935 resultados para Surgical flaps
A etiologia da alveolite é desconhecida. Considera-se não haver uma causa específica, mas sim uma associação de factores inerentes ao seu aparecimento. O diagnóstico é realizado, geralmente, entre o 2º e 5º dia após exodontia, sendo bastante claro. Manifesta-se por uma dor aguda e pulsátil, mal controlada com analgésicos, e de apresentação clínica uma inflamação da mucosa em torno do alvéolo, com parcial ou total perda do coágulo, apresentando-se este vazio ou com tecido necrótico e/ou restos alimentares. Pode ainda haver uma exposição óssea. Diversas são as taxas de incidência, variando consoante os factores de risco predisponentes da doença. São estes a idade, género, ciclo menstrual e toma de contraceptivos orais (nas mulheres), trauma cirúrgico e experiência do médico, a indicação da extração, bem como características do dente a ser extraído, ainda as técnicas e anestesia usadas, bem como remanescentes ósseos e/ou radiculares, uso de retalhos e suturas, patologias sistémicas, medicação e cuidados pós-operatórios do doente. Todos estes podem ter impacto no desenvolvimento desta condição, devendo o médico dentista eliminá-los e reduzi-los ao máximo. A prevenção aplica-se a medidas não farmacológicas, como redução de factores de risco, em combinação a terapia farmacológica, de modo a favorecer uma correta cicatrização. Recurso a soluções antissépticas, medicação tópica (intra-alveolar) e prescrição sistémica de antibióticos e anti-inflamatórios não esteroides são algumas dessas medidas. Ao nível do tratamento, vários métodos e materiais estão disponíveis no mercado. Por ser uma condição que o próprio organismo “combate”, o objectivo terapêutico passa basicamente pela redução dos sintomas debilitantes do paciente e controlo bacteriano. A opção é individual, uma vez que não existe nenhum tratamento com características ideais, sendo os resultados na literatura bastante discrepantes. Limpeza do alvéolo, medicação intra-alveolar (tópica) e/ou sistémica, bem como terapia com laser de baixa intensidade, são algumas opções. A administração antibiótica deve ser reservada para casos especiais, não devendo ser abordada como método de rotina. Analgésicos são uma opção, podendo ser aconselhada consoante o quadro clínico doloroso. Também o reforço para uma higiene oral rigorosa, com irrigação do alvéolo para evitar detritos e impactação alimentar (no caso de não existirem obtundantes intra-alveolares) devem ser preocupação do médico dentista. Deve haver um seguimento regular do paciente, especialmente se aplicados medicamentos tópicos, para avaliação e renovação (se necessário) do curativo até recuperação. O médico dentista deve saber identificar um caso de alveolite, encontrando-se informado e consciente das várias opções preventivas e terapêuticas. Estudos mais claros e objectivos são necessários na procura de critérios de diagnóstico genéricos da doença, bem como terapêuticas preventivas e de tratamentos com taxas de sucesso altas e suportadas por evidência científica. Para que, desta forma, seja elaborado um protocolo universal a seguir na prática clínica.
