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Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y las características de la conductade fumar y la distribución por estadios de abandono del tabaquismoentre el personal de la Universidad de Girona.Pacientes y método: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo transversal.Para ello se realizó una entrevista sobre la conducta de fumar a una muestrarepresentativa de los 941 miembros del personal de la Universidadde Girona en el segundo semestre de 1999.Resultados: De los 281 participantes en el estudio, 77 (27,4%) eranfumadores, 67 (23,9%) exfumadores y 137 (48,7%) no fumadores. PorFacultades, la mayor prevalencia de fumadores se encontró en: Letras:38,9%; Ciencias de la Educación: 31% y Enfermería: 28,3%. La distribuciónde los sujetos por etapas de abandono fue la siguiente: precontemplación:36,8%; contemplación: 13,2%; preparación: 3,5%; acción:3,5% y mantenimiento: 43%. El consumo de tabaco light fue del49,1% en precontemplación, 47,1% en contemplación y 33,3% en preparación.Respondieron haber recibido consejo médico para dejar de fumar:precontemplación: 35,8%; contemplación: 52,6%, preparación:60%, acción: 20% y mantenimiento: 24,2%.Conclusiones: 1. Las Facultades relacionadas con el ámbito de lasalud, Ciencias de la Educación y Enfermería son, junto con las de Letraslas que presentan mayor consumo de tabaco. 2. Los fumadores en precontemplación,en comparación con los sujetos en contemplación y preparación,informan con mayor frecuencia de consumir tabaco bajo ennicotina y de no haber recibido consejo médico
In the previous issue of IJEMR, we introduced the general framework and the main ideas justifying this special editorial project. To avoid repetition of the background themes to the current issue, the reader should consult the previous edition. Here, we present the second part of contributions selected for publication.
This work presents a review of sampling and analytical methods that can be applied to atmospheric traces of reduced sulphur compounds (RSC) in the atmosphere. Sampling methodology involving discontinuous methods with preconcentration is mostly used. For the most part, adsorption on solids and cryogenic capture are applied as a procedure. The analysis of these compounds has been done mainly by gas chromatography with FPD, fluorescence and spectrophotometry. Advantages and disadvantages of the methodologies are also mentioned in this paper, aiming to guide the reader towards the most appropriate choice of a sampling and analytical method for RSCs.
El canon para la formación literaria y la educación literaria en primaria son algunos de los contenidos principales de la asignatura 'Didáctica de la literatura infantil y juvenil" que se imparte en el grado de Educación Primaria de la Universitat de Barcelona. La propuesta de innovación educativa que presentamos consiste en el diseño e implementación de una secuencia formativa dirigida a estos alumnos para ampliar el intertexto lector mediante la lectura y análisis de un corpus de minificciones hipertextuales (Zavala, 2007; Landow, 2009) relacionadas con la literatura de base folklórica y de autor del canon de educación primaria de primeras lenguas. El corpus elegido pertenece al libro Catàleg de monstres (2012) de Masó, minificciones que apelan a la intertextualidad mediante la combinación de múltiples recursos literarios. Palabras clave: Formación inicial de maestros, competencia lectoliteraria, minificción, literatura infantil y juvenil. ENGLISH SUMMARY Fragmented Hypertexts: a proposal to develop literacy competence in initial teacher training Literary canon for primary children and literature education are some of the main contents of the subject 'Teaching of Children's Literature' taught in the Primary Education degree at the University of Barcelona. The proposed educational innovation we present is the design of a teaching sequence targeted to these students to expand their reader intertextuality by reading and analysing hypertext mini fictions (Zavala, 2007; Landow, 2009) related to basic folk literature from the primary school literary canon. The corpus chosen is from the book Catàleg de monstres (2012), written by Masó, selected mini fictions constantly appealing to intertextuality through the combination of multiple literarcy resources. Key words: Folk literature, teacher training of primary education, hypertext mini fictions, literary competence.
