928 resultados para set point control
Galvao, D.A., and D.R. Taaffe. Single- vs. multiple-set resistance training: recent developments in the controversy. J. Strength Cond. Res. 18(3):660-667. 2004.-The number of sets in a resistance training program remains a major point of discussion and controversy. Studies prior to 1998 demonstrated inconsistent findings between single-set and multiple-set programs; however, recent evidence suggests that multiple sets promote additional benefits following short- and long-term training. The rationale supporting multiple sets is that the number of sets is part of the exercise volume equation, and the volume of exercise is crucial in producing the stimulus necessary to elicit specific physiological adaptations. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of recent resistance training studies comparing single and multiple sets. However, it should be noted that studies to date have been conducted in young and middle-aged adults, and it remains to be determined if the additional benefits accrued with multiple-set training also occurs for older adults, especially the frail elderly.
The numerical solution of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) has been focussed recently on the development of numerical methods with good stability and order properties. These numerical implementations have been made with fixed stepsize, but there are many situations when a fixed stepsize is not appropriate. In the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, much work has been carried out on developing robust implementation techniques using variable stepsize. It has been necessary, in the deterministic case, to consider the best choice for an initial stepsize, as well as developing effective strategies for stepsize control-the same, of course, must be carried out in the stochastic case. In this paper, proportional integral (PI) control is applied to a variable stepsize implementation of an embedded pair of stochastic Runge-Kutta methods used to obtain numerical solutions of nonstiff SDEs. For stiff SDEs, the embedded pair of the balanced Milstein and balanced implicit method is implemented in variable stepsize mode using a predictive controller for the stepsize change. The extension of these stepsize controllers from a digital filter theory point of view via PI with derivative (PID) control will also be implemented. The implementations show the improvement in efficiency that can be attained when using these control theory approaches compared with the regular stepsize change strategy. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been strongly implicated in control of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) response to stress. Because of the paucity of direct projections from the mPFC to the PVN, we sought to investigate possible brain regions that might act as a relay between the two during psychological stress. Bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the rat mPFC enhanced the number of Fos-immunoreactive cells seen in the PVN after exposure to the psychological stressor, air puff. Altered neuronal recruitment was seen in only one of the candidate relay populations examined, the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST). Furthermore, bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the BNST caused a significant attenuation of the PVN response to air puff. To better characterize the structural relationships between the mPFC and PVN, retrograde tracing studies were conducted examining Fos expression in cells retrogradely labeled with cholera toxin b subunit (CTb) from the PVN and the BNST. Results obtained were consistent with an important role for both the mPFC and BNST in the mpPVN CRF cell response to air puff. We suggest a set of connections whereby a direct PVN projection from the ipsilateral vBNST is involved in the mpPVN response to air puff and this may, in turn, be modulated by an indirect projection from the mPFC to the BNST. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Control Engineering is an essential part of university electrical engineering education. Normally, a control course requires considerable mathematical as well as engineering knowledge and is consequently regarded as a difficult course by many undergraduate students. From the academic point of view, how to help the students to improve their learning of the control engineering knowledge is therefore an important task which requires careful planning and innovative teaching methods. Traditionally, the didactic teaching approach has been used to teach the students the concepts needed to solve control problems. This approach is commonly adopted in many mathematics intensive courses; however it generally lacks reflection from the students to improve their learning. This paper addresses the practice of action learning and context-based learning models in teaching university control courses. This context-based approach has been practised in teaching several control engineering courses in a university with promising results, particularly in view of student learning performances.
