942 resultados para erotic-obscene lexicon


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Presento aquí un poema del humanista hispano-latino Juan de Verzosa. El texto fue enviado por el autor en 1555, junto con una carta, a Jerónimo Zurita, y se conserva actualmente en la Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia de Madrid (Ms.9/112, fols.535-536). Aparentemente trata de un amigo del autor llamado Julio aficionado a la caza de aves. Pero la lectura del poema a la luz de las Epístolas de Verzosa permite entrever la intención última del autor e incluso quién fue el ‘cazador’ Julio aludido.


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En este trabajo hemos examinado comentarios a la traducción al latín del ejercicio de la Fábula de los Progymnasmata de Aftonio para ver cómo afecta la traducción de algunos términos al comentario. Dado que, al traducir de una lengua a otra, difícilmente hay correspondencia exacta, el traductor opta por la solución que estima más adecuada, primando ciertos matices sobre otros y, con frecuencia, llega, incluso, a dotar al término de acepciones en la lengua meta que no existían en la lengua origen. La elección realizada no parece obedecer a otra razón que a preferencias del traductor, pero tiene consecuencias e influye en los comentaristas. Por otra parte, la existencia de un término acuñado no impide que tanto los traductores como los escoliastas creen otros nuevos, tal vez por deseo de mostrar originalidad. Finalmente, la traducción tiene una doble vertiente: de un lado, influye en el entendimiento del concepto y en el comentario, y, de otro, refleja la concepción que de la realidad tiene el traductor.


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Since 1997, there has been increasing research focused on Muscle Dysmorphia, a condition underpinned by people’s beliefs they have insufficient muscularity, in both the Western and non-western medical and scientific communities. Much of this empirical interest has surveyed nonclinical samples, and there is limited understanding of people with the condition beyond knowledge about their characteristics. Much existing knowledge about people with the condition is unsurprising and inherent in the definition of the disorder, such as dissatisfaction with muscularity and adherence to muscle-building activities. Only recently have investigators started to explore questions beyond these limited tautological findings that may give rise to substantial knowledge advances, such as the examination of masculine and feminine norms. There is limited understanding of additional topics such as etiology, prevalence, nosology, prognosis, and treatment. Further, the evidence is largely based on a small number of unstandardized case reports and descriptive studies (involving small samples), largely confined to Western (North American, British, and Australian) males. Although much research has been undertaken since the term Muscle Dysmorphia entered the psychiatric lexicon in 1997, there remains tremendous scope for knowledge advancement. A primary task in the short term is for investigators to examine the extent that the condition exists among well-defined populations to help determine the justification for research funding relative to other public health issues. A greater variety of research questions and designs may contribute to a broader and more robust knowledge base than currently exists. Future work will help clinicians assist a group of people whose quality of life and health is placed at risk by their muscular preoccupation.


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Este artículo analiza uno de los personajes secundarios más relevantes de las Res Gestae (RG) de Amiano Marcelino, el magister peditum Barbación. El historiador presenta a Barbación como un ser infame: colaborador en la muerte de Galo, cobarde, arrogante y desleal con Juliano durante la campaña militar del 357, delator de falsedades ante Constancio, merecedor de una muerte indigna. Sin embargo, un estudio de conjunto de los pasajes de Res Gestae, tomando como apoyo metodológico las técnicas de argumentación aplicadas al retrato y el concepto de ‘argumentación implícita’ de Sabbah 1978 y los métodos de caracterización de personajes de Pauw 1977, corrige esta visión comúnmente aceptada y demuestra la parcialidad del historiador. Así mismo se pone de manifiesto que el personaje, como otros actantes secundarios en las RG, es una réplica del carácter de Constancio II.


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Rezension von: Klaus-Peter Horn / Heidemarie Kemnitz / Winfried Marotzki / Uwe Sandfuchs (Hrsg.): Klinkhardt Lexikon Erziehungswissenschaft, 3 Bände im Schuber, Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2011 (1.509 S.; ISBN 978-3-8252-8468-8; 99,00 EUR)