This paper is focused on a review of the design features and the electrochemistry characterization of anode-supported planar SOFC. Studies and results of metallic alloy interconnectors and recovery for protection against corrosion and for contact layer are showed. Moreover a discussion of examples of measurements of impedance spectrometry, according to the literature and our experimental results are made. For the anode supported fuel cells the power density varies from 0.1 to 0.5 Wcm², according to results in the literature (showed in this paper). For electrolyte supported fuel cell the power density can be 10 Wcm-2 for high temperatures. An English-Portuguese glossary of most used terms in SOFC stack is given for greater clarity and to introduce new terms to the reader.
Chemical knowledge plays a central role in the economical and social development of a nation. Chemistry is considered a key science, which provides the means and meanings that fuel the advancement of other fields of knowledge. However, the public image of chemistry is often associated with negative facts and misconceptions. This paper addresses and discusses the public image of chemistry with two case studies: the public image of chemistry depicted in two major Brazilian newspapers and the Brazilian project for the International Year of Chemistry (IYC). Analysis of the newspaper data strongly suggests that the public image of chemistry is related to both the way news is written and the ability of the reader to identify the chemical knowledge actually present in the text. Analysis of IYC related data in the second case study depicted an optimistic panorama for the divulgation of chemistry at both national and local levels. A model for broad and effective initiatives for dissemination of chemistry is discussed. The need to keep science divulgation as the top agenda of the scientific community is also highlighted.
From the world of fiction literature into multi-cultural Finland. Anticipatory story as an educational tool in teaching of literature and multiculturalism The research clarifies the relationship between reading fiction literature and multicultural value education in basic education. The research focuses on the subject didactics of mother tongue and literature and on the literature teaching in particular. The objective is to develop a method that is easily transferable into a teaching context so as to intensify the educational discussion based on fiction literature. In essence, understanding fiction literature and the ethical and moral thinking resemble one another, because both of them aim at empathizing with the thinking of a person or with a situation foreign to oneself. For this reason fiction literature is ideally suited for the discussion on ethical and moral values within a subject entity in the basic education. The empirical unit of the research consists of two parts. The first part explains how youth novels published in the years 1993 – 2007 describe multiculturalism in Finnish society. Books on multiculturalism are still few in number within youth literature, and people with a foreign background are mainly minor or background characters in such literary works. Nevertheless, youth novels serve well as a starting point for an educational discussion about multicultural issues. More often than not characters in youth novels are stereotypes and even opposite to each other. The juxtaposing makes a young reader question the stereotypes associated with immigrants. Besides the stereotype, reference to a prototype or a model is possible. The second part tests the usefulness of an anticipatory story based on a fictive text for an educational discussion about multicultural issues. The empirical material was collected from the eighth-grade teaching groups in basic education as follows: one teaching group was an immigrant group, the second one a group of Finns with experience of immigrants while the third group of students had hardly any experience of immigrants. The anticipatory stories were written on the basis of extracts from youth novels with multicultural themes. The material collected for a total of 120 anticipatory stories was analysed by using meaning cue analysis. Using the meaning cue analysis, the anticipatory stories were divided into three groups: stories with predominantly positive meaning cues of interculturalism, ambivalent stories with both positive and negative meaning cues of interculturalism and the stories with predominantly negative meaning cues of interculturalism. The meaning cues produced by girls and boys differ from one another, in particular, by the negative meaning cues of interculturalism. For girls, the predominant meaning cue is fear whereas for boys, it is that of violence. It would also seem that the students, in particular, boys with little experience of immigrants produce more negative meaning cues of interculturalism than do immigrants or Finnish students with experience of immigrants. Further still, it seems that active reading of fiction literature affects the meaning cues of interculturalism in an ambivalent direction. In the way of youth novels this is understandable, because youth novels in general are made up of opposite characters and meaning cues. The less the student takes an interest in reading, the more he used meaning cues from outside the parent text for his anticipatory story. No doubt it would be possible to use fiction literature in the literature education to a much higher extent than it is being used today whereby the literature could be used in basic education for reviewing subject entities or study contents of other study subjects. By way of an anticipatory story and the meaning cue analysis, it is possible to intensify the educational discussions based on fiction literature. However, using fiction literature in the literature education requires consideration of the specific genre of fiction literature.
