971 resultados para Educational psychology -- Practicum
This paper provides novel empirical evidence of the indirect effect of educational attainment on regional economic growth, through its influence on the profitability of investment in physical capital. We test the hypothesis that the regional heterogeneity of the return to physical capital can be directly related to the existing heterogeneity in the educational attainment of workers. The results for the Spanish case support our hypothesis that the higher the educational attainment of workers the greater the returns on investment in physical capital. In fact, this effect seems to be sufficiently strong to have counterbalanced the traditional mechanism of decreasing returns to capital accumulation.
The aim of the research presented in this article is to understand undergraduate students’ appraisal of the influence of reflective learning methodology in different aspects of their learning, and to obtain evidence of the main difficulties encountered by students and the main contributions of this kind of methodology into their learning process. The study was conducted in four different degree courses (Social education, Environmental sciences, Nursing, and Psychology) at the University of Girona Through the development of a self-report reflective learning questionnaire and its application to 162 students who participated in the experiences, we conclude that reflective learning can be positively assessed as having great potential to train university undergraduates
Development of methods to explore data from educational settings, to understand better the learning process.
The work presented here describes a part of the experience carried out during the last two academic years in a course called New Technologies Applied to Education within the Teacher Training Studies of the Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology of the University of Girona. It is a project that involves students working on a proposal closely related to their future professional lives. In it they simulate their intervention in a school staff meeting at which the introduction of ICT into the curriculum is being discussed. This proposal is presented in a WebQuest format. Various individual and group tasks allow the students to acquire knowledge about educational programmes and resources available on the web and to discuss their possible teaching applications in the context of a specific school situation, leading to an analysis of the curricular implications associated with the educational use of the ICT from the teacher’s perspective. During the last two academic years assessments by both the students and the teaching staff have been gathered in order to redesign the proposal and calculate the time necessary for the development of each task following the ECTS system. This proposal, although formulated within the context of current degree programmes, implies a way of working guided by the plans of European convergence (ECTS). In the future it is hoped to establish an interdisciplinary proposal focusing on various subjects of the degree leading to the development of some of the capabilities established in our university’s degree courses in Early Childhood and Primary Teacher Training following the plans of European convergence (ECTS)
This article reviews data obtained through research into early childhood mathematics education in Spain. It analyses the current curricular directions in mathematics education with early learners. It also provides an overview of mathematical practices in early childhood education classrooms to analyse the commonalities and differences between research, curriculum and educational practice. A review of the research presented at SEIEM symposia from 1997 until 2012 demonstrates: a) very little research has been done, a trend that is repeated in other areas, such as the JCR-Social Sciences Edition or the PME; b) the first steps have been taken to create a more and more cohesive body of research, although until now there has not been enough data to outline the curricular directions; and c) some discrepancies still exist between the mathematical practices in early childhood education classrooms and the official guidelines
The writing of I is a project that starts an itinerary through past, present and future experiences of each of our students based on following research activities. Reading, creation and recreation of text and other items that turn essentially around autobiographical writing and culminate with the elaboration of a free autobiography
El escenario de asesoramiento colaborativo es un espacio sociocultural donde lo que se hace y se dice condiciona el tipo de interacción que se va a dar entre las personas que participan así como la actividad que llevan a cabo de manera conjunta. En este artículo vamos a reflexionar sobre el papel de la motivación de los profesores y asesores para mantener el asesoramiento así como en las posibilidades que tiene el asesor para crear y mantener un contexto que resulte motivante para asesor y asesorados
El síndrome de burnout se considera una vulnerabilidad en las profesiones de ayuda. La escasez de publicaciones sobre esta formación, orientó la creación de una asignatura optativa en el Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) en el curso 2009-2010. Igualmente, produjo interés por explorar esta temática en enfermeras asistenciales de salud mental cuya disciplina aborda la gestión del estrés. Se presenta un estudio descriptivo, transversal y de correlación, en una cohorte de 73 enfermeras que trabajaban en servicios asistenciales de salud mental en el año 2011. Los objetivos pretenden identificar si la muestra estudiada presenta afectación del síndrome de burnout y relacionar los resultados con las estrategias que dichas enfermeras declaran utilizar para hacer frente a las emociones negativas atribuidas a su trabajo. El instrumento empleado es el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), una pregunta abierta y variables sociodemográficas y de salud. Los resultados indican que presentó burnout el 2,7% de la muestra estudiada junto con un nivel medio de despersonalización. Además presentan baja realización personal quienes trabajaban en unidades de enfermos crónicos. El cansancio emocional resulto mayor en mujeres que en hombres y esta presente en personal con contrato fijo y en quienes causaron baja en los dos últimos años. En general, se observa falta de formación y apoyo formal para gestionar el estrés en la muestra estudiada. Se concluye que la formación sobre burnout en el Grado de Enfermería, podría favorecer la gestión del estrés y prevenir su cronicidad hacia la desmotivación y el absentismo laboral.
