952 resultados para Because I tell a joke or two


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The combined effects of shoot pruning (one or two stems) and inflorescence thinning (five or ten flowers per inflorescence) on greenhouse tomato yield and fruit quality were studied during the dry season (DS) and rainy season (RS) in Central Thailand. Poor fruit set, development of undersized (mostly parthenocarpic) fruits, as well as the physiological disorders blossom-end rot (BER) and fruit cracking (FC) turned out to be the prevailing causes deteriorating fruit yield and quality. The proportion of marketable fruits was less than 10% in the RS and around 65% in the DS. In both seasons, total yield was significantly increased when plants were cultivated with two stems, resulting in higher marketable yields only in the DS. While the fraction of undersized fruits was increased in both seasons when plants were grown with a secondary stem, the proportions of BER and FC were significantly reduced. Restricting the number of flowers per inflorescence invariably resulted in reduced total yield. However, in neither season did fruit load considerably affect quantity or proportion of the marketable yield fraction. Inflorescence thinning tended to promote BER and FC, an effect which was only significant for BER in the RS. In conclusion, for greenhouse tomato production under climate conditions as they are prevalent in Central Thailand, the cultivation with two stems appears to be highly recommendable whereas the measures to control fruit load tested in this study did not proof to be advisable.


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Desarrollo y redacción de una guía basada en la mejor evidencia disponible sobre el diagnóstico y manejo de la ruptura aguda del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) para asistir a la toma de decisiones para controlar la variabilidad en los procesos clínicos de diagnóstico y manejo de dicha patología. Se definió el grupo de desarrollo de la guía (GDG) y de acuerdo con la metodología desarrollada en el Centro de Estudios del Hospital según convocatoria del Ministerio de Salud, se cumplieron las siguientes etapas : Priorización, definición de foco y alcance, formulación de las preguntas clínicas relevantes al estado del arte y puntos de controversia actual en el tema a tratar (Metodología PECOT), revisión sistemática de la literatura, síntesis de la evidencia, evaluación y graduación de acuerdo con la metodología "GRADE" y las platillas propuestas por SIGN. Por consenso se definieron las recomendaciones de acuerdo con la metodología GRADE. Se presenta una Guía de Práctica Clínica (GPC), que responde las preguntas: enfoque de hemartrosis, indicaciones quirúrgicas, terapia física preoperatoria, profilaxis antitrombótica, tipo de injerto, anestésicos intrarticulares, lesiones asociadas, posición del túnel femoral, reconstrucción de uno contra dos haces. De acuerdo con la evidencia encontrada se formulan doce recomendaciones ajustadas al nivel de evidencia. La presente GPC corresponde a un piloto de una metodología para desarrollo de GPC aprobabda para uso a nivel nacional y al primer producto sobre este tema en la literatura encontrada.


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Abstract A frequent assumption in Social Media is that its open nature leads to a representative view of the world. In this talk we want to consider bias occurring in the Social Web. We will consider a case study of liquid feedback, a direct democracy platform of the German pirate party as well as models of (non-)discriminating systems. As a conclusion of this talk we stipulate the need of Social Media systems to bias their working according to social norms and to publish the bias they introduce. Speaker Biography: Prof Steffen Staab Steffen studied in Erlangen (Germany), Philadelphia (USA) and Freiburg (Germany) computer science and computational linguistics. Afterwards he worked as researcher at Uni. Stuttgart/Fraunhofer and Univ. Karlsruhe, before he became professor in Koblenz (Germany). Since March 2015 he also holds a chair for Web and Computer Science at Univ. of Southampton sharing his time between here and Koblenz. In his research career he has managed to avoid almost all good advice that he now gives to his team members. Such advise includes focusing on research (vs. company) or concentrating on only one or two research areas (vs. considering ontologies, semantic web, social web, data engineering, text mining, peer-to-peer, multimedia, HCI, services, software modelling and programming and some more). Though, actually, improving how we understand and use text and data is a good common denominator for a lot of Steffen's professional activities.


