972 resultados para relative static method


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Neste trabalho serão apresentados e discutidos vários aspectos relacionados com células de combustível, com particular enfoque na modelação de células de combustível de membrana de permuta protónica. Este trabalho está dividido em vários capítulos. No Capítunlo 1 são apresentadas as motivações e os objectivos da tese. No Capítulo 2 serão apresentadas as células de combustível em geral, a sua origem, os diversos tipos, o que as diferencia das restantes tecnologias de geração de energia e as suas vantagens e desvantagens. No Capítulo 3 discute-se a modelação de células de combustível. Serão expostos e explicados os diferentes tipos de modelos, seguindo-se uma apresentação do modelo selecionado para estudo, com referência aos fundamentos teóricos exposição detalhada da fórmulação matemática e os parâmetros que caracterizam o modelo. É também apresentado a implementação do modelo em Matlab/Simulink. No Capítulo 4 será discutida e apresentada a abordagem utilizada para a identificação dos parâmetros do modelo da célula de combustível. Propõe-se e prova-se que uma abordagem baseada num algoritmo de optimização inteligente proporciona um método eficaz e preciso para a identificação dos parâmetros. Esta abordagem requer a existência de alguns dados experimentais que são também apresentados. O algoritmo utilizado designa-se por Optimização por Enxame de Partículas – Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). São apresentados os seus fundamentos, características, implementação em Matlab/Simulink e a estratégia de optimização, isto é, a configuração do algoritmo, a definição da função objectivo e limites de variação dos parâmetros. São apresentados os resultados do processo de optimização, resultados adicionais de validação do modelo, uma análise de robustez do conjunto óptimo de parâmetros e uma análise de sensibilidade dos mesmos. O trabalho termina apresentando, no último capítulo, algumas conclusões, das quais se destacam: - O bom desempenho do algoritmo PSO para a identificação dos parâmetros do modelo da célula de combsutível; - Uma robustez interessante do algoritmo PSO, no sentido em que, para várias execuções do método resultam valores do parâmetros e da função objectivo com variabilidade bastante reduzidas; - Um bom modelo da célula de combustível, que quando caracterizado pelo conjunto óptimo de parâmetros, apresenta, sistematicamente, erros relativos médios inferiores a 2,5% para um conjunto alargado de condições de funcionamento.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 15 de Março de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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The development of a FIA system for the determination of total choline content in several types of milk is described. The samples were submitted to hydrochloric acid digestion before injection into the system and passed through an enzymatic reactor containing choline oxidase immobilised on glass beads. This enzymatic reaction releases hydrogen peroxide which then reacts with a solution of iodide. The decrease in the concentration of iodide ion is quantified using an iodide ion selective tubular electrode based on a homogeneous crystalline membrane. Validation of the results obtained with this system was performed by comparison with results from a method described in the literature and applied to the determination of total choline in milks. The relative deviation was always < 5%. The repeatability of the method developed was assessed by calculation of the relative standard deviation (RSD) for 12 consecutive injections of one sample. The RSD obtained was < 0.6%.