El síndrome de burnout se considera una vulnerabilidad en las profesiones de ayuda. La escasez de publicaciones sobre esta formación, orientó la creación de una asignatura optativa en el Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) en el curso 2009-2010. Igualmente, produjo interés por explorar esta temática en enfermeras asistenciales de salud mental cuya disciplina aborda la gestión del estrés. Se presenta un estudio descriptivo, transversal y de correlación, en una cohorte de 73 enfermeras que trabajaban en servicios asistenciales de salud mental en el año 2011. Los objetivos pretenden identificar si la muestra estudiada presenta afectación del síndrome de burnout y relacionar los resultados con las estrategias que dichas enfermeras declaran utilizar para hacer frente a las emociones negativas atribuidas a su trabajo. El instrumento empleado es el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), una pregunta abierta y variables sociodemográficas y de salud. Los resultados indican que presentó burnout el 2,7% de la muestra estudiada junto con un nivel medio de despersonalización. Además presentan baja realización personal quienes trabajaban en unidades de enfermos crónicos. El cansancio emocional resulto mayor en mujeres que en hombres y esta presente en personal con contrato fijo y en quienes causaron baja en los dos últimos años. En general, se observa falta de formación y apoyo formal para gestionar el estrés en la muestra estudiada. Se concluye que la formación sobre burnout en el Grado de Enfermería, podría favorecer la gestión del estrés y prevenir su cronicidad hacia la desmotivación y el absentismo laboral.
The project "Water and Environment"for the improvement of educational practices in the aquatic environment, is a research project led by four members of the Research Group of Physical Education at the University of Vic (GREF) experts in water activities. The aim is to train the technicians who teach swimming during school hours. The training is based on improving water treatment practices and competence to face a contradictory scene where clubs develop educational content and where schools transfer to clubs part of its educational activity to contribute significantly and positively to water activities fitting the educational curriculum.
Researching research is not a common theme in educational drama. Nor is the educational drama process from a participant perspective a typical focus of research, at least not if the participants are disabled. Yet this is the theme of this thesis, a drama in three acts. The aim of this thesis is to describe, analyse, and discuss both the ways in which research within educational drama can be carried out and represented, and the experiences of the participants of the educational drama process. The theoretical framework that steers the research process is built up of two pairs of frames, each of them, like Russian nesting dolls, containing further frames. The first frame, relating to the outcomes of conducting research in educational drama, comprises philosophical, representational, and personal theories. As the second question asks what educational drama is, the subject related frame is built up of pedagogical, drama educational, and aesthetic theories. The study in its entirety follows the structure of the researcher’s hermeneutical learning process and takes the form of a journey starting from what is familiar, stretching towards what is new and different, and finally returning back to the beginning with a new view on what was there at the start. The thesis consists of two separate but related studies. The first, a familiar study conducted earlier, Alpha in Act I, was carried out among upper secondary school pupils. In the second, the new and therefore unfamiliar study, Omega in Act III, the participants are adult individuals who are physically and communicatively disabled. In between these two Acts an element of “Verfremdung” where the Alpha study is systematically scrutinized as the purpose is to teach and to manage the reader to think. Meta-discussions on the philosophical issues of the study are conducted throughout the text, parallel to the empirical parts. The outcomes of the first research question show that philosophical, methodical, and representational consistency is crucial for research. While this may sound like stating the obvious, this has nevertheless not always been considered fact, especially not within qualitative research. The outcomes further stress that representational issues are also to be recognized when presenting non-rational aspects of educational drama. By wording the world, through the use of visualising language, the surplus of meanings of educational drama can be, as they are within this study, made visible, sensible, and almost tangible, not only cognitively understandable. The outcomes of the second question point to the different foci of the studies, with Alpha focusing on the rationally retold experiences and Omega focusing on nonrational experiences. The outcomes expose educational drama as a learning process comprising doing, reflecting, and being. The doing aspect communicates the concrete efforts in creating a piece of theatre, while the being aspect relates experiences of being as situated, embodied and sensuous, reciprocal, empowering, aesthetic and artistic, and existential. Reflection is the twine that runs throughout the process and connects both doing and being. In summary, the outcomes could be formulated as “learning from learning how to make theatre”.
