930 resultados para Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)


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Con el exilio republicano posterior a la guerra civil de 1936-39 se produjo la dispersión y fractura del campo cultural español. Con mayor o menor conciencia, los escritores exiliados debieron adaptar sus proyectos creadores a las nuevas circunstancias. Entre ellos, Francisco Ayala dio tempranas señales de diseñar una estrategia para contrarrestar los efectos de la diáspora intelectual


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Este artículo tiene por objeto analizar la formación de un discurso como «nueva memoria¼ que sobre los sucesos del pasado se delinean en Beatus ille . Este discurso se teje sobre la biografía y la obra de un poeta perdido de la generación del 27, y se detiene enfáticamente en 1968, desconociendo el presente inmediato en el que se escribe y publica esta novela.


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Cambodia has experienced high economic growth in the last decade. Because most of its industries were destroyed during the Pol Pot regime and civil war, in the last 20 years the country has been working hard to liberalize its economy to attract foreign investors With its efforts to join the regional and international community and with changes in the international trade environment, Cambodia started to grow its economy in the late 1990s. Now, in the early 21st century, the Cambodian economy seems to be prepared to take off. We can observe a kind of industrial agglomeration occurring, even though still at a small scale. In this paper, first, I will review the history of Cambodia’s economic development since the late 1980s. Second, I will examine the economic policies, laws, rules, and other environmental factors which have influenced industrial development and industrial location in Cambodia. Third, I will introduce industrial location in the late 2000s. Lastly, I will introduce some statistical data for the future analysis of industrial location in Cambodia.


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The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the historical relation between conflict and land tenure in Rwanda, a country that experienced a harsh civil war and genocide in the mid-1990s. The victory of the Tutsi-led rebel, Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) at that time triggered a massive return of refugees and a drastic change in land tenure policy. These were refugees who had fled the country at around the time of independence, in 1962, due to the political turmoil and persecution (the "social revolution") and who shared the background of the core RPF members. The social revolution had dismantled the existent Tutsi-led political order, compelling many Tutsi families to seek refuge outside their homeland. Under the post-independence rule of a Hutu-led government, the Tutsi refugees were not allowed to return and the lands they left behind were often arbitrarily distributed by local authorities among Hutu peasants. After victory in the mid-1990s civil war, the newly established RPF-led government ordered the current inhabitants of the lands to divide the properties in order to allocate portions to the Tutsi returnees. Different patterns of land holding and land division will be explained in the paper from data gathered through the authors' fieldworks in the southern and eastern parts of Rwanda. Although overt resistance to land division has not been observed to date, the land rights of the Tutsi returnees must be considered unstable because their legitimacy depends primarily on the strength and political stability of the RPF-led government. If the authority of RPF were to weaken, the land rights will be jeopardized. Throughout Rwandan history, in which political exclusion has often led to serious conflict, macro-level politics have repeatedly influenced land holding. Promotion of an inclusive democracy, therefore, is indispensable to escape the vicious circle between political instability and land rights.


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The active initiative taken by Russian President Vladamir Putin by bombarding the antigovernment forces in Syria at the end of September 2015 startled the world by its precalculated boldness. Russian intervention has radically changed the dynamic of the war by empowering the Syrian government of Bashar Assad, and has resulted in a ceasefire agreement which starts on 27th February 2016, led by Russia and the US. No one can predict at present the next stage of conflicts in Syria or whether it will result in a positive solution to the tragic wars there. However, there is no denying the fact that Russia has played an important role in the development of the game. This paper analyzes the motivations of Putin in intervening in the Syrian crisis and the factors which have enabled Russia to play an enlarged role in the Middle East, seemingly beyond its objective capabilities. Legacies of international networks built during the Soviet period; shrewd tactics in making use of the inconsistency and vacillation of US policies, particularly towards the Middle East; its historical experience of interaction with the Muslim cultures, including domestic ones; its geopolitical perception of world politics, and the export of energy resources and military weapons as tools of diplomacy are some of the factors which explain Russian behavior. At the same time, the personal leadership and accumulated experience of President Putin in formulating Russian diplomacy and in manipulating different issues in a combined policy should be taken into account. His initiative in Syria succeeded to some extent in turning world attention away from the Ukrainian issue, aimed at changing the present sanctions imposed by the West. Another phenomenon to be noted in the international arena is the newly developed mutual interaction between Russia and the Arab countries in the Gulf. Frequent visits to Russia by autocratic leaders, including kings, emirsand princes do not always reflect a shared common interest between Russia and the Arab leaders. On the contrary, in spite of sharp and fundamental differences in their attitude toward the issues related to Syria, Iran and Yemen, the Arab leaders find it necessary to communicate with Russia and to know Russia’s expected strategies and intentions towards the Middle East, apart from its oil and gas policies. The Iran deal on the nuclear issue in July 2015 may have been a factor behind the phenomena.


