987 resultados para university autonomy
Bibliografia Turun yliopiston tieteellisestä julkaisutoiminnasta vuodelta 2010.
Leadership is essential for the effectiveness of the teams and organizations they are part of. The challenges facing organizations today require an exhaustive review of the strategic role of leadership. In this context, it is necessary to explore new types of leadership capable of providing an effective response to new needs. The presentday situations, characterized by complexity and ambiguity, make it difficult for an external leader to perform all leadership functions successfully. Likewise, knowledge-based work requires providing professional groups with sufficient autonomy to perform leadership functions. This study focuses on shared leadership in the team context. Shared leadership is seen as an emergent team property resulting from the distribution of leadership influence across multiple team members. Shared leadership entails sharing power and influence broadly among the team members rather than centralizing it in the hands of a single individual who acts in the clear role of a leader. By identifying the team itself as a key source of influence, this study points to the relational nature of leadership as a social construct where leadership is seen as social process of relating processes that are co-constructed by several team members. Based on recent theoretical developments concerned with relational, practice-based and constructionist approaches to the study of leadership processes, this thesis proposes the study of leadership interactions, working processes and practices to focus on the construction of direction, alignment and commitment. During the research process, critical events, activities, working processes and practices of a case team have been examined and analyzed with the grounded theory –approach in the terms of shared leadership. There are a variety of components to this complex process and a multitude of factors that may influence the development of shared leadership. The study suggests that the development process of shared leadership is a common sense -making process and consists of four overlapping dimensions (individual, social, structural, and developmental) to work with as a team. For shared leadership to emerge, the members of the team must offer leadership services, and the team as a whole must be willing to rely on leadership by multiple team members. For these individual and collective behaviors to occur, the team members must believe that offering influence to and accepting it from fellow team members are welcome and constructive actions. Leadership emerges when people with differing world views use dialogue and collaborative learning to create spaces where a shared common purpose can be achieved while a diversity of perspectives is preserved and valued. This study also suggests that this process can be supported by different kinds of meaning-making and process tools. Leadership, then, does not reside in a person or in a role, but in the social system. The built framework integrates the different dimensions of shared leadership and describes their relationships. This way, the findings of this study can be seen as a contribution to the understanding of what constitutes essential aspects of shared leadership in the team context that can be of theoretical value in terms of advancing the adoption and development process of shared leadership. In the real world, teams and organizations can create conditions to foster and facilitate the process. We should encourage leaders and team members to approach leadership as a collective effort that the team can be prepared for, so that the response is rapid and efficient.
Avhandling visar att lindrig dyslexi påverkar läs- och skrivprestationer hos högpresterare. Särdrag träder tydligast fram i främmande språk och vid hantering av språkljud i krävande testuppgifter. Även om dyslexirelaterade problem vanligtvis är lindriga hos universitetsstudenter, är det centralt att dessa identifieras, eftersom de ses påverka akademiska prestationer. Avhandlingen lägger fram det första finlandssvenska dyslexitestet normerat för universitetsnivå (FS-DUVAN) och ger verktyg för utredning av läs- och skrivsvårigheter hos unga vuxna i Svenskfinland. Avhandlingen utforskar också språkspecifika särdrag av dyslexi hos högpresterande finlandssvenska universitetsstudenter i läs- och skrivuppgifter i svenska, finska och engelska. Detaljerade felanalyser visar att studenter med dyslexi speciellt har problem med kopplingar mellan språkljud och bokstav i det främmande språket engelska, som också i detta avseende är komplext. Resultat i komplexa kognitiva testuppgifter som förutsätter hantering av språkljud pekar på svikt i fonologisk processering, som betecknas som den huvudsakliga underliggande kognitiva nedsättningen vid utvecklingsbetingad dyslexi.
Ammattikorkeakoulut ovat osa suomalaista innovaatiojärjestelmää. Niiden tärkeimpiä tuotteita ovat laadukkaat tutkinnot, joilla tuotetaan Suomen kilpailukyvyn kannalta olennaista osaavaa työvoimaa. Koulutusinnovaatioiden avulla ammattikorkeakoulut voivat parantaa opetuksen ja oppimisen laatua ja edistää opiskelijoiden parempaa osaamista. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulua innovatiivisena oppimisyhteisönä Hokkasen (2001) hahmotteleman innovatiivisen oppimisyhteisön profiilitekijöiden mukaisesti. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millainen innovatiivinen oppimisyhteisö KyAMK:ssa toteutuu opettajien kokemana, ja miten innovatiivisen oppimisyhteisön piirteitä voitaisiin edistää mainitussa organisaatiossa. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kymmentä KyAMK:n Tekniikan ja liikenteen toimialan opettajaa. Tulokset osoittivat Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun johdon sallivan innovatiiviset koulutuksen kehittämiseen tähtäävät toimet, mutta johto ei proaktiivisesti ohjannut ja kannustanut niihin. Ammattikorkeakouluopettajien pedagogisen autonomian todettiin olevan suurta. Tästä huolimatta kaivattiin yhteisöllisyyteen tukevia toimintamalleja, joiden avulla organisaatiossa oleva monialaisen työyhteisön innovaatiopotentiaali voitaisiin valjastaa opetuksen kehittämiseen ja organisaatiolta puuttuvan toiminnan kokonaiskuvan ja -ymmärryksen kehittämiseen. Osana yhteisöllisyyden kehittämistä aineistosta nousi esiin kehittämisehdotuksena pitkäjänteisemmän verkostoitumisen toteuttaminen niin organisaation sisällä kuin ulkopuolisten sidosryhmien kanssa.
