997 resultados para Solar access
In order to be effective, access to prehospital care must be integrated into a system described as "the chain of survival". This system is composed of 5 essential phases: 1) basic help by witnesses; 2) call for help; 3) basic life support; 4) professional rescue and transport to the appropriate institution and 5) access to emergency ward and hospital management. Each phase is characterized by a specific organization, dedicated skills and means in order to increase the level of care brought to the patient. This article describes the organization, the utility and the specificity of the chain of survival allowing access to prehospital medical care in the western part of Switzerland.
According to the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Policy for libraries and the recommendations of the BOAI10, libraries and librarians have an important role to fulfil in the encouragement of open access. Taking into account the Competencies for Information Professionals of the 21st Century, elaborated by the Special Libraries Association, and the Librarians’ Competencies Profile for Scholarly Publishing and Open Access, we shall identify the competencies and new areas of knowledge and expertise that have been involved in the process of the development and upkeep of our institutional repository (Repositorio SSPA).
Proposta del procés d’electròlisi com a mètode de recuperació de metalls pesants presents en les aigües de rentat de la indústria galvànica i l’obtenció de l’energia necessària a través de l’energia solar fotovoltaica
Estudi de viabilitat de climatització de la Facultat de Ciències de la UdG per energia solar. Estudi de costos i comparació de l’estalvi respecte al sistema actual
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és la realització d’un seguidor solar, i per poder tenir la màxima precisió en el control de moviment utilitzarem un microcontrolador (PIC 16F877) per controlar el seu estat en tot moment. Volem aconseguir que aquesta placa electrònica pugui controlar un seguidor i posteriorment ampliar-ho a un camp de seguidor solars per una vivenda estàndard. Quan parlem de controlar els seguidor ens referim a fer la orientació adient a cada moment del dia, aquesta orientació tindrà dos graus de llibertat. També aprofitarem les hores vall per poder fer el reposicionament de totes les plaques solarsAquest sistema microprocessat tindrà el suport d’un sistema d’actualització de calendari solar, per saber en quin moment del dia s’ha de posar en marxa i en quina direcció s’ha de posicionar
There is an ever-growing trend towards less-invasive procedures in all fields of medicine. We designed an animal study to prove the concept that trans-apical aortic valve replacement from an incision within the umbilicus through a single channel for instruments is feasible, which would be a major leap towards no-scar cardiac surgery. In three adult pigs, after creating a single 3-cm incision at a place where the human umbilicus would be, we introduced a 30F sheath through a tunnel created by an endoscopic vein-harvesting device up to the cardiac apex, through it and up to the left ventricle simulating the approach for trans-apical aortic valve replacement. We used a standard Amplatz nitinol occluder to seal the defect in ventricle wall later. The animals were followed up for 1h. Blood loss was minimal, and no tamponade occurred in any of the animals. In addition, we performed a test with water column static pressure to evaluate the impact of preclotting on the sealing properties of the occluders: 1 min flow-through was 2860+/-176 ml for the standard occluders and 348+/-56 ml for preclotted occluders (p<0.001).
The Editorial presents the focus, scope, policies, and the inaugural issue of NeoBiota, a new open access peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions. The new journal NeoBiota is a continuation of the former NEOBIOTA publication series. The journal will deal with all aspects of invasion biology and impose no restrictions on manuscript size neither on use of color. NeoBiota implies an XML-based editorial workflow and several cutting-edge innovations in publishing and dissemination, such as semantic markup of and enhancements to published texts, data publication, and extensive cross-linking within the journal and to external sources
Report for the Iowa Utilities Board and the Iowa Department of Economic Development
Report for Iowa Utilities Board
Report for the Iowa Utilities Board.
Objectius: Estimar la prevalença del dèficit de VitD en pacients amb DM2; avaluar el compliment de les IDR per la VitD; valorar la influència d’aquest compliment i de l’exposició solar en la 25-OH-D3 i la PTHi. Mètodes: 70 pacients. Es va estimar l’exposició solar i la ingesta de VitD. Es van determinar paràmetres del metabolisme fosfo-càlcic i del control glucèmic. Resultats: El 95,8% presentaven hipovitaminosi D, i el 14,8% una PTHi elevada. La majoria no van assolir el compliment de les IDR. La 25-OH-D3 es va correlacionar amb la PTHi però no amb la ingesta de VitD ni l’exposició solar.
OBJECTIVES: Street-based sex workers (SSWs) in Lausanne, Switzerland, are poorly characterised. We set out to quantify potential vulnerability factors in this population and to examine SSW healthcare use and unmet healthcare requirements. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey among SSWs working in Lausanne's red light district between 1 February and 31 July 2010, examining SSW socio-demographic characteristics and factors related to their healthcare. RESULTS: We interviewed 50 SSWs (76% of those approached). A fifth conducted their interviews in French, the official language in Lausanne. 48 participants (96%) were migrants, of whom 33/48 (69%) held no residence permit. 22/50 (44%) had been educated beyond obligatory schooling. 28/50 (56%) had no health insurance. 18/50 (36%) had been victims of physical violence. While 36/50 (72%) had seen a doctor during the preceding 12 months, only 15/50 (30%) were aware of a free clinic for individuals without health insurance. Those unaware of free services consulted emergency departments or doctors outside Switzerland. Gynaecology, primary healthcare and dental services were most often listed as needed. Two individuals (of 50, 4%) disclosed positive HIV status; of the others, 24/48 (50%) had never had an HIV test. CONCLUSIONS: This vulnerable population comprises SSWs who, whether through mobility, insufficient education or language barriers, are unaware of services they are entitled to. With half the participants reporting no HIV testing, there is a need to enhance awareness of available facilities as well as to increase provision and uptake of HIV testing.
PURPOSE: The intraoperative quality assessment of the arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis is an essential process to limit early failure due to technical problems or inadequate vascular quality. This step is not clearly defined in the literature with no recommendations. METHODS: We selected published articles related to the topic of intraoperative quality control of the vascular access for hemodialysis. RESULTS: The intraoperative blood flow measurement greater than 120 ml/min in autologous fistula and less than 320 ml/min in arteriovenous graft was described as predictive factors for early failure. CONCLUSIONS: The blood flow measurement should be performed after the confection of the anastomosis. When blood flow is limited, fistulography is an essential step to assess patency.