996 resultados para Gone with the Wind


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We present spin-polarized Hartree-Fock-Slater calculations performed with the highly accurate numerical finite element method for the atoms N and 0 and the diatomic radical OH as examples.


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We compare Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines on the task of multiclass text classification. Using a variety of approaches to combine the underlying binary classifiers, we find that SVMs substantially outperform Naive Bayes. We present full multiclass results on two well-known text data sets, including the lowest error to date on both data sets. We develop a new indicator of binary performance to show that the SVM's lower multiclass error is a result of its improved binary performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate and explore the surprising result that one-vs-all classification performs favorably compared to other approaches even though it has no error-correcting properties.


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T-cell receptor gene rearrangements were studied in Aotus monkeys developing high antibody titers and sterilizing immunity against the Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite upon vaccination with the modified synthetic peptide 24112, which was identified in the Merozoite Surface Protein 2 (MSP-2) and is known to bind to HLA-DR beta 1*0403 molecules with high capacity. Spectratyping analysis showed a preferential usage of V beta 12 and V beta 6 TCR gene families in 67% of HLA-DR beta 1*0403-like genotyped monkeys. Docking of peptide 24112 into the HLA-DR beta 1*0401-HA peptide-HA1.7TCR complex containing the VDJ rearrangements identified in fully protected monkeys showed a different structural signature compared to nonprotected monkeys. These striking results show the exquisite specificity of the TCR/pMHCII complex formation needed for inducing sterilizing immunity and provide important hints for a logical and rational methodology to develop multiepitopic, minimal subunit-based synthetic vaccines against infectious diseases, among them malaria.


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In concordance whit permanent global and local changes in superior education, not only in Colombia but in the world, and having in account the relevance of pedagogical actions and their incidence in the student’s cognitive level, it’s necessary analyze and to reflect about the mecanism involved in the learning processes, in order to improve the curriculums and inside of them, the teaching methodologies, pedagogy an didacts that promote better the students cognition. In the present article an analysis is made of teaching methodologies developed in Institutions of superior education with subsequent learnings that not always facilitate the cognitive development of the student, as well as a proposal of educative innovation elements aimed to guide the teachers into a careful consideration of their pedagogical practice.


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The present article analyze the urban transformations happened in the sector of Saint Victorino and Saint Ines in the city of Bogota D.C. between 1948 and 2010, making use of the "Genealogical Methodology" during the process of inquiry that allow to contrast the visions that are usually accepted of "progress" and "urban renovation" in the urban market context by the existence of a informal economic and a population in conditions of marginality that configures a good part of the "popular urban culture" of the Bogota in the 20th and 21st century. This vision permit to observe from various perspectives the changes that happened in this sector of the city, the impacts of the history facts occurred en this time period and, in special, the real effects of a rearrangement urban process that began in 1998 and has been prolonged to date, which has left a significant mark about the urban and social physiognomy of the place.


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Elmer, el favorito de todos los elefantes, vive una aventura fantástica. En la selva, sopla un fuerte viento que no detiene a Elmer y a su primo Wilbur de practicar sus habituales trucos. En este caso, Elmer hace creer a los demás elefantes, que el fuerte viento reinante le ha hecho volar por el aire cómo si fuera un pájaro.


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Pertenece a una colección qué plantea algunas preguntas sobre como funciona la Tierra. Se repasa: la composición interna del planeta, la formación de los continentes, de los volcanes, y de las cuevas subterráneas, de las nubes y de los ríos.


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El modelo SIOP (Shelthered Instruction Observation Protocol) consiste en treinta indicadores agrupados en ocho categorías, que ayudan a diseñar y planificar la práctica educativa para ser utilizada en contextos en los que haya alumnos que tienen que aprender en una lengua que no es su lengua materna. Este modelo tiene en cuenta las necesidades lingüístico-académicas de los alumnos y propone diferentes estrategias y técnicas para enseñarlos de una manera más comprensible, a la vez que se potencia su desarrollo lingüístico. Dentro de la preparación de la unidad didáctica, el SIOP señala la importancia de definir claramente tanto los objetivos de contenido como los objetivos de lenguaje y compartirlos con los alumnos. Asimismo destaca la necesidad de adaptar los contenidos a las necesidades académico-lingüísticas de los alumnos mediante el uso de materiales complementarios.


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The performance of the SAOP potential for the calculation of NMR chemical shifts was evaluated. SAOP results show considerable improvement with respect to previous potentials, like VWN or BP86, at least for the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine chemical shifts. Furthermore, a few NMR calculations carried out on third period atoms (S, P, and Cl) improved when using the SAOP potential


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The South Eastern Museums Service is one of ten Area Museums Councils in Great Britain. They are partnerships; membership organizations to which the 2 000 + museums belong. They provide advice, support, technical services, information and training for their members. They are the principal channel of government grant-in-aid to local government, university and independent museums. This funding comes from the Department of National Heritage via the Museums & Galleries Commission. At the South Eastern Museums Service I am responsible for the development and delivery of training for 600 museums in our region and the provision of information about museums and of interest to museums. This paper explains how we approach in-service training and the value of the definition of national standards for our work. It will pose some questions: What is training? What is a training need? and describe a new initiative, the development of training materials and their delivery.


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This paper discusses aphasia and the young adult.