1000 resultados para Escolas comunitárias
Este trabalho tem por objetivo, pesquisa a formação do imaginário a respeito dos estudantes considerados bons alunos ao longo da história da educação brasileira. O presente trabalho analisa ainda, o imaginário existente numa escola pública da rede estadual do Estado de São Paulo quanto ao que sua comunidade escolar considera como sendo o modelo ideal de estudante, e por isso um bom aluno para o nível de ensino fundamental II. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada através do estudo das visões que professores, gestores e alunos tinham sobre o assunto a partir da resposta de questionários respondidos por estes no decorrer do ano letivo de 2006. Acreditamos que através da compreensão das idéias que compõe o imaginário escolar a respeito dos bons alunos possamos propor uma reflexão sobre as constantes queixas de que não temos mais estudantes estudiosos, inteligentes e dedicados nas escolas públicas. Pretendemos ainda, re-pensar os discursos que destacam apenas as questões relacionadas ao fracasso da rede pública de ensino, gerando o quase desaparecimento do sucesso e dos bons alunos no imaginário das comunidades escolares acerca da educação pública. E por fim nos questionar a respeito dos problemas que determinados posicionamentos acabam acarretando na prática pedagógica de professores e no posicionamento das escolas diante do conhecimento e de seus estudantes.(AU)
Este Trabalho tem a finalidade de estudar e apontar as mudanças ocorridas no currículo e na estrutura dos cursos modulares ofertados pelo Centro Paula Souza, então autarquia da Secretaria de Administração do Estado de São Paulo, analisando os enfoques pedagógicos e profissionalizantes, a partir da promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (1.996) e Decreto-Lei 2208/97. A pesquisa de campo desenvolvida neste Trabalho deu subsídios para se traçar um paralelo da prática docente e da concepção docente antes e depois de 1.996, na visão dos professores que atuam no ensino técnico e que vivenciaram, de alguma maneira, o período estudado.
Formal education, understood by the gradual process that occurs at school, aims at learning and systematic knowledge is of great interest to society as it benefits its individuals and leads to many positive effects, such as increased productivity and welfare (Johnes, Johnes, 2007). Understanding what influences the educational outcome is as important as the result itself, because lets you manage these variables in order to obtain a better student performance. This work uses the data envelopment analysis (DEA) to compare the efficiency of Rio Grande do Norte schools. In this nonparametric method, an efficiency frontier was construct from the best schools that use the inputs set to generate educational products. Therefore, the data used were obtain by Test Brazil and year 2011 School Census to state and municipal schools of Rio Grande do Norte. Some of the variables considered as inputs and outputs have been obtain directly these bases - the other two were prepared, using the Item Response Theory (IRT) - they are the socioeconomic and school infrastructure indices. As a first step, we compared several DEA models, with changes of input variables. Then was chose the non-discretionary model for which was deep the analysis of results. The results showed that only seven schools were efficient in the 5th and 9th grades simultaneously; there were no significant differences between the efficiency of municipal and state schools; and there were no differences between large and small schools. Analyzing the municipalities, Mossoró excelled in both years with the highest proportion of efficient schools. Finally, the study suggests that using the projections provided by the DEA method, the most inefficient schools would be able to achieve the goal IDEB in 2011, in other words, it is possible to improve the education of significant state taking the efficient schools as a basis for too much.
The purpose of this research is to analyze different daylighting systems in schools in the city of Natal/RN. Although with the abundantly daylight available locally, there are a scarce and diffuse architectural recommendations relating sky conditions, dimensions of daylight systems, shading, fraction of sky visibility, required illuminance, glare, period of occupation and depth of the lit area. This research explores different selected apertures systems to explore the potential of natural light for each system. The method has divided into three phases: The first phase is the modeling which involves the construction of three-dimensional model of a classroom in Sketchup software 2014, which is featured in follow recommendations presented in the literature to obtain a good quality of environmental comfort in school settings. The second phase is the dynamic performance computer simulation of the light through the Daysim software. The input data are the climate file of 2009 the city of Natal / RN, the classroom volumetry in 3ds format with the assignment of optical properties of each surface, the sensor mapping file and the user load file . The results produced in the simulation are organized in a spreadsheet prepared by Carvalho (2014) to determine the occurrence of useful daylight illuminance (UDI) in the range of 300 to 3000lux and build graphics illuminance curves and contours of UDI to identify the uniformity of distribution light, the need of the minimum level of illuminance and the occurrence of glare.
