还量分别为51.94~78.35 kg•hm-2•a-1、17.77~29.43 kg•hm-2•a-1和34.18~48.92 kg•hm-2•a-1,均随林龄的增长而减少,这与林分密度逐渐减小有关。5种营养元素的年吸收量和年存留量大小均为:Ca>N>K>Mg>P,年归还量大小为:Ca>N>Mg>K>P。落叶松人工林的养分循环速率为0.624~0.658,随林龄的增长而增大。5种营养元素的循环速率以Mg、N最快,Ca、P次之,K最慢。K的循环速率较低,可能与研究区土壤K含量较低而表现出的K再吸收效率较高有关。 (6)施肥导致落叶松叶片N再吸收效率显著降低,而凋落叶片的N浓度显著增加,从而使凋落叶片的C/N比由80.29降低到60.29。施肥林地凋落叶片C/N比的降低使其分解速率加快,有利于其养分归还土壤,从而加快了系统的养分循环速率,提高了系统的养分利用率。因此,在人工林经营中,施肥不仅能提高林地生产力,而且对于维持林地养分循环具有积极作用。
近地表面多年冻土对寒区生态系统的植被覆盖、水文条件、土地利用和工程建设具有重要影响,随着气候变化研究的广泛开展,区域冻土环境的变化也成为学者关心的重要议题。中国东北的多年冻土处于欧亚大陆多年冻土带的南缘,多年冻土不如以北地区发育,是十分脆弱的多年冻土。然而,多年冻土在东北寒区生态系统中却起着重要的作用。若东北多年冻土发生退缩,则有可能加速落叶松北移和湿地退缩的过程,也会对C的释放产生重要影响。因而探明现实气候条件下东北区域多年冻土的影响因子和发育状况以及未来气候条件下多年冻土的退缩趋势,将有助于促进东北寒区生态系统的冻土和其它学科研究,同时也可为寒区开发建设提供有意义的参考。 本研究从分析东北多年冻土的主要影响因子——气候、地形和土壤条件等入手,准确地掌握了多年冻土的发育状况,并以此为根据进行了景观尺度上多年冻土分布信息的提取和融深信息的研究。同时,在区域尺度上对多年冻土的现实分布和未来气候条件下多年冻土的可能分布状况进行了探讨。最终得到以下重要结论: (1)冻结数对东北多年冻土分布具有重要的指示作用 冻结数模型具有明确的物理意义,可以指示多年冻土的发生状况。研究中,利用地形、纬度等因子,结合气温和降水数据模拟了现实气候条件下东北地区的冻结数值;并依据冻结数模型的区划标准对东北多年冻土进行分区。结果表明,冻结数在指示多年冻土分布时具有重要作用。 (2)土壤含水量、地形坡度和群落因子对多年冻土具有重要影响 以大兴安岭呼中国家级自然保护区为例,调查了该区多年冻土活动层厚度,并利用多重对比分析和相关分析的统计方法,对多年冻土活动层的影响因子进行了分析。结果表明,多年冻土活动层厚度与多个环境因子之间存在着复杂的关系。其中,土壤表层含水量与活动层厚度具有极显著的负相关关系(P<0.001),其相关系数在0.90以上,说明含水量越高,活动层厚度越浅。地形坡度和活动层厚度的相关性也达到显著水平(相关系数为0.321,P=0.006),表明坡度越陡,活动层厚度越大。几乎每个样带的海拔与活动层厚度都有显著的相关性,但在整体研究区域内海拔与活动层厚度不存在相关性。这说明活动层厚度的变异仅在本研究的样带尺度上具有规律性,而在稍大尺度上这种规律性就消失了。对于不同的群落活动层厚度的多重对比分析表明,群落的差异对活动层厚度也有明显的影响,其中狭叶杜香-泥炭藓群落(Larix gmelini-Ledum palustre var. anqustum-sphagnum magellanicum)更有利于多年冻土的保存。 (3)景观尺度上的多年冻土分布状况 在景观尺度上,以呼中国家级自然保护区为研究区,应用神经网络方法,同时以土地覆盖、等效纬度、坡向和土壤湿度多种影响因子为数据源,对多年冻土分布信息进行提取。结果表明,考虑土地覆盖、等效纬度和土壤湿度的数据源组合可以获得高精度最高的多年冻土分布信息,分类精度可以达到89.0%,多年冻土面积占研究区面积百分比达到46.71%,为780.1 km2。 (4)景观尺度上多年冻土的融深状况 研究考虑了包括植被和等效纬度两个影响活动层厚度的重要因子,并将Stefan公式进行变形,简化为包含热量条件的等效纬度因子和植被条件的C因子的函数关系。最后应用该函数关系模拟了呼中自然保护区活动层厚度空间分布,模拟结果的精度为87.25%。在模拟结果中,面积和所占比例最大的活动层厚度为70-80 cm间的活动层厚度,所占面积达到341.4 km2 ,占整个研究区面积的20.43%。而面积最小的活动层厚度为30-40 cm间的活动层厚度,面积为0.02 km2 。通过群落与活动层厚度的空间分布对比发现,呼中自然保护区占最大比例的活动层(70-80 cm)所对应的植物群落主要为落叶松-丛桦-笃斯-藓类群落(Larix gmelini-Betula ovalifolia-Vaccini uliginosum-moss)。说明呼中自然保护区冻土湿地植被主要以该群落类型为主,演替处于中间阶段。 (5)区域尺度上多年冻土的分布状况 利用证据权重法,以可能影响多年冻土分布的气候、地形和土壤等因子作为数据源,对研究区在现实气候条件下的多年冻土分布进行预测,获得了多年冻土在现实气候条件下的分布概率等信息。结果表明,当分布概率大于0.17时,划分出的多年冻土的精度最高,为78.71 %。此时,多年冻土面积为2.03×104 km2 ,约占研究区总面积的1.76%。 (6)东北多年冻土分布对气候变化的响应 利用空间代时间的方法和Kappa指数,对证据权重法在预测未来气候变化条件下多年冻土分布的准确性进行了验证,结果表明,证据权重法预测气候变化条件下多年冻土的分布状况是可行的。 在CGCM3模拟的三种气候模式下,多年冻土在2050年和2100年都将发生明显的退缩。2050年,SRES A1、SRES A2和SRES B1三种气候情景下多年冻土的面积分别为786.38 km2,705.94 km2和1 028.81 km2。与现实气候下多年冻土的面积2.03×104 km2相比,多年冻土分别退缩了96.13%,96.53%和94.94%。而2100年的模拟结果表明,三种气候情景模式下,多年冻土已经全部退化。 (7)气候变化条件下东北多年冻土的分区变化 研究将冻结数等值图与2000年中国东北冻土分区图进行叠加,计算了不同多年冻土亚区的边界对应的冻结数值,建立了利用冻结数进行中国东北多年冻土分区的标准。根据冻结数指标确定的新的中国东北冻土分区与原中国东北冻土分区进行Kappa指数认证。结果表明,冻结数分区标准更适用于中国东北多年冻土的区划。 利用新的冻结数分区标准对CGCM3模拟的三种气候情景模式下的气候变化数据进行区划表明,三种气候模式下东北多年冻土区在21世纪都会有非常明显的退缩。2050年时冻土区缩减了37.7%-42.6%,2100年时缩减了62.5%-74.0%。同时,研究结果显示,东北多年冻土区域的退缩不仅发生在多年冻土区的南界,同时多年冻土的中心退缩也较为明显,即大片连续多年冻土亚区和大片连续—岛状多年冻土亚区的退缩最为剧烈。2050年时,三种气候情景下,大片连续多年冻土亚区将退缩88.8%以上;2100年时,SRES A2模式下,大片连续多年冻土亚区将完全消失。