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Esta tese foi produzida no Programa de Pós -Graduação em Educação em Ciências : Química da Vida e Saúde , na linha de pesquisa "Educação científica : implicações das práticas científicas na constituição dos sujeitos ". O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a rede de enunciações sobre o sexting em alguns materiais (reportagens, programas televisivos, postagens em blogs e comentários realizados por leitores dos sites) presentes na internet e investigar as condições de emergência da prática do sexting. O sexting é um termo criado nos Estados Unidos da América, que deriva das expressões sex (sexo) e texting (envio de mensagens). Esse conceito descreve uma prática social e cultural que está sendo difundida mundialmente: esta consiste em produzir e enviar fotos e vídeos sexuais, sensuais e eróticos entre conhecidos/as, amigos/as, namorados/as, “ficantes” etc.. Nesta pesquisa, utilizamos como aporte teórico os estudos de Pierre Lévy, André Lemos, Paula Sibilia, Guy Debord, Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault e Zygmunt Bauman. Tais autores ajudam-nos a pensar que o sexting emerge devido a alguns acontecimentos sociais, culturais, históricos etc., que vêm provocando alguns deslocamentos em nossa sociedade. Para proceder com tal pesquisa, utilizamos a internet como campo empírico. Em nossa busca, encontramos 48 artefatos culturais que discutem, de alguma forma, sobre sexting. Dentre estes, 37 comentam sobre vídeos caseiros que mostram relações sexuais, 8 discutem sobre o fenômeno sexting e 3 debatem sobre a produção de fotos sensuais. Para análise dos dados, utilizamos algumas ferramentas foucaultianas, especialmente os conceitos de discurso, dispositivo e enunciado. Ao olharmos os materiais, percebemos que os/os adolescentes vêm se utilizando das tecnologias digitais para visibilizarem a sua sexualidade, o que nos dá indícios de que estas vêm possibilitando a constituição de jornalistas cidadãos/ãs. Além disso, evidenciamos que as fotos e vídeos dos/as adolescentes foram produzidos em comum acordo entre eles/as. Muitos dessas fotos e vídeos, foram disseminados pelos próprios sujeitos que aderiram a essa prática. Assim, a exposição da sexualidade, por meio do sexting, tem sido realizada com o propósito de adquirir visibilidade e de tornar-se a personalidade do momento. Entendemos que essa vontade de escancarar a sexualidade, por meio das tecnologias digitais, está vinculada à sociedade do espetáculo, que manifesta a necessidade de tornar-se visível. Além disso, notamos que essa prática está relacionada à escola, pois muitos dos casos relatados ocorreram no interior dessa instituição ou tiveram uma repercussão nesse ambiente. Em muitos casos, a escola era culpabilizada pelos casos de sexting que envolviam seus/sua alunos/as. No entanto, são os pais o foco de maiores críticas pela mídia massiva, pois, para essa instância, são estes os maiores responsáveis pela disciplinarização desses corpos. Evidenciou-se também que os/as praticantes do sexting sofreram micropenalidades, as quais tinham como objetivo corrigir suas condutas. Nesse sentido, entendemos o sexting como uma atualização do dispositivo da sexualidade, pois este coloca a sexualidade – a qual, durante a modernidade sólida, constituía-se como algo exclusivamente do âmbito privado – em evidência nos espaços públicos. Ao mesmo tempo, verificamos que algumas práticas disciplinares ainda buscam governar e normalizar a sexualidade dos sujeitos. A análise do material empírico possibilitou-nos verificar dois enunciados que fazem parte do discurso do sexting. O primeiro destes é que, na contemporaneidade, aparecer é uma condição de existência; o outro é que a sexualidade é entendida como algo que deve ser regulado, governado e normalizado. Consideramos importante centrarmos os estudos no sexting, pois entendemos que essa prática vem contribuindo para o surgimento de outros modos de viver e entender a sexualidade, pois o sexting enquadra a sexualidade como algo a ser exibido e mostrado para todos/as.


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[en] In the first years of the twentieth century Ernest James Bellocq used his camera to capture the image of New Orleans’prosti¬tutes. Years later, in 1978, Louis Malle would be taking the life of this mysterious photographer to the screen in the controversial film Pretty Babe. Delving deeper into the work of these authors, we raise three questions. The first, will be to study the correspondence between the figure of Bellocq and that which Malle recreates. A second approach, will focus on the cinematic representation of them, in which the girls are portrayed in a brothel in Storyville. Finally, we will discuss the photographic act in its entirety and determine the transcription that the filmmaker builds, more definitively how Bellocq’s erotic vision and that of Louis Malle merge in the footage of the director. [fr] Au début du XXe siècle Ernest James Bellocq a photographié avec son appareil photo l’image des prostituées de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Des années plus tard, Louis Malle a donné vie à ce mystérieux photographe sur l’écran dans le contreversé film La petite (Pretty Baby, 1978). Trois questions se posent en faisant un étude précis des oeuvres de ces auteurs. L’une d’elles se centre sur le parallélisme entre le personnage de Bellocq et celui que Malle a recrée dans son film. Une deuxième question est en rapport avec la représentation cinématographique des filles photographiées dans le bordel de Storyville. Et finalement, on va aborder l’acte photographique pour déterminer la transcription construite par le cinéaste.