The notion of habitus, developed by Pierre Bourdieu, and laying it down with the teaching practice and vice versa comprise the analysis undertaken here. Naturally, concepts such as field, capital and symbolic power, also prepared by him throughout their sociological research, represent important tools in this research work about the components that make up the Faculty practice. Thus, we focus on the actions that characterize this practice and which has the habitus its triggering mechanism, i.e. a device that not only produces the actions, but also changes from them. Based on this perspective, therefore, we are using as methodological feature the collective subject discourse (DSC) and your software (Qualiquantsoft), which aim to understand how certain collective thinking regarding the issues that afflict him. In addition, we undertook during the fieldwork, participant observation techniques as a tool to capture some nuances that permeate the school environment. Our proposal was to observe in what circumstances the objective conditions experienced by teachers in elementary schools I in Parnamirim-RN, tend to conflict with the provisions incorporated by them in their daily life. To put it another way, it means that it is not always the practice can reconcile Professorial what had previously been prescribed and thus widely accepted, with the way to perceive, evaluate and act for each. Although usually pass unnoticed, this disharmony is more common than you think. Proof of this are the looks directed those who fortuitously doubters fail to adapt immediately to regulations imposed by the education system (SE).
Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.
Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.
Health promotion is opposed directly to the biomedical model and established by intersectoral action, with collective and interdisciplinary approaches, considering the subject in their life contexts. Build healthy territories is to promote health, which necessarily includes intersectoral coordination and community mobilization. The health and education sectors can work together to promote health, developing so articulate actions and practices involving the subject in its territory of life and work. This study aimed to design and experience of health promotion strategies in school and Basic Health Units Family in Uberlândia - MG, from intersectoral relationship and community mobilization. The methodological research route was action research, or research intervention, because while researching already applied the ideas to solve problems through collective action. The research began in the Municipal School of Basic Education Prof. Eurico Silva, with the Health Centre's deployment to carry out surveillance and health promotion with active participation of students, involving all subjects of the school, students, teachers and other staff in the context of everyday life, which extrapolates the school walls, reaching the family and social groups in the community to which they belong. The health observatory has the objective existence with the establishment of the working groups, which at first were "healthy eating" and "drug-free world" and later, "dengue". The themes were chosen by the participants of the Health Centre, in which each is involved preferably. The second part of the research started with the approach between the Centre for Health and the health units (UBS and BFHU). The proposal was that the schools and the health nurse unit together should undertake prevention and health promotion, combating Aedes aegypti with intersectoral coordination and community mobilization. For it was crucial the involvement of ACS, ACE, ASE and the nurse coordinator of the Health Unit in creating community networks in the territory. home visits, community mobilization and intersectoral coordination: a training course in all BFHU and UBS teams with the following subjects was conducted. At this stage, were the Health Units that should approach the schools, in order to provide community networks to fight Aedes aegypti in each territory. The results and the scope of this experiment could only be brought to fruition because the Board of Health Surveillance and Care Coordination council of Basic embraced the proposal and helped in its implementation. It remains to continue consolidating this process of work in health units of primary care and the elementary schools, replicate the Health Centre's experience at school. The conclusion of this work is that schools and care facilities to health together with intersectoral coordination and community mobilization supported by community networks, can carry out prevention and health promotion, from a health model that considers the social determinants of health and overcoming hygienist model / sanitarian.
