993 resultados para Orbit


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De-orbiting satellites at end of mission would prevent generation of new space debris. A proposed de-orbit technology involves a bare conductive tape-tether, which uses neither propellant nor power supply while generating power for on-board use during de-orbiting. The present work shows how to select tape dimensions for a generic mission so as to satisfy requirements of very small tether-to-satellite mass ratio mt/MS and probability Nf of tether cut by small debris, while keeping de-orbit time tf short and product tf ×× tether length low to reduce maneuvers in avoiding collisions with large debris. Design is here discussed for particular missions (initial orbit of 720 km altitude and 63° and 92° inclinations, and 3 disparate MS values, 37.5, 375, and 3750 kg), proving it scalable. At mid-inclination and a mass-ratio of a few percent, de-orbit time takes about 2 weeks and Nf is a small fraction of 1%, with tape dimensions ranging from 1 to 6 cm, 10 to 54 μμm, and 2.8 to 8.6 km. Performance drop from middle to high inclination proved moderate: if allowing for twice as large mt/MS, increases are reduced to a factor of 4 in tf and a slight one in Nf, except for multi-ton satellites, somewhat more requiring because efficient orbital-motion-limited electron collection restricts tape-width values, resulting in tape length (slightly) increasing too.


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A Space tether is a thin, multi-kilometers long conductive wire, joining a satellite and some opposite end mass, and keeping vertical in orbit by the gravity-gradient. The ambient plasma, being highly conductive, is equipotential in its own co-moving frame. In the tether frame, in relative motion however, there is in the plasma a motional electric field of order of 100 V/km, product of (near) orbital velocity and geomagnetic field. The electromotive force established over the tether length allows plasma contactor devices to collect electrons at one polarized-positive (anodic) end and eject electrons at the opposite end, setting up a current along a standard, fully insulated tether. The Lorentz force exerted on the current by the geomagnetic field itself is always drag; this relies on just thermodynamics, like air drag. The bare tether concept, introduced in 1992 at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), takes away the insulation and has electrons collected over the tether segment coming out polarized positive; the concept rests on 2D (Langmuir probe) current-collection in plasmas being greatly more efficient than 3D collection. A Plasma Contactor ejects electrons at the cathodic end. A bare tether with a thin-tape cross section has much greater perimeter and de-orbits much faster than a (corresponding) round bare tether of equal length and mass. Further, tethers being long and thin, they are prone to cuts by abundant small space debris, but BETs has shown that the tape has a probability of being cut per unit time smaller by more than one order of magnitude than the corresponding round tether (debris comparable to its width are much less abundant than debris comparable to the radius of the corresponding round tether). Also, the tape collects much more current, and de-orbits much faster, than a corresponding multi-line “tape” made of thin round wires cross-connected to survive debris cuts. Tethers use a dissipative mechanism quite different from air drag and can de-orbit in just a few months; also, tape tethers are much lighter than round tethers of equal length and perimeter, which can capture equal current. The 3 disparate tape dimensions allow easily scalable design. Switching the cathodic Contactor off-on allows maneuvering to avoid catastrophic collisions with big tracked debris. Lorentz braking is as reliable as air drag. Tethers are still reasonably effective at high inclinations, where the motional field is small, because the geomagnetic field is not just a dipole along the Earth polar axis. BETs is the EC FP7/Space Project 262972, financed in about 1.8 million euros, from 1 November 2010 to 31 January 2014, and carrying out RTD work on de-orbiting space debris. Coordinated by UPM, it has partners Università di Padova, ONERA-Toulouse, Colorado State University, SME Emxys, DLR–Bremen, and Fundación Tecnalia. BETs work involves 1) Designing, building, and ground-testing basic hardware subsystems Cathodic Plasma Contactor, Tether Deployment Mechanism, Power Control Module, and Tape with crosswise and lengthwise structure. 2) Testing current collection and verifying tether dynamical stability. 3) Preliminary design of tape dimensions for a generic mission, conducive to low system-to-satellite mass ratio and probability of cut by small debris, and ohmic-effects regime of tether current for fast de-orbiting. Reaching TRL 4-5, BETs appears ready for in-orbit demostration.