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Introducción: A través de los años se ha reconocido como la principal causa de enfermedades complejas, como lo son las enfermedades autoinmunes (EAI), la interacción entre los factores genéticos, los epigenéticos y el ambiente. Dentro de los factores ambientales están los solventes orgánicos (SO), compuestos químicos ampliamente utilizados en lavanderías (ej. tetracloroetileno, percloroetileno), pinturas (ej. tolueno y turpentina), removedores de esmalte para uñas, pegamentos (ej. acetona, metil acetato, etil acetato), removedores de manchas (ej. hexano, petróleo, eter), detergentes (ej. citrus terpeno), perfumes (etanol), y en la síntesis de esmaltes, entre otros. Teniendo en cuenta la controversia que existe aún sobre la asociación entre los SO y las EAI, evaluamos la evidencia a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura y un meta-análisis. Métodos y resultados: La búsqueda sistemática se hizo en el PubMed, SCOPUS , SciELO y LILACS con artículos publicados hasta febrero de 2012. Se incluyó cualquier tipo de estudio que utilizara criterios aceptados para la definición de EAI y que tuvieran información sobre la exposición SO. De un total de 103 artículos, 33 fueron finalmente incluidos en el meta -análisis. Los OR e intervalos de confianza del 95 % (IC) se obtuvieron mediante el modelo de efectos aleatorios. Un análisis de sensibilidad confirmó que los resultados no son susceptibles a la limitación de los datos incluidos. El sesgo de publicación fue trivial. La exposición a SO se asoció a esclerosis sistémica, vasculitis primaria y esclerosis múltiple de forma individual y también para todas las EAI consideradas como un rasgo común (OR: 1.54 , IC 95 % : 1,25 a 1,92 ; valor de p 0.001). Conclusión: La exposición a SO es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de EAI. Como corolario, los individuos con factores de riesgo no modificables (es decir, autoinmunidad familiar o con factores genéticos identificados) deben evitar toda exposición a SO con el fin de evitar que aumente su riesgo de desarrollar una EAI.


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El interés de éste estudio de caso, es identificar y analizar los mecanismos por los cuales Brasil logra moldear su objetivo general de política exterior cultural a Colombia; teniendo en cuenta que el contexto del país donde se difundirá dicha política es determinante para la puesta en práctica de ésta. Por lo tanto, se examinaran los tres mecanismos de soft power que Brasil utiliza para llevar a cabo esta actividad: la Embajada, las empresas y la sociedad civil los cuales están en el marco de la teoría de Joseph Nye; en donde la Embajada actúa como una bisagra que permite la interlocución entre dos culturas. El análisis de esta temática permitirá entender parte el proceso de acercamiento que está realizando Brasil con Colombia. Y sobre todo, permitirá comprender cuál es la estrategia que está utilizando Brasil en la región para consolidarse como potencia y hacerse más atractivo entre sus vecinos.


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Background: Genetic and epigenetic factors interacting with the environment over time are the main causes of complex diseases such as autoimmune diseases (ADs). Among the environmental factors are organic solvents (OSs), which are chemical compounds used routinely in commercial industries. Since controversy exists over whether ADs are caused by OSs, a systematic review and meta-analysis were performed to assess the association between OSs and ADs. Methods and Findings: The systematic search was done in the PubMed, SCOPUS, SciELO and LILACS databases up to February 2012. Any type of study that used accepted classification criteria for ADs and had information about exposure to OSs was selected. Out of a total of 103 articles retrieved, 33 were finally included in the meta-analysis. The final odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained by the random effect model. A sensitivity analysis confirmed results were not sensitive to restrictions on the data included. Publication bias was trivial. Exposure to OSs was associated to systemic sclerosis, primary systemic vasculitis and multiple sclerosis individually and also to all the ADs evaluated and taken together as a single trait (OR: 1.54; 95% CI: 1.25-1.92; p-value, 0.001). Conclusion: Exposure to OSs is a risk factor for developing ADs. As a corollary, individuals with non-modifiable risk factors (i.e., familial autoimmunity or carrying genetic factors) should avoid any exposure to OSs in order to avoid increasing their risk of ADs.