This study has as object eight state vocational schools located in Araguari, Araxá, Frutal, Ituiutaba, Monte Carmelo, Patos de Minas, Uberaba and Uberlândia, in Minas Gerais. The period analyzed comprises the years from 1965 to 1976, from the signature of the Agreement 512-11-610-042 beteween the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) and the American Agency for International Development (USAID), which started a series of other agreements, and actions ending up with the creation of the Expansion and Improvement of High Schools Program (Programa de Expansão e Melhoria do Ensino Médio - PREMEM) and, from this, the Vocational Schools. The upper limit of the study, 1976, was the year when these agreements, known as MEC/USAID agreements ceased. The Vocational Schools were characterized as vocation probing schools, directing the professional formation of the population in general, which would happen a posteriori, turning it shorter and more effective, since the labor market would demand, urgently, capable professionals for an expanding economy. The project of Vocational Schools had a national scope, and foresaw, for its unfolding, the complete substitution of State Schools for the new model, called “multi-curricula”. The theme Vocational schools was the object of my Master’s degree study, when I focused the State School Guiomar de Freitas Costa, in Uberlândia. That study raised questionings and concerns that resulted in the central problem of the thesis presented here: understanding the measure in which such schools integrated the country’s development project – mostly in the first half of the military rule – and to understand its structure, functionality and efficacyThe development of the study presented here, demanded the use of several sources: 1) specialized literature about the topics presented, i.e., the situation of national education in a temporal analysis, the political, economical and social context, research methodologies, the theory of human capital, vocational teaching, pedagogical trends and practices, agreements MEC-USAID and PREMEM; 2) national, state and county laws related to the discussion: laws of national education directives and basis, decrees and reports stating about the program of technical cooperation between Brazil and the United States of America, the Program of Expansion and Improvement of Teaching (PREMEM), formation of professors, establishment of Vocational Schools and educational planning; 3) documentation of school archives: books of minutes of Collegiate and of faculty and staff, registrar books with final scores, enrolment, visits of inspector, accounting books, punch clock records, student, professor and staff occurrences, inventory, class schedules, school year calendar, school rules, class reports, payment rolls, bills of sales, exchanged mail, personal documentation of professional personnel, documents of land acquisition, blueprints, manuals of PREMEM, didactic materials/resources used in classes, books available in the school library, structured evaluations for follow-up of school processes, pictures of events, texts prepared for special dates, and news from the official newspaper and, finally, 4) national and local press reports, especially from Folha de São Paulo, Correio de Araxá, Correio de Uberlândia and Lavoura e Comércio (Uberaba). The proposition of Vocational schools was conciliate theoretical and practical formation through an active education permeated by technological resources. The contact with knowledge and several practical activities under professional supervision, the student would identify the knowledge area that would interest him the most and his aptitude. This formation in primary school would make way for the vocation studies in high school, which became mandatory by the law 5.692/71, that reformed school education from the previous levels of elementary, middle high and high school. However, the multi-curricula proposal that would be spread to the other public schools in the country ended up succumbing to the model already established. From its ephemeral existence, maybe the Vocational Schools have not reached the more general goals in political, economic and social aspects; however, this study demonstrated that, for the people that, directly or indirectly, had contact with such schools, a legacy of vocational and quality teaching was made, so much so, that forty years after the end of that proposal, they are still remembered.
