993 resultados para 142


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effects of different doses and administration modes of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) against X-ray-induced liver damage in mice. Kun-Ming mice were divided into four groups, each composed of six animals: two control groups and two NAC-treated groups. An acute study was carried out to determine alterations in lipid peroxidation (determined by measuring malondiadehyde (MDA) level), glutathione (GSH) content and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (assayed by colorimetric method), and DNA damage (characterized by DNA-single strand break using with comet assay) as well as cell apoptosis (measured by flow cytometry) at 12 h after irradiation. The results showed that there were dose-related decreases in MDA level, DNA damage and cell apoptosis, and dose-dependent increases in GSH content and SOD activity in all NAC-treated groups compared to control groups, indicating that pre-treatment or post-treatment with NAC significantly attenuates the acute liver damage caused by X-ray. In addition, significant positive correlations were observed between MDA level and DNA damage or cell apoptosis, implying that lipid peroxidation plays a major role in X-ray-induced liver injury. The data suggest that NAC exerts its radioprotective effect by counteracting accumulated reactive oxygen species in the liver through its properties as a direct antioxidant and a GSH precursor, when administered before or after X-ray irradiation.


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The breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein, which functions as a tumor suppressor gene. Many studies suggested that multiple functions of BRCA1 may contribute to its tumor suppressor activity, including roles in cell cycle checkpoints, apoptosis and transcription. It is postulated that phosphorylation of BRCA1 is an important means by which its cellular functions are regulated. In this study, we employed phospho-Ser-specific antibody recognizing Ser-1524 to study BRCA1 phosphorylation under conditions of DNA damage and the effects of phosphorylation on BRCA1 functions. The results showed that 10 Gy X-ray treatment significantly induced phosphorylation of Ser-1524 but not total BRCA1 protein levels. The expression both of p53 and p21 increased after irradiation, but ionizing radiation (IR) -induced activation of p21 was prior to that of p53. The percentages of G0/G1 phase remarkably increased after IR. In addition, no detectable levels of 89 kDa fragment of PARP, a marker of apoptotic cells, were observed. Data implied that IR-induced phosphorylation of BRCA1 at Ser-1524 might activatep21 protein, by which BRCA1 regulated cell cycle, but play no role in apoptosis.


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Mass measurements of exotic nuclei is a fast, developing field which is essential for basic nuclear physics and a wide range of applications. The method of storage ring mass spectrometry has many advantages: (1) a large amount of nuclides can be simultaneously measured; (2) very short-lived (T-1/2 greater than or similar to 50 mu s) and very rare species (yields down to single ions) can be accessed; (3) nuclides in several atomic charge states can be investigated, (4) half-life measurements can be performed with time-resolved mass spectrometry. In this contribution we concentrate on some recent achievements and future perspectives of the storage ring mass spectrometry.


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The proton-rich isotope Ho-148 was produced via the fusion-evaporation reaction Mo-92 (Ni-58, 3p1n). The beta-delayed proton decay of Ho-146 was studied by proton-gamma coincidence measurements using a He-jet tape transport system. The gamma-transitions in Tb-145 following the proton emissions were observed, and the beta-delayed proton branching ratios to the final states in the grand-daughter nucleus Tb-145 were determined. According to the relative branching ratios, the ground-state spin of Ho-146 has been proposed and the possible configuration discussed.


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本论文在 166MeV 的束流能量下,利用重离子熔合蒸发反应 142 Nd(32 S, 1p3nγ )170 Re 布居了 170 Re 的高自旋激发态,用 12 套带 BGO反康普顿抑制的高 纯锗探测器阵列进行了在束 X-γ 和γ γ − 符合测量。在 210MeV 的束流能量下, 利用重离子熔合蒸发反应 146 Nd(35 Cl,5nγ )176 Ir 产生具有 β+ / EC 衰变性质的 核素 176 Ir, 由氦喷嘴快速带传输系统将反应产物送到低本底区,用一台小平面探 测器、一台轴对称型高纯锗探测器和一台 CLOVER 探测器进行了γ γ − 符合和 t γ − 单谱测量。基于这些测量结果,研究了 170 Re 的高自旋态和 176 Ir 的 β+ / EC 衰变性质。 本工作基于γ−γ符合关系及周围邻近核已知信息的综合分析,首次建立了包 括 16 个能级 26 条γ 跃迁的双奇核 170 Re 的转动带能级纲图,并利用推转壳模型、 粒子转子模型等对其进行了分析和讨论。根据实验提取出的准粒子顺排、 Routhian、旋称劈裂等结构信息和邻近双奇核带结构系统学知识的比较分析,指 出该带的两准粒子组态是 11/213/2 hi π ν ⊗ ,并且该带在低自旋出现旋称反转。 基于对 176 Ir 核 β+ / EC衰变实验数据的离线处理分析,对早先发表的 176 Ir 衰 变γ 跃迁进行确认的同时又发现了 4 个新能级和 13 条新的γ 射线,丰富了 176 Os 核的低位激发态能级纲图。根据典型γ 射线的衰变时间谱建议了 176 Ir核的一个长 寿命低自旋同核异能态,同时通过两准粒子耦合的半经验计算建议了其组态。