In this master’s thesis, possibilities to utilize Near Field Communication (NFC) technology in health care applications are examined. NFC is a short-range wireless communication technology that enables the exchange of data between devices. Main components in NFC are tag, which contains data, a NFC reader device, which can be for instance embedded to mobile phone and also act as a tag, and an antennae in both tag and reader. In this work NFC technology is discussed and its utilization in health care information systems that are in use or in trial. Utilization of information technology in health care field is examined superficially. In this thesis, a system utilizing NFC is designed and its requirements and architecture presented. NFC is used in identification of care worker. When care worker arrives at the house of a patient, she brings the NFC-enabled mobile phone near NFC tag. This sends information to the application server. This information contains the time of arrival and patient and location identifier. When care worker leaves the place, she repeats the procedure. Information gathered can be used in reporting and real time tracking.
Paperin tärkeiden teknisten ominaisuuksien lisäksi myös paperin aistinvaraiset ominaisuudet ovat nousseet merkittäviksi parametreiksi paperia luonnehdittaessa. Aistinvaraisilla ominaisuuksilla tarkoitetaan ominaisuuksia, jotka ihminen aistii käsitellessään tuotetta. Tällaisia ominaisuuksia ovat esimerkiksi paperin karheus, liukkaus, jäykkyys sekä ääni paperia selattaessa. Paperin aistinvaraiset ominaisuudet luovat lukijalle mielikuvan lukemastaan lehdestä lehden sisällön lisäksi. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää olemassa olevan aistinvaraisten ominaisuuksien arviointiraadin toimintaa. Arviointimenetelmän tilalle pyrittiin löytämään toinen menetelmä sekä kehittämään uusi tulosten raportointimalli. Työssä käytettiin kahta subjektiivista arviointimenetelmää, parivertailua ja ranking-menetelmää. Tuloksia verrattiin aiemmin käytössä olleen referenssimenetelmän tuloksiin. Näytteistä arvioitiin karheus, liukkaus, tahmeus, jäykkyys, selailtavuus, äänen voimakkuus ja äänen laatu. Näiden lisäksi näytteiden miellyttävyyttä arvioitiin parivertailua käyttäen. Arvioitsijoiden yksimielisyyttä selvitettiin parivertailun yhteydessä. Näytteet olivat painamattomia, mutta painokoneen läpi menneitä lehtiformaattiin taitettuja. Visuaalisissa arvioinneissa käytettiin painettuja näytteitä samasta paperivalikoimasta. Arviointimenetelmien tuloksia vertailtaessa, voidaan menetelmien välillä havaita muutamia eroja. Sekä parivertailussa että ranking-menetelmässä näytteet jakaantuivat lähes kokonaan annetulle arviointiskaalalle, kun referenssimenetelmällä ne kasautuivat hyvin pienelle alueelle. Ranking-menetelmässä näytteet jakautuivat vielä laajemmalle kuin parivertailussa. Parivertailu erotteli näytteet paremmin toisistaan kuin referenssimenetelmä. Ranking-menetelmän ja parivertailun välillä vastaavaa eroa erotuskyvyssä ei havaittu. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että parivertailu
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on luoda poikkitieteellinen katsaus teknologisen kehityksen vaikutuksiin hyvinvointivaltion perusrakenteille, kuten työnteko, yrityskulttuuri, peruskoulutus sekä innovaatiopolitiikka. Työ pyrkii osoittamaan myös hyvinvointivaltion roolin Suomen kilpailu- ja innovaatiokyvyn kannalta. Työn viitekehys rakentuu teknisten-, yhteiskuntatieteiden, sosiologian sekä tämän päivän heikkojen signaalien varaan. Työ yhdistää erilaiset näkökulmat yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi, josta myös lukija voi luoda oman näkemyksensä. Johtopäätöksinä työssä huomataan hyvinvointivaltion roolin suuruus puhuttaessa suomalaisesta innovaatio- ja kilpailukyvystä. Tasa-arvoinen peruskoulutusjärjestelmä, tulonsiirrot sekä sosiaalinen turvaverkko ovat olleet luomassa pohjaa nykyiselle hyvinvoinnillemme sekä kilpailukyvyllemme. Kuitenkin nämä järjestelmät ovat jäämässä ajastaan jälkeen, sillä niitä ei ole suunniteltu kansallisvaltioiden väliseen kilpailuun. Yksityistäminen ja globaalille kilpailulle avautuminen ovat nähty maailmalla ratkaisuna tähän ongelmaan, kuten Englannissa tehtiin 40 vuotta sitten. Yksityistämisen vaikutukset hyvinvointivaltioon ovat kuitenkin arvaamattomia, sillä hyvinvointivaltio on vielä varsin tutkimaton käsite. Teknologinen kehitys on ollut luomassa kilpailuetuamme ja siitä voidaan olettaa myös luovan tulevaa kilpailuetua. Suomeen on saatava uudenlainen johtamisen- ja yhteiskunnallisen ymmärtämisen kulttuuri, joka huomioi myös globalisaation mukanaan tuomia muutoksia. Se yhdistettynä teknologian kehitykseen ja innovaatiopolitiikkaan saattaa olla Suomen tulevaisuuden kannalta ratkaiseva innovatiivinen kilpailuetu.