Esta pesquisa, intitulada “Promoção da cidadania pelas rádios comunitárias do ABCD Paulista, sob desafios e enfrentamentos políticos”, estuda 11 rádios comunitárias autorizadas pelo Ministério das Comunicações para funcionamento no Grande ABCD Paulista. Na região, cinco cidades das sete ali existentes abrigam rádios comunitárias, como Diadema (rádios “Navegantes” e “Nova Diadema”); Mauá (rádios “Mauá” e “Z”); Ribeirão Pires (rádio “Pérola da Serra”); Rio Grande da Serra (rádio “Esplanada”) e São Bernardo do Campo (rádios “Lírio dos Vales”, “Nova Riacho”, “Paraty”, “Princesa” e “Represa”). As outras duas cidades daquele território, Santo André e São Caetano do Sul, não registram emissoras comunitárias autorizadas para funcionamento. O objetivo deste estudo é o de revelar o perfil das mencionadas emissoras; a contribuição que oferecem aos processos da promoção de cidadania e inclusão social; seus problemas operacionais estruturais para sobrevivência e reações para superação. A metodologia utilizada consiste em pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental, entrevistas, visitas às rádios e estudo de programação. Estudou-se o histórico da região; os conceitos de cidadania; participação; radiodifusão comunitária e a própria trajetória das emissoras. Na sequência, houve a consulta em instituições oficiais para o conhecimento das rádios comunitárias autorizadas para funcionamento no ABCD. Posteriormente, seguiu-se a pesquisa com várias visitas de observação. As entrevistas tiveram características semiestruturadas com os radialistas e demais depoentes para este trabalho, especialistas na presente temática. Concluiu-se que existem inúmeras dificuldades que as 11 emissoras comunitárias do ABCD Paulista enfrentam para conseguir manter as rádios funcionamento. A manutenção das dificuldades se dá principalmente pela força da legislação responsável por tal segmento radiofônico comunitário, que o impede de obter apoio comercial e patrocínios.
A estrutura política e econômica brasileira promove uma sociedade marcada por desigualdades sociais, gerando indignações e diversos conflitos. Estresse, ansiedade, depressão, mal estar profissional, infraestrutura precária, alimentação inadequada, sedentarismo, (i)mobilidade urbana, fragilidade dos vínculos sociais, poluição, dentre outros, são fatores contemporâneos que afetam a qualidade de vida dos seres humanos. Este cenário merece atenção peculiar quando nos remetemos ao ambiente escolar. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida bem como identificar o grau de estresse percebido em diretores de Escolas Municipais de Educação Infantil (EMEIs) na Cidade de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 86 Diretores de Escolas, correspondendo a 16,04% do total de diretores de EMEIs da Rede Municipal de Educação (RME). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário sociodemográfico, Instrumento de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida-abreviado - WHOQOL-bref e a Escala de Estresse Percebido – PSS. Os resultados revelaram que, em média, 70,9% possuem uma excessiva rotina de trabalho, caracterizadas por: chegar mais cedo e/ou sair mais tarde do expediente normal; receber e/ou fazer ligações, mensagens, e-mails ou similares, relacionados à direção, fora do expediente de trabalho e levar serviços para casa e/ou se preocupar com questões relativas à direção, após encerrar o expediente. A maioria (60,05%) acredita que as condições de trabalho, enquanto Diretor de Escola influenciam negativamente na saúde pessoal. Tanto o índice geral da Qualidade de Vida quanto em relação aos domínios do WHOQOL-bref mostraram médias significativamente abaixo dos dados normativos brasileiros 12,7±3,1 (p<0,001). Quanto ao nível de estresse percebido, inicialmente analisamos as frequências referentes aos respectivos níveis. Os resultados mostraram que o nível de estresse percebido se situa entre 48,8% de “às vezes” para 41,9% de “quase sempre”. Este resultado se apresenta estatisticamente significativo (χ2 p<0,05). Com base neste estudo pudemos observar a escassez de estudos sobre QV e estresse com Diretores de Escolas e que a QV se apresentou significativamente baixa, bem como a percepção de estresse em quase metade da amostra estudada.
Com esta investigação pretende-se clarificar em que medida os recursos educativos das escolas contribuem para o sucesso escolar dos alunos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, no agrupamento onde foi realizada. O presente estudo tem como finalidade conhecer os recursos das escolas, assim como a gestão que os docentes fazem dos mesmos, relacionando-os com os resultados escolares dos alunos do 4.º ano de escolaridade, nas áreas de Português e Matemática. Foi efetuado um estudo de natureza mista (quantitativa e qualitativa), recorrendo a uma metodologia de estudo de caso. Foi aplicado inquérito por questionário a todos os docentes do 1º CEB, inquérito por entrevista a duas docentes das escolas em estudo e analisaram-se documentos estruturantes do agrupamento. Após a análise dos resultados, procedeu-se à sustentação teórica dos mesmos, elaboraram-se as considerações finais e sugeriram- -se futuras investigações.