The principle of patient autonomy is a cornerstone of bioethics. According to this concept, patients should be given the power to make decisions related to their treatment. It is an important component of modern medical ethics, which has received much interest in current literature. However, the rate of participation of patients and their willingness to participate are variable according to the cultural, social and family environments in which they are inserted. The aim of this paper is to promote a brief descriptive review on autonomy, the preferences of patients and the use of informed consent as an instrument for the exercise of autonomy in literature, and to stress the lack of debate, as well as the pressing need for discussion of these current issues nationwide.
Objective: To analyze the characteristics of trauma patients with renal lesions treated at a university hospital in Curitiba. Methods: We conducted a retrospective, cross-sectional study guided by review of medical records of trauma victims who underwent surgical treatment. The variables analyzed were age, gender, mechanism of injury, degree of kidney damage, conduct individualized according to the degree of renal injury, associated injuries, complications and deaths. We classified lesions according to the American Association of Trauma Surgery (TSAA). Results: We analyzed 794 records and found renal lesions in 33 patients, with mean age 29.8 years, most (87.8%) being male. Penetrating trauma accounted for 84.8% of cases. The most common renal injuries were grade II (33.3%), followed by grade I (18.1%), III, IV and V. Nephrectomy treated 45.4% of injuries, 73.3% being total nephrectomy, and 45.4% by nephrorraphy. In 9% treatment was non-surgical. Only 12.1% of patients had isolated renal lesions. Complications ensued in 15.1% and mortality was 6.06%. Conclusion: The surgical approach was preferred due to penetrating trauma mechanism. We achieved low rates of complications and deaths, and neither case could be directly related to kidney damage, and there were patients with multiple lesions. In this sample, we could not observe a direct relationship between kidney damage and complications, deaths or the type of conduct employed.
The demand for global student talent: Capitalizing on the value of university-industry collaboration
The university sector in Europe has invested money and effort into the internationalization of higher education. The benefits of internationalizing higher education are fuelled by changing global values, choices and practices. However, arguments that serve the internationalization of higher education tend to stress either local organizational or individual interests; seldom do they emphasize the societal benefits. This dissertation investigates how collaboration between university and industry facilitates a shift in thinking about attracting and retaining global student talent, in terms of co-creating solutions to benefit the development of our knowledge society. The macro-structures of the higher education sector have the tendency to overemphasize quantitative goals to improve performance verifiability. Recruitment of international student talent is thereby turned into a mere supply issue. A mind shift is needed to rethink the efficacy of the higher education sector with regard to retaining foreign student talent as a means of contributing to society’s stock of knowledge and through that to economic growth. This thesis argues that academic as well as industrial understanding of the value of university-industry collaboration might then move beyond the current narrow expectations and perceptions of the university’s contribution to society’s innovation systems. This mind shift is needed to encourage and generate creative opportunities for university-industry partnerships to develop sustainable solutions for successful recruitment of foreign student talent, and thereby to maximize the wealth-creating potential of global student talent recruitment. This thesis demonstrates through the use of interpretive and participatory methods, how it is possible to reveal new and important insights into university-industry partnering for enhancing attraction and retention of global student talent. It accomplishes this by expressly pointing out the central role of human collaborative experiencing and learning. The narratives presented take the reader into a Finnish and Dutch universityindustry partnering environment to reflect on the relationship between the local universities of technology and their operational surroundings, a relationship that is set in a context of local and global entanglements and challenges.
Communication, the flow of ideas and information between individuals in a social context, is the heart of educational experience. Constructivism and constructivist theories form the foundation for the collaborative learning processes of creating and sharing meaning in online educational contexts. The Learning and Collaboration in Technology-enhanced Contexts (LeCoTec) course comprised of 66 participants drawn from four European universities (Oulu, Turku, Ghent and Ramon Llull). These participants were split into 15 groups with the express aim of learning about computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). The Community of Inquiry model (social, cognitive and teaching presences) provided the content and tools for learning and researching the collaborative interactions in this environment. The sampled comments from the collaborative phase were collected and analyzed at chain-level and group-level, with the aim of identifying the various message types that sustained high learning outcomes. Furthermore, the Social Network Analysis helped to view the density of whole group interactions, as well as the popular and active members within the highly collaborating groups. It was observed that long chains occur in groups having high quality outcomes. These chains were also characterized by Social, Interactivity, Administrative and Content comment-types. In addition, high outcomes were realized from the high interactive cases and high-density groups. In low interactive groups, commenting patterned around the one or two central group members. In conclusion, future online environments should support high-order learning and develop greater metacognition and self-regulation. Moreover, such an environment, with a wide variety of problem solving tools, would enhance interactivity.