Introdução: O processo alveolar é o conjunto de osso que se encontra em redor da raiz do dente. Este osso é sensível a uma variedade de fatores ambientais e fisiológicos que influenciam a sua integridade e o seu funcionamento. Como tal, a sua formação assim como a sua preservação é dependente da presença contínua do dente. A reabsorção do processo alveolar após extração dentária é uma consequência natural e fisiológica indesejável, que pode dificultar a colocação de um implante dentário na posição desejada. Com o aumento cada vez mais das demandas estéticas em medicina dentária, torna-se, portanto, necessário prevenir que a reabsorção óssea provoque este defeito na arcada dentária. Objetivos: Realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as várias técnicas e materiais para preservação do rebordo alveolar, a fim de prevenir ou minimizar a reabsorção alveolar após extração dentária. Material e Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, B-on e Scielo, não foi aplicado nenhum limite temporal, e os critérios de inclusão foram artigos em língua inglesa e portuguesa. Num total de 164 artigos, selecionaram-se 82 estritamente relacionados com o tema. Os artigos excluídos desviavam-se do objetivo do trabalho ou eram inconclusivos. Selecionaram-se, também, capítulos do livro Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry Volume 1 e 2, dos autores Niklaus P.Lang e Jan Lindhe. Desenvolvimento: De modo a compreender como o processo alveolar reabsorve, deve-se ter em conta as várias técnicas que se podem realizar para permitir uma boa quantidade de osso remanescente na arcada adequada a cada caso para uma possível reabilitação. As técnicas de preservação do osso alveolar após extração passam pela realização de técnicas cirúrgicas minimamente invasivas, estabilização do coágulo pelo princípio da cicatrização por primeira intenção usando membranas ou retalhos, preenchimento do alvéolo dentário com materiais de enxerto ou substitutos ósseos, terapias combinadas com a colocação de implantes imediatos e o recurso a células e fatores de crescimento. Conclusão: A preservação alveolar tem grande importância para uma posterior reabilitação oral com implantes com maior quantidade de osso disponível do que quando não é feita qualquer tipo de preservação. A extração das peças dentárias deve ser feita com cuidado para preservar ao máximo ou não danificar as superfícies ósseas remanescentes. É aconselhado que o encerramento da ferida seja por primeira intenção e que proporcione estabilidade ao coágulo, podendo ser usado retalhos ou mesmo membranas. O uso de enxertos ósseos tem uma importante função de proporcionar uma matriz para o coágulo se formar e promover o processo de cicatrização. O método de implante imediato, para além de ser bastante usado, tem como finalidade o conforto para o paciente de não ser submetido a uma posterior cirurgia para colocação do mesmo e, simultaneamente, mantem a estabilidade dos tecidos moles. Ainda uma técnica menos usada é com células e fatores de crescimento que proporciona uma cicatrização mais rápida e um aumento do potencial regenerativo dos tecidos.
Stand-alone and networked surgical virtual reality based simulators have been proposed as means to train surgical skills with or without a supervisor nearby the student or trainee -- However, surgical skills teaching in medicine schools and hospitals is changing, requiring the development of new tools to focus on: (i) importance of mentors role, (ii) teamwork skills and (iii) remote training support -- For these reasons, a surgical simulator should not only allow the training involving a student and an instructor that are located remotely, but also the collaborative training of users adopting different medical roles during the training sesión -- Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS) allow collaborative training of surgical procedures where remotely located users with different surgical roles can take part in the training session -- To provide successful training involving good collaborative performance, CNVSS should handle heterogeneity factors such as users’ machine capabilities and network conditions, among others -- Several systems for collaborative training of surgical procedures have been developed as research projects -- To the best of our knowledge none has focused on handling heterogeneity in CNVSS -- Handling heterogeneity in this type of collaborative sessions is important because not all remotely located users have homogeneous internet connections, nor the same interaction devices and displays, nor the same computational resources, among other factors -- Additionally, if heterogeneity is not handled properly, it will have an adverse impact on the performance of each user during the collaborative sesión -- In this document, the development of a context-aware architecture for collaborative networked virtual surgical simulators, in order to handle the heterogeneity involved in the collaboration session, is proposed -- To achieve this, the following main contributions are accomplished in this thesis: (i) Which and how infrastructure heterogeneity factors affect the collaboration of two users performing a virtual surgical procedure were determined and analyzed through a set of experiments involving users collaborating, (ii) a context-aware software architecture for a CNVSS was proposed and implemented -- The architecture handles heterogeneity factors affecting collaboration, applying various adaptation mechanisms and finally, (iii) A mechanism for handling heterogeneity factors involved in a CNVSS is described, implemented and validated in a set of testing scenarios
This review evaluates the outcomes of intrastromal corneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation for the treatment of keratoconus considering a new grading system based on the preoperative visual impairment of the patient. Additionally, a five-year follow-up analysis of patients with stable and progressive keratoconus is performed in order to assess the long term stability of the surgical procedure. Corrected distance visual acuity decreased statistically significantly in patients with mild keratoconus (P < 0.01) but statistically significantly increased in all other grades (P < 0.05). The improvement in visual acuity and the decrease of keratometric and aberrometric values were stable throughout a long period of time in patients with stable keratoconus. In patients with progressive form keratoconus, a significant improvement was found immediately after the procedure, however clinically relevant regression greater than 3 D was observed at the end of the follow up period.
