927 resultados para Simple Ternary Inverter
[EN]This work studies the volumetric (VE m) and energetic (HE m) properties resulting from the mixing processes of binary systems and the corresponding ternary of two methyl esters (methanoate and pentanoate) with methanol. The three binaries produce net endothermic mixing effects, with important energetic interactions, with maximum values of HE m ffi 400 J mol 1 , for the (ester + ester) system. This produces expansive effects VE m > 0, but the binaries of the (methyl esters + methanol) give rise to contractions VE m < 0, due to the formation of molecular aggregates.
[EN]The re-identification problem has been commonly accomplished using appearance features based on salient points and color information. In this paper, we focus on the possibilities that simple geometric features obtained from depth images captured with RGB-D cameras may offer for the task, particularly working under severe illumination conditions. The results achieved for different sets of simple geometric features extracted in a top-view setup seem to provide useful descriptors for the re-identification task, which can be integrated in an ambient intelligent environment as part of a sensor network.
[EN]The effectiveness and accuracy of the superposition method in assessing the dynamic stiffness and damping functions of embedded footings supported by vertical piles in homogeneous viscoelastic soil is addressed. To the end, the impedances of piled embedded footings are compared to those obtained by suporposing the impedance functions of the corresponding pile groups and embedded footing treated separately.
[EN]We present a new strategy for constructing spline spaces over hierarchical T-meshes with quad- and octree subdivision scheme. The proposed technique includes some simple rules for inferring local knot vectors to define C 2 -continuous cubic tensor product spline blending functions. Our conjecture is that these rules allow to obtain, for a given T-mesh, a set of linearly independent spline functions with the property that spaces spanned by nested T-meshes are also nested, and therefore, the functions can reproduce cubic polynomials. In order to span spaces with these properties applying the proposed rules, the T-mesh should fulfill the only requirement of being a 0- balanced mesh...
L’introduzione massiccia dell’elettronica di potenza nel campo degli azionamenti elettrici negli ultimi decenni ha sostanzialmente rivoluzionato la tipologia di alimentazione dei motori elettrici. Da un lato ciò ha migliorato la qualità del controllo della velocità, ma dall’altro ha aggravato le sollecitazioni che gli isolanti delle macchine devono sopportare. Si è infatti passati da tecniche di controllo tradizionali, che consistevano nell’alimentare i motori in alternata direttamente con la rete sinusoidale a 50 Hz (o a 60 Hz), ad alimentazioni indirette, cioè realizzate interponendo tra la rete e la macchina un convertitore elettronico (inverter). Tali dispositivi operano una conversione di tipo ac/dc e dc/ac che permette, come nella modulazione Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), di poter variare la frequenza di alimentazione della macchina, generando una sequenza di impulsi di larghezza variabile. Si è quindi passati dalle tradizionali alimentazioni con forme d’onda alternate sinusoidali a forme di tensione impulsive e ad elevata frequenza, cioè caratterizzate da rapidi fronti di salita e di discesa (dell’ordine di qualche kV/µs). La natura impulsiva di queste forme d’onda ha aggravato la sollecitazione elettrica a cui sono sottoposti i materiali impiegati per l’isolamento dei conduttori degli avvolgimenti delle macchine. E’ importante notare che l’utilizzo dei dispositivi elettronici, che ormai si trovano sparsi nelle reti di bassa tensione, assorbono correnti ad elevato contenuto armonico sul lato di prelievo, hanno quindi un effetto distorcente che altera l’andamento sinusoidale della rete stessa. Quindi, senza opportuni filtri, anche tutte le altre utenze connesse nelle vicinanze, dimensionate per alimentazioni sinusoidali di tipo tradizionale, possono risentire di queste distorsioni armoniche. Per tutti questi motivi è sorta la necessità di verificare l’adeguatezza dei tradizionali isolamenti ad essere in grado di sopportare le sollecitazioni che derivano dall’utilizzo di convertitori elettronici. In particolare, per i motori elettrici tale interrogativo è stato posto in seguito al verificarsi di un elevato numero di guasti inaspettati (precoci), probabilmente imputabile alla diversa sollecitazione elettrica applicata ai materiali. In questa tesi ci si è occupati della progettazione di un inverter di media tensione, che verrà impiegato per eseguire prove sugli avvolgimenti di statore di motori (formette), al fine di condurre successivamente uno studio sull’invecchiamento dei materiali che compongono gli isolamenti. Tale