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O rio Febros é um pequeno curso de água, situado no concelho de Vila Nova de Gaia, com cerca de 15 km de extensão, cuja bacia hidrográfica ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 35,4 km2. Nasce em Seixezelo e desagua na margem esquerda do Rio Douro no Cais do Esteiro, em Avintes. Em Maio de 2008, um acidente de viação teve como consequência o derrame de cerca de quatro toneladas de ácido clorídrico que rapidamente convergiu às águas do rio. Apenas um dia depois, o pH desceu para três e muitos foram os peixes que morreram. A solução adoptada para evitar o desaire foi introduzir milhares de litros de água de modo a diluir o ácido presente, ao longo de todo o curso de água. Tal facto não evitou a destruição de parte de um ecossistema, que ainda nos dias de hoje se encontra em recuperação. De forma a avaliar-se o impacto destas possíveis perturbações sejam estas de origem antropogénica ou natural é necessário possuir conhecimentos dos processos químicos tais como a advecção, a mistura devida à dispersão e a transferência de massa ar/água. Estes processos irão determinar o movimento e destino das substâncias que poderão ser descarregadas no rio. Para tal, recorrer-se-á ao estudo hidrogeométrico do curso de água assim como ao estudo do comportamento de um marcador, simulando uma possível descarga. A rodamina WT será o marcador a ser utilizado devido à panóplia de características ambientalmente favoráveis. Os estudos de campo com este corante, realizados em sequência de descarga previamente estudada, fornecem uma das melhores fontes de informação para verificação e validação de modelos hidráulicos utilizados em estudos de qualidade de águas e protecção ambiental. Escolheram-se dois pontos de descarga no Febros, um em Casal Drijo e outro no Parque Biológico de Gaia, possuindo cada um deles, a jusante, duas estações de monitorização. Pelo modelo ADE os valores obtidos para o coeficiente de dispersão longitudinal para as estações Pontão d’ Alheira, Pinheiral, Menesas e Giestas foram, respectivamente, 0,3622; 0,5468; 1,6832 e 1,7504 m2/s. Para a mesma sequência de estações, os valores da velocidade de escoamento obtidos neste trabalho experimental foram de 0,0633; 0,0684; 0,1548 e 0,1645 m/s. Quanto ao modelo TS, os valores obtidos para o coeficiente de dispersão longitudinal para as estações Pontão d’ Alheira, Pinheiral, Menesas e Giestas foram, respectivamente, 0,2339; 0,1618; 0,5057e 1,1320 m2/s. Para a mesma sequência de estações, os valores da velocidade de escoamento obtidos neste trabalho experimental foram de 0,0652; 0,0775; 0,1891 e 0,1676 m/s. Os resultados foram ajustados por um método directo, o método dos momentos, e por dois métodos indirectos, os modelos ADE e TS. O melhor ajuste corresponde ao modelo TS onde os valores do coeficiente de dispersão longitudinal e da velocidade de escoamento são aqueles que melhor se aproximam da realidade. Quanto ao método dos momentos, o valor estimado para a velocidade é de 0,162 m/s e para o coeficiente de dispersão longitudinal de 9,769 m2/s. Não obstante, a compreensão da hidrodinâmica do rio e das suas características, bem como a adequação de modelos matemáticos no tratamento de resultados formam uma estratégia de protecção ambiental inerente a futuros impactos que possam suceder.


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Social concerns for environmental impact on air, water and soil pollution have grown along with the accelerated growth of pig production. This study intends to characterize air contamination caused by fungi and particles in swine production, and, additionally, to conclude about their eventual environmental impact. Fiftysix air samples of 50 litters were collected through impaction method. Air sampling and particle matter concentration were performed in indoor and also outdoor premises. Simultaneously, temperature and relative humidity were monitored according to the International Standard ISO 7726 – 1998. Aspergillus versicolor presents the highest indoor spore counts (>2000 CFU/m3) and the highest overall prevalence (40.5%), followed by Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (17.0%) and Penicillium sp. (14.1%). All the swine farms showed indoor fungal species different from the ones identified outdoors and the most frequent genera were also different from the ones indoors. The distribution of particle size showed the same tendency in all swine farms (higher concentration values in PM5 and PM10 sizes). Through the ratio between the indoor and outdoor values, it was possible to conclude that CFU/m3 and particles presented an eventual impact in outdoor measurements.


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QuEChERS method was evaluated for extraction of 16 PAHs from fish samples. For a selective measurement of the compounds, extracts were analysed by LC with fluorescence detection. The overall analytical procedure was validated by systematic recovery experiments at three levels and by using the standard reference material SRM 2977 (mussel tissue). The targeted contaminants, except naphthalene and acenaphthene, were successfully extracted from SRM 2977 with recoveries ranging from 63.5–110.0% with variation coefficients not exceeding 8%. The optimum QuEChERS conditions were the following: 5 g of homogenised fish sample, 10 mL of ACN, agitation performed by vortex during 3 min. Quantification limits ranging from 0.12– 1.90 ng/g wet weight (0.30–4.70 µg/L) were obtained. The optimized methodology was applied to assess the safety concerning PAHs contents of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and farmed seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Although benzo(a)pyrene, the marker used for evaluating the carcinogenic risk of PAHs in food, was not detected in the analysed samples (89 individuals corresponding to 27 homogenized samples), the overall mean concentration ranged from 2.52 l 1.20 ng/g in horse mackerel to 14.6 ± 2.8 ng/ g in farmed seabass. Significant differences were found between the mean PAHs concentrations of the four groups.


