989 resultados para Solving Equations


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Boolean games are a framework for reasoning about the rational behavior of agents whose goals are formalized using propositional formulas. Compared to normal form games, a well-studied and related game framework, Boolean games allow for an intuitive and more compact representation of the agents’ goals. So far, Boolean games have been mainly studied in the literature from the Knowledge Representation perspective, and less attention has been paid on the algorithmic issues underlying the computation of solution concepts. Although some suggestions for solving specific classes of Boolean games have been made in the literature, there is currently no work available on the practical performance. In this paper, we propose the first technique to solve general Boolean games that does not require an exponential translation to normal-form games. Our method is based on disjunctive answer set programming and computes solutions (equilibria) of arbitrary Boolean games. It can be applied to a wide variety of solution concepts, and can naturally deal with extensions of Boolean games such as constraints and costs. We present detailed experimental results in which we compare the proposed method against a number of existing methods for solving specific classes of Boolean games, as well as adaptations of methods that were initially designed for normal-form games. We found that the heuristic methods that do not require all payoff matrix entries performed well for smaller Boolean games, while our ASP based technique is faster when the problem instances have a higher number of agents or action variables.


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Boolean games are a framework for reasoning about the rational behaviour of agents, whose goals are formalized using propositional formulas. They offer an attractive alternative to normal-form games, because they allow for a more intuitive and more compact encoding. Unfortunately, however, there is currently no general, tailor-made method available to compute the equilibria of Boolean games. In this paper, we introduce a method for finding the pure Nash equilibria based on disjunctive answer set programming. Our method is furthermore capable of finding the core elements and the Pareto optimal equilibria, and can easily be modified to support other forms of optimality, thanks to the declarative nature of disjunctive answer set programming. Experimental results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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In a number of species, individuals showing lateralized hand/paw usage (i.e. the preferential use of either the right or left paw) compared to ambilateral individuals have been shown to be more proactive in novel situations. In the current study we used an established test to assess preferential paw usage in dogs (the Kong test) and then compared the performance of ambilateral and lateralized dogs as well as left- vs. right-pawed dogs in a novel manipulative problem solving task. Results showed an equal proportion of ambilateral and lateralized dogs but contrary to predictions non-lateralized dogs were faster at accessing the apparatus in test trials. No differences emerged between right- and left-pawed dogs. Results are discussed in relation to previous studies on lateralization. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Generating timetables for an institution is a challenging and time consuming task due to different demands on the overall structure of the timetable. In this paper, a new hybrid method which is a combination of a great deluge and artificial bee colony algorithm (INMGD-ABC) is proposed to address the university timetabling problem. Artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) is a population based method that has been introduced in recent years and has proven successful in solving various optimization problems effectively. However, as with many search based approaches, there exist weaknesses in the exploration and exploitation abilities which tend to induce slow convergence of the overall search process. Therefore, hybridization is proposed to compensate for the identified weaknesses of the ABC. Also, inspired from imperialist competitive algorithms, an assimilation policy is implemented in order to improve the global exploration ability of the ABC algorithm. In addition, Nelder–Mead simplex search method is incorporated within the great deluge algorithm (NMGD) with the aim of enhancing the exploitation ability of the hybrid method in fine-tuning the problem search region. The proposed method is tested on two differing benchmark datasets i.e. examination and course timetabling datasets. A statistical analysis t-test has been conducted and shows the performance of the proposed approach as significantly better than basic ABC algorithm. Finally, the experimental results are compared against state-of-the art methods in the literature, with results obtained that are competitive and in certain cases achieving some of the current best results to those in the literature.


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We extend the generalized Langevin equation (GLE) method [L. Stella, C. D. Lorenz, and L. Kantorovich, Phys. Rev. B 89, 134303 (2014)] to model a central classical region connected to two realistic thermal baths at two different temperatures. In such nonequilibrium conditions a heat flow is established, via the central system, in between the two baths. The GLE-2B (GLE two baths) scheme permits us to have a realistic description of both the dissipative central system and its surrounding baths. Following the original GLE approach, the extended Langevin dynamics scheme is modified to take into account two sets of auxiliary degrees of freedom corresponding to the mapping of the vibrational properties of each bath. These auxiliary variables are then used to solve the non-Markovian dissipative dynamics of the central region. The resulting algorithm is used to study a model of a short Al nanowire connected to two baths. The results of the simulations using the GLE-2B approach are compared to the results of other simulations that were carried out using standard thermostatting approaches (based on Markovian Langevin and Nosé-Hoover thermostats). We concentrate on the steady-state regime and study the establishment of a local temperature profile within the system. The conditions for obtaining a flat profile or a temperature gradient are examined in detail, in agreement with earlier studies. The results show that the GLE-2B approach is able to treat, within a single scheme, two widely different thermal transport regimes, i.e., ballistic systems, with no temperature gradient, and diffusive systems with a temperature gradient.