由于大部分集体山林由集体统一经营,存在林木产权不明晰、经营机制不灵活、利益分配不合理等突出问题,林农作为集体林业经营主体的地位没有得到有效落实,严重制约了林业生产力的进一步发展。为解放林业生产力,就迫切需要对集体林权制度进行深化改革。为此,辽宁省自2005年3月1日在本溪市开展集体林权制度改革试点工作,至11月份在全省推开。目前辽宁省林权改革的主体改革已经基本完成,工作的重点已经转向了配套改革。 本文采用问卷调查、专家座谈、统计资料相结合的方式,主要从林农家庭尺度入手,分析了改革对当地居民和社会的影响;在此基础上,比较分析了辽宁省各种改革经营模式的特点;综合当地政府、金融、协会等机构在技术、政策、资金等方面的支撑,将尺度上推到区域尺度,分析了林权改革后林业产业的发展进程,为产业集群和区域经济的发展提供建议;分析改革过程中出现的问题和困难,并提出相应的整改方案和优化对策,从而为各方面利益关系的梳理和林业的健康发展提供建议。 结果表明,改革工作已取得一定积极成效:1)林权改革有效激发了林农的生产积极性,加速了林业投资。从2005年开始林业投资额增速明显加快,尤其是2004-2005和2007-2008年间,增长率分别达到了75.88%和39.42%。2)促进了林业增收。2004年后林业收入增长明显加速,尤其是2007年林业收入增长幅度达到57.44%。3)促进了林农就业。90.42%的林农表示从事林业生产的劳动时间有所增加。从2006年开始,外出务工人员增长率明显放缓,研究区在2005-2008年共有9.85万外出务工林农返乡务林。4)促进了当地公益事业的发展与社会和谐。辽宁省用于公益事业的资金占林权改革直接经济收益的9.30%;改革在一定程度上缩小了贫富差距,促进了农村民主进程、经济发展与和谐稳定。5)“林权交易中心”成立后,林权交易蓬勃发展,联户经营的林农户数和林地面积分别占调查总数的14.65%和25.44%,从而为林业产业的发展创造了条件。6)根据各地的资源特点,改革发展了不同特色的经营模式。辽东以抚顺、本溪、丹东为代表,主要经营模式有林下参、五味子、细辛等中草药,红松果和核桃等经济林,山野菜,柞蚕,用材林,鹿业养殖等;辽中以铁岭为代表,主要经营模式有中草药、山野菜、榛子和梨等经济林等;辽西以朝阳为代表,经营模式以山杏、大扁杏、大枣、梨、桃、苹果等经济林为主。 但在改革的过程中也出现了一些问题,这些问题主要表现为:1)由于利益分配等的不同,不同利益主体对林权改革的关注和认知存在一定差异,有些差异可能影响林权改革工作的推进。2)许多林农即使获得了林业资源的经营权,自身也难有财力支撑其经营投入,林权改革工作资金缺口大。有林业贷款的林农仅占调查总数的15.71%,而最近几年有林业贷款意愿的林农却占调查总数的32.95%。3)在金融借贷、林业保险和生态补偿机制、法律规章制度、协会等合作机制等方面,改革配套措施进展缓慢。4)市场培育和产业发展太慢。仅有34.97%和88.56%的林农和林业工作人员表示对当地林产品的市场走向有所了解,且其所掌握的市场信息往往比较简单和模糊,远远不能准确、及时和充分满足市场需求。5)林业部门职责转变太慢。林权改革前后,林农从林业部门获得的主要服务基本上没有什么变化。 针对改革过程中遇到的困难,只有适时跟进配套改革措施,采取有效方法和机制梳理各方面利益关系,才能实现林业的大发展。 林权改革突破了林业发展长期以来的体制障碍和产权禁区,实现了林地所有权与林木所有权的分离,对林地资源、农村就业和经济、产业发展、生态安全等方面都将产生重大而深远的影响。加强对林权改革的长期监测和持续评价工作,具有积极意义。
本论文由三部分共6 章组成。第一部分报道了余甘子、细叶草乌和土荆皮等三种药用植物的化学成分研究成果;第二部分报道了细叶草乌和土荆皮中分离得到的化合物的活性测试,以及这两种植物的质谱分析;第三部分概述了土荆皮的研究现状。第一部分包括1-3 章。在第1 章、第2 章和第3 章中分别报道了余甘子(Phyllanthus emblica L.) 、细叶草乌(Aconitum richardsonianum var.pseudosessiliflorum) 和土荆皮( pseudolarix kaempferi) 的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从余甘子中共分离出10 个化合物,其中1 个为新化合物,另外还有2 个为首次从该植物中分离得到。细叶草乌的化学成分研究尚未见报道,我们从该植物中共分离出15 个化合物,其中6 个为二萜生物碱,9个为非生物碱成分。从土荆皮中分离得到16 个化合物,其中8 个二萜、1 个三萜和7 个其它类型化合物,其中有4 个化合物为首次在该植物中分离得到;从土荆皮挥发油中分离鉴定出了22 个化合物,占挥发油总量的90%。第二部分包括4-5 章。第4 章报道了从细叶草乌和土荆皮中分离得到的13个化合物的药理活性研究,结果显示,展花乌头宁和土荆乙酸葡萄糖苷等表现出较高的组织蛋白酶K 抑制活性;土荆乙酸葡萄糖苷表现出较高的组织蛋白酶B抑制活性;8-去乙酰滇乌碱表现出较高的蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶抑制活性。第5 章报道了细叶草乌和土荆皮总浸膏的质谱( ESI-MS ) 分析,研究结果表明,ESI-MS 法可以简单快速地检测这两种植物的主要成分;通过ESI-MS2 分析初步探讨了一些化合物的裂解规律,尝试质谱在其结构测定中的具体应用。