Microincision Vitrectomy Trocars – Redefining Surgical Practices Through a New Range of Applications
Transconjunctival microincision vitrectomy surgery (MIVS) has grown increasingly popular among vitreoretinal surgeons over the last few years. Technical advances have led to the development of cutting-edge vitrectomy systems and instruments that significantly contributed to the success of MIVS. Trocar evolution has added extra safeness and effectiveness to the technique. In the hands of an experienced surgeon, microincision vitrectomy trocars offer a new range of applications that can redefine surgical practices and facilitate otherwise complex surgical techniques.
We examined prevention of surgical site infection (SSI) in a tertiary teaching hospital in northeast Brazil, from January 1994 to December 2003. The survey included 5,742 patients subjected to thoracic, urologic, vascular and general surgery. The criteria for diagnosing SSI were those of the Centers for Disease Control, USA, and the variables of the National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance risk index were used. Data analysis revealed that anesthetic risk scores, wound class and duration of surgery were significantly associated with SSI. A total of 296 SSIs were detected among the 5,742 patients (5.1%). The overall incidence of SSI was 8.8% in 1994; it decreased to 3.3% in 2003. In conclusion, the use of educational strategies, based on guidelines for SSI prevention reduced SSI incidence. Appropriate management of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative incision care, and a surveillance system based on international criteria, were useful in reducing SSI rates in our hospital
Pain is considered the 5th vital sign and its measurement/assessment and records are required and must be systematic. Ineffective pain management involves complications in clinical status of patients, longer hospitalization times and higher costs with health. In the surgical patient with impaired cognition, hetero measurements should be made, based on behavioural and physiological indicators. We used to determine the efficacy and efficiency of the Observer Scale, the Abbey Pain Scale and Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD). Our study is an applied, non-experimental, quantitative, descriptive and analytical research. The data collection instrument consisted of patients’ sociodemographic and clinical data, the Observer Scale, the Abbey Pain Scale (Rodrigues, 2013) and PAINAD (Batalha et al., 2012). We assessed pain at an early phase and 45 minutes after an intervention for its relief. The sample is non-probabilistic for convenience, consisting of 76 surgical patients with impaired cognition, admitted to the surgery services of a central hospital, aged between 38 and 96 years. There was a positive correlation between the results of the three scales, most evident in the initial evaluation. Pain intensity in the same patient is higher when assessed with PAINAD (OM = 2.16) and lower when assessed with the Observer Scale (OM = 1.78). The most effective and efficient scale is PAINAD. Due to the small sample size, we suggest confirmatory studies so that the results can be generalized.
Background: Surgery is an indivisible, indispensable part of healthcare. In Africa, surgery may be thought of as the neglected stepchild of global public health. We describe our experience over a 3-year period of intensive collaboration between specialized teams from a Dutch hospital and local teams of an orthopaedic hospital in Effiduase-Koforidua, Ghana. Intervention: During 2010-2012, medical teams from our hospital were deployed to St. Joseph’s Hospital. These teams were completely self-supporting. They were encouraged to work together with the local-staff. Apart from clinical work, effort was also spent on education/ teaching operation techniques/ regional anaesthesia techniques/ scrubbing techniques/ and principles around sterility. Results: Knowledge and quality of care has improved. Nevertheless, the overall level of quality of care still lags behind compared to what we see in the Western world. This is mainly due to financial constraints; restricting the capacity to purchase good equipment, maintaining it, and providing regular education. Conclusion: The relief provided by institutions like Care-to-Move is very valuable and essential to improve the level of healthcare. The hospital has evolved to such a high level that general European teams have become redundant. Focused and dedicated teams should be the next step of support within the nearby future.