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La crisis que se desató en el mercado hipotecario en Estados Unidos en 2008 y que logró propagarse a lo largo de todo sistema financiero, dejó en evidencia el nivel de interconexión que actualmente existe entre las entidades del sector y sus relaciones con el sector productivo, dejando en evidencia la necesidad de identificar y caracterizar el riesgo sistémico inherente al sistema, para que de esta forma las entidades reguladoras busquen una estabilidad tanto individual, como del sistema en general. El presente documento muestra, a través de un modelo que combina el poder informativo de las redes y su adecuación a un modelo espacial auto regresivo (tipo panel), la importancia de incorporar al enfoque micro-prudencial (propuesto en Basilea II), una variable que capture el efecto de estar conectado con otras entidades, realizando así un análisis macro-prudencial (propuesto en Basilea III).


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The anxiolytic properties of ethanol (1 g/kg, 15% dose, i.p.) were studied in two experiments with rats involving incentive downshifts from a 32% to a 4% sucrose solution. In Experiment 1, alcohol administration before a downshift from 32% to 4% sucrose prevented the development of consummatory suppression (consummatory successive negative contrast, cSNC). In Experiment 2, ethanol prevented the attenuating effects of partial reinforcement (random sequence of 32% sucrose and nothing) on cSNC, causing a retardation of recovery from contrast. These effects of ethanol on cSNC are analogous to those described for the benzodiazepine anxiolytic chlordiazepoxide, suggesting that at least some of its anxiolytic effects are mediated by the same mechanisms. 


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El propósito de este artículo es presentar tres argumentos en torno al papel que las emociones y los procesos de narración tienen en la construcción de la identidad moral. En primer lugar, se sugiere que la comprensión cartesiana de la identidad moderna rechaza el valor que las emociones y los sentimientos tienen en la formulación de juicios normativos. En este sentido, se argumentará que necesitamos una perspectiva epistemológica distinta. En segundo lugar, se revisará la relación existente entre la identidad narrativa y las tres formas de la mímesis en Tiempo y narración. Nuestro análisis tiene el propósito de mostrar la importancia que porque se argumentará que el punto de vista hermenéutico abre la puerta a un horizonte distinto de la acción humana que incluye las emociones y los sentimientos. Finalmente, se expondrá el concepto de frameworks en el pensamiento de Charles Taylor, por la siguiente razón: la noción frameworks nos proporciona un punto de articulación entre la cuestión de la identidad y la teoría hermenéutica sobre los conceptos mencionados y el sentido de la vida.---Narrative, emotions and identity. An epistemological and hermeneutical readingThe purpose of this article is to explain three arguments about the role that emotions and the process of narration have in the construction of moral identity. First, I suggest that Cartesian comprehension of modern identity rejects the value that emotions and feelings have in formulations of normative judgments. In this sense I will argue that we need a different epistemological perspective. Second, I will review the relation between narrative identity and the three forms of mimesis in Time and Narrative. Our inquiry into them has the purpose of showing the importance that they have in many basic fields of application in social science, because I consider that the hermeneutical point of view opens the gate to a comprehensive perspective of human action, and it includes emotions and feelings. Finally, I will expose the concept of “Frameworks” in Charles Taylor´s thought for the following reason: “Frameworks” provides a point of articulation between question of identity and hermeneutical theory about the emotions, feelings and meaning of live.Key words: narrative identity, hermeneutical theory, emotions, feelings, normative judgments---Narração, emoções e identidade. Uma leitura epistemológica e hermenêuticaO propósito deste artigo é apresentar três argumentos em torno ao papel que as emoções e os processos de narração têm na construção da identidade moral. Em primeiro lugar se sugere que a compreensão cartesiana da identidade moderna recusa o valor que as emoções e os sentimentos têm na formulação de juízos normativos. Neste sentido, se argumentará que necessitamos uma perspectiva epistemológica diferente. Em segundo lugar, se revisará a relação existente entre a identidade narrativa e as três formas da mimese em Tempo e narração. Nossa análise tem o propósito de mostrar a importância que estas noções têm em diferentes campos de aplicação das ciências sociais, porque se argumentará que o ponto de vista hermenêutico abre a porta a um horionte distinto da ação humana que inclui as emoções e os sentimentos. Finalmente, se exporá o conceito de frameworks no pensamento de Charles Taylor, pela seguinte razão: a noção frameworks nos proporciona um ponto de articulação entre a questão da identidade e a teoria hermenêutica sobre os conceitos mencionados e o sentido da vida.Palavras chave: Identidade narrativa, teoria hermenêutica, emoções, sentimentos, juízos normativos.