第三部分为第6 章。从化学成分、药理、构效关系、主要成分的定量分析、及其合成研究等方面概述了土荆皮的研究进展。 This dissertation consists of three parts. The first part elaborate thephytochemical investigation of three medicinal plants, Phyllanthus emblica L.,Aconitum richardsonianum var. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi. Thesecond part reported the bioassay of 13 constituents from Aconitum richardsonianumvar. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi, and ESI-MS analysis of these twoplant . The third part is a review on the research progress of pseudolarix kaempferi.The first part is composed of three chapters. Chapters 1-3 focus on the isolationand identification of chemical constituents from Phyllanthus emblica L., Aconitumrichardsonianum var. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi. 10 compoundsincluding a new tannin were isolated from the fruits of Phyllanthus emblica by repeatcolumn chromatography over normal and reversed phase silica gel, 2 of them werefirstly reported in this plant. The chemical constituents of Aconitum richardsonianumvar. pseudosessiliflorum never reported before, 15 compounds including 6 diterpenealkaloids were isolated and identified from the roots of this plant. 16 compoundsincluding 8 diterpenes , 1 triterpene and 7 other compounds were isolated from the bark of pseudolarix kaempferi, among them, 4 compounds were firstly reported fromthe EtOH extracts of this plant, and 22 compounds were identified from its essentialoil, representing 90% of the total essential oil.The second part includes chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 4 reported thepharmacological activities of 13 compounds isolated from Aconitum richardsonianumvar. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi. Results demonstrated that chasmanine and pseudolaric acid B-β-D-glucoside exhibit relatively high anti-Cathepsin K activities; pseudolaric acid B-β-D-glucoside exhibits relatively highanti-Cathepsin B activity; 8-deacetyl-yunaconitine exhibits relatively high anti-PTP1Bactivity. Chapter 5 reported the ESI-MS analysis of extractions from Aconitumrichardsonianum var. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi, it was showedthat ESI-MS can be used as an useful tool in analyzing the major constituents of thesetwo plant much quick and easy, in addition, the fragmentation rules of somecompounds were discussed, in order to find some applications of ESI-MS2 method in their structure determination.The third part is a review on the research progress of pseudolarix kaempferi,including the chemical constituents, pharmacology, structure-activity relationship(SAP), quantitative analysis and synthesis of the major constituents.