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The electrochemical behavior of the hydrolysis products of oxadiazon was studied by cyclic and square-wave voltammetry using a glassy carbon electrode. Maximum currents were obtained at pH 12.8 in an aqueous electrolyte solution containing 30% ethanol and the current did not decrease with time showing that there was little adsorption of the reaction products on the electrode surface. The hydrolysis products of oxadiazon were identi®ed, after isolation and puri®cation, as 1-trimethylacetyl-2-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxyphenyl)-2-ethoxycarbonylhydrazine (Oxa1) and 1-trimethylacetyl-2-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxyphenyl) hydrazine (Oxa2) with redox potentials 0.6Vand 70.1V (vs. Ag=AgCl), respectively. Based on the electrochemical behavior of 1-trimethylacetyl-2-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxyphenyl) hydrazine (Oxa2) a simple electroanalytical procedure was developed for the determination of oxadiazon in commercial products used in the treatment of rice crops in Portugal that contain oxadiazon as the active ingredient. The detection limit was 161074 M, the mean content and relative standard deviation obtained for seven samples of two different commercial products by the electrochemical method were 28.4 0.8% (Ronstar) and 1.9 0.2% (Ronstar GR), and the recoveries were 100.3 5.4% and 101.1 5.3 %, respectively.


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A flow injection analysis (FIA) system comprising a tartrate- (TAT) selective electrode has been developed for determination of tartaric acid in wines. Several electrodes constructed for this purpose had a PVC membrane with a complex of quaternary ammonium and TAT as anion exchanger, a phenol derivative as additive, and a more or less polar mediator solvent. Characterization of the electrodes showed behavior was best for membranes with o-nitrophenyl octyl ether as solvent. On injection of 500 μL into a phosphate buffer carrier (pH = 3.1; ionic strength 10–2 mol/L) flowing at 3 mL/min, the slope was 58.06 ± 0.6 with a lower limit of linear range of 5.0 × 10–4 mol/L TAT and R2 = 0.9989. The interference of several species, e.g. chloride, bromide, iodide, nitrate, gallic acid, tannin, sucrose, glucose, fructose, acetate, and citrate, was evaluated in terms of potentiometric selectivity coefficients. The Hofmeister series was followed for inorganic species and the most interfering organic ion was citrate. When red and white wines were analyzed and the results compared with those from an independent method they were found to be accurate, with relative standard deviations below 5.0%.


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A square-wave voltammetric (SWV) method using a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) has been developed for determination of the herbicide molinate in a biodegradation process. The method is based on controlled adsorptive accumulation of molinate for 10 s at a potential of -0.8 V versus AgCl/Ag. An anodic peak, due to oxidation of the adsorbed pesticide, was observed in the cyclic voltammogram at ca. -0.320 V versus AgCl/Ag; a very small cathodic peak was also detected. The SWV calibration plot was established to be linear in the range 5.0x10-6 to 9.0x10-6 mol L-1; this corresponded to a detection limit of 3.5x10-8 mol L-1. This electroanalytical method was used to monitor the decrease of molinate concentration in river waters along a biodegradation process using a bacterial mixed culture. The results achieved with this voltammetric method were compared with those obtained by use of a chromatographic method (HPLC–UV) and no significant statistical differences were observed.


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Two chromatographic methods, gas chromatography with flow ionization detection (GC–FID) and liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (LC–UV), were used to determine furfuryl alcohol in several kinds of foundry resins, after application of an optimised extraction procedure. The GC method developed gave feasibility that did not depend on resin kind. Analysis by LC was suitable just for furanic resins. The presence of interference in the phenolic resins did not allow an appropriate quantification by LC. Both methods gave accurate and precise results. Recoveries were >94%; relative standard deviations were ≤7 and ≤0.3%, respectively for GC and LC methods. Good relative deviations between the two methods were found (≤3%).


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A square wave voltammetric (SWV) method and a flow injection analysis systemwi th electrochemical detection (FIA-EC) using a glassy carbon electrode were evaluated for the determination of codeine in pharmaceutical preparations. The interference of several compounds, such as acetaminophen,guaiacol, parabens, ephedrine, acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine, that usually appear associated with codeine pharmaceutical preparations was studied. It was verified that these electroanalytical methods could not be used with acetaminophen present in the formulations and that with guaiacol, parabens or ephedrine present the use of the FIA-EC system was impracticable. A detection limit of 5 µmol L- 1 and a linear calibration range from 40 to 140 µmol L- 1 was obtained with the SWV method. For the flow injection analysis procedure a linear calibration range was obtained from 7 to 50 µmol L- 1 with a detection limit of 3 µmol L- 1 and the FIA-EC systemallowed a sampling rate of 115 samples per hour. The results obtained by the two methods, SWV and FIA-EC, were compared with those obtained using reference methods and demonstrated good agreement, with relative deviations lower than 4%.