inverter è in grado di generare sequenze di impulsi con modulazione PWM. I parametri caratteristici delle sequenze possono essere modificati in modo da studiare i meccanismi di degradazione in funzione della tipologia delle sollecitazioni applicate. Avendo a che fare con provini di natura capacitiva, il cui isolamento può cedere durante la prova, il sistema deve essere intrinsecamente protetto nei confronti di tutte le condizioni anomale e di pericolo. In particolare deve essere in grado di offrire rapide ed efficaci protezioni per proteggere l’impianto stesso e per salvaguardare la sicurezza degli operatori, dato l’elevato livello delle tensioni in gioco. Per questo motivo è stata pensata un’architettura di sistema ad hoc, in grado di fronteggiare le situazioni anomale in modo ridondante. E’ infatti stato previsto l’inserimento di un sistema di controllo basato sul CompactRIO, sul quale è stato implementato un software in grado di monitorare le grandezze caratteristiche del sistema e le protezioni che affiancheranno quelle hardware, realizzate con dispositivi elettronici. I dispositivi elettronici di protezione e di interfacciamento sono stati studiati, implementati e simulati con PSpice, per poi essere successivamente dimensionati e realizzati su schede elettroniche, avvalendosi del software OrCAD. La tesi è strutturata come segue: - Il primo capitolo tratta, in maniera generale, i motori asincroni trifase, gli inverter e l’invecchiamento dei sistemi isolanti, con particolare interesse alle sollecitazioni meccaniche, termiche ed elettriche nel caso di sollecitazioni impulsive; - Il secondo capitolo riguarda il sistema realizzato nel suo complesso. Inizialmente verrà descritto lo schema elettrico generale, per poi analizzare più nello specifico le varie parti di cui il sistema è composto, come l’inverter di media tensione, il generatore di media tensione, la scheda di disaccoppiamento ottico, la scheda di controllo del generatore di media tensione, la scheda OCP; - Il terzo capitolo descrive le lavorazioni meccaniche eseguite sulle scatole contenti i rami di inverter, la realizzazione delle fibre ottiche e riporta le fasi di collaudo dell’intero sistema. Infine, verranno tratte le conclusioni.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Phasenverhalten von Polyethylen (PE) in nicht-reaktiven und in reaktiven Systemen. Von drei eng verteilten Polyethylenen (Mw = 6,4, 82 bzw. 380 kg/mol) in n-Hexan sowie für das System 2,2-Dimethylbutan / PE 82 wurde die Entmischung in Abhängigkeit von der Zusammensetzung, dem Druck und der Temperatur experimentell bestimmt. Die Modellierung der Trübungskurven erfolgte nach der Theorie von Sanchez und Lacombe. Dieser Ansatz beschreibt die Ergebnisse qualitativ und kann in einem engen Temperatur- und Druckbereich für gegebenes Molekulargewicht die kritische Temperatur und den kritischen Druck quantitativ vorhersagen. Durch Extrapolation der kritischen Temperatur der verschiedenen Lösungen von PE in n-Hexan auf unendliches Molekulargewicht nach Shultz-Flory wurde im Druckbereich von 20 bis 100 bar und im Temperaturbereich von 130 bis 200 °C eine Grenzlinie bestimmt. Diese Linie trennt unabhängig vom Molekulargewicht des Polymers und der Zusammensetzung der Mischung das Zweiphasengebiet vom homogenen Bereich. Im Fall des Mischlösungsmittels n-Hexan / 2,2-Dimethylbutan wurde für eine annähernd kritische Polymerkonzentration die Abhängigkeit der Entmischungsbedingungen von der Zusammensetzung untersucht. Durch einfache Erweiterung der Sanchez-Lacombe-Theorie und Einführen eines Fitparameters konnte das ternäre System beschrieben werden. An einer breit verteilten PE-Probe wurden Experimente zur Fraktionierung von PE in n-Hexan durchgeführt. Die Analyse der in den koexistenten Phasen enthaltenen Polymere lieferte Informationen über die Konzentration und die Molekulargewichtsverteilung des PE in diesen Phasen sowie die kritische Zusammensetzung der Mischung. Von verschiedenen PE-Lösungen (Mw = 0,5 kg/mol) wurde die polymerisationsinduzierte Phasenseparation in Isobornylmethacrylat mit und ohne Vernetzer untersucht. Mit 15 Gew.-% PE und in Abwesenheit von Vernetzer findet die Entmischung erst bei hohen Umsätzen statt. Die Charakterisierung der resultierenden Proben zeigte, dass sich etwas mehr als 5 Gew.-% PE im Polyisobornylmethacrylat lösen. Die Glasübergangstemperaturen der Polymermischungen steigen mit steigender Vernetzer- und sinkender Polyethylenkonzentration. Bei Proben mit 15 Gew.-% PE zeigte sich folgendes: 5 Gew.-% Vernetzer führen zu großen PE-Bereichen (150 - 200 nm) in der Matrix und der Kristallinitätsgrad ist gering. Bei der Polymermischung mit 10 Gew.-% Vernetzer bilden sich sehr kleine Polyethylenkristalle (< 80 nm) und der Kristallinitätsgrad ist hoch. Ohne Vernetzer hängt der Kristallinitätsgrad - wie bei reinem PE - von der Abkühlrate ab, mit Vernetzer ist er von ihr unabhängig.