手性胺是合成天然产物和手性药物的重要中间体,亚胺的不对称催化还原是制备光学活性手性胺的最直接有效的方法之一。但是,由于C=N双键的反应活性较弱以及容易发生E/Z异构等问题,亚胺的不对称催化还原具有很大的挑战性,既具有高对映选择性又具有宽广底物普适性的催化剂很少。 本文分别由手性脯氨酸、哌啶酸、哌嗪酸以及氨基醇出发,设计和合成了一系列结构新颖、合成简便、性能优良的酰胺类有机小分子路易斯碱催化剂,以廉价的三氯氢硅为氢源,用这些催化剂催化亚胺不对称还原,得到了非常优良的收率、对映选择性和前所未有的底物普适性。 文献研究认为,除N-甲酰基外,分子内含有芳香酰胺是能催化亚胺还原的有机小分子路易斯碱催化剂具有较高对映选择性的必要条件,我们研究发现N-甲酰脯氨酸非芳香酰胺类催化剂(包括结构简单的C2-对称型脯氨酰胺类催化剂),对N-芳基酮亚胺的还原可获得达86%的对映选择性,远高于同类芳香酰胺催化剂,证明N-甲酰非芳香酰胺类路易斯碱催化剂在亚胺还原中也能得到高的对映选择性。 在进一步研究中,我们以手性六元哌啶酸为模板,分别设计合成了N-甲酰哌啶酸芳香酰胺和N-甲酰哌啶酸非芳香酰胺两类催化剂,其中芳香酰胺催化剂(S)-N-(甲酰基)哌啶-2-酸-1-萘基酰胺(28)和非芳香酰胺催化剂(2S,1'S,2'S)-N-(甲酰基)-哌啶-2-酸(1',2'-二苯基-2'-乙酰氧基-乙基)酰胺(30)显示出非常优良的催化活性和对映选择性,对于N-芳基芳香酮亚胺的还原,无论是缺电子体系还是富电子体系,绝大部分都能得到很高的收率(达98%)和对映选择性(达96% ee)。特别值得一提的是30对一些脂肪族亚胺和α,β-不饱和亚胺的还原,虽然底物为E/Z混合物,也能得到很高的收率(达93%)和对映选择性(达95% ee),这样的底物普适性在过渡金属催化体系中也是前所未有的。 现有的催化亚胺还原的高对映选择性催化体系大多仅适用于甲基酮亚胺底物,对位阻较大的非甲基酮亚胺很难获得好的结果。我们以L-哌嗪酸为模板设计和合成出的(S)-N-(甲酰基)-哌嗪-2-酸-4-对叔丁基苯磺酰基-苯基酰胺不但对N-芳基甲基酮亚胺有很好的对映选择性(达90% ee),而且对于大位阻的N-芳基非甲基酮亚胺有更好的对映选择性(达97% ee)。该催化剂与30在底物普适性方面具有很好的互补性。 我们还设计了基于1,2-二苯基氨基醇为模板的新型N-甲酰路易斯碱有机小分子催化剂,首次发现结构简单的N-甲酰(1S,2R)二苯基氨基醇能较好的催化N-芳基酮亚胺,最高可以得到82%的对映选择性。 针对我们设计合成的结构新颖、性能优良的催化剂,我们对催化机理进行了探讨和解释,提出了几个假想的机理模型。 Catalytic enantioselective reduction of imines represents one of the most straightforward and efficient methods for the preparation of chiral amines, an important intermediate for the synthesis of natural products and chiral drugs. However, asymmetric reduction of imines remains a big challenge and highly enantioselective catalysts with a satisfactorily broad substrate scope remain elusive. Factors contributing to the difficulty of this transformation include the weak reactivity of the C=N bond and the existence of inseparable mixtures of E/Z isomers. Starting from chiral proline, pipecolinic acid, piperazine-2-carboxylic acid and 1,2-diphenyl amino alcohol, a series of structurally simple and easily prepared amides were developed as highly effective Lewis basic organocatalysts for the asymmetric reduction of imines with trichlorosilane as the reducing agent, which promoted the reduction of N-aryl imines with high yields and excellent enantioselectivities with an unprecedented substrate spectrum. In the literature, it has been believed that besides the N-formyl group, the existence of an arylamido group in the structure of Lewis basic organocatalysts is a prerequisite for obtaining high enantioselectivity in the catalytic reduction of imines. However, we found that the N-formyl-L-prolinamides bearing non-arylamido groups, including structurally simple C2-symmetric tetraamides, could also work as effective Lewis basic catalysts to promote the asymmetric reduction of ketimines with high enantioselectivities (up to 86% ee), which are even more enantioselective than the analogues with arylamido groups. In further studies, we developed novel N-formamides with arylamido groups and non-arylmido groups as Lewis basic catalysts using the commercially available L-pipecolinic acid as the template. The catalysts (S)-1-formyl-piperidine-2-carboxylic acid naphthylamide 28 and (2S,1'S,2'S)-acetic acid 2-[(1-formyl-piperidine-2-carbonyl) -amino]-1,2-diphenyl-ethyl ester 30 were found to promote the reduction of a broad range of N-aryl imines in high yields (up to 98%) and excellent ee values (up to 96%) under mild conditions. Furthermore, catalyst 30 also exhibited high enantioselectivities (up to 95% ee) for the challenging aliphatic ketimines and α,β-unsaturated imines despite that these imines exist as E/Z isomeric mixtures. The broad substrate spectrum of this catalyst is unprecedented in catalytic asymmetric imine reduction, including transition-metal-catalyzed hydrogenation processes. Many of the currently available highly enantioselective catalytic systems only tolerate methyl ketimines, which gave poor results for bulkier non-methyl ketimines. Starting from L-piperazine-2-carboxylic acid, we developed (S)-4-(4-tert- butylbenzenesulfonyl)-1-formyl-N-phenyl-piperazine-2-carboxamide as highly enantioselective Lewis basic catalysts for the hydrosilylation of both methyl ketimines and steric bulky non-methyl ketimines. Moreover, higher enantioselectivities were obtained for non-methyl ketimines than methyl ketimines under the catalysis of this catalyst. Thus, this catalyst system complements with 30 in terms of the substrate scope. We also found that easily accessible (1R,2S)-N-formyl-1,2-diphenyl- 2-aminoethanol worked as an effective Lewis basic catalyst in the enantioselective hydrosilylation of ketimines, affording high enantioselectivities (up to 82% ee) for a broad range of ketimines. To rationalize the high efficiencies of the structurally novel catalysts we developed, several catalytic models have been proposed.