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The theory of reciprocity is predicated on the assumption that people are willing to reward nice or kind acts and to punish unkind ones. This assumption raises the question as to how to define kindness. In this paper we offer a new definition of kindness that we call “blame-freeness.” Put most simply, blame-freeness states that in judging whether player i has been kind or unkind to player j in a social situation, player j would have to put himself in the strategic position of player i, while retaining his preferences, and ask if he would have acted in a manner that was worse than i did under identical circumstances. If j would have acted in a more unkind manner than i acted, then we say that j does not blame i for his behavior. If, however, j would have been nicer than i was, then we say that “j blames i” for his actions (i’s actions were blameworthy). We consider this notion a natural, intuitive and empirically relevant way to explain the motives of people engaged in reciprocal behavior. After developing the conceptual framework, we then test this concept in a laboratory experiment involving tournaments and find significant support for the theory.


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Measuring labor's share of an economy's aggregate income seems straightforward, at least in principle. Count up wage and salary income, along with the value of benefits provided to employees, and divide it by total income. However, one fundamental concept of labor's share in macroeconomic theory is not the amount of aggregate income paid out to labor. Rather, it is the share of aggregate production that is attributable to "raw" units of labor. Or, otherwise stated, it is the share of aggregate income that would have been paid to laborers if they had no accumulated stocks of human capital.1 This share corresponds to an aggregate production function parameter: the elasticity of output with respect to physical (i.e. non-augmented or raw) units of labor (Robert Solow, 1957). In this paper we estimate annual raw labor’s share for the US, 1949 to 1996.


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Introducción: La calidad de las compresiones torácicas tiene importancia durante la reanimación pediátrica y se ve afectada por diversos factores como la fatiga del reanimador, esta puede verse condicionada por las características de las compresiones establecidas según la presencia o ausencia de un dispositivo avanzado en la vía aérea determinando la interrupción continuidad de las mismas. En este estudio se realizó una simulación clínica, evaluando la presencia de fatiga del reanimador frente a pacientes con y sin dispositivo avanzado de la vía aérea. Metodología: Se incluyeron 12 participantes, quienes realizaron compresiones torácicas a un simulador clínico, tanto para el caso de la maniobra 1 correspondiente a ciclos interrumpidos con el fin de proporcionar ventilaciones, como para el caso de la maniobra 2 en la que la actividad fue continua. Se midieron calidad de compresiones, VO2 max y fatiga mediante escala de Borg RPE 6-20. Resultados: La calidad de las compresiones disminuyó en ambos grupos después del minuto 2 y más rápidamente cuando fueron ininterrumpidas. La fatiga se incrementó cuando las compresiones fueron continuas. Discusión: Se evidencia una relación directamente proporcional del aumento de la fatiga en relación al tiempo de reanimación e inversamente proporcional entre la calidad de las compresiones y la sensación de cansancio, en especial después del minuto 2. Un tiempo de 2 minutos podría ser el tiempo ideal para lograr compresiones de calidad y para realizar el reemplazo de la persona que realiza las compresiones.