Studio e simulazione di un inverter di tipo Z in grado di innalzare il valore della tensione fornita dalla sorgente fino alla tensione richiesta al carico. L'inverter Z-source può essere utilizzato convenientemente nell'azionamento di un veicolo elettrico, in particolare ad idrogeno.
Research work carried out in focusing a novel multiphase-multilevel ac motor drive system much suitable for low-voltage high-current power applications. In specific, six-phase asymmetrical induction motor with open-end stator winding configuration, fed from four standard two-level three-phase voltage source inverters (VSIs). Proposed synchronous reference frame control algorithm shares the total dc source power among the 4 VSIs in each switching cycle with three degree of freedom. Precisely, first degree of freedom concerns with the current sharing between two three-phase stator windings. Based on modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulation shares the voltage between each single VSIs of two three-phase stator windings with second and third degree of freedom, having proper multilevel output waveforms. Complete model of whole ac motor drive based on three-phase space vector decomposition approach was developed in PLECS - numerical simulation software working in MATLAB environment. Proposed synchronous reference control algorithm was framed in MATLAB with modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulator. The effectiveness of the entire ac motor drives system was tested. Simulation results are given in detail to show symmetrical and asymmetrical, power sharing conditions. Furthermore, the three degree of freedom are exploited to investigate fault tolerant capabilities in post-fault conditions. Complete set of simulation results are provided when one, two and three VSIs are faulty. Hardware prototype model of quad-inverter was implemented with two passive three-phase open-winding loads using two TMS320F2812 DSP controllers. Developed McBSP (multi-channel buffered serial port) communication algorithm able to control the four VSIs for PWM communication and synchronization. Open-loop control scheme based on inverse three-phase decomposition approach was developed to control entire quad-inverter configuration and tested with balanced and unbalanced operating conditions with simplified PWM techniques. Both simulation and experimental results are always in good agreement with theoretical developments.
The purpose of this thesis is to further the understanding of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of ternary inter-metallic compounds using density functional theory (DFT). Four main problems are addressed. First, a detailed analysis on the ternary Heusler compounds is made. It has long been known that many Heusler compounds ($X_2YZ$; $X$ and $Y$ transition elements, $Z$ main group element) exhibit interesting half-metallic and ferromagnetic properties. In order to understand these, the dependence of magnetic and electronic properties on the structural parameters, the type of exchange-correlation functional and electron-electron correlation was examined. It was found that almost all Co$_2YZ$ Heusler compounds exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetism. It is also observed that $X$ and $Y$ atoms mainly contribute to the total magnetic moment. The magnitude of the total magnetic moment is determined only indirectly by the nature of $Z$ atoms, and shows a trend consistent with Slater-Pauling behaviour in several classes of these compounds. In contrast to experiments, calculations give a non-integer value of the magnetic moment in certain Co$_2$-based Heusler compounds. To explain deviations of the calculated magnetic moment, the LDA+$U$ scheme was applied and it was found that the inclusion of electron-electron correlation beyond the LSDA and GGA is necessary to obtain theoretical description of some Heusler compounds that are half-metallic ferromagnets. The electronic structure and magnetic properties of substitutional series of the quaternary Heusler compound Co$_2$Mn$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$Si were investigated under LDA+$U$. The calculated band structure suggest that the most stable compound in a half-metallic state will occur at an intermediate Fe concentration. These calculated findings are qualitatively confirmed by experimental studies. Second, the effect of antisite disordering in the Co$_2$TiSn system was investigated theoretically as well as experimentally. Preservation of half-metallicity for Co$_2$TiSn was observed with moderate antisite disordering and experimental findings suggest that the Co and Ti antisites disorder amounts to approximately 10~% in the compound. Third, a systematic examination was carried out for band gaps and the nature (covalent or ionic) of bonding in semiconducting 8- and 18-electron or half-metallic ferromagnet half-Heusler compounds. It was found that the most appropriate description of these compounds from the viewpoint of electronic structures is one of a $YZ$ zinc blende lattice stuffed by the $X$ ion. Simple valence rules are obeyed for bonding in the 8- and 18-electron compounds. Fourth, hexagonal analogues of half-Heusler compounds have been searched. Three series of compounds were investigated: GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP. GdPdSb is suggested as a possible half-metallic weak ferromagnet at low temperature. GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP were investigated because they exhibit interesting bonding, structural and magnetic properties. The results qualitatively confirm experimental studies on magnetic and structural behaviour in GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP compounds. ~
The so called material science is an always growing field in modern research. For the development of new materials not only the experimental characterization but also theoretical calculation of the electronic structure plays an important role. A class of compounds that has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years is known as REME compounds. These compounds are often referred to with RE designating rare earth, actinide or an element from group 1 - 4, M representing a late transition metal from groups 8 - 12, and E belonging to groups 13 - 15. There are more than 2000 compounds with 1:1:1 stoichiometry belonging to this class of compounds and they offer a broad variety of different structure types. Although many REME compounds are know to exist, mainly only structure and magnetism has been determined for these compounds. In particular, in the field of electronic and transport properties relatively few efforts have been made. The main focus in this study is on compounds crystallizing in MgAgAs and LiGaGe structure. Both structures can only be found among 18 valence electron compounds. The f electrons are localized and therefor not count as valence electrons. A special focus here was also on the magnetoresistance effects and spintronic properties found among the REME compounds. An examination of the following compounds was made: GdAuE (E = In, Cd, Mg), GdPdSb, GdNiSb, REAuSn (RE = Gd, Er, Tm) and RENiBi (RE = Pr, Sm, Gd - Tm, Lu). The experimental results were compared with theoretic band structure calculations. The first half metallic ferromagnet with LiGaGe structure (GdPdSb) was found. All semiconducting REME compounds with MgAgAs structure show giant magnetoresistance (GMR) at low temperatures. The GMR is related to a metal-insulator transition, and the value of the GMR depends on the value of the spin-orbit coupling. Inhomogeneous DyNiBi samples show a small positive MR at low temperature that depends on the amount of metallic impurities. At higher fields the samples show a negative GMR. Inhomogeneous nonmagnetic LuNiBi samples show no negative GMR, but a large positive MR of 27.5% at room temperature, which is interesting for application.
Modellizzazione della macchina asincrona esafase asimmetrica mediante i vettori di spazio trifase. Determinazione delle trasformazioni esafase dallo studio del campo magnetico rotante. Modellizzazione della macchina asincrona esafase asimmetrica mediante i vettori di spazio esafase. Studio dell’inverter esafase e delle relative tecniche di modulazione. Definizione del modello Simulink dell’azionamento. Studio del ripple della corrente di carico.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Materialien und Aufbauten für Hybrid Solarzellen entwickelt und erforscht. rnDer Vergleich zweier bekannter Lochleitermaterialien für Solarzellen in einfachen Blend-Systemen brachte sowohl Einsicht zur unterschiedlichen Eignung der Materialien für optoelektronische Bauelemente als auch neue Erkenntnisse in Bereichen der Langzeitstabilität und Luftempfindlichkeit beider Materialien.rnWeiterhin wurde eine Methode entwickelt, um Hybrid Solarzelle auf möglichst unkomplizierte Weise aus kostengünstigen Materialien darzustellen. Die „Eintopf“-Synthese ermöglicht die unkomplizierte Darstellung eines funktionalen Hybridmaterials für die optoelektronische Anwendung. Mithilfe eines neu entwickelten amphiphilen Blockcopolymers, das als funktionelles Templat eingesetzt wurde, konnten mit einem TiO2-Precursor in einem Sol-Gel Ansatz verschiedene selbstorganisierte Morphologien des Hybridmaterials erhalten werden. Verschiedene Morphologien wurden auf ihre Eignung in Hybrid Solarzellen untersucht. Ob und warum die Morphologie des Hybridsystems die Effizienz der Solarzelle beeinflusst, konnte verdeutlicht werden. Mit der Weiterentwicklung der „Eintopf“-Synthese, durch den Austausch des TiO2-Precursors, konnte die Solarzelleneffizienz von 0.15 auf 0.4 % gesteigert werden. Weiterhin konnte die Übertragbarkeit des Systems durch den erfolgreichen Austausch des Halbleiters TiO¬2 mit ZnO bewiesen werden.rn