本论文由三部分共4 章组成。第一部分阐述了大戟科大戟属传统中药千金子(Euphorbia lathyris L.)化学成分、生物学活性以及千金子化学成分的HPLC、UPLC-MS、GC-MS 分析成果。第二部分介绍了民族药材暖地大叶藓(Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par.)的化学成分研究和结构鉴定。第三部分概述了大戟属 植物中大环二萜酯的研究进展。 第一章包括1-3 节。在第1, 2 节中报道了千金子(Euphorbia lathyris L.)95% 乙醇提取物的化学成分分离鉴定。我们采用正、反相硅胶柱层析、重结晶等各种分离方法,凭借MS、IR、NMR、X-ray 等现代仪器手段,从中共分离鉴定22 个化合物。其中8 个是高活性化合物前体-续随子烷型大环二萜及3 个巨大戟烷型二萜,还有香豆素、生物碱、甾体等类型,其中完成对5 个大环二萜酯构型的确认,对2 个二萜酯构型进行了修正。第3 节中介绍对千金子化学成分的细胞毒性、α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性、P-gp 表达抑制活性的模型筛选结果。 第二章包括3 节,第1 节报道不同产地千金子高效液相色谱定量分析结果。第2 节介绍了各大环二萜酯的HPLC-MS/MS 的分析结果,并且对其质谱裂解规律、UPLC-MS 快速鉴定方法做了进一步讨论。第3 节介绍了千金子挥发油成分分析。采用传统水蒸气蒸馏方法提取千金子中的挥发油,并经气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术共分离鉴定出 49 个化合物,占挥发油总量的90.48%。 第三章包括1, 2 两节,第1 节报道了暖地大叶藓化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶,凝胶柱层析等各种分离方法和MS、IR、NMR 等解析手段,共分离鉴定10个化合物,其中一个环肽化合物为新化合物。第2 节介绍了暖地大叶藓挥发油成分分析,共分离鉴定出 52 个化合物,占其挥发油总量的85.67%。 第四章概述了大戟科大戟属植物中大环二萜酯的研究进展。 This dissertation consists of three parts. In the first part, it is elaborated that the phytochemical investigation from the traditional Chinese medicine: seeds of Euphorbia lathyris L.. Biological activity and constituents analysis by HPLC、UPLC-MS、GC-MS were reported. In the second part, it is discussed that the chemical constituents were isolated and identificated from minority nationalitical herb-Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par.. The third part is a review about the progress of studies on macrocyclic diterpenes from Euphorbia. The first part is composed of 1-3 sections. The section 1and 2 is focused on the isolation and identification of chemical constituents from seeds of E. lathyris. 22 compounds were isolated from the seeds of E. lathyris. by isolation methods of column chromatography (silica gel, including reversed phase) and recrystallisation on the basis of spectroscopic methods including IR, MS, NMR and X-ray. In 8 macrocyclic and 3 ingenane diterpenes, the relative configuration of 5 macrocyclic diterpenes were confirmed, in which 2 were amended. In the third section, cell cytotoxic activity, restraining activity of α-Glucosidase and multidrug resistance (MDR) reversing activity about P-gp were tested. 5 potential revsering reagents were found. The second part is composed of 1-3 sections. In first section it is described that the quality of the chemical constituents of E. lathyris from 5 sources , which were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. In addition, the fractionation rules of some macrocyclic diterpenes were discussed and Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography/ electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) was applied for quick determination of compounds in the second section. In the third section, chemical analysis of the essential oil from seeds of E. lathyris by GC-MS were reported. The essential oil from the seeds of E. lathyris L. in Sichuan was extracted by steam distillation and 49 compounds were isolated and identified from the essential oil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). These compounds are accounted for 90.46% of the total essential oil. The second part, including section 4 and 5, is about the phytochemical investigation of R. giganteum. In the former section, ten compounds were isolated and identified. Among them, a new peptide was characterized by spectroscopic analysis including IR, MS and NMR. In the other section, 52 compounds were isolated and identified from the essential oil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). These compounds are accounted for 85.67% of the total essential oil. The third part is a review about the progress of studies on macrocyclic diterpenes from Euphorbia.