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Se propone una metodología para la evaluación de soluciones constructivas de fachada para la rehabilitación de viviendas sociales, construidas entre el final de la Guerra Civil y la entrada en vigor de la norma básica NBE-CT-79, sobre condiciones térmicas en edificios. La metodología parte por un lado del análisis del estado actual en las viviendas, y por otro de la caracterización de las soluciones constructivas de rehabilitación, para la evaluación conjunta de las posibles mejoras. Esta evaluación persigue valorar su repercusión en la calidad del ambiente interior, y en la reducción de la demanda energética para acondicionamiento térmico. Se aplica sobre dos viviendas tipo que se han monitorizado en Madrid, utilizando dos soluciones innovadoras para rehabilitación energética, que disponen de documentos de idoneidad DIT y DITE. Una incorpora sobre la fachada tipo un aislamiento por el exterior, y otra incorpora un sistema de fachada ventilada, también sobre esta fachada tipo. El análisis de las viviendas se ha realizado a partir de la toma de datos, ensayos y estudio de detalle, llevados a cabo a lo largo de los años 2014 y 2015. El análisis de los sistemas de fachada se ha realizado a partir de ensayos controlados, comparando los resultados para tres tipos de fachada: una fachada tipo, habitual en la construcción de las viviendas de este periodo, y las dos soluciones innovadoras mencionadas. Una vez realizado el diagnóstico de las viviendas y el análisis de los ensayos de los sistemas constructivos, los resultados obtenidos se utilizan para generar los modelos de simulación sobre los que evaluar las mejoras. El periodo de estudio comprende cuatro décadas que comienzan en 1940, en un momento con escasos medios técnicos para la construcción, y que coincide con el comienzo del crecimiento en las grandes ciudades, y finaliza con la incorporación en la normativa de las exigencias de aislamiento en fachadas, de 1979. En la ciudad de Madrid las viviendas construidas en este periodo, suponen un 45% del total de viviendas censadas en 2011. La rehabilitación energética se ha ido incorporando en los sucesivos planes nacionales de vivienda como actuación protegida, y son muchos y muy diversos los planes de acción desde la administración en materia de vivienda social, tanto a nivel nacional como europeo. La vivienda queda incluida en materia de desarrollo y cohesión urbana, territorial y social, haciendo necesario un enfoque integrado. Los barrios de vivienda social forman parte de un patrimonio construido en los que los criterios de sostenibilidad toman especial interés y relevancia, ya que a través del tiempo se han construido como actores y testigos de su historia social, económica, ambiental y cultural. El diseño de los modelos y actuaciones de futuro se sustenta en la asimilación de esa complejidad y diversidad adquirida. Por otro lado, el actual reto que impone el calentamiento global obliga a plantear escenarios de adaptación y mejora en estos edificios, con una especial atención a la dependencia energética, el consumo de recursos, y emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La fachada es el elemento más importante de la envolvente en los edificios multifamiliares, siendo el lugar donde se produce el intercambio entre el ambiente interior y exterior. Su rehabilitación puede mejorar las prestaciones de habitabilidad en las viviendas, y disminuir la demanda de energía para alcanzar unas condiciones de confort estándar. El trabajo de investigación que se ha realizado, forma parte de una linea de investigación abierta sobre sistemas constructivos y habitabilidad en edificación. ABSTRACT A methodology for the evaluation of facade’s constructive solutions for social housing refurbishment, built between the end of the Civil War, and the entry into force of the basic standard NBE-CT-79 on thermal conditions in buildings is proposed. This methodology starts both with the analysis of the current status in dwellings, and with the characterization of rehabilitation’s constructive solutions performance, for the integrated assessment of improvements. The evaluation seeks to assess their impact on the indoor environmental quality, and on reducing the energy demand for thermal conditioning. The methodology is applied to two standard dwellings, that have been monitored in Madrid, with two innovative solutions for energy refurbishment, which have DIT and DITE assessment documents. One incorporates an exterior insulation, and the other incorporates a ventilated facade system. The analysis of the dwellings was made from data collection, testing and detailed study, conducted throughout 2014 and 2015. Analysis of the facade systems was made from controlled trials comparing the results for three types of façade: a standard usual facade common in the construction of this period, and the two innovative solutions mentioned. Based on the diagnosis of housing and systems analysis, the results are used to generate simulation models on which assess the improvements. The study period comprises four decades starting in 1940, at a time with limited technical resources for construction, which coincides with the beginning of growth in big cities, and ends with the incorporation in the 1979 legislation of the façade’s insulation requirements. In the city of Madrid the houses built in this period account for 45% of all households surveyed in 2011. As a “protected action” energy rehabilitation has been incorporated in successive national housing plans, and there are many and very different action plans from the Administration in the field of social housing, both at national and European level. An integrated approach is needed, due to the inclusion of housing in development and urban, territorial and social cohesion. Social housing neighborhoods are part of the built heritage. Sustainability criteria therefore are particularely relevant, since over time they have been built as actors and witnesses of their social, economic, environmental and cultural history. The design and performance of future models is based on the assimilation of this complexity and diversity acquired. On the other hand, the current challenge posed by global warming forces to consider scenarios for adaptation and improvement in these buildings, with particular attention to energy dependence, resource consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. The facade is the most important element of the envelope in the multi-family buildings, being the place where the exchange occurs between the indoor and outdoor environments. Its rehabilitation can improve wellbeing in housing performance, and reduce energy demand to achieve standard comfort conditions. This research that has been done, is part of an open research line on construction and living conditions in buildings.


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Letter from Richard Baxter Foster to his wife Lucy from Brownsville, Texas on September 29, 1865


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Letter from Richard Baxter Foster to his wife Lucy from Brownsville, Texas on June 4 1865.


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Letter from Richard Baxter Foster to his wife Lucy from Brownsville, Texas on Sept 3 1865.


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Letter from Richard Baxter Foster to his wife Lucy from St. Louis on September 14, 1863.