Virtuaalista yhteisöllisyyttä ja virtuaaliyhteisöissä tapahtuvaa osallistumista yhdistävää empiiristä tutkimusta ei ole toistaiseksi raportoitu tieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin ja analysoitiin virtuaalisen yhteisöllisyyden ja virtuaalisen osallistumisen sekä virtuaaliseen osallistumiseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden suhteita yksilön näkökulmasta virtuaaliyhteisössä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää yksilön virtuaalisen yhteisöl-lisyyden kokemusta ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Toisena keskeisenä tutkimustavoitteena oli tarkastella yksilön odottamien etujen vaikutusta yksilön osallistumiseen virtuaaliyhteisössä. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena ja tutkimuskohteena oli erään mediayrityksen ylläpitämä virtuaaliyhteisö. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa toteutettiin strukturoituna verkkokyselynä, josta saatu aineisto analysoitiin kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä käyttäen. Tärkeimpänä tutkimuksellisena havaintona todettiin yksilön viestejä lukemalla tapahtuvan virtuaalisen osallistumisen vaikuttavan voimakkaammin yksilön kokemaan virtuaalisen yhteisöllisyyden tunteeseen kuin yksilön viestejä kirjoittamalla tapahtuvan osallistumisen. Yksilön odottamien etujen havaittiin myös poikkeavan lukemalla tai kirjoittamalla osallistuvien kohdalla. Henkilöt jotka osallistuivat virtuaaliyhteisöön viestejä lukemalla, toivoivat kognitiivisia, sosiaalisia ja hedonistisia etuja. Henkilöt jotka osallistuivat viestejä kirjoittamalla, toivoivat henkilökohtaisia, sosiaalisia ja hedonistia etuja. Henkilön sukupuolella, virtuaaliyhteisöstä saadun tiedon tarpeella ja sanomalehden tilaustottumuksilla havaittiin olevan vaikutusta yksilön osallistumisestaan toivomiin etuihin, virtuaalisen yhteisöllisyyden kokemukseen ja osallistumiseen virtuaaliyhteisöissä.
