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This article addresses the issue of a practical implementation of careers, which should be placed on sound career counseling. In the background of individual solutions concerning a career there is the destabilization and the practice of the labor market. The text takes into consideration issues related to the functioning of individuals and organizations on the labor market. The challenge for the organization is presented as a framework for employees’ competence requirements. Analysis of these issues leads to a conclusion in search of attributes of modern careers.


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The modern world, which is characterized by diversity, uncertainty and ambiguity, affects the functioning of the younger generation. Young people experience a variety of problems associated with entering into adulthood. Being on the stage “between” youth and adulthood requires countless choices. The functioning of youth is still an interesting cognitive topic, worthy of scientific knowledge, therefore, the article seeks to answer the question: What is the professional orientation of contemporary university students? The article thesis consists of two parts. The first part has a theoretical character. It deals with issues of professional orientation. The second part of the article is an empirical analysis and attempt to answer the research question: What are the professional orientations of students?


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In an attempt taken to reconstruct the current issues in the field of early childhood education, what becomes particularly important are the questions related to the way of organizing education in Poland and around the globe, i.e. in diverse cultural environments. The current problems diagnosed can contribute to redefining the goals of the school. Without a recognition of the difficulties, it is impossible to determine the direction of research or an action plan towards an actual, substantial reform of education. In an effort to rebuild schools, it is therefore necessary to create a debate about development trends of education in the twenty-first century in Poland and in the world. The comparative perspective adopted can facilitate outlining a broad and multi-dimensional context decisive for the value of the educational discourse.


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The article includes the development of the thesis that the analysis carried out in the framework of comparative education, as a discipline dealing with the phenomenon of education in the broad context, showing the "entanglement education" 1, often they provide students an important source of reflection and a kind of "discovery" of what they experience, but can not be called. Knowledge and understanding of the impact of a number of conditions for the development of education, in particular the political and economic although it is only a precondition, may encourage the development of a sense of agency and taking intentional actions aimed positive bottom-up change in the environment of human life.


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Poverty among children and young people turns out to be a significant social problem in Poland. The complexity and multi-dimensional consequences of the impoverishment of the young generation families calls not only for social help provided by the state but also for effective actions of the school environment. The following text attempts to answer the key question phrased in the title. It may be referred to as a source of information on significant problems of the school environment reality which demand further reflection and proper action. The research was carried out in 2014 among 146 urban and rural school teachers with the use of a diagnostic survey. The main tool which helped to gather information was a questionnaire survey as well as an open interview. The survey results helped to estimate the situation in a comparative perspective of the diagnosed schools with references to the best practices from other European countries.


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The article is devoted to the discussion of education and language policy as factors of ethnic assimilation and on the other hand as a factor of the revitalization of an indigenous culture. The study analyses the position of the Sami language and culture in the education system in Norway. It focuses on language as the main cultural factor of Sami ethnic identity. The author emphasizes the assimilation and marginalization process of the minority language policy in Norway and the possibilities of language revitalization in contemporary Sami society.


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The author presents a teacher education model for the 21st century. It has been elaborated by the International Alliance of Leading Education Institutes as its first task. The profession has been redefined and program for training teachers constructed.


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The Author discusses the concept of gender neutrality in the context of the Swedish education system. The article is based on critical analyses of the international press discourse, studies of Nordic scholars and on a small-scale empirical study carried out in Stockholm in the autumn of 2014. The study involved non participant observation, interviews with academics associated with the subject matter, interviews with head teachers of schools and nurseries in Stockholm and a number of openquestion, questionnaires completed by teachers and students enrolled in specialist teaching courses at Stockholm University at the time of the study. This triangulation of qualitative techniques allowed the building of an in-depth understanding of what gender neutrality means in educational practice.


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The article is devoted to the social functions of soccer in Brazilian society. The first section analyses the elitist and working class origin of soccer in Brazil. Next, the author attempts to describe the role of soccer in advancing social mobility of people from the working class. In the third, most important section the role of soccer in creation of the Brazilian national identity is considered. Here, the concept of a “tropical hybrid” as well as the ideology of mulattism is presented together with a detailed analysis of the Brazilian soccer style as an expression of the Afro-Brazilian, genetically determined talent.