本研究针对川西北高山草甸缺乏科学管理,过度放牧导致草场退化,并由此引发的一系列生态环境问题,选取红原县瓦切乡1996 年草地承包后形成的四个放牧强度草场,即不放牧、轻度(1.2 头牦牛hm-1)、中度(2.0 头牦牛hm-1)和重度放牧(2.9 头牦牛hm-1),作为研究对象,研究了不同放牧强度对草地植物-土壤系统中碳、氮这两个最基本物质的分布格局和循环过程的影响,并探讨了放牧干扰下高山草甸生态系统的管理。 1.放牧对草地植物群落物种组成,尤其是优势种,产生了明显的影响。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地群落物种数分别为22,23,26,20 种,群落盖度分别是不放牧96.2%>中度93.6%>轻度89.7%>重度73.6%。随放牧强度的增加, 原植物群落中的优势种垂穗鹅冠草( Roegneria nutans )、发草(Deschampsia caespitosa)和垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)等禾草逐渐被莎草科的川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)和高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)所取代成为优势种。同时,随放牧强度的增加,高原毛茛(Ranunculus brotherusii)、狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)、鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)和车前(Plantagodepressa)等杂类草的数量也随之增加。 2.生长季6~9 月份,草地植物地上和地下生物量(0~30cm)都是从6 月份开始增长,8 月份达到最高值,9 月份开始下降。每个月份,通常地上生物量以不放牧为最高,重度放牧总是显著小于不放牧;地下生物量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总生物量平均值分别是1543、1622、2295 和2449 g m-2,但随放牧强度的增加越来越来多的生物量被分配到了地下部分,地下生物量占总生物量比例的大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%。生物量这种变化主要是由于放牧使得群落优势种发生改变而引起的,其分配比例的变化体现了草地植物对放牧干扰的适应策略。 3.植物碳氮贮量的季节变化类似与生物量的变化。每个月份,不同放牧强度间植物地上碳氮的贮量有所不同,一般重度放牧会显著减少植物地上碳氮贮量。植物根系(0~30cm)碳氮贮量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总碳平均值分别是547、586、847 和909 g m-2,根系碳贮量占植物总碳的比例大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%;放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总氮平均值分别是17、17、23 和26 g m-2,根系氮贮量占植物总氮的比例大小顺序分别是重度79%>轻度71%>中度70%>不放牧65%。 4. 土壤有机碳贮量(0~30cm)的季节变化表现为7 月份略有下降,8 月开始增加,9 月份达到的最大值。土壤氮贮量的季节变化表现为随季节的推移逐渐增加的趋势。增加的放牧强度不同程度的增加土壤有机碳氮的贮量。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧6~9 月份4 个月的土壤有机碳贮量的平均值分别是9.72、10.36、10.62 和11.74 kg m-2,土壤氮贮量分别为1.45、1.56、1.66 和1.83 kg m-2。土壤中有机碳(氮)的贮量都占到了植物-土壤系统有机碳(氮)的90%以上,但不同放牧强度之间的差异不明显。 5. 土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化,温室气体N2O 和CO2 的释放率的季节变化表现为从6 月份开始增加,7 月份达到最大值,8 月份开始下降,9 月份降为最小值。增加的放牧强度趋向于增加土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化作用,温室气体N2O和CO2 的释放率,通常情况下,中度放牧和重度放牧显著地加强了这些过程。 6.垂穗鹅冠草(Roegneria nutans)和川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)凋落物在不同放牧强度下经过1 年的分解,两种凋落物的失重率及其碳氮的损失率3都随放牧增加表现为增加的趋势。在同一放牧强度下,川嵩草凋落物的失重率和碳氮的损失率都高于垂穗鹅冠草凋落物。 7. 尽管重度放牧显著增加了土壤碳氮的贮量,但同时也显著降低了植被群落盖度,降低了植物地上生物量,因此,久而久之会减少植物向土壤中的碳氮归还率;与不放牧和轻度放牧相比,重度放牧又显著增加了土壤CO2 和NO2 的排放量,这是草地生态系统碳氮损失的重要途径。由此可见,对于这些地处青藏高原的非常脆弱的高山草甸生态系统,长期重度放牧不仅导致植物生产力降低,而且将导致草地生态系统退化,甚至造成土壤中碳氮含量减少。 Long-term overgrazing has resulted in considerable deterioration in alpine meadowof the northwest Sichan Province. In order to explore management strategies for thesustainability of these alpine meadows, we selected four grasslands with differentgrazing intensity (no grazing-NG: 0, light grazing-LG: 1.2, moderate grazing-MG: 2.0,and heavy grazing-HG: 2.9 yaks ha-1) to evaluate carbon, nitrogen pools and cyclingprocesses within the plant-soil system in Waqie Village, Hongyuan County, Sichuan Province. 1. Grazing obviously changed the plant species composition, especially ondominant plant species. Total number of species is 22, 23, 26, and 20 for NG, LG, MGand HG, respectively. Vegetation coverage under different grazing intensity ranked inthe order of 96.2% for HG>93.6% for MG>89.7% for LG>73.6% for NG. Thedominator of HG community shifted from grasses-Roegneria nutans andDeschampsia caespitosa dominated in the NG and LG sites into sedges-Kobresiapygmaea and K. setchwanensis. At the same time, with the increase of grazingintensity, the numbers of forbs, such as Ranunculus brotherusii, Stellera chamaejasme,Potentilla anserine and Plantago depressa, increased with grazing intensity. 2. Over the growing season, aboveground and belowground biomass showed a 5single peak pattern with the highest biomass in August. For each month, abovegroundbiomass usually was the highest in the NG site and lowest in the HG site.Belowground biomass showed a trend of increase as grazing intensity increased and itwas significantly higher in the HG and MG site than in the NG and LG sites. Totalplant biomass averaged over the growing season is 1543, 1622, 2295 and 2449 g m-2for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively. The proportion of biomass to total plantbiomass for NG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76% and 69%, respectively. Higherallocation ratio for is an adaptive response of plant to grazing. 3. Carbon and nitrogen storage in plant components followed the similar seasonalpatterns as their biomass under different grazing intensities. Generally, heavy grazingsignificantly decreases aboveground biomass carbon and nitrogen compared to nograzing. Carbon and nitrogen storage in root tended to increase as grazing increasedand they are significantly higher in the HG and MG sites compared to the LG and NGsite. Total Carbon storage in plant system averaged over the growing season is 547,586, 847 and 909 g m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively, while 17, 17, 23 and 26g m-2 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon storage in root to total plant carbon forNG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76%, 69%, respectively, while 65%, 71%, 70%and 79% for nitrogen. 4. Carbon storage in soil (0-30cm) decreased slightly in July, then increased inAugust and peaked in September. Nitrogen storage in soil tended to increase withseason and grazing intensity. Total Carbon storage in soil averaged over the growingseason is 9.72, 10.36, 10.62 and11.74 kg m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively,while 1.45, 1.56, 1.66 and 1.83 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon (nitrogen)storage in soil to plant-soil system carbon (nitrogen) storage for NG, LG, MG and HGis more than 90%, which is not markedly different among different grazing intensities. 5. Gross nitrification, denitrification, CO2 and N2O flux rates in soil increasedfrom June to July and then declined until September, all of which tended to increasewith the increase of grazing intensity. Generally, heavy and moderate grazing intensitysignificantly enhanced these process compared to no and light grazing intensity. 6. After decomposing in situ for a year, relative weight, carbon and nitrogen loss in the litter of Roegneria nutans and Kobresia setchwanensis tended to increase asgrazing intensity increased. Under the same grazing intensity, relative weight, carbonand nitrogen loss in the litter of Kobresia setchwanensis were higher than these in thelitter of Roegneria nutans. 7. Although heavy grazing intensity resulted in higher levels of carbon andnitrogen in plant and soil, it decreased vegetation coverage and aboveground biomass,which are undesirable for livestock production and sustainable grassland development.What is more, heavy grazing could also introduce potential carbon and nitrogen lossvia increasing CO2 and N2O emission into the atmosphere. Grazing at moderateintensity resulted in a plant community dominated by forage grasses with highaboveground biomass productivity and N content. The alpine meadow ecosystems inTibetan Plateau are very fragile and evolve under increasing grazing intensity by largeherbivores; therefore, deterioration of the plant-soil system, and possible declines insoil C and N, are potential without proper management in the future.