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本论文从内容上可以分为两大部分:第一部分:对近球形核~(143)Pm高自旋态进行的在束γ研究。这一部分是本文的重点。利用能量为82和90 MeV的~(19)F束流,通过融合蒸发反应~(128)Te (~(19)F,4nγ) ~(143)Pm布局~(143)Pm的高自旋态。利用联合在束装置(JIBGE)的10套带BGO反康的HPGe探测器进行了标准在束γ谱学测量,包括γ射线的激发函数、γ单谱、γ-γ-t符合谱以及DCO测量。在已有工作的基础上,建立了~(143)Pm激发能高达10.5 MeV,自旋约为(61/2)h的高自旋态能级结构。观测到了28条新的跃迁能级和48条新的γ射线。对两个已知的同质异能态寿命进行了提取,并在8 MeV激发能附近进行了高自旋态同质异能态的搜索。以~(142)Nd,~(144)Sm为核实,用零级弱耦合模型对~(143)Pm的晕态能级结构进行了定量的解释。计算表明,直到激发能Ex = 6.77 MeV,自旋宇称J~π = (37/2~+)的晕态能级都可以用弱耦合模型进行很好的解释。但是,对于更高激发能的能级,组态情况要复杂的多,有出现N = 82中子闭壳打破的可能。同时,利用大基壳模型OXBASH程序对其能级结构进行了计算和讨论,其结果支持弱耦合模型的假设。第二部分:利用中能重离子的多核子转移反应,(~(186)W-2p + 2n),(~(238)U-2p + 2n)对丰中子核~(186)Hf和~(238)Th进行了合成和鉴别。测量它们的半衰期分别为(2.6 ± 1.2) min和 (9.4 ± 2.0) min,与用质子一中子准粒子随机相近似方法的预言值是相符的。同时,对β延发裂变先驱核~(230)Ac进行了实验研究。观测到了它的两个裂变事件,得到~(230)Acβ延发裂变几率为(1.19 ± 0.85) * 10~(-8)。从而使~(230)Ac成为世界上第一种被确认了的基态β延发裂变先驱核。


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本文简单介绍了原子核集体运动的代数模型-IBM-2,评述了近年来的研究结果;提出了一种确定有效玻色子数的半经验方法,并且提出接近半满壳处偶偶核的有效玻色子数饱和的概念(50~82大壳饱和值为6,82~126大壳饱和值为7,126~184(?)大壳饱和值为8),把稀土区偶偶核的E2和M1之间的关联性及它们的饱和性解释为有效玻色子数的饱和,E_2~+的饱和解释为半满壳附近中子质子四极四极相互作用远大于对力的结果;并把本文关于有效玻色子数的结果用于Q_o和E_2~+系统学,F旋多重态和数值计算中,结果比过去有较大改进;本文还给出了哈密顿量参数的改变对能谱影响的经验规律,并用NPBOS程序计算了~(132-150)Nd偶偶核同位素,~(134)Ba等,对它们的状态特别是其中的混合对称态进行了细致的讨论,能谱和电磁跃迁计算结果与实验数据吻合较好,本文还计算了~(142)Ce的混合比并与实验进行了比较;此外,本文还通过具体的核对IBM-2数值计算参数g_(πv)~((1)) (1=0,2,4)进行了讨论,对M1跃迁算子的两体项作了初步的分析


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本文介绍了He喷嘴带传输及X-γ符合测量装置对重缺中子远离核作活性分离鉴别的基本原理和技术路线,以及该装置首次在本所在线完成的实验结果。通过对110 MeV ~(16)O+~(185)Re实验主要反应产物的测量,指定出~(195)Bi,~(196)Bi,~(192)Tl的半衰期分别为3.11 ± 0.30,4.39 ± 0.53和10.8 ± 1.8 Min,与文献报道一致,并根据母子体衰变平衡拐点Tm初步分析了~(195)Pb;在110 MeV ~(16)O+~(142)Nd实验中,首次测量了~(153)Er的EC/β~+衰变,得到其下列四条新γ线:188.6,352.3,400.0,451.6 KeV(±0.3KeV),并指定其寿命值T_(1/2) = 35.3 ± 1.6 Sec,与文献报道的根据α衰变测得的半衰期36 ± 2 Sec一致


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Several zeolite catalysts such as SAPO-11, ZSM-11, ZSM-12, etc. were selected to convert I-hexene to branched hexenes in this work. Pore size of the zeolite catalyst plays an important role on the yield and the distribution of branched isohexenes. And the zeolite catalysts with the pore size of 0.6nm are optimum to produce dimethylbutenes (DMB). SAPO-11 zeolite is a suitable skeletal isomerization catalyst, especially in the production of methyl pentenes. Under the following reaction conditions: WHSV=1.0 h(-1), H-2/hexene=8, T=250 degreesC, P=0.2 MPa, the yield of skeletal isohexenes remains above 80% at the prolonged time-on stream of 80 h, accompanying low C5-, C7+ products and low carbon deposition on the catalyst.


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