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Singapore brings together representatives of different cultures. Currently, 76% of the Singapore population is Chinese, 14% - Malay, 8% Hindu. All of them (with the rest 2%) have a possibility to participate in one of the best education models in the world. However, education and other political institutions are assessed in an ambivalent way. The article will address these controversies, including the Confucian thought of self-improvement and Peranakan Chinese as an example for the hypothesis.


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Britain is exceptional among modern Western democracies in having had citizenship education in public schools. British people have regarded themselves as “subjects” rather citizens. It has been changing recently. Due to social transformations, especially growing multiculturalism and associated social tensions, citizenship education became the core of social and political debate. After 1997, when the Labor Party came to power, the discourse of citizenship as well as citizenship education developed. The main aim of citizenship education in state schools is to build social cohesion and reduce social tension through dialogue. School curricula pay more attention to identity and cultural diversity. The aim of the paper is to present and analyse the main premises of educational policy in the context of citizenship education in public schools in England. I will also attempt to reconstruct the social and political debate on the consequences of introducing citizenship education to state schools.


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The aim of this article was to examine how the currently dominant neoliberal and neoconservative discourse is present in the sector of education. The subject of research was to show the influence of a certain ideology on the process of reformulating secondary schools curricula in Canada, especially in Ontario, and the program materials designed for adult immigrants preparing for a citizenship test. This paper explores the relationship between the neoliberal ideology present at the provincial level, where individual development and economic rationales are dominant, and the neoconservative ideology at the federal level, which recovers imperial roots of Canadian citizenship, grounded in the Anglo-Saxon tradition and colonial history.


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The article discusses the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) tests and their impact on the Georgian Education System. It analyzes the deplorable results of Georgian 15-yearolds in PISA 2009 and investigates the reasons based on different reports. The article also discusses the reasons for the temporary suspension of the project on the Georgian side. Since certain participatory countries are dissatisfied with the attitudes of this program, the article also refers to the criticism of PISA. The conclusion is that PISA and other international tests contain considerably important information. If these data with a diagnostic feature are used for working out the education policy in an appropriate way, they can become the key instrument for obtaining favourable results in reforming the Education System. Therefore, PISA appears to be essential for Georgia too, as such assessment gives an opportunity to concentrate on the national core curriculum and content analysis. In order to estimate all the strengths and weaknesses of the Education System, it is quite reasonable to conduct such surveys in every country. The article concludes with recommendations for PISA 2015 as to how to use the reports for further progress.


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Writing instruction in Canadian universities takes a variety of forms. While there are few formal departments for writing studies, many institutions do have a writing centre – a place that offers writing instruction to varying degrees. The writing centre may be housed within a department, a library, or within a student services unit. Its position within a university may indicate the degree to which writing is valued by the administrative body. The goal of our paper is to share insights into the ways that writing professionals perceive, work in, and adapt to current demands for writing instruction in higher education. Using a collaborative ethnographic approach, three scholars at different career stages explore their experiences with writing centre work. Using data consisting of individually written reflections, our analysis revealed four major themes: (a) initial experience with writing centres, (b) community, (c) frustrations and tensions at work, and (d) mentorship. In this paper, we discuss our findings within the framework of positioning theory in order to understand how we position ourselves as scholars, mentors, and educators, and how we are positioned by others within the fields of writing studies and higher education. This study raises awareness about the value of writing centre professionals’ contributions, the place of mentorship within higher education, and the support required for continued writing centre work.


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The article reflects on a pilot teacher training programme in Tanzania, where videos are used for implementing new teaching methods, but also for initiating a discourse about corporal punishment. The culture of instruction in Tanzania is strictly based on a teacher-centred approach which leaves all activity to the teacher and turns students into passive listeners. In most cases, teachers deal with up to 80 students in one classroom. Therefore, discipline is an important matter of instruction and many teachers still use corporal punishment that is widely accepted in Tanzania. The launched training programme has the aim of implementing learner-centred teaching methods without using corporal punishment and offers Tanzanian teachers the possibility to participate in a workshop that connects these methods with subject-related topics. In the English teaching workshop, the facilitator used filmed English lessons from a German school to discuss with the participants both the application of learner-centred methods and the absence of corporal punishment. The use of these German videos shows advantages but also limitations that are strongly related to the European versus African setting. The article discusses these dimensions on the basis of data that are generated by ethnographical observation and audiotranscripts of the piloted workshop.