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The purpose of the current thesis is to develop a better understanding of the interaction between Spanish and Quichua in the Salcedo region and provide more information for the processes that might have given rise to Media Lengua, a ‘mixed’ language comprised of a Quichua grammar and Spanish lexicon. Muysken attributes the formation of Media Lengua to relexification, ruling out any influence from other bilingual phenomena. I argue that the only characteristic that distinguishes Media Lengua from other language contact varieties in central Ecuador is the quantity of the overall Spanish borrowings and not the type of processes that might have been employed by Quichua speakers during the genesis of Media Lengua. The results from the Salcedo data that I have collected show how processes such as adlexification, code-mixing, and structural convergence produce Media Lengua-type sentences, evidence that supports an alternative analysis to Muysken’s relexification hypothesis. Overall, this dissertation is developed around four main objectives: (1) to describe the variation of Spanish loanwords within a bilingual community in Salcedo; (2) to analyze some of the prominent and recent structural changes in Quichua and Spanish; (3) to determine whether Spanish loanword use can be explained by the relationship consultants have with particular social categories; and (4) to analyze the consultants’ language ideologies toward syncretic uses of Spanish and Quichua. Overall, 58% of the content words, 39% of the basic vocabulary, and 50% of the subject pronouns in the Salcedo corpus were derived from Spanish. When compared to Muysken’s description of highlander Quichua in the 1970’s, Spanish loanwords have more than doubled in each category. The overall level of Spanish loanwords in Salcedo Quichua has grown to a level between highlander Quichua in the 1970’s and Media Lengua. Similar to Spanish’s lexical influence in Media Lengua, the increase of Spanish borrowings in today’s rural Quichua can be seen in non-basic and basic vocabularies as well as the subject pronoun system. Significantly, most of the growth has occurred through forms of adlexification i.e., doublets, well-established borrowings, and cultural borrowings, suggesting that ‘ordinary’ lexical borrowing is also capable of producing Media Lengua-type sentences. I approach the second objective by investigating two separate phenomena related to structural convergence. The first examines the complex verbal constructions that have developed in Quichua through Spanish loan translations while the second describes the type of Quichua particles that are attached to Spanish lexemes while speaking Spanish. The calquing of the complex verbal constructions from Spanish were employed when speaking standard Quichua. Since this standard form is typically used by language purists, I argue that their use of calques is a strategy of exploiting the full range of expression from Spanish without incorporating any of the Spanish lexemes which would give the appearance of ‘contamination’. The use of Quichua particles in local varieties of Spanish is a defining characteristic of Quichuacized Spanish, spoken most frequently by women and young children in the community. Although the use of Quichua particles was probably not the main catalyst engendering Media Lengua, I argue that its contribution as a source language to other ‘mixed’ varieties, such as Media Lengua, needs to be accounted for in descriptions of BML genesis. Contrary to Muysken’s representation of relatively ‘unmixed’ Spanish and Quichua as the two source languages of Media Lengua, I propose that local varieties of Spanish might have already been ‘mixed’ to a large degree before Media Lengua was created. The third objective attempts to draw a relationship between particular social variables and the use of Spanish loanwords. Whisker Boxplots and ANOVAs were used to determine which social group, if any, have been introducing new Spanish borrowings into the bilingual communities in Salcedo. Specifically, I controlled for age, education, native language, urban migration, and gender. The results indicate that none of the groups in each of the five social variables indicate higher or lower loanword use. The implication of these results are twofold: (a) when lexical borrowing occurs, it is immediately adopted as the community-wide norm and spoken by members from different backgrounds and generations, or (b) this level of Spanish borrowing (58%) is not a recent phenomenon. The fourth and final objective draws on my ethnographic research that addresses the attitudes of syncretic language use. I observed that Quichuacized Spanish and Hispanicized Quichua are highly stigmatized varieties spoken by the country’s most marginalized populations and families, yet within the community, syncretic ways of speaking are in fact the norm. It was shown that there exists a range of different linguistic definitions for ‘Chaupi Lengua’ and other syncretic language practices as well as many contrasting connotations, most of which were negative. One theme that emerged from the interviews was that speaking syncretic varieties of Quichua weakened the consultant’s claim to an indigenous identity. The linguistic and social data presented in this dissertation supports an alternative view to Muysken’s relexification hypothesis, one that has the advantage of operating with well-precedented linguistic processes and which is actually observable in the present-day Salcedo area. The results from the study on lexical borrowing are significant because they demonstrate how a dynamic bilingual speech community has gradually diversified their Quichua lexicon under intense pressure to shift toward Spanish. They also show that Hispanicized Quichua (Quichua with heavy lexical borrowing) clearly arose from adlexification and prolonged lexical borrowing, and is one of at least six identifiable speech styles found in Salcedo. These results challenge particular interpretations of language contact outcomes, such as, ones that depict sources languages as discrete and ‘unmixed.’ The bilingual continuum presented in this thesis shows on the one hand, the range of speech styles that are accessible to different speakers, and on the other hand, the overlapping, syncretic features that are shared among the different registers and language varieties. It was observed that syncretic speech styles in Salcedo are employed by different consultants in varied interactional contexts, and in turn, produce different evaluations by other fellow community members. In the current dissertation, I challenge the claim that relexification and Media Lengua-type sentences develop in isolation and without the influence of other bilingual phenomena. Based on Muysken's Media Lengua example sentences and the speech styles from the Salcedo corpus, I argue that Media Lengua may have arisen as an institutionalized variant of the highly mixed "middle ground" within the range of the Salcedo bilingual continuum discussed above. Such syncretic forms of Spanish and Quichua strongly resemble Media Lengua sentences in Muysken’s research, and therefore demonstrate how its development could have occurred through several different language contact processes and not only through relexification.