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Esta dissertação estuda essencialmente dois problemas: (A) uma classe de equações unidimensionais de reacção-difusão-convecção em meios não uniformes (dependentes do espaço), e (B) um problema elíptico não-linear e paramétrico ligado a fenómenos de capilaridade. A Análise de Perturbação Singular e a dinâmica de Hamilton-Jacobi são utilizadas na obtenção de expressões assimptóticas para a solução (com comportamento de frente) e para a sua velocidade de propagação. Os seguintes três métodos de decomposição, Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM), Decomposition Method based on Infinite Products (DIP), e New Iterative Method (NIM), são apresentados e brevemente comparados. Adicionalmente, condições suficientes para a convergência da solução em série, obtida pelo ADM, e uma aplicação a um problema da Telecomunicações por Fibras Ópticas, envolvendo EDOs não-lineares designadas equações de Raman, são discutidas. Um ponto de vista mais abrangente que unifica os métodos de decomposição referidos é também apresentado. Para subclasses desta EDP são obtidas soluções numa forma explícita, para diferentes tipos de dados e usando uma variante do método de simetrias de Bluman-Cole. Usando Teoria de Pontos Críticos (o teorema usualmente designado mountain pass) e técnicas de truncatura, prova-se a existência de duas soluções não triviais (uma positiva e uma negativa) para o problema elíptico não-linear e paramétrico (B). A existência de uma terceira solução não trivial é demonstrada usando Grupos Críticos e Teoria de Morse.


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Esta dissertação estuda em detalhe três problemas elípticos: (I) uma classe de equações que envolve o operador Laplaciano, um termo singular e nãolinearidade com o exponente crítico de Sobolev, (II) uma classe de equações com singularidade dupla, o expoente crítico de Hardy-Sobolev e um termo côncavo e (III) uma classe de equações em forma divergente, que envolve um termo singular, um operador do tipo Leray-Lions, e uma função definida nos espaços de Lorentz. As não-linearidades consideradas nos problemas (I) e (II), apresentam dificuldades adicionais, tais como uma singularidade forte no ponto zero (de modo que um "blow-up" pode ocorrer) e a falta de compacidade, devido à presença do exponente crítico de Sobolev (problema (I)) e Hardy-Sobolev (problema (II)). Pela singularidade existente no problema (III), a definição padrão de solução fraca pode não fazer sentido, por isso, é introduzida uma noção especial de solução fraca em subconjuntos abertos do domínio. Métodos variacionais e técnicas da Teoria de Pontos Críticos são usados para provar a existência de soluções nos dois primeiros problemas. No problema (I), são usadas uma combinação adequada de técnicas de Nehari, o princípio variacional de Ekeland, métodos de minimax, um argumento de translação e estimativas integrais do nível de energia. Neste caso, demonstramos a existência de (pelo menos) quatro soluções não triviais onde pelo menos uma delas muda de sinal. No problema (II), usando o método de concentração de compacidade e o teorema de passagem de montanha, demostramos a existência de pelo menos duas soluções positivas e pelo menos um par de soluções com mudança de sinal. A abordagem do problema (III) combina um resultado de surjectividade para operadores monótonos, coercivos e radialmente contínuos com propriedades especiais do operador de tipo Leray- Lions. Demonstramos assim a existência de pelo menos, uma solução no espaço de Lorentz e obtemos uma estimativa para esta solução.


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This chapter focuses on the development of organizational creativity, using the CPS methodology, aiming at demonstrating its effectiveness in using the individual and team divergent thinking improvement in identifying organizational problems. A study was undertaken using problem solving teams in seven companies, in which each individual was submitted to a pre-post test in attitudes towards divergent thinking and asked to express the evaluation of the method. All the information reported in the sessions was recorded. The results indicate a change in attitude favourable to divergent thinking, the provision of a professional, efficient method of organizing knowledge in such a way that can help individuals to find original solutions to problems, and an important way to lead teams to creativity and innovation, according with companies different orientations.


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This research focuses on creativity and innovation management in organizations. We present a model of intervention that aims at establishing a culture of organizational innovation through the internal development of individual and team creativity focusing on problem solving. The model relies on management’s commitment and in the organization’s talented people (creative leaders and employees) as a result of their ability in defining a better organization. The design follows Min Basadur’s problem solving approach consisting of problem finding, fact finding, problem definition, solution finding and decision implementation. These steps are carried out using specific techniques and procedures that will link creative people and management in order to initiate the process until problems are defined. For each defined problem, project teams will develop possible solutions and implement these decisions. Thus, a system of transformation of the individual and team creativity into organizational innovation can be established.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) method in improving the leadership process in a non-profit organization. The research was designed around an intervention and structured in three stages (pre-consult, intervention and follow-up), with a team designated by management, in order to bring leadership cohesion to both departments of the organization and also between the board and executive management. The results, expressed in the tasks performed and in the interviews to team members, allowed us to conclude on the effectiveness of the CPS method to improve organizational leadership, by establishing a stronger relationship between departments, as well as, in the long term, between the board and executive management. These results highlight possible solutions to improve the leadership of non-profit organizations.


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Tese de doutoramento, Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações (Processamento de Sinal), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ciências da Educação (Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014