920 resultados para near-infrared spectroscopy
EChO (Exoplanet atmospheres Characterization Observatory), a proposal for exoplanets exploration space mission, is considered the next step for planetary atmospheres characterization. It would be a dedicated observatory to uncover a large selected sample of planets spanning a wide range of masses (from gas giants to super-Earths) and orbital temperatures (from hot to habitable). All targets move around stars of spectral types F, G, K, and M. EChO would provide an unprecedented view of the atmospheres of planets in the solar neighbourhood. The consortium formed by various institutions of different countries proposed as ESA M3 an integrated spectrometer payload for EChO covering the wavelength interval 0.4 to 16 µm. This instrument is subdivided into 4 channels: a visible channel, which includes a fine guidance system (FGS) and a VIS spectrometer, a near infrared channel (SWiR), a middle infrared channel (MWiR), and a long wave infrared module (LWiR). In addition, it contains a common set of optics spectrally dividing the wavelength coverage and injecting the combined light of parent stars and their exoplanets into the different channels. The proposed payload meets all of the key performance requirements detailed in the ESA call for proposals as well as all scientific goals. EChO payload is based on different spectrometers covering the spectral range mentioned above. Among them, SWiR spectrometer would work from 2.45 microns to 5.45 microns. In this paper, the optical and mechanical designs of the SWiR channel instrument are reported on.
By virtue of its proximity and richness, the Virgo galaxy cluster is a perfect testing ground to expand our understanding of structure formation in the Universe. Here, we present a comprehensive dynamical catalogue based on 190 Virgo cluster galaxies (VCGs) in the "Spectroscopy and H-band Imaging of the Virgo cluster" (SHIVir) survey, including kinematics and dynamical masses. Spectroscopy collected over a multi-year campaign on 4-8m telescopes was joined with optical and near-infrared imaging to create a cosmologically-representative overview of parameter distributions and scaling relations describing galaxy evolution in a rich cluster environment. The use of long-slit spectroscopy has allowed the extraction and systematic analysis of resolved kinematic profiles: Halpha rotation curves for late-type galaxies (LTGs), and velocity dispersion profiles for early-type galaxies (ETGs). The latter are shown to span a wide range of profile shapes which correlate with structural, morphological, and photometric parameters. A study of the distributions of surface brightnesses and circular velocities for ETGs and LTGs considered separately show them all to be strongly bimodal, hinting at the existence of dynamically unstable modes where the baryon and dark matter fractions may be comparable within the inner regions of galaxies. Both our Tully-Fisher relation for LTGs and Fundamental Plane analysis for ETGs exhibit the smallest scatter when a velocity metric probing the galaxy at larger radii (where the baryonic fraction becomes sub-dominant) is used: rotational velocity measured in the outer disc at the 23.5 i-mag arcsec^{-2} level, and velocity dispersion measured within an aperture of 2 effective radii, respectively. Dynamical estimates for gas-poor and gas-rich VCGs are merged into a joint analysis of the stellar-to-total mass relation (STMR), stellar TFR, and Mass-Size relation. These relations are all found to contain strong bimodalities or dichotomies between the ETG and LTG samples, alluding to a "mixed scenario'' evolutionary sequence between morphological/dynamical classes that involves both quenching and dry mergers. The unmistakable differentiation between these two galaxy classes appears robust against different classification schemes, and supports the notion that they are driven by different evolutionary histories. Future observations using integral field spectroscopy and including lower-mass galaxies should solidify this hypothesis.