Les 21, 22 et 23 septembre 2006, le Département d’Études Françaises de l’Université de Turku (Finlande) a organisé une conférence internationale et bilingue (anglais et français) sur le thème de la mobilité académique ; le but de cette rencontre était de rendre possible la tenue d’un forum international et multidisciplinaire, susceptible d’être le siège de divers débats entre les différents acteurs de la mobilité académique (c’estàdire des étudiants, des chercheurs, des personnels enseignants et administratifs, etc.). Ainsi, ont été mis à contribution plus de cinquante intervenants, (tous issus de domaines aussi variés que la linguistique, les sciences de l’éducation, la didactique, l’anthropologie, la sociologie, la psychologie, l’histoire, la géographie, etc.) ainsi que cinq intervenants renommés1. La plupart des thèmes traités durant la conférence couvraient les champs suivants : l’organisation de la mobilité, les obstacles rencontrés par les candidats à la mobilité, l’intégration des étudiants en situation d’échange, le développement des programmes d’études, la mobilité virtuelle, l’apprentissage et l’enseignement des langues, la prise de cosncience interculturelle, le développement des compétences, la perception du système de mobilité académique et ses impacts sur la mobilité effective. L’intérêt du travail réalisé durant la conférence réside notamment dans le fait qu’il ne concentre pas uniquement des perspectives d’étudiants internationaux et en situation d’échange (comme c’est le cas de la plupart des travaux de recherche déjà menés sur ce sujet), mais aussi ceux d’autres corps : enseignants, chercheurs, etc. La contribution suivante contient un premier corpus de dixsept articles, répartis en trois sections : 1. Impacts de la mobilité étudiante ; 2. Formation en langues ; 3. Amélioration de la mobilité académique. À l’image de la conférence, la production qui suit est bilingue : huit des articles sont rédigés en français, et les neuf autres en anglais. Certains auteurs n’ont pas pu assister à la conférence mais ont tout de même souhaité apparaître dans cet ouvrage. Dans la première section de l’ouvrage, Sandrine Billaud tâche de mettre à jour les principaux obstacles à la mobilité étudiante en France (logement, organisation des universités, démarches administratives), et propose à ce sujet quelques pistes d’amélioration. Vient ensuite un article de Dominique Ulma, laquelle se penche sur la mobilité académique régnant au sein des Instituts Universitaires de Formation des Maîtres (IUFM) ; elle s’est tout particulièrement concentrée sur l’enthousiasme des stagiaires visàvis de la mobilité, et sur les bénéfices qu’apporte la mobilité Erasmus à ce type précis d’étudiant. Ensuite, dans un troisième article, Magali Hardoin s’interroge sur les potentialités éducationnelles de la mobilité des enseignantsstagiaires, et tâche de définir l’impact de celleci sur la construction de leur profil professionnel. Après cela arrive un groupe de trois articles, tous réalisés à bases d’observations faites dans l’enseignement supérieur espagnol, et qui traitent respectivement de la portée qu’a le programme de triple formation en langues européennes appliquées pour les étudiants en mobilité (Marián MorónMartín), des conséquences qu’occasionne la présence d’étudiants étrangers dans les classes de traductions (Dimitra Tsokaktsidu), et des réalités de l’intégration sur un campus espagnol d’étudiants américains en situation d’échange (Guadalupe Soriano Barabino). Le dernier article de la section, issu d’une étude sur la situation dans les institutions japonaises, fait état de la situation des programmes de doubles diplômes existant entre des établissements japonais et étrangers, et tente de voir quel est l’impact exact de tels programmes pour les institutions japonaises (Mihoko Teshigawara, Riichi Murakami and Yoneo Yano). La seconde section est elle consacrée à la relation entre apprentissage et enseignement des langues et mobilité académique. Dans un premier article, Martine Eisenbeis s’intéresse à des modules multimédia réalisés à base du film « L’auberge espagnole », de Cédric Klapish (2001), et destinés aux étudiants en mobilité désireux d’apprendre et/ou améliorer leur français par des méthodes moins classiques. Viennent ensuite les articles de Jeanine Gerbault et Sabine Ylönen, lesquels traitent d’un projet européen