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É do conhecimento geral a importância do envolvimento dos dirigentes de topo de qualquer organização na gestão dos seus STI – Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação – internos. Nas câmaras municipais os dirigentes de topo são o Executivo Municipal eleito pelos respetivos munícipes e, portanto, com fortíssima influência política. As câmaras municipais em si, são organizações estatais que não têm concorrentes diretos, mas a escolha, i.e. a eleição ou reeleição do seu executivo pode ser influenciada pela sua atuação e/ou do partido político a que pertencem. Os STI Autárquicos tem pouca visibilidade exterior à organização e, portanto, pouco ou nada contribuem para o garante de votos necessários à eleição/reeleição do executivo municipal. Por esta razão, embora a maior parte dos executivos municipais reconheça o quanto estes são importantes, nem sempre se envolvem na sua gestão nem lhes conferem o devido destaque ou importância. Com este trabalho pretende-se perceber até que ponto o envolvimento do Executivo Municipal na gestão dos STI Autárquicos é importante e/ou determinante para o seu respetivo desenvolvimento i.e. se tem influência no seu aumento quantitativo e qualitativo.


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The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is the principal source of data to inform researchers about the status of and trend for boreal forest birds. Unfortunately, little BBS coverage is available in the boreal forest, where increasing concern over the status of species breeding there has increased interest in northward expansion of the BBS. However, high disturbance rates in the boreal forest may complicate roadside monitoring. If the roadside sampling frame does not capture variation in disturbance rates because of either road placement or the use of roads for resource extraction, biased trend estimates might result. In this study, we examined roadside bias in the proportional representation of habitat disturbance via spatial data on forest “loss,” forest fires, and anthropogenic disturbance. In each of 455 BBS routes, the area disturbed within multiple buffers away from the road was calculated and compared against the area disturbed in degree blocks and BBS strata. We found a nonlinear relationship between bias and distance from the road, suggesting forest loss and forest fires were underrepresented below 75 and 100 m, respectively. In contrast, anthropogenic disturbance was overrepresented at distances below 500 m and underrepresented thereafter. After accounting for distance from road, BBS routes were reasonably representative of the degree blocks they were within, with only a few strata showing biased representation. In general, anthropogenic disturbance is overrepresented in southern strata, and forest fires are underrepresented in almost all strata. Similar biases exist when comparing the entire road network and the subset sampled by BBS routes against the amount of disturbance within BBS strata; however, the magnitude of biases differed. Based on our results, we recommend that spatial stratification and rotating panel designs be used to spread limited BBS and off-road sampling effort in an unbiased fashion and that new BBS routes be established where sufficient road coverage exists.


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In the event of a release of toxic gas in the center of London, the emergency services would need to determine quickly the extent of the area contaminated. The transport of pollutants by turbulent flow within the complex street and building architecture of cities is not straightforward, and we might wonder whether it is at all possible to make a scientifically-reasoned decision. Here we describe recent progress from a major UK project, ‘Dispersion of Air Pollution and its Penetration into the Local Environment’ (DAPPLE, www.dapple.org.uk). In DAPPLE, we focus on the movement of airborne pollutants in cities by developing a greater understanding of atmospheric flow and dispersion within urban street networks. In particular, we carried out full-scale dispersion experiments in central London (UK) during 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2008 to address the extent of the dispersion of tracers following their release at street level. These measurements complemented previous studies because (i) our focus was on dispersion within the first kilometer from the source, when most of the material was expected to remain within the street network rather than being mixed into the boundary layer aloft, (ii) measurements were made under a wide variety of meteorological conditions, and (iii) central London represents a European, rather than North American, city geometry. Interpretation of the results from the full-scale experiments was supported by extensive numerical and wind tunnel modeling, which allowed more detailed analysis under idealized and controlled conditions. In this article, we review the full-scale DAPPLE methodologies and show early results from the analysis of the 2007 field campaign data.