989 resultados para Malvica, Ferdinando, 1771-1837
Both management scholars and economic geographers have studied knowledge and argued that the ability to transfer knowledge is critical to competitive success. Networks and other forms for cooperation are often the context when analyzing knowledge transfer within management research, while economic geographers focus on the role of the cluster for knowledge transfer and creation. With the common interest in knowledge transfer, few attempts to interdisciplinary research have been made. The aim of this paper is to outline the knowledge transfer concepts in the two strands of literature of management and economic geography (EG). The paper takes an analytical approach to review the existing contributions and seek to identify the benefits of further interaction between the disciplines. Furthermore, it offers an interpretation of the concepts of cluster and network, and suggests a clearer distinction between their respective definitions. The paper posits that studies of internal networks transcending national borders and clusters are not necessarily mutually exclusive when it comes to transfer of knowledge and the learning process of the firm. Our conclusion is that researchers in general seem to increasingly acknowledge the importance of studying both the effect of and the need for geographical proximity and external networks for the knowledge transfer process, but that there exists equivocalness in defining clusters and networks.
Researchers within the fields of economic geography and organizational management have extensively studied learning and the prerequisites and impediments for knowledge transfer. This paper combines two discourses within the two subjects: the-communities-of-practice and the learning region approaches, merging them through the so-called ecology of knowledge-approach, which is used to examine the knowledge transfer from the House of Fabergé to the Finnish jewellery industry. We examine the pre-revolution St Petersburg jewellery cluster and the post-revolution Helsinki, and the transfer of knowledge between these two locations through the components of communities of people, institutions and industry. The paper shows that the industrial dynamics of the Finnish modern-day goldsmith industry was inherently shaped both through the transfer and the non-transfer of knowledge. It also contends that the “knowledge-economy” is not anchored in and exclusive for the high technology sector of the late 20th century.
Kirjastoissa ja yliopistoissa tapahtuvaa tieteellisten töiden verkkokäyttöä koskevat tekijänoikeudelliset kysymykset ovat viimeaikoina aiheuttaneet päänvaivaa. Tietoverkot ja digitaalinen ympäristö muodostavatkin tekijänoikeuden kannalta erityisen soveltamisympäristön johon perehtyminen edellyttää tarkempaa tietämystä tiedon siirtämisestä, tietokannoista sekä ylipäätään tietoverkkoihin liittyvistä teknisistä toiminnoista. Koska sovelletut tekniset ratkaisut poikkeavat eri yhteyksissä toisistaan, pyrin kirjoituksessa yleisellä tasolla selvittämään niitä käyttäjien ja oikeudenhaltijoiden välisiä tekijän- ja sopimusoikeudellisia kysymyksiä, joita teosten käyttö tietoverkoissa aiheuttaa. Pyrkimyksenä on tuoda esiin ne tekijänoikeudellisesti merkitykselliset seikat, jotka verkkojulkaisuja arkistoitaessa, välitettäessä sekä linkkejä käytettäessä tulisi alkuperäisten tekijöiden, kustantajien ja verkkojulkaisijoiden (esimerkiksi kirjasto tai yliopisto) välisissä sopimuksissa ottaa huomioon. Kysymyksiä tarkastellaan erityisesti julkaisijan näkökulmasta. Esitys sisältää myös kustantajien lupakäytäntöä käsittelevän empiirisen tutkimuksen. Tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu kuinka usein kustantajat ovat vuosien 2000 – 2003 välisenä aikana myöntäneet luvan julkaista väitöskirjan artikkeli osana väitöskirjaa Teknillisen korkeakoulun avoimella ei kaupallisella www-palvelimella. Koska linkeillä on verkkojulkaisutoiminnassa usein merkittävä rooli, mutta niiden tekijänoikeudellinen asema on epäselvä, kirjoituksen jälkimmäisessä osiossa perehdytään linkkien tekijänoikeudelliseen asemaan.