visant à supporter la mobilité étudiante par la création d’un programme multimédia de formation linguistique et culturelle pour les étudiants en situation de mobilité (le nom du projet est EUROMOBIL). Ensuite, un article de Pascal Schaller s’intéresse aux différents types d’activités que les étudiants en séjour à l’étranger expérimentent dans le cadre de leur formation en langue. Enfin, la section s’achève avec une contribution de Patricia KohlerBally, consacrée à un programme bilingue coordonné par l’Université de Fribourg (Suisse). La troisième et dernière section propose quelques pistes de réflexion destinées à améliorer la mobilité académique des étudiants et des enseignants ; dans ce cadre seront donc évoquées les questions de l’égalité face à la mobilité étudiante, de la préparation nécessitée par celleci, et de la prise de conscience interculturelle. Dans un premier chapitre, Javier Mato et Bego
This study was conducted in order to learn how companies’ revenue models will be transformed due to the digitalisation of its products and processes. Because there is still only a limited number of researches focusing solely on revenue models, and particularly on the revenue model change caused by the changes at the business environment, the topic was initially approached through the business model concept, which organises the different value creating operations and resources at a company in order to create profitable revenue streams. This was used as the base for constructing the theoretical framework for this study, used to collect and analyse the information. The empirical section is based on a qualitative study approach and multiple-case analysis of companies operating in learning materials publishing industry. Their operations are compared with companies operating in other industries, which have undergone comparable transformation, in order to recognise either similarities or contrasts between the cases. The sources of evidence are a literature review to find the essential dimensions researched earlier, and interviews 29 of managers and executives at 17 organisations representing six industries. Based onto the earlier literature and the empirical findings of this study, the change of the revenue model is linked with the change of the other dimen-sions of the business model. When one dimension will be altered, as well the other should be adjusted accordingly. At the case companies the transformation is observed as the utilisation of several revenue models simultaneously and the revenue creation processes becoming more complex.
For decades researchers have been trying to build models that would help understand price performance in financial markets and, therefore, to be able to forecast future prices. However, any econometric approaches have notoriously failed in predicting extreme events in markets. At the end of 20th century, market specialists started to admit that the reasons for economy meltdowns may originate as much in rational actions of traders as in human psychology. The latter forces have been described as trading biases, also known as animal spirits. This study aims at expressing in mathematical form some of the basic trading biases as well as the idea of market momentum and, therefore, reconstructing the dynamics of prices in financial markets. It is proposed through a novel family of models originating in population and fluid dynamics, applied to an electricity spot price time series. The main goal of this work is to investigate via numerical solutions how well theequations succeed in reproducing the real market time series properties, especially those that seemingly contradict standard assumptions of neoclassical economic theory, in particular the Efficient Market Hypothesis. The results show that the proposed model is able to generate price realizations that closely reproduce the behaviour and statistics of the original electricity spot price. That is achieved in all price levels, from small and medium-range variations to price spikes. The latter were generated from price dynamics and market momentum, without superimposing jump processes in the model. In the light of the presented results, it seems that the latest assumptions about human psychology and market momentum ruling market dynamics may be true. Therefore, other commodity markets should be analyzed with this model as well.