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Na Odisseia, as errâncias de um homem à procura de um destino e em luta sem tréguas pela sobrevivência, contra as contingências naturais da vida, constituem um dos motores da narrativa da viagem de regresso de Ulisses. No relato das suas aventuras aparecem um conjunto de estadias localizadas em sítios fantásticos e de encontros com figuras não humanas, geralmente representadas no feminino. Com base numa leitura dos célebres episódios eróticos de Circe, de Calipso e de Nausícaa, pretende-se neste artigo analisar como a díade epos-eros contribuiu para uma caracterização mais humanizada das experiências de vida de um herói astucioso e versátil, que foi capaz de resistir a todos os perigos e nunca se deixou iludir pelas tentações que punham em risco o seu nostos.


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This study aims to provide foreigns languages professionals with a sound methodology for selecting a suitable lexicon apropos of their students’ level in the language. The justification of said selection is, herein, rooted in a cognitive argument: If we are able to observe the manner in which words are organized within the mind, we will be better able to select the words needed for the natural process of communication. After poring over lists of lexical availability compiled by previous analyses, this study puts forth a glossary filtered by way of an objective procedure based on the mathematical concept known as Fuzzy Expected Value. I begin first by rigorously defining the concept of lexical availability and then thoroughly examining and explaining the manner in which I have obtained the results. Next, I employ the cognitive theory of prototypes to expound upon the organizational apparatus which arranges words within speakers’ minds. Subsequently and in accordance with objective criteria, a lexical selection is proposed. To end, I contemplate and muse upon the significance of a program that would enable us to identify the most appropriate vocabulary according to the students’ level of linguistic competence. In order to further substantiate this study, it will be juxtaposed to the specific notions outlined by the curriculum of The Cervantes Institute. Moreover, it will be relationed with the teaching levels proposed by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


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Na sociedade moderna, constata-se que os indivíduos multilingues compreendem e falam várias línguas e que essa proficiência tem despertado, ao longo de várias décadas, a curiosidade de numerosos especialistas no assunto (neurolinguistas, psicolinguistas). Sobre este assunto, Dijkstra (2003:11) preconiza que os falantes multilingues devem ter armazenado um vasto número de palavras no seu léxico mental no qual parece ser difícil recuperar uma palavra. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho, que se enquadra no Mestrado em Português Língua Não Materna, oferece uma revisão da literatura sobre o conhecimento neurolinguístico e psicolinguístico da aquisição multilingue do léxico em sujeitos bi / multilingues ; tendo como ponto nevrálgico o controlo inibitório e o acesso lexical. No decorrer desta pesquisa, a qual pôde contar com a participação de trinta e três informantes falantes de português europeu (3 monolingues, 3 bilingues, 5 trilingues e 22 multilingues), procurou-se averiguar se os informantes bi / multilingues seriam mais rápidos e precisos do que os monolingues, aquando da realização de tarefas trilingues de nomeação oral de imagens e de decisão lexical. A investigação realizada fornece dados para uma reflexão sobre o modo como falantes com estas particularidades acedem ao (s) seu (s) reportório (s) linguístico (s), bem como sobre a forma como exercem o controlo inibitório sobre o seu vasto campo linguístico.