Background: Malnutrition in surgical patients is associated with delayed recovery, higher rates of morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospital stay, increased healthcare costs and a higher early re-admission rate. Methods: Data synthesis after review of pertinent literature. Results: The aetiology of malnutrition is multifactorial. In cancer patients, there is an abnormal peripheral glucose disposal, gluconeogenesis, and whole-body glucose turnover. Malnourished cancer patients undergoing major operations are at significant risk from perioperative complications such as infectious complications. Surgical aggression generates an inflammatory response which worsens intermediary metabolism. Conclusions: Nutritional evaluation and nutritional support must be performed in all surgical patients, in order to minimize infectious complications. Enteral nutrition early in the postoperative period is effective and well tolerated reducing infectious complications, improving wound healing and reducing length of hospital stay. Pharmaconutrition is indicated in those patients, who benefit from enteral administration of arginine, omega 3 and RNA, as well as parenteral glutamine supplementation. When proximal sutures are used, tubes allowing early jejunal feeding should be used.
One of the known risk factors for abuse and neglect of the elderly is the decrease in functionat capacity, contributíng to self care dependency of instrumental actívities of daily living and basic activities of daily Itving (OMS, 2015). Methods: Cross-sectional study with non probabilistíc sample of 333 elderly, performed in a hospital, homes and day centers for the elderly. The data collectíon protocol tncluded socio-demographic data, Questíons to elicit Elder Abuse (Carney, Kahan B Paris, 2003 adap. By Ferreira Alves & Sousa, 2005), scale of instrumental actívi - ties of daily living Lawton and Brody and Katz index to assess the levei of independence in actívities of daily living. Objectives: To evaluate the assodation between abuse and neglect in the elderly, instrumental actívitíes of daily living and levei of independence in actívitíes of daily living. Results: Emotional abuse is signifícantty correlated with the levei of independence in activities of daity Uving (p = 0. 000), older peopie with less independence tend to have higher leveis of emotional abuse. The total abuse is signtficantly correlated with the leveis of independence in activittes of daily living (p = 0. 002), less independent elderty tend to suffer greater abuse and neglect. There were no statistically significant associations between abuse and neglect and instrumental activities of daily l1v1ng. Conclusions: The less independent elderly are more vulnerable to situatíons of abuse and neglect, being more exposed to emotional abuse. These results point to the need for health professionals/ nurses develop prevention interventions, including strategies to support carers and early screentng tn less independent elderly. Keywords: Elder abuse. Negligence. Nursing care. Frail elderly. PREVALENCE OF SURGICAL WOUND INFECTION AFTER SURGERY FOR BREAST CÂNCER: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW C. Amaral3, C. Teixeira"'1', F. Sousa'', C. Antãoa "Polythecnic Institute o f Bragança, Bragança, Portugal; bEPI Unit, Public Health Institute, University of Porto, Portugal. Contact details: catarinaisabeln.amaraliSsmaU.com Introduction: Breast câncer is one of the most common mahgnant pathology in European countries, as Portugal, where annual inddence is around 90 new cases per 100,000 women. Breast surgery is the usual treatment for this pathology, however such procedure can be complicated by the infection of surgical site. Objectives: To know the prevalence and determtnants of surgtcal wound infection after breast surgery. Methods: We conducted a systematic review by searching of the Web of Sdence electronic database for articles published over the last s1x years 1n developed countries. Over three hundred dtatíons were obtained and after excludtng citations with reasons, fíve artícles met our inclusion criteria and were included in the present review. Results: Prevalence of surgical wound infection varied across studies between 0. 1% and 12. 5%. Bilateral mastectomy is assodated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than unilateral mastectomy (3. 6% vs 3, 3%), lumpectomy with immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is related with higher frequency of wound infectíon than surgery with no IBR (0, 5% vs 0, 1%), also, mastectomy with IBR is associated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than mastectomy wtth no IBR (1, 5% vs 0, 3%) and breast surgery followed by axiltary lymph nade dissectíon is related with higher prevalence of wound infection than surgical procedures wtth no axillary lymph node dissection (2, 82% vs 1, 66%). Conclusions: Nurses that provide post-operatíve care to women after breast surgery should be aware about risk of wound tnfectíon, partícularly after more invasive procedures.