由于人类活动所引起的地球大气层中温室气体的富集已导致全球地表平均温度在20 世纪升高了0.6 ¡æ,并预测在本世纪将上升1.4-5.8 ¡æ。气候变暖对陆地植物和生态系统产生深远影响,并已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。位于青藏高原东部的川西亚高山针叶林是研究气候变暖对陆地生态系统影响的重要森林类型。森林采伐迹地和人工云杉林下作为目前该区人工造林和森林更新的两种重要生境,二者截然不同的光环境对亚高山针叶林不同物种更新及森林动态有非常重要的影响。 本文以青藏高原东部亚高山针叶林几种主要森林树种为研究对象,采用开顶式增温法(OTCs)模拟气候变暖来研究增温对生长在两种不同光环境下(全光条件和林下低光环境)的几种幼苗早期生长和生理的影响,旨在从更新角度探讨亚高山针叶林生态系统不同树种对气候变暖在形态或生理上的响应差异,其研究结果可在一定程度上为预测气候变暖对亚高山针叶林物种组成和演替动态提供科学依据,同时也可为未来林业生产管理者提供科学指导。 1、与框外对照相比,OTCs 框内微环境发生了一些变化。OTCs 框内与框外对照气温年平均值分别为5.72 ¡æ和5.21 ¡æ,而地表温度年平均值分别为5.34 ¡æ和5.04 ¡æ,OTCs 使气温和地表年平均温度分别提高了0.51 ¡æ和0.34 ¡æ;OTCs框内空气湿度年平均值约高于框外对照,二者分别为90.4 %和85.3 %。 2、增温促进了三种幼苗生长和生物量的积累,但增温效果与幼苗种类及所处的光环境有关。无论在全光或林下低光条件下,增温条件下云杉幼苗株高、地径、分支数、总生物量及组分生物量(根、茎、叶重)都显著地增加;增温仅在全光条件下使红桦幼苗株高、地径、总生物量及组分生物量(根、茎、叶重)等参数显著地增加,而在林下低光条件下增温对幼苗生长和生物量积累的影响效果不明显;冷杉幼苗生长对增温的响应则与红桦幼苗相反,增温仅在林下低光条件下对冷杉幼苗生长和形态的影响才有明显的促进作用。 增温对三种幼苗的生物量分配模式产生了不同的影响,并且这种影响也与幼苗所处的光环境有关。无论在全光或林下低光环境下,增温都促使云杉幼苗将更多的生物量分配到植物地下部分,从而导致幼苗在增温条件下有更高的R/S 比;增温仅在林下低光条件下促使冷杉幼苗将更多的生物量投入到植物叶部,从而使幼苗R/S 比显著地降低;增温在全光条件下对红桦幼苗生物量分配的影响趋势与冷杉幼苗在低光条件下相似,即增温在全光条件下促使红桦幼苗分配更多的生物量到植物同化部分—叶部。 3、增温对亚高山针叶林生态系统中三种幼苗气体交换和生理表现的影响总体表现为正效应(Positive),即增温促进了几种幼苗的生理活动及其表现:(i)无论在全光或林下低光环境下,增温使三种幼苗的光合色素含量都有所增加;(ii)增温在一定程度上提高了三种使幼苗的PSII 光系统效率(Fv/Fm),从而使幼苗具有更强的光合电子传递活性;增温在一定程度使三种幼苗潜在的热耗散能力(NPQ)都有所增强,从而提高幼苗防御光氧化的能力;(iii)从研究结果来看,增温通过增加光合色素含量和表观量子效率等参数而促进幼苗的光合作用过程。总体来说增温对幼苗生理过程的影响效果与幼苗种类及所处的光环境有关,增温仅在全光条件下对红桦幼苗光合过程的影响才有明显的效果,而冷杉幼苗则相反,增温仅在低光条件下才对幼苗的生理过程有显著的影响。 4、增温对三种幼苗的抗氧化酶系统产生了一定的影响。从总体来说,增温使几种幼苗活性氧含量及膜脂过氧化作用降低,从而在一定程度上减轻了该区低温对植物生长的消极影响;增温倾向表明使三种幼苗体内抗氧化酶活性和非酶促作用有所提高,从而有利于维持活性氧代谢平衡。但增温影响效果与幼苗种类所处的光环境及抗氧化酶种类有关,增温对冷杉幼苗抗氧化酶活性的影响仅在林下低光环境下效果明显,而对红桦幼苗抗氧化酶活性的影响仅在全光条件下才有明显的效果。 总之,增温促进了亚高山针叶林生态系统中三种幼苗的生长和生理表现,但幼苗生长和生理对增温的响应随植物种类及所处的光环境不同而变化,这种响应差可能异赋予了不同植物种类在未来气候变暖背景下面对不同环境条件时具有不同的适应力和竞争优势,从而对亚高山针叶林生态系统物种组成和森林动态产生潜在的影响。 Enrichment of atmospheric greenhouse gases resulted from human activities suchas fossil fuel burning and deforestation has increased global mean temperature by 0.6¡æ in the 20th century and is predicted to increase it by 1.4-5.8 ¡æ. The globalwarming will have profound, long-term impacts on terrestrial plants and ecosystems.The ecoologcial consequences arising from global warming have also become thevery important issuses of global change research. The subalpine coniferous forests inthe eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau provide a natural laboratory for the studying theeffects of climate warming on terrestrial ecosystems. The light environment differssignificantly between clear-outs and spruce plantations, which is particularlyimportant for plant regeneration and forest dynamics in the subalpine coniferous forests. In this paper, the short-term effects of two levels of air temperature (ambient andwarmed) and light (full light and ca. 10% of full light regimes) on the early growthand physiology of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana and Betula albo-sinensis seedlingswas determined using open-top chambers (OTCs). The aim of the present study wasto understand the differences between tree species in their responses to experimentalwarming from the perspective of regeneration. Our results could provide insights intothe effects of climate warming on community composition and regeneration behavior for the subalpine coniferous forest ecosystem processes, and provide scientificdirection for the production and management under future climate change. 1. The OTCs manipulation slightly altered thermal conditions during the growingseason compared with the outside chambers. The annual mean air temperature andsoil surface temperature was 5.72 and 5.34 ¡æ (within the chambers), and 5.21 and5.04 ¡æ (outside the chambers), respectively. The OTCs manipulation increased airtemperature and soil surface temperature by 0.51 and 0.34 ¡æ on average, respectively.Air relative humidity was slightly higher inside the OTCs compared with the controlplots, with 90.4 and 85.3 %, respectively. 