Crystallization is a purification method used to obtain crystalline product of a certain crystal size. It is one of the oldest industrial unit processes and commonly used in modern industry due to its good purification capability from rather impure solutions with reasonably low energy consumption. However, the process is extremely challenging to model and control because it involves inhomogeneous mixing and many simultaneous phenomena such as nucleation, crystal growth and agglomeration. All these phenomena are dependent on supersaturation, i.e. the difference between actual liquid phase concentration and solubility. Homogeneous mass and heat transfer in the crystallizer would greatly simplify modelling and control of crystallization processes, such conditions are, however, not the reality, especially in industrial scale processes. Consequently, the hydrodynamics of crystallizers, i.e. the combination of mixing, feed and product removal flows, and recycling of the suspension, needs to be thoroughly investigated. Understanding of hydrodynamics is important in crystallization, especially inlargerscale equipment where uniform flow conditions are difficult to attain. It is also important to understand different size scales of mixing; micro-, meso- and macromixing. Fast processes, like nucleation and chemical reactions, are typically highly dependent on micro- and mesomixing but macromixing, which equalizes the concentrations of all the species within the entire crystallizer, cannot be disregarded. This study investigates the influence of hydrodynamics on crystallization processes. Modelling of crystallizers with the mixed suspension mixed product removal (MSMPR) theory (ideal mixing), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and a compartmental multiblock model is compared. The importance of proper verification of CFD and multiblock models is demonstrated. In addition, the influence of different hydrodynamic conditions on reactive crystallization process control is studied. Finally, the effect of extreme local supersaturation is studied using power ultrasound to initiate nucleation. The present work shows that mixing and chemical feeding conditions clearly affect induction time and cluster formation, nucleation, growth kinetics, and agglomeration. Consequently, the properties of crystalline end products, e.g. crystal size and crystal habit, can be influenced by management of mixing and feeding conditions. Impurities may have varying impacts on crystallization processes. As an example, manganese ions were shown to replace magnesium ions in the crystal lattice of magnesium sulphate heptahydrate, increasing the crystal growth rate significantly, whereas sodium ions showed no interaction at all. Modelling of continuous crystallization based on MSMPR theory showed that the model is feasible in a small laboratoryscale crystallizer, whereas in larger pilot- and industrial-scale crystallizers hydrodynamic effects should be taken into account. For that reason, CFD and multiblock modelling are shown to be effective tools for modelling crystallization with inhomogeneous mixing. The present work shows also that selection of the measurement point, or points in the case of multiprobe systems, is crucial when process analytical technology (PAT) is used to control larger scale crystallization. The thesis concludes by describing how control of local supersaturation by highly localized ultrasound was successfully applied to induce nucleation and to control polymorphism in reactive crystallization of L-glutamic acid.
Researching research is not a common theme in educational drama. Nor is the educational drama process from a participant perspective a typical focus of research, at least not if the participants are disabled. Yet this is the theme of this thesis, a drama in three acts. The aim of this thesis is to describe, analyse, and discuss both the ways in which research within educational drama can be carried out and represented, and the experiences of the participants of the educational drama process. The theoretical framework that steers the research process is built up of two pairs of frames, each of them, like Russian nesting dolls, containing further frames. The first frame, relating to the outcomes of conducting research in educational drama, comprises philosophical, representational, and personal theories. As the second question asks what educational drama is, the subject related frame is built up of pedagogical, drama educational, and aesthetic theories. The study in its entirety follows the structure of the researcher’s hermeneutical learning process and takes the form of a journey starting from what is familiar, stretching towards what is new and different, and finally returning back to the beginning with a new view on what was there at the start. The thesis consists of two separate but related studies. The first, a familiar study conducted earlier, Alpha in Act I, was carried out among upper secondary school pupils. In the second, the new and therefore unfamiliar study, Omega in Act III, the participants are adult individuals who are physically and communicatively disabled. In between these two Acts an element of “Verfremdung” where the Alpha study is systematically scrutinized as the purpose is to teach and to manage the reader to think. Meta-discussions on the philosophical issues of the study are conducted throughout the text, parallel to the empirical parts. The outcomes of the first research question show that philosophical, methodical, and representational consistency is crucial for research. While this may sound like stating the obvious, this has nevertheless not always been considered fact, especially not within qualitative research. The outcomes further stress that representational issues are also to be recognized when presenting non-rational aspects of educational drama. By wording the world, through the use of visualising language, the surplus of meanings of educational drama can be, as they are within this study, made visible, sensible, and almost tangible, not only cognitively understandable. The outcomes of the second question point to the different foci of the studies, with Alpha focusing on the rationally retold experiences and Omega focusing on nonrational experiences. The outcomes expose educational drama as a learning process comprising doing, reflecting, and being. The doing aspect communicates the concrete efforts in creating a piece of theatre, while the being aspect relates experiences of being as situated, embodied and sensuous, reciprocal, empowering, aesthetic and artistic, and existential. Reflection is the twine that runs throughout the process and connects both doing and being. In summary, the outcomes could be formulated as “learning from learning how to make theatre”.