Tutkielman aiheena on kansainvälisen oikeuden kysymys elämän alkamisesta ja elämän alkamisen ajankohdasta. Tutkielma lähestyy aihetta Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien lasten oikeuksien sopimuksen kolmannen lisäpöytäkirjan valossa. Astuessaan voimaan lisäpöytäkirja tulee mahdollistamaan yksilövalitusten käsittelyn erillisessä ihmisoikeuskomiteassa. Koska lasten oikeuksien sopimus jättää määrittelemättä elämän alkamisen ajankohdan, tutkielman perushypoteesina on, miten tuleva komitea ratkaisisi lasten oikeuksien sopimukseen jääneen jännitteen. Tämän hypoteesin ohella tutkielmaa suuntaa olettamus elämän alun määrittymisestä pitkälti oikeusperiaatteisiin rinnastuvien autonomian ja ihmisarvon käsitteiden kautta. Tutkielma lähestyy aihettaan sekä oikeuskäytännön että -kirjallisuuden valossa, sitoutumatta sen tarkemmin mihinkään yksittäiseen oikeustieteelliseen tutkimusmetodiin. Oikeuskäytännön kohdalla tarkastelu perustuu pääosin länsimaisten ylimpien oikeuksien antamille tuomioille kysymyksissä, jotka liittyvät elämän alkamisen tematiikkaan. Tämän ohella, rajatummin, käsitellään pohjoismaista elämän alun sääntelyä. Oikeuskäytännön sekä säädösten tarkastelun keskiössä on ennen kaikkea oikeudellinen argumentaatio sekä esiintuodun argumentaation jännitteisyys. Oikeuskäytännön pohjalta muotoutuu moniääninen ja usein kontekstisidonnainen kuva elämän alusta. Tämän oikeudellisen moniäänisyyden analyysi muodostaa tutkielman keskeisen sisällön. Autonomian ja ihmisarvon käsitteiden merkitystä oikeuskäytännön ja säädösten arvioinnille perustellaan tutkimuksessa yhtäältä niiden merkityksellä tuomioistuinten argumentaatiossa toisaalta periaatteiden saamalla tuella oikeustieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa. Tutkielma suhtautuu kriittisesti autonomian ja ihmisarvon käsitteisiin. Kriittisen luennan tarkoituksena on paljastaa oikeudellisen argumentaation sumeus ja sumeuden oikeudelliselle tulkinnalle aiheuttama epävarmuus. Tulkinnan epävarmuuden seurauksena myös vastaus elämän alulle näyttäytyy tutkielmassa ristiriitaisena ja osin perustelemattomana. Tutkielman keskeinen tulos on ennen kaikkea oikeuden jännitteiden tunnistamisessa sen lähestyessä elämän alun määrittelyä. Tutkielman tulosten pohjalta on mahdollista pyrkiä löytämään muotoutumassa olevan kansainvälisen oikeuden vastaus elämän alulle. Tuon vastauksen vakaus, perusteltavuus ja pysyvyys riippuvat siitä, miten onnistuneesti oikeudellinen argumentaatio kykenee yhdistämään yksilön autonomisen oikeuden päättää elämästään kollektiivin intressiin ylläpitää elämää.
Presentation at the Nordic Perspectives on Open Access and Open Science seminar, Helsinki, October 15, 2013
Globalization, developments in ICT, emergence of knowledge society and other changes have reformed the environment for international higher education during the past few decades. Consequently, higher education sector has moved towards more marketing-oriented system, and universities have started to undertake commercial activities as part of their internationalization. This development has emerged to Finland as well, which forms the basis for this study. The purpose is to examine commercialization in Finnish university landscape and to investigate the ways Finnish university could capitalize its international activities and educational knowledge for export. The research question of the study is: What are the key factors in transforming university internationalization into commercial activity in the Finnish university landscape? The main problem is further divided into three sub-questions: 1) How can a university internationalize; 2) what are the motivational factors behind university internationalization and commercialization; and 3) how can higher education be developed into export services and products? The research was conducted as a qualitative case study of University of Turku. Methods used for gathering and examining data were interviewing and document analysis. Primary data was collected through four individual semi-structured interviews, which were conducted face-to-face. Secondary data that included reports, articles and electronic materials such as university web pages, was used to complement the primary data. The results were analyzed by theming the data into three broader categories of internationalization activities; drivers and motivations and; education export activities. After the data was organized in themes, analysis continued by comparing different parts of data and finding patterns that would explain the phenomenon in Finnish universities. According to the empirical data, University of Turku is currently on the growth state of internationalization with strategies such as internationalization of curriculum, establishment of international research groups, mobility of students and academics, international networking and support services. Commercialization phenomenon is still rather new to the case university, but it has already developed educational products and services for export. The study concludes that university internationalization cannot be directly transformed into commercial activities in the Finnish context, but the universities need to be active in actually creating educational products. The key factors found in this study include: 1) the Finnish government policies behind the current hype of export education; 2) the potential and knowledge capacity of universities for exports; 3) need for additional profits; 4) further internationalization through commercial activities; 5) recognizing and exploiting the specific areas of strength and 6) establishing of cooperative partnerships for better products.