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The electrochemical behavior of citalopram was studied by square-wave and square-wave adsorptive-stripping voltammetry (SWAdSV). Citalopram can be reduced and accumulated at a mercury drop electrode, with a maximum peak current intensity being obtained at a potential of approximately -1.25V vs. AgCl/Ag, in an aqueous electrolyte solution of pH 12. A SWAdSV method has been developed for the determination of citalopram in pharmaceutical preparations. The method shows a linear range between 1.0x10-7 and 2.0x10-6 mol L-1 with a limit of detection of 5x10-8 mol L-1 for an accumulation time of 30 s. The precision of the method was evaluated by assessing the repeatability and intermediate precision, achieving good relative standard deviations in all cases (≤2.3%). The proposed method was applied to the determination of citalopram in five pharmaceutical products and the results obtained are in good agreement with the labeled values.


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The construction industry keeps on demanding huge quantities of natural resources, mainly minerals for mortars and concrete production. The depletion of many quarries and environmental concerns about reducing the dumping of construction and demolition waste in quarries have led to an increase in the procuring and use of recycled aggregates from this type of waste. If they are to be incorporated in concrete and mortars it is essential to know their properties to guarantee the adequate performance of the end products, in both mechanical and durability-related terms. Existing regulated tests were developed for natural aggregates, however, and several problems arise when they are applied to recycled aggregates, especially fine recycled aggregates (FRA). This paper describes the main problems encountered with these tests and proposes an alternative method to determine the density and water absorption of FRA that removes them. The use of sodium hexametaphosphate solutions in the water absorption test has proven to improve its efficiency, minimizing cohesion between particles and helping to release entrained air.


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On the basis of its electrochemical behaviour a new flow-injection analysis (FIA) method with amperometric detection has been developed for quantification of the herbicide bentazone (BTZ) in estuarine waters. Standard solutions and samples (200 µL) were injected into a water carrier stream and both pH and ionic strength were automatically adjusted inside the manifold. Optimization of critical FIA conditions indicated that the best analytical results were obtained at an oxidation potential of 1.10 V, pH 4.5, and an overall flow-rate of 2.4 mL min–1. Analysis of real samples was performed by means of calibration curves over the concentration range 2.5x10–6 to 5.0x10–5 mol L–1, and results were compared with those obtained by use of an independent method (HPLC). The accuracy of the amperometric determinations was ascertained; errors relative to the comparison method were below 4% and sampling rates were approximately 100 samples h–1. The repeatability of the proposed method was calculated by assessing the relative standard deviation (%) of ten consecutive determinations of one sample; the value obtained was 2.1%.


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Aiming the establishment of simple and accurate readings of citric acid (CA) in complex samples, citrate (CIT) selective electrodes with tubular configuration and polymeric membranes plus a quaternary ammonium ion exchanger were constructed. Several selective membranes were prepared for this purpose, having distinct mediator solvents (with quite different polarities) and, in some cases, p-tert-octylphenol (TOP) as additive. The latter was used regarding a possible increase in selectivity. The general working characteristics of all prepared electrodes were evaluated in a low dispersion flow injection analysis (FIA) manifold by injecting 500µl of citrate standard solutions into an ionic strength (IS) adjuster carrier (10−2 mol l−1) flowing at 3ml min−1. Good potentiometric response, with an average slope and a repeatability of 61.9mV per decade and ±0.8%, respectively, resulted from selective membranes comprising additive and bis(2-ethylhexyl)sebacate (bEHS) as mediator solvent. The same membranes conducted as well to the best selectivity characteristics, assessed by the separated solutions method and for several chemical species, such as chloride, nitrate, ascorbate, glucose, fructose and sucrose. Pharmaceutical preparations, soft drinks and beers were analyzed under conditions that enabled simultaneous pH and ionic strength adjustment (pH = 3.2; ionic strength = 10−2 mol l−1), and the attained results agreed well with the used reference method (relative error < 4%). The above experimental conditions promoted a significant increase in sensitivity of the potentiometric response, with a supra-Nernstian slope of 80.2mV per decade, and allowed the analysis of about 90 samples per hour, with a relative standard deviation <1.0%.