2. Warming generally stimulated the growth and biomass accumulation of thethree tree species, but the effects of warming on growth and development variedbetween light conditions and species. Irrespective of light regimes, warmingsignificantly increased plant height, root collar diameter, total biomass, componentbiomass (stem, foliar and root biomass) and the number of branches in P. asperataseedlings; For A. faxoniana seedlings, significant effects of warming on all the tested parameters (plant height, root collar diameter, total biomass, and component biomass) were found only under low light conditions; In contrast, the growth responses of B.albo-sinensis seedlings to warming were found only under full light conditions. Warming had pronounced effects on the pattern of carbon allocation. Irrespectiveof light regimes, the P. asperata seedlings allocated relatively more biomass to rootsin responses to warming, which led to a higher R/S. Significant effects of warming onbiomass allocation were only found for the A. faxoniana seedlings grown under lowlight conditions, with significantly increased in leaf mass ratio (LMR) and decreasedin R/S in responses to warming manipulation. The carbon allocation responses of B.albo-sinensis seedling to warming under full light conditions were similar with theresponse of A. faxoniana seedlings grown under low light conditions. Warmingsignificantly decreased root mass ratio (RMR), and increased leaf mass ratio (LMR)and shoot/root biomass ratio (S/R) for the B. albo-sinensis seedlings grown under full light conditions. 3. Warming generally had a beneficial effect on physiological processes of dominant tree species in subalpine coniferous forest ecosystems: (i) Warming markedincreased the concentrations of photosynthetic pigments in both tree species, but theeffects of warming on photosynthetic pigments were greater under low lightconditions than under full light conditions for the two conifers; (ii) Warming tended toenhance the efficiency of PSII in terms of increase in Fv/Fm, which was related tohigher chloroplast electron transport activity; and enhance non-radiative energydissipation in terms of in increase in NPQ, which may reflect an increased capacity inpreventing photooxidation; (iii) Warming may enhance photosynthesis and advancephysiological activity in plants by increasing photosynthetic pigment concentration,the efficiency of PSII and apparent quantum yield (Φ) etc. From the results, theeffects of warming on seedlings’ physiological performance varied between lightenvironment and species. The effects of warming on photosynthesis performance of B.albo-sinesis seedlings were pronounced only under full light conditions, while thephysiological responses of A. faxoniana seedlings to warming were found only underthe 60-year plantation. These results provided further support for the observationsabove on growth responses of seedlings to warming. 4. Warming had marked effects on antioxidative systems of the three seedlings.Warming generally decreased H2O2 accumulation and the rate of O2- production, andalleviated degree of lipid peroxidation in terms of decreased MDA content, whichalleviated to some extent the negative effects of low temperature on the plant growthand development in this region; Warming tended to increase the activities ofantioxidative enzymes and stimulate the role of non-enzymatic AOS scavenging,which helped to create an balance in maintaining AOS metabolites for the threeseedlings. Nevertheless, the effects of warming on antioxidative defense systems werepronounced only under the 60-year plantation for the A. faxoniana seedlings. Incontrast, the marked effects of warming on antioxidative defense systems for the B.albo-sinesis seedlings were found only under the full light conditions. In sum, warming is considered to be generally positive in terms of growth andphysiological process. However, the responses of growth and physiology performanceto warming manipulation varied between species and light regimes. Competitive and adaptive relationships between tree species may be altered as a result of responsedifferences to warming manipulation, which is one mechanism by which globalwarming will alter species composition and forest dynamics of subalpine coniferousforest ecosystems under future climate change.