Research on men’s networks and homosociality in and around organisations can produce knowledge on organisational power relations, and contribute to the efforts to promote equality in working life. The search for a conceptual framework to study these issues arises in this paper from my ongoing work on men's social networks and gendered power in and around organisations. Men give each other social support through networks in which formal and informal relationships intermingle, but networks are also contexts of competition and oppression, and of construction of masculinities that are in hierarchical relations with each other and with femininities. For studying the networks men have with each other in work organisations I suggest a broader starting point that contextualises these homosocial networks with men’s other personal relations, and integrates different perspectives deriving from social network analysis, critical studies on men and organisational studies.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kartoittaa luottamusmiesten organisaatio- ja ammattijärjestösitoutumiseen liittyviä tekijöitä sekä kuvata eri tavoin sitoutuneita ryhmiä. Keskeisiä tutkimuskysymyksiä ovat siten: Rapauttavatko hyvät esimies-alaissuhteet ja sujuviksi koetut neuvottelusuhteet työnantajan ja ammattiyhdistyksen välillä perustaa luottamusmiesten ammattijärjestösitoutumiselta? Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat luottamusmiehen organisaatio- ja ammattijärjestösitoutumisen taustalla? Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että oman johtajan/esimiehen ja luottamusmiehen välinen molemminpuolinen hyväksyntä ja siitä syntynyt motivoituneisuus ja työtyytyväisyys yhdistyneenä pitkän työsuhteen antamaan turvallisuuden tunteeseen ovat voimakkaammin pääkonttorien luottamusmiesten organisaatiositoutumisen taustalla. Kun taas kentän luottamusmiesten työssään kokema epävarmuus, oman työn autonomian puute, haasteeton työnjohtoilmasto tuntuivat aiheuttavan enemmän kritiikkiä työorganisaatiota kohtaan ja suuntaavan samaistumista oman ammattijärjestön suuntaan. Enemmistö tutkimuksen luottamusmiehistä oli kuitenkin kaksoissitoutuneita ja he kokivat ammattiliittonsa ja työnantajansa välisten suhteiden perustuvan yhteistyöhön ja luottamukseen organisaation johtoon. Luottamusmiesten sitoutuminen professioon ja työnantajaan näyttäisi olevan toinen vaihtoehtoinen tulevaisuuden kaksoissidoksen malli.
This article expands the discussion of the impact of technology on services and contributes to a broader comprehension of the nature of virtual services. This is done by discovering dimensions that distinguish physical services from virtual services, i.e. services that are distributed by electronic means and where the customer has no direct human interaction with the service provider. Differences in the core characteristics of services, servicescape and service delivery are discussed. Moreover, dimensions that differentiate between virtual services are analysed. A classification scheme for virtual services is proposed, including the origin of the service, the element of the service offering, the customisation process, stage of the service process performed, and the degree of mobility of the service.
What are the main elements of successful Key Account Management (KAM)? What is the nature of quality for the company and for the individual in business-to-business relationships? What kind of managerial practices are required at the company and individual level in Key Account Management? This paper focuses on these central aspects of KAM. It describes the main elements of KAM, which is a systematic marketing management approach in the business-to-business context with the objective to build profitable and long-lasting relationships with major accounts. Although paying customers in the business-to-business market are organizations, they are always represented by individuals. Thus, successful KAM requires appropriate handling of both the organizational and the individual levels. This paper describes the nature of quality for the company and for the individual in business-to-business relationships. As a synthesis, this paper suggests a framework for KAM practices deploying the main elements of KAM and the company and individual levels of business-to-business relationships. The weakness of the traditional quality management approach is that it pays little, if any, attention to customer importance. By providing similar quality to each customer, more important customers are penalized and less important customers are rewarded. This paper broadens the traditional quality management approach by introducing the concept of targeted quality based on customer importance.
Kundklubbar och lojalitetsprogram, marknadsföringsåtgärder som snabbt anammats inom de flesta branscher, utgör strategiska och taktiska åtaganden som direkt stöder en relationsmarknadsföringsansats i företag. Turistbranschen är inget undantag och idag ser vi hur även researrangörer utvecklat egna kundklubbar. Den frekvens med vilken finländska turister köper paketresor till "södern" per år ligger långt från den frekvens med vilken affärsresenärerna utnyttjar flygbolagens lojalitetsprogram. Trots det finns det ingen diskussion som belyser frågan hur väl relationsmarknadsföringsteorier utvecklade för marknader med hög köpfrekvens (flygbolagens lojalitetsprogram) är användbara på marknader där köpfrekvensen är lägre (t.ex. researrangörsbranschen). I denna artikel sammankopplas relationsmarknadsföringsteorier med teorier om lojalitetsprogram och kundklubbar. Artikeln syftar till att fördjupa förståelsen för lojalitetsprogrammens och kundklubbarnas relevans i en relationsmarknadsföringsansats. Ur diskussionen härleds forskningsfrågor som kan användas för att identifiera nya centrala forskningsområden. Artikeln fokuserar på den forskning som finner sin empiriska förankring i turistbranschen.
The productivity of a process is related to how effectively input resources are transformed into value for customers. For the needs of manufacturers of physical products there are widely used productivity concepts and measurements instruments. However, in service processes the underlying assumptions of these concepts and models do not hold. For example, manufacturing-based productivity models assume that an altered configuration of input resources in the production process does not lead to quality changes in outputs (the constant-quality assumption). However, in a service context changes in the production resources and productions systems do affect the perceived quality of services. Therefore, using manufacturing-oriented productivity models in service contexts are likely to give managers wrong directions for action. Research into the productivity of services is still scarce, because of the lack of viable models. The purpose of the present article is to analyse the requirements for the development of a productivity concept for service operations. Based on the analysis, a service productivity model is developed. According to this model, service productivity is a function of 1) how effectively input resources into the service (production) process are transformed to outputs in the form of services (internal or cost efficiency), 2) how well the quality of the service process and its outcome is perceived (external or revenue efficiency), and 3) how effectively the capacity of the service process is utilised (capacity efficiency). In addition, directions for developing measurement models for service productivity are discussed.