Surgical site infections (SSIs) remain a major clinical problem in terms of morbidity, mortality, time spent in hospital and overall direct and indirect costs. Objectives: To measure the prevalence of the SSI, by type of surgery and microbiologically characterization, in adult patients undergoing surgery during 2015 at a public hospital in northern Portugal. Methods: A prospective study, attended by 609 adult patients, undergoing surgery. The sociodemographic and clinical data of the population, as well as the surgical procedure and microbiological study were analyzed using Microsoft Access 2013. Results: In the sample of 609 adults undergoing surgery, it was found that 62.89% of surgical wound were cleaned, 15.8% were clean-contaminated, 8.70% were contaminated and 9.36% infected. About 62.52% of the intervened patients had antibiotic prophylaxis prior to surgery. Out of all surgeries, 33.3% were laparoscopic. The percentage of SSI was 5.74%; In these positive cases, only 3.61% was identiied the responsible bacteria. The urgent surgeries have more infections when compared to the programmed ones. In colon surgery the number of infections was 60% after cholecystectomy (22.86%). In hernioplasty, infection occurred in only 2.86% of the patients. The most isolated bacteria was Escherichia coli with 59%, in which 30% are -producing-lactamases of extended spectrum, followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13.6%) and Serratia marcescens (13.6%). The mortality rate was 14.8%. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated in 3 of 4 patients who died. Conclusions: The most microorganisms belong to the group of Gram-negative and are usually linked to infections associated with health care.
Surgical Site Infection is one of the most common infection associated with health care, but can also be the most preventable situation. Surgical site infection in patients undergoing colorectal surgery varies according to the literature, from 3.5 to 21.3%, being identiied as the highest rate of infection among elective procedures and emergency. Objectives: To identify and characterize the occurrence of surgical site infection in patients undergoing colorectal surgery at a hospital in northern Portugal. Methods: A prospective study in a hospital in the north of Portugal in 2015, patients admitted to the surgical service who underwent colorectal surgery. Patients were selected more than 24 hours of admission, obtaining a sample of 102 participants. The characterization of the patient and the surgery was done using a search in the irst 24 hours after surgery and the registration of the infection at the time of occurrence and 30 days after the intervention. Results: 102 participants, 67 (65.7%) were male with a mean age of 71.92 years (37-93 years) and 40.2% underwent emergency surgery. There was a prevalence of surgical site infection in 21 patients (20.6%). Among these 15 were male (71.4%) with mean age of 72.24 years. They were hospitalized on average 22 days, with an average of 19 days of hospitalization after surgery. Escherichia-coli was the microorganism most frequently isolated in culture studies with 13 (60.0%) cases of surgical site infection and organ/space was the main site identiied with infection - 38.1%. Conclusions: The prevalence of surgical site infection was 5.1% and Escherichia coli most common etiologic agent. It is suggested that other studies can analyze the associated factors with this type of infection.
Aim: To investigate the healing process following use of collagen sponges in the dental socket after extraction. Wound complications during the study were also evaluated. Methods: 32 cats were included in this study. IV administration of the combination of diazepam (0.22 mg/kg) and ketamine (10 mg/kg) was used to induce general anesthesia. Surgical extraction of both 3rd mandibular premolars was performed. The open dental sockets were divided in two groups. In Group A, the open dental socket on the left side was closed using 4-0 Monocryl in simple interrupted pattern. In Group B, the right dental socket was filled with lyophilized hydrolyzed collagen and the buccal and lingual flaps were sutured using 4-0 Monocryl and simple interrupted pattern. Meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg) was used to manage the post-extraction pain in all cats. Ampicilline 20 mg/kg was used as prophylaxis. The wounds were observed during the study to evaluate any signs of inflammation or dehiscence. Radiographs were taken to compare healing of the socket 3 weeks after the procedure. A 1 mm biopsy punch sample was taken from sockets in all cats for comparison of the healing in both groups. Results: Hemorrhage occurred only in the sockets of Group A. Remission of radiolucent area occurred in both groups. Mean score of inflammation was lower and mean scores of fibrotic reaction and fibroplasia were higher in Group B (p<0.05). Conclusions: Use of hemosponge in alveolar socket may accelerate fibroplasia and formation of the connective tissue and reduce inflammation after tooth extraction. Therefore, post-extraction use of the hemostatic agent in the dental socket is recommended.
We report a case of a 18-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm of the right supericial femoral artery secondary to penetrating injury by gunshot, which was treated in our Hospital with an aneurysm resection and a saphenous vascular graft inverted with a satisfactory evolution.