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A presente dissertação procura apresentar um estudo aprofundado em torno dos mecanismos mágicos, atestados em contexto doméstico, que estão associados de forma mais evidente à protecção da criança e da mulher, enquanto grávida, parturiente e mãe. Neste sentido, iremos discorrer em torno dos motivos que levaram os Egípcios a desenvolver esses mecanismos, em particular a importância da criança para a sociedade egípcia, os perigos da vida quotidiana egípcia, quer para a saúde da população em geral, quer para a da mulher e a da criança e, por fim, a mortalidade infantil e materna. Consequentemente, pretendemos demonstrar de que forma a Religião Doméstica consistia numa estratégia de garantir a sobrevivência da criança. Iremos igualmente abordar os diversos mecanismos destinados a promover a fertilidade e a concepção, identificados em contexto doméstico. Entre eles constam as estruturas arquitectónicas, nomeadamente as estruturas elevadas de Deir el-Medina; as figuras com formas femininas e masculinas, no último caso de cariz erótico, e com a forma de deuses e animais; os amuletos; as camas votivas e os encantamentos mágicos associados a essas duas esferas. Análise incidirá, de igual modo, nas formas desenvolvidas para proteger a mulher e a criança durante a gravidez, o parto e o pós-parto, como outras estruturas arquitectónicas, quer os tijolos de nascimento, quer as pérgulas de nascimento; os amuletos, os objectos apotropaicos e, ainda, os encantamentos mágicos. Por fim, a dissertação focar-se-á na protecção da criança durante a «primeira infância» propriamente dita, que podia ser garantida ainda através da atribuição de nomes protectores e da recitação de encantamentos mágicos especificamente destinados a proteger a criança durante a infância. Iremos ainda destacar alguns mecanismos adicionais que, embora não tenham sido identificados em contexto doméstico, devem ser tomados em consideração. O presente estudo focar-se-á, assim, não só na «primeira infância», mas também nas fases da vida humana que a antecediam, que incluem a concepção – relacionada com a fertilidade –, a gravidez, o parto e, por fim, os momentos que o sucediam.


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Nature and landscape writing includes creative writing about wild places. However, most authors have a literary background and are not outdoor ‘educators’. Using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, the reasons suggested are a lack of framing of outdoor experiences for this intent, the need for learning the skills of interpretation and lexicon and the offer of prolonged, powerful experiences and time for creative thinking and responses, such as an extended solo. It is suggested that outdoor educators may be too busy ‘experiencing’ to write, that they do not go ‘slow’ enough or that they are encapsulated in the ‘edginess of existence’ through adventure and just pass through their surroundings rather than connect with them. Outdoor educators have much to offer as they experience metaphorical or literal journeys comprising ‘flow’ rather than episodic encounter through lived experience to create rich embodied stories with ideological and social aspects so often overlooked in narrative.


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Se estudia la incidencia de los estímulos fonológicos y semánticos en los procesos de producción léxica, a partir de los datos obtenidos en pruebas de denominación con paciente afásica con características anómicas. Arroja datos en relación con la naturaleza del lexicón, el debate entre procesos seriales y de acceso directo y su papel en la recuperación léxica la longitud fonológica y silábica de la palabra.The incidence of semantic and phonological stimuli in word production processes is addressed. This research analyzes the results obtained from different denomination tasks with an anomic speaker with aphasia. The basis of research was a lexicon theory, the debate between connectionist or serial levels in language production, and the incidence of syllabical and phonological length in word recovery.


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We present and evaluate a novel supervised recurrent neural network architecture, the SARASOM, based on the associative self-organizing map. The performance of the SARASOM is evaluated and compared with the Elman network as well as with a hidden Markov model (HMM) in a number of prediction tasks using sequences of letters, including some experiments with a reduced lexicon of 15 words. The results were very encouraging with the SARASOM learning better and performing with better accuracy than both the Elman network and the HMM.