The unique characteristics of marketspace in combination with the fast growing number of consumers interested in e-commerce have created new research areas of interest to both marketing and consumer behaviour researchers. Consumer behaviour researchers interested in the decision making processes of consumers have two new sets of questions to answer. The first set of questions is related to how useful theories developed for a marketplace are in a marketspace context. Cyber auctions, Internet communities and the possibilities for consumers to establish dialogues not only with companies but also with other consumers make marketspace unique. The effects of these distinctive characteristics on the behaviour of consumers have not been systematically analysed and therefore constitute the second set of questions which have to be studied. Most companies feel that they have to be online even though the effects of being on the Net are not unambiguously positive. The relevance of the relationship marketing paradigm in a marketspace context have to be studied. The relationship enhancement effects of websites from the customers’ point of view are therefore emphasized in this research paper. Representatives of the Net-generation were analysed and the results show that companies should develop marketspace strategies while Net presence has a value-added effect on consumers. The results indicate that the decision making processes of the consumers are also changing as a result of the progress of marketspace
Critical incidents have had an important role in service quality and service management research. The focus of critical-incident studies has gradually shifted from separate acts and episodes towards relationships, and even switching from one relationship to another. The Critical Incident Technique has mainly been used when studying the service sector, concentrating on the customer's perception of critical incidents. Although some studies have considered the perceptions of employees important, critical incidents have not been considered a tool for studying internal relationships to any larger extent. This paper takes a process approach and shifts the focus from an external to an internal setting. It puts forward a new technique for analysing internal relationships from a critical-incident perspective. The technique captures the dynamism in relationships through considering internal critical incidents as micro-processes affecting not only internal but also external relationships.
Denna artikel diskuterar den metodutveckling inom marknadsföring som baseras på den allmänt och mycket frekvent använda kritisk-händelse metod som grundar sig på Flanagen (1954). Genom att forskningen inom nämnda område alltmer handlar om kundrelationer är det naturligt att även metoder som används anpassas till detta. Det finns emellertid flere frågetecken när man fokuserar på kritiska händelser och kundrelationer. Ett sådant är konsekvensen av den kritiska händelsen. Utan att kartlägga en verklig konsekvens av kritiska händelser som inträffat (verkligt beteende) är det emellertid svårt att utveckla metoder för framtida och kommande beteende. Därför diskuteras dessa frågor här i avsikt att föra utvecklingen mot en applicering av kritisk-händelse metoder i pågående kundrelationer.
Our paper can be seen as a supplement to Halinen-Kaila and Tähtinen' s (2000) review of different direct research approaches on the ending of exchange relationships. Our purpose is to illuminate the borderline between research explicitly focusing on ending and research implicitly considering ending of relationships. Another purpose is to give an overview of how researchers within the Nordic School of Service Management and Nordic School of Relationship Marketing have approached customer relationship ending. A third purpose is to put forward a managerial perspective and managerial issues related to relationship ending. Finally we present some conclusions regarding further research avenues concerning relationship ending.
The goods-dominated marketing model has major shortcomings as a guiding marketing theory. Its marketing mix approach is mainly geared towards buying and does not include consumption as an integral part of marketing theory. Although it is during the process of consuming goods and services that value is generated for customers and the foundation for repeat purchasing and customer relationships are laid, this process is left outside the scope of marketing. The focus in service marketing is not on a product but on interactions in service encounters. Consumption has become an integral part of a holistic marketing model. Other than standardized goods-based value propositions can be better understood when taking a servicebased approach. It is concluded that marketing based on a goods logic is but a special case of marketing based on a service logic and applicable only in certain contexts with standardized products.
The purpose of this study was to deepen the understanding of market segmentation theory by studying the evolution of the concept and by identifying the antecedents and consequences of the theory. The research method was influenced by content analysis and meta-analysis. The evolution of market segmentation theory was studied as a reflection of evolution of marketing theory. According to this study, the theory of market segmentation has its roots in microeconomics and it has been influenced by different disciplines, such as motivation research and buyer behaviour theory. Furthermore, this study suggests that the evolution of market segmentation theory can be divided into four major eras: the era of foundations, development and blossoming, stillness and stagnation, and the era of re-emergence. Market segmentation theory emerged in the mid-1950’s and flourished during the period between mid-1950’s and the late 1970’s. During the 1980’s the theory lost its interest in the scientific community and no significant contributions were made. Now, towards the dawn of the new millennium, new approaches have emerged and market segmentation has gained new attention.