Spectral albedo was measured along a 6 km transect near the Allan Hills in East Antarctica. The transect traversed the sequence from new snow through old snow, firn, and white ice, to blue ice, showing a systematic progression of decreasing albedo at all wavelengths, as well as decreasing specific surface area (SSA) and increasing density. Broadband albedos under clear-sky range from 0.80 for snow to 0.57 for blue ice, and from 0.87 to 0.65 under cloud. Both air bubbles and cracks scatter sunlight; their contributions to SSA were determined by microcomputed tomography on core samples of the ice. Although albedo is governed primarily by the SSA (and secondarily by the shape) of bubbles or snow grains, albedo also correlates highly with porosity, which, as a proxy variable, would be easier for ice sheet models to predict than bubble sizes. Albedo parameterizations are therefore developed as a function of density for three broad wavelength bands commonly used in general circulation models: visible, near-infrared, and total solar. Relevance to Snowball Earth events derives from the likelihood that sublimation of equatorward-flowing sea glaciers during those events progressively exposed the same sequence of surface materials that we measured at Allan Hills, with our short 6 km transect representing a transect across many degrees of latitude on the Snowball ocean. At the equator of Snowball Earth, climate models predict thick ice, or thin ice, or open water, depending largely on their albedo parameterizations; our measured albedos appear to be within the range that favors ice hundreds of meters thick. Citation:
Avec la disponibilité de capteurs fiables de teneur en eau exploitant la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (NIR pour near-infrared) et les outils chimiométriques, il est maintenant possible d’appliquer des stratégies de commande en ligne sur plusieurs procédés de séchage dans l’industrie pharmaceutique. Dans cet ouvrage, le séchage de granules pharmaceutiques avec un séchoir à lit fluidisé discontinu (FBD pour fluidized bed dryer) de taille pilote est étudié à l’aide d’un capteur d’humidité spectroscopique. Des modifications électriques sont d’abord effectuées sur le séchoir instrumenté afin d’acheminer les signaux mesurés et manipulés à un périphérique d’acquisition. La conception d’une interface homme-machine permet ensuite de contrôler directement le séchoir à l’aide d’un ordinateur portable. Par la suite, un algorithme de commande prédictive (NMPC pour nonlinear model predictive control), basée sur un modèle phénoménologique consolidé du FBD, est exécuté en boucle sur ce même ordinateur. L’objectif est d’atteindre une consigne précise de teneur en eau en fin de séchage tout en contraignant la température des particules ainsi qu’en diminuant le temps de lot. De plus, la consommation énergétique du FBD est explicitement incluse dans la fonction objectif du NMPC. En comparant à une technique d’opération typique en industrie (principalement en boucle ouverte), il est démontré que le temps de séchage et la consommation énergétique peuvent être efficacement gérés sur le procédé pilote tout en limitant plusieurs problèmes d’opération comme le sous-séchage, le surséchage ou le surchauffage des granules.
The near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy presents itself as an interesting non-destructive test tool as it enables a fast, simple and reliable way for characterizing large samplings of biological materials in a short period of time. This work aimed to establish multivariate models to estimate the crystallinity indices and tensile and burst strength of cellulosic and nanocellulosic films through NIR spectroscopy. NIR spectra were recorded from the films before tensile and bursting strength, and crystallinity tests. Spectral information were correlated with reference values obtained by laboratory procedures through partial least square regression (PLS-R). The PLS-R model for estimating the crystallinity index presented a coefficient of determination in cross-validation (R2cv) of 0,94 and the ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) was 3,77. The mechanical properties of the films presented a high correlation with the NIR spectra: R2p = 0,85 (RPD = 2,23) for tensile and R2p = 0,93 (RPD = 3,40) for burst strength. The statistics associated to the models presented have shown that the NIR spectroscopy has the potential to estimate the crystallinity index and resistance properties of cellulose and nanocellulose films on in-line monitoring systems.
Espécies forrageiras adaptadas à s condições semiáridas são uma alternativa para reduzir os impactos negativos na cadeia produtiva de ruminantes da região Nordeste brasileira devido à sazonalidade na oferta de forragem, além de reduzir custo com o fornecimento de alimentos concentrados. Dentre as espécies, a vagem de algaroba (Prosopis juliflora SW D.C.) e palma forrageira (Opuntia e Nopalea) ganham destaque por tolerarem o déficit hÃdrico e produzirem em perÃodos onde a oferta de forragem está reduzida, além de apresentam bom valor nutricional e serem bem aceitas pelos animais. Porém, devido à variação na sua composição, seu uso na alimentação animal exige o conhecimento profundo da sua composição para a elaboração de dietas balanceadas. No entanto, devido ao custo e tempo para análise, os produtores não fazem uso da prática de análise da composição quÃmico-bromatológica dos alimentos. Por isto, a espectroscopia de reflectância no infravermelho próximo (NIRS) representa uma importante alternativa aos métodos tradicionais. Objetivou-se com este estudo desenvolver e validar modelos de predição da composição bromatológica de vagem de algaroba e palma forrageira baseados em espectroscopia NIRS, escaneadas em dois modelos de equipamentos e com diferentes processamentos da amostra. Foram coletadas amostras de vagem de algaroba nos estados do Ceará, Bahia, ParaÃba e Pernambuco, e amostras de palma forrageira nos estados do Ceará, ParaÃba e Pernambuco, frescas (in natura) ou pré-secas e moÃdas. Para obtenção dos espectros utilizaram-se dois equipamentos NIR, Perten DA 7250 e FOSS 5000. Inicialmente os alimentos foram escaneados in natura em aparelho do modelo Perten, e, com o auxÃlio do software The Unscrambler 10.2 foi selecionado um grupo de amostras para o banco de calibração. As amostras selecionadas foram secas e moÃdas, e escaneadas novamente em equipamentos Perten