Genetic control of adventitious rooting was characterised in two unrelated Pinus elliottii x P. caribaea families, an outbred F-1 (n = 287) and an inbred F-2 ( n = 357). Rooting percentage was assessed in three settings and root biomass was measured on a sub-set of clones ( n = 50) from each family in the third setting. On average, clones in the outbred F-1 had a higher rooting percentage (mean +/- SE; 59 +/- 1.9%) and biomass (mean +/- SD; 0.41 +/- 0.24 g) than clones in the inbred F-2 family ( mean +/- SE; 48 +/- 1.8% and mean +/- SD; 0.19 +/- 0.13 g). Genetic determination for rooting percentage was strong in both families, as indicated by high individual setting clonal repeatabilities ( e. g. Setting 3; outbred F-1 0.62 +/- 0.03 and inbred F-2 0.68 +/- 0.02 (H-2 +/- SE)) and the moderate-to-high genetic correlations amongst the three settings. For root biomass, clonal repeatabilities for both families were lower (outbred F-1 0.35 +/- 0.09 and inbred F-2 0.44 +/- 0.10 (H-2 +/- SE)). Weak positive genetic correlations between rooting percentage and root biomass in both families suggested a concomitant gain in root biomass would be insignificant when selecting solely on the more easily assessable rooting percentage.
We investigate the structure of the positive solution set for nonlinear three-point boundary value problems of the form u('') + h(t) f(u) = 0, u(0) = 0, u(1) = lambdau(eta), where eta epsilon (0, 1) is given lambda epsilon (0, 1/n) is a parameter, f epsilon C ([0, infinity), [0, infinity)) satisfies f (s) > 0 for s > 0, and h epsilon C([0, 1], [0, infinity)) is not identically zero on any subinterval of [0, 1]. Our main results demonstrate the existence of continua of positive solutions of the above problem. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of acupressure at the P6 point for the in-patient treatment of severe nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Study design: This was a prospective single-blind randomized control trial that involved 80 patients with nausea and vomiting plus ketonuria before 14 weeks of gestation. Results: There was no difference between length of stay, amount of medication, or fluid required between the acupressure and placebo groups, although acupressure reduced the number of patients who stayed >= 4 nights in the hospital. Acupressure was well tolerated and not associated with an increase in perinatal morbidity or death. Conclusion: The use of acupressure Lit the P6 point does not reduce the amount of antiemetric medication that is required, the requirement for intravenous fluid, and median duration of inpatient stay more than the use of placebo. A small reduction was seen in the number of women who required >= 4 days in the hospital. (c) 2006 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
It has long been recognized that demographic structure within a population can significantly affect the likely outcomes of harvest. Many studies have focussed on equilibrium dynamics and maximization of the value of the harvest taken. However, in some cases the management objective is to maintain the population at a abundance that is significantly below the carrying capacity. Achieving such an objective by harvest can be complicated by the presence of significant structure (age or stage) in the target population. in such cases, optimal harvest strategies must account for differences among age- or stage-classes of individuals in their relative contribution to the demography of the population. In addition, structured populations are also characterized by transient non-linear dynamics following perturbation, such that even under an equilibrium harvest, the population may exhibit significant momentum, increasing or decreasing before cessation of growth. Using simple linear time-invariant models, we show that if harvest levels are set dynamically (e.g., annually) then transient effects can be as or more important than equilibrium outcomes. We show that appropriate harvest rates can be complicated by uncertainty about the demographic structure of the population, or limited control over the structure of the harvest taken. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE - The purpose of this study was to determine whether beneficial effects on glycemic control of an initial laboratory-supervised resistance training program could be sustained through a community center-based maintenance program. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - We studied 57 overweight (BMI >= 27 kg/m(2)) sedentary men and women aged 40-80 years with established (> 6 months) type 2 diabetes. initially, all participants attended a twice-weekly 2-month supervised resistance training program conducted in the exercise laboratory. Thereafter, participants undertook a resistance training maintenance program (2 times/week) for 12 months and were randomly assigned to carry this out either in a community fitness and recreation center (center) or in their domestic environment (home). Glycemic control (HbA(1c) [A1C]) was assessed at 0, 2, and 14 months. RESULTS - Pooling data from the two groups for the 2-month supervised resistance training program showed that compared with baseline, mean A1C fell by -0.4% [95% CI -0.6 to -0.2]. Within-group comparisons showed that A I C remained lower than baseline values at 14 months in the center group (- 0.4% [-0.7 to -0.03]) but not in the home group (-0.1% [-0.4 to 0.3]). However, no between-group differences were observed at each time point. Changes in AIC during the maintenance period were positively associated with exercise adherence in the center group only. CONCLUSIONS - Center-based but not home-based resistance training was associated with the maintenance of modestly improved glycemic control from baseline, which was proportional to program adherence. Our findings emphasize the need to develop and test behavioral methods to promote healthy lifestyles including increased physical activity in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Load-induced extravascular fluid flow has been postulated to play a role in mechanotransduction of physiological loads at the cellular level. Furthermore, the displaced fluid serves as a carrier for metabolites, nutrients, mineral precursors and osteotropic agents important for cellular activity. We hypothesise that load-induced fluid flow enhances the transport of these key substances, thus helping to regulate cellular activity associated with processes of functional adaptation and remodelling. To test this hypothesis, molecular tracer methods developed previously by our group were applied in vivo to observe and quantify the effects of load-induced fluid flow under four-point-bending loads. Preterminal tracer transport studies were carried out on 24 skeletally mature Sprague Dawley rats. Mechanical loading enhanced the transport of both small- and larger-molecular-mass tracers within the bony tissue of the tibial mid-diaphysis. Mechanical loading showed a highly significant effect on the number of periosteocytic spaces exhibiting tracer within the cross section of each bone. For all loading rates studied, the concentration of Procion Red tracer was consistently higher in the tibia subjected to pure bending loads than in the unloaded, contralateral tibia, Furthermore, the enhancement of transport was highly site-specific. In bones subjected to pure bending loads, a greater number of periosteocytic spaces exhibited the presence of tracer in the tension band of the cross section than in the compression band; this may reflect the higher strains induced in the tension band compared with the compression band within the mid-diaphysis of the rat tibia. Regardless of loading mode, the mean difference between the loaded side and the unloaded contralateral control side decreased with increasing loading frequency. Whether this reflects the length of exposure to the tracer or specific frequency effects cannot be determined by this set of experiments. These in vivo experimental results corroborate those of previous ex vivo and in vitro studies, Strain-related differences in tracer distribution provide support for the hypothesis that load-induced fluid flow plays a regulatory role in processes associated with functional adaptation.
The aim of this study was to examine the way Australian air traffic controllers manage their airspace. Fourteen controllers ranging from 7 to 30 years experience were sampled from the Brisbane air traffic control centre. All had previously been endorsed for en route radar sectors. Five static pictures varying in workload level (low, medium and high) were presented to participants. Controllers were asked to work through the scenarios and describe aloud how they would resolve any potential conflicts between the aircraft. Following this controllers were asked a set of probe questions based on the critical decision method, to extract further information about the way they manage their airspace. A content analysis was used to assess patterns in the way controllers scan, strategies used in conflict detection and conflict resolution and the effect of workload on strategy choice. Findings revealed that controllers use specific strategies (such as working in a left to right scan or prioritising levels) when managing their airspace. Further analyses are still planned however a model based on the processes controllers used to resolve conflicts has been developed and will be presented as a summary of the results.
A new control algorithm using parallel braking resistor (BR) and serial fault current limiter (FCL) for power system transient stability enhancement is presented in this paper. The proposed control algorithm can prevent transient instability during first swing by immediately taking away the transient energy gained in faulted period. It can also reduce generator oscillation time and efficiently make system back to the post-fault equilibrium. The algorithm is based on a new system energy function based method to choose optimal switching point. The parallel BR and serial FCL resistor can be switched at the calculated optimal point to get the best control result. This method allows optimum dissipation of the transient energy caused by disturbance so to make system back to equilibrium in minimum time. Case studies are given to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of this new control algorithm.