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This work is an outreach approach to an ubiquitous recent problem in secondary-school education: how to face back the decreasing interest in natural sciences shown by students under ‘pressure’ of convenient resources in digital devices/applications. The approach rests on two features. First, empowering of teen-age students to understand regular natural events around, as very few educated people they meet could do. Secondly, an understanding that rests on personal capability to test and verify experimental results from the oldest science, astronomy, with simple instruments as used from antiquity down to the Renaissance (a capability restricted to just solar and lunar motions). Because lengths in astronomy and daily life are so disparate, astronomy basically involved observing and registering values of angles (along with times), measurements being of two types, of angles on the ground and of angles in space, from the ground. First, the gnomon, a simple vertical stick introduced in Babylonia and Egypt, and then in Greece, is used to understand solar motion. The gnomon shadow turns around during any given day, varying in length and thus angle between solar ray and vertical as it turns, going through a minimum (noon time, at a meridian direction) while sweeping some angular range from sunrise to sunset. Further, the shadow minimum length varies through the year, with times when shortest and sun closest to vertical, at summer solstice, and times when longest, at winter solstice six months later. The extreme directions at sunset and sunrise correspond to the solstices, swept angular range greatest at summer, over 180 degrees, and the opposite at winter, with less daytime hours; in between, spring and fall equinoxes occur, marked by collinear shadow directions at sunrise and sunset. The gnomon allows students to determine, in addition to latitude (about 40.4° North at Madrid, say), the inclination of earth equator to plane of its orbit around the sun (ecliptic), this fundamental quantity being given by half the difference between solar distances to vertical at winter and summer solstices, with value about 23.5°. Day and year periods greatly differing by about 2 ½ orders of magnitude, 1 day against 365 days, helps students to correctly visualize and interpret the experimental measurements. Since the gnomon serves to observe at night the moon shadow too, students can also determine the inclination of the lunar orbital plane, as about 5 degrees away from the ecliptic, thus explaining why eclipses are infrequent. Independently, earth taking longer between spring and fall equinoxes than from fall to spring (the solar anomaly), as again verified by the students, was explained in ancient Greek science, which posited orbits universally as circles or their combination, by introducing the eccentric circle, with earth placed some distance away from the orbital centre when considering the relative motion of the sun, which would be closer to the earth in winter. In a sense, this can be seen as hint and approximation of the elliptic orbit proposed by Kepler many centuries later.


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Esta tesis se basa en el estudio de la trayectoria que pasa por dos puntos en el problema de los dos cuerpos, inicialmente desarrollado por Lambert, del que toma su nombre. En el pasado, el Problema de Lambert se ha utilizado para la determinación de órbitas a partir de observaciones astronómicas de los cuerpos celestes. Actualmente, se utiliza continuamente en determinación de órbitas, misiones planetaria e interplanetarias, encuentro espacial e interceptación, o incluso en corrección de orbitas. Dada su gran importancia, se decide investigar especialmente sobre su solución y las aplicaciones en las misiones espaciales actuales. El campo de investigación abierto, es muy amplio, así que, es necesario determinar unos objetivos específicos realistas, en el contexto de ejecución de una Tesis, pero que sirvan para mostrar con suficiente claridad el potencial de los resultados aportados en este trabajo, e incluso poder extenderlos a otros campos de aplicación. Como resultado de este análisis, el objetivo principal de la Tesis se enfoca en el desarrollo de algoritmos para resolver el Problema de Lambert, que puedan ser aplicados de forma muy eficiente en las misiones reales donde aparece. En todos los desarrollos, se ha considerado especialmente la eficiencia del cálculo computacional necesario en comparación con los métodos existentes en la actualidad, destacando la forma de evitar la pérdida de precisión inherente a este tipo de algoritmos y la posibilidad de aplicar cualquier método iterativo que implique el uso de derivadas de cualquier orden. En busca de estos objetivos, se desarrollan varias soluciones para resolver el Problema de Lambert, todas ellas basadas en la resolución de ecuaciones transcendentes, con las cuales, se alcanzan las siguientes aportaciones principales de este trabajo: • Una forma genérica completamente diferente de obtener las diversas ecuaciones para resolver el Problema de Lambert, mediante desarrollo analítico, desde cero, a partir de las ecuaciones elementales conocidas de las cónicas (geométricas y temporal), proporcionando en todas ellas fórmulas para el cálculo de derivadas de cualquier orden. • Proporcionar una visión unificada de las ecuaciones más relevantes existentes, mostrando la equivalencia con variantes de las ecuaciones aquí desarrolladas. • Deducción de una nueva variante de ecuación, el mayor logro de esta Tesis, que destaca en eficiencia sobre todas las demás (tanto en coste como en precisión). • Estudio de la sensibilidad de la solución ante variación de los datos iniciales, y como aplicar los resultados a casos reales de optimización de trayectorias. • También, a partir de los resultados, es posible deducir muchas propiedades utilizadas en la literatura para simplificar el problema, en particular la propiedad de invariancia, que conduce al Problema Transformado Simplificado. ABSTRACT This thesis is based on the study of the two-body, two-point boundary-value problem, initially developed by Lambert, from who it takes its name. Since the past, Lambert's Problem has been used for orbit determination from astronomical observations of celestial bodies. Currently, it is continuously used in orbit determinations, for planetary and interplanetary missions, space rendezvous, and interception, or even in orbit corrections. Given its great importance, it is decided to investigate their solution and applications in the current space missions. The open research field is very wide, it is necessary to determine specific and realistic objectives in the execution context of a Thesis, but that these serve to show clearly enough the potential of the results provided in this work, and even to extended them to other areas of application. As a result of this analysis, the main aim of the thesis focuses on the development of algorithms to solve the Lambert’s Problem which can be applied very efficiently in real missions where it appears. In all these developments, it has been specially considered the efficiency of the required computational calculation compared to currently existing methods, highlighting how to avoid the loss of precision inherent in such algorithms and the possibility to apply any iterative method involving the use of derivatives of any order. Looking to meet these objectives, a number of solutions to solve the Lambert’s Problem are developed, all based on the resolution of transcendental equations, with which the following main contributions of this work are reached: • A completely different generic way to get the various equations to solve the Lambert’s Problem by analytical development, from scratch, from the known elementary conic equations (geometrics and temporal), by providing, in all cases, the calculation of derivatives of any order. • Provide a unified view of most existing relevant equations, showing the equivalence with variants of the equations developed here. • Deduction of a new variant of equation, the goal of this Thesis, which emphasizes efficiency (both computational cost and accuracy) over all other. • Estudio de la sensibilidad de la solución ante la variación de las condiciones iniciales, mostrando cómo aprovechar los resultados a casos reales de optimización de trayectorias. • Study of the sensitivity of the solution to the variation of the initial data, and how to use the results to real cases of trajectories’ optimization. • Additionally, from results, it is possible to deduce many properties used in literature to simplify the problem, in particular the invariance property, which leads to a simplified transformed problem.


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Esta tesis se desarrolla dentro del marco de las comunicaciones satelitales en el innovador campo de los pequeños satélites también llamados nanosatélites o cubesats, llamados así por su forma cubica. Estos nanosatélites se caracterizan por su bajo costo debido a que usan componentes comerciales llamados COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) y su pequeño tamaño como los Cubesats 1U (10cm*10 cm*10 cm) con masa aproximada a 1 kg. Este trabajo de tesis tiene como base una iniciativa propuesta por el autor de la tesis para poner en órbita el primer satélite peruano en mi país llamado chasqui I, actualmente puesto en órbita desde la Estación Espacial Internacional. La experiencia de este trabajo de investigación me llevo a proponer una constelación de pequeños satélites llamada Waposat para dar servicio de monitoreo de sensores de calidad de agua a nivel global, escenario que es usado en esta tesis. Es ente entorno y dadas las características limitadas de los pequeños satélites, tanto en potencia como en velocidad de datos, es que propongo investigar una nueva arquitectura de comunicaciones que permita resolver en forma óptima la problemática planteada por los nanosatélites en órbita LEO debido a su carácter disruptivo en sus comunicaciones poniendo énfasis en las capas de enlace y aplicación. Esta tesis presenta y evalúa una nueva arquitectura de comunicaciones para proveer servicio a una red de sensores terrestres usando una solución basada en DTN (Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking) para comunicaciones espaciales. Adicionalmente, propongo un nuevo protocolo de acceso múltiple que usa una extensión del protocolo ALOHA no ranurado, el cual toma en cuenta la prioridad del trafico del Gateway (ALOHAGP) con un mecanismo de contienda adaptativo. Utiliza la realimentación del satélite para implementar el control de la congestión y adapta dinámicamente el rendimiento efectivo del canal de una manera óptima. Asumimos un modelo de población de sensores finito y una condición de tráfico saturado en el que cada sensor tiene siempre tramas que transmitir. El desempeño de la red se evaluó en términos de rendimiento efectivo, retardo y la equidad del sistema. Además, se ha definido una capa de convergencia DTN (ALOHAGP-CL) como un subconjunto del estándar TCP-CL (Transmission Control Protocol-Convergency Layer). Esta tesis muestra que ALOHAGP/CL soporta adecuadamente el escenario DTN propuesto, sobre todo cuando se utiliza la fragmentación reactiva. Finalmente, esta tesis investiga una transferencia óptima de mensajes DTN (Bundles) utilizando estrategias de fragmentación proactivas para dar servicio a una red de sensores terrestres utilizando un enlace de comunicaciones satelitales que utiliza el mecanismo de acceso múltiple con prioridad en el tráfico de enlace descendente (ALOHAGP). El rendimiento efectivo ha sido optimizado mediante la adaptación de los parámetros del protocolo como una función del número actual de los sensores activos recibidos desde el satélite. También, actualmente no existe un método para advertir o negociar el tamaño máximo de un “bundle” que puede ser aceptado por un agente DTN “bundle” en las comunicaciones por satélite tanto para el almacenamiento y la entrega, por lo que los “bundles” que son demasiado grandes son eliminados o demasiado pequeños son ineficientes. He caracterizado este tipo de escenario obteniendo una distribución de probabilidad de la llegada de tramas al nanosatélite así como una distribución de probabilidad del tiempo de visibilidad del nanosatélite, los cuales proveen una fragmentación proactiva óptima de los DTN “bundles”. He encontrado que el rendimiento efectivo (goodput) de la fragmentación proactiva alcanza un valor ligeramente inferior al de la fragmentación reactiva. Esta contribución permite utilizar la fragmentación activa de forma óptima con todas sus ventajas tales como permitir implantar el modelo de seguridad de DTN y la simplicidad al implementarlo en equipos con muchas limitaciones de CPU y memoria. La implementación de estas contribuciones se han contemplado inicialmente como parte de la carga útil del nanosatélite QBito, que forma parte de la constelación de 50 nanosatélites que se está llevando a cabo dentro del proyecto QB50. ABSTRACT This thesis is developed within the framework of satellite communications in the innovative field of small satellites also known as nanosatellites (<10 kg) or CubeSats, so called from their cubic form. These nanosatellites are characterized by their low cost because they use commercial components called COTS (commercial off-the-shelf), and their small size and mass, such as 1U Cubesats (10cm * 10cm * 10cm) with approximately 1 kg mass. This thesis is based on a proposal made by the author of the thesis to put into orbit the first Peruvian satellite in his country called Chasqui I, which was successfully launched into orbit from the International Space Station in 2014. The experience of this research work led me to propose a constellation of small satellites named Waposat to provide water quality monitoring sensors worldwide, scenario that is used in this thesis. In this scenario and given the limited features of nanosatellites, both power and data rate, I propose to investigate a new communications architecture that allows solving in an optimal manner the problems of nanosatellites in orbit LEO due to the disruptive nature of their communications by putting emphasis on the link and application layers. This thesis presents and evaluates a new communications architecture to provide services to terrestrial sensor networks using a space Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) based solution. In addition, I propose a new multiple access mechanism protocol based on extended unslotted ALOHA that takes into account the priority of gateway traffic, which we call ALOHA multiple access with gateway priority (ALOHAGP) with an adaptive contention mechanism. It uses satellite feedback to implement the congestion control, and to dynamically adapt the channel effective throughput in an optimal way. We assume a finite sensor population model and a saturated traffic condition where every sensor always has frames to transmit. The performance was evaluated in terms of effective throughput, delay and system fairness. In addition, a DTN convergence layer (ALOHAGP-CL) has been defined as a subset of the standard TCP-CL (Transmission Control Protocol-Convergence Layer). This thesis reveals that ALOHAGP/CL adequately supports the proposed DTN scenario, mainly when reactive fragmentation is used. Finally, this thesis investigates an optimal DTN message (bundles) transfer using proactive fragmentation strategies to give service to a ground sensor network using a nanosatellite communications link which uses a multi-access mechanism with priority in downlink traffic (ALOHAGP). The effective throughput has been optimized by adapting the protocol parameters as a function of the current number of active sensors received from satellite. Also, there is currently no method for advertising or negotiating the maximum size of a bundle which can be accepted by a bundle agent in satellite communications for storage and delivery, so that bundles which are too large can be dropped or which are too small are inefficient. We have characterized this kind of scenario obtaining a probability distribution for frame arrivals to nanosatellite and visibility time distribution that provide an optimal proactive fragmentation of DTN bundles. We have found that the proactive effective throughput (goodput) reaches a value slightly lower than reactive fragmentation approach. This contribution allows to use the proactive fragmentation optimally with all its advantages such as the incorporation of the security model of DTN and simplicity in protocol implementation for computers with many CPU and memory limitations. The implementation of these contributions was initially contemplated as part of the payload of the nanosatellite QBito, which is part of the constellation of 50 nanosatellites envisaged under the QB50 project.


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Besides space laboratories for in-orbit experimentation, Earth based facilities for laboratory experimentation are of paramount importance for the enhancement on liquid bridge knowledge. In spite of the constraints imposed by simulated microgravity (which force to work either with very small size liquid bridges or by using the Plateau tank technique, amongst other techniques), the availability and accessibility of Earth facilities can circumvent in many cases the drawbacks associated with simulated microgravity conditions. To support theoretical and in orbit experimental studies on liquid bridges under reduced gravity conditions, several ground facilities were developed at IDR. In the following these ground facilities are briefly described, and main results obtained by using them are cited.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera tiene como principal objetivo analizar la evolución de los Sistemas de Comunicación por Satélite, así como dar a conocer al lector la tecnología EGNOS y su aplicabilidad como ayuda a la navegación Aeronáutica. Este trabajo comenzará con una primera parte, la cual está dedicada a conocer qué es un satélite y como ha sido su evolución a lo largo de la historia, desde la aparición del primer satélite hasta nuestros días, así como mostrar las partes que lo componen y su proceso de lanzamiento. Todo este capítulo, sirve de base para poder entender mejor las siguientes partes del proyecto. En la segunda parte de esta memoria, se entra más en detalle y se desarrollan los temas principales de este documento. Podríamos decir que este segundo capítulo se divide a su vez en dos subpartes claramente diferenciadas: En la primera, se analiza la estructura de un sistema de comunicaciones por satélite, los diferentes tipos de satélites según su órbita o según su finalidad, viendo unos claros ejemplos de cada uno de ellos, así como las bandas de frecuencias en las que trabajan. Para concluir esta sección se habla de los diferentes tipos de servicios que ofrecen las comunicaciones por satélite para centrarnos más adelante en los servicios aeronáuticos. En la segunda parte, se habla de la aplicación de la tecnología EGNOS como ayuda a la navegación aeronáutica. Para ello, primero se explican los diferentes sistemas de navegación que usan las aeronaves, entre los que se encuentran los sistemas VOR, DME, ADF y TACAN, y después se introduce al usuario a la tecnología EGNOS, viendo su arquitectura y explicando su funcionamiento. Como ejemplo de aplicabilidad de esta tecnología se explica el novedoso sistema SLS que llevan las aeronaves. Toda esta segunda parte constituye el cuerpo del proyecto y el punto más importante de esta memoria. Para finalizar, en la última parte del Proyecto Fin de Carrera, se habla del presente y futuro del sistema EGNOS evaluando sus principales ventajas y las conclusiones que se han sacado al hacer esta memoria. ABSTRACT. This thesis has as main objective to analyze the evolution of satellite communication systems, as well as to inform the reader about EGNOS technology and its applicability as an aid to aeronautical navigation. This document will begin with a first part, which is dedicated to know what a satellite is and how has its evolution been throughout history, from the appearance of the first satellite until nowadays, as well as showing the parts that it is composed of and different launch processes. This chapter serves as a base to a better understanding of these parts of the project. In the second part of this report, more detail is introduced and it is developed the main themes of this document. We could say that this second chapter is divided in two clearly differentiated subparts: The first, analyzes the structure of a communications system by satellite, different types of satellites according to its orbit or according to their purpose, seeing some clear examples of each of them, as well as the frequency bands in which they work. To conclude, this section refers to different types of services offered by satellite communications to focus later in the aeronautical services. In the second part, application of EGNOS technology is referred as an aid to the aeronautical navigation. To do this, first they are explained the different navigation systems that the aircraft uses, which include VOR, DME, ADF and TACAN systems, and then EGNOS technology is introduced to the user, seeing its architecture and explaining its operation. As an example of applicability of this technology, the new system SLS carried by the aircraft is explained. Throughout this second part it is constituted the body of the project and the most important point of this report. Finally, in the last part of the thesis, the present and future of the EGNOS system are analyzed evaluating the main advantages and conclusions that have been obtained to make this memory.


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A large part of the pre-Columbian Maya book known as the Dresden Codex is concerned with an exploration of commensurate relationships among celestial cycles and their relationship to other, nonastronomical cycles of cultural interest. As has long been known, pages 43b–45b of the Codex are concerned with the synodic cycle of Mars. New work reported here with another part of the Codex, a complex table on pages 69–74, reveals a concern on the part of the ancient Maya astronomers with the sidereal motion of Mars as well as with its synodic cycle. Two kinds of empiric sidereal intervals of Mars were used, a long one (702 days) that included a retrograde loop and a short one that did not. The use of these intervals, which is indicated by the documents in the Dresden Codex, permitted the tracking of Mars across the zodiac and the relating of its movements to the terrestrial seasons and to the 260-day sacred calendar. While Kepler solved the sidereal problem of Mars by proposing an elliptical heliocentric orbit, anonymous but equally ingenious Maya astronomers discovered a pair of time cycles that not only accurately described the planet's motion, but also related it to other cosmic and terrestrial concerns.


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Spectral analysis of climate data shows a strong narrow peak with period ≈100 kyr, attributed by the Milankovitch theory to changes in the eccentricity of the earth’s orbit. The narrowness of the peak does suggest an astronomical origin; however the shape of the peak is incompatible with both linear and nonlinear models that attribute the cycle to eccentricity or (equivalently) to the envelope of the precession. In contrast, the orbital inclination parameter gives a good match to both the spectrum and bispectrum of the climate data. Extraterrestrial accretion from meteoroids or interplanetary dust is proposed as a mechanism that could link inclination to climate, and experimental tests are described that could prove or disprove this hypothesis.


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The first known extrasolar planet in orbit around a Sun-like star was discovered in 1995. This object, as well as over two dozen subsequently detected extrasolar planets, were all identified by observing periodic variations of the Doppler shift of light emitted by the stars to which they are bound. All of these extrasolar planets are more massive than Saturn is, and most are more massive than Jupiter. All orbit closer to their stars than do the giant planets in our Solar System, and most of those that do not orbit closer to their star than Mercury is to the Sun travel on highly elliptical paths. Prevailing theories of star and planet formation, which are based on observations of the Solar System and of young stars and their environments, predict that planets should form in orbit about most single stars. However, these models require some modifications to explain the properties of the observed extrasolar planetary systems.


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A dedicated mission to investigate exoplanetary atmospheres represents a major milestone in our quest to understand our place in the universe by placing our Solar System in context and by addressing the suitability of planets for the presence of life. EChO—the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory—is a mission concept specifically geared for this purpose. EChO will provide simultaneous, multi-wavelength spectroscopic observations on a stable platform that will allow very long exposures. The use of passive cooling, few moving parts and well established technology gives a low-risk and potentially long-lived mission. EChO will build on observations by Hubble, Spitzer and ground-based telescopes, which discovered the first molecules and atoms in exoplanetary atmospheres. However, EChO’s configuration and specifications are designed to study a number of systems in a consistent manner that will eliminate the ambiguities affecting prior observations. EChO will simultaneously observe a broad enough spectral region—from the visible to the mid-infrared—to constrain from one single spectrum the temperature structure of the atmosphere, the abundances of the major carbon and oxygen bearing species, the expected photochemically-produced species and magnetospheric signatures. The spectral range and resolution are tailored to separate bands belonging to up to 30 molecules and retrieve the composition and temperature structure of planetary atmospheres. The target list for EChO includes planets ranging from Jupiter-sized with equilibrium temperatures T_ eq up to 2,000 K, to those of a few Earth masses, with T _eq \u223c 300 K. The list will include planets with no Solar System analog, such as the recently discovered planets GJ1214b, whose density lies between that of terrestrial and gaseous planets, or the rocky-iron planet 55 Cnc e, with day-side temperature close to 3,000 K. As the number of detected exoplanets is growing rapidly each year, and the mass and radius of those detected steadily decreases, the target list will be constantly adjusted to include the most interesting systems. We have baselined a dispersive spectrograph design covering continuously the 0.4–16 μm spectral range in 6 channels (1 in the visible, 5 in the InfraRed), which allows the spectral resolution to be adapted from several tens to several hundreds, depending on the target brightness. The instrument will be mounted behind a 1.5 m class telescope, passively cooled to 50 K, with the instrument structure and optics passively cooled to \u223c45 K. EChO will be placed in a grand halo orbit around L2. This orbit, in combination with an optimised thermal shield design, provides a highly stable thermal environment and a high degree of visibility of the sky to observe repeatedly several tens of targets over the year. Both the baseline and alternative designs have been evaluated and no critical items with Technology Readiness Level (TRL) less than 4–5 have been identified. We have also undertaken a first-order cost and development plan analysis and find that EChO is easily compatible with the ESA M-class mission framework.


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Quais propriedades magnéticas são modificadas quando se agrupam átomos de Fe/Co para formar estruturas quasi-2D, se comparadas aos nanofios (quasi-1D) de FexCo1-x? E como estas propriedades reagem com a variação da proporção de Fe/Co nos aglomerados? A fim de responder a estas questões, trímeros de FexCo1-x depositados em Pt(111) são investigados utilizando o método de primeiros princípios Real Space-Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital-Atomic Sphere Approximation (RS-LMTO-ASA) no âmbito da Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT). Diferentes configurações de trímeros triangulares são consideradas, variando-se as posições e a concentração dos átomos de Fe/Co. Neste trabalho, demonstra-se a ocorrência de uma tendência não-linear estritamente decrescente dos momentos orbitais médios como função da concentração de Fe, distinta do encontrado tanto para os nanofios de FexCo1-x (dependência linear) quanto para a monocamada correspondente (dependência não-linear). Os resultados obtidos mostram ainda que os momentos orbitais variam com o ambiente local e com a direção de magnetização, especialmente quando associados aos átomos de Co, em concordância com publicações anteriores. A mudança de dimensionalidade quasi-1D (nanofios) para quasi-2D (trímeros compactos) não afeta o comportamento dos momentos de spin, que permanecem descritos por uma função linear com respeito à proporção de Fe/Co. Ambos o formato e a concentração de Fe nos sistemas apresentam um papel importante nos valores de energia de anisotropia magnética. Em adição, observou-se que o subtrato de Pt opera ativamente na definição das propriedades magnéticas dos aglomerados. Embora todas as configurações lineares e compactas dos aglomerados de FexCo1-x sejam estáveis e exibam interações fortemente ferromagnéticas entre os primeiros vizinhos, nem todas revelaram o ordenamento colinear como estado fundamental, apresentando uma interação de Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya não-desprezível induzida pelo acoplamento spin-órbita. Estes casos específicos são: o trímero triangular de Co puro e o trímero linear (nanofio) de Fe puro, para o qual foi verificado o acoplamento do tipo Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida entre os átomos de Fe constituintes. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para o entendimento de quais mecanismos definem o magnetismo nos trímeros de FexCo1-x/Pt(111), e discutem as questões presentes atualmente na literatura no contexto destes sistemas.


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We consider the electronic transport through a Rashba quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads. We show that the interference of localized electron states with resonant electron states leads to the appearance of the Fano-Rashba effect. This effect occurs due to the interference of bound levels of spin-polarized electrons with the continuum of electronic states with an opposite spin polarization. We investigate this Fano-Rashba effect as a function of the applied magnetic field and Rashba spin-orbit coupling.


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A density-functional theory of ferromagnetism in heterostructures of compound semiconductors doped with magnetic impurities is presented. The variable functions in the density-functional theory are the charge and spin densities of the itinerant carriers and the charge and localized spins of the impurities. The theory is applied to study the Curie temperature of planar heterostructures of III-V semiconductors doped with manganese atoms. The mean-field, virtual-crystal and effective-mass approximations are adopted to calculate the electronic structure, including the spin-orbit interaction, and the magnetic susceptibilities, leading to the Curie temperature. By means of these results, we attempt to understand the observed dependence of the Curie temperature of planar δ-doped ferromagnetic structures on variation of their properties. We predict a large increase of the Curie temperature by additional confinement of the holes in a δ-doped layer of Mn by a quantum well.


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We study the spin polarization of tunneling holes injected from ferromagnetic GaMnAs into a p-doped semiconductor through a tunneling barrier. We find that spin-orbit interaction in the barrier and in the drain limits severely spin injection. Spin depolarization is stronger when the magnetization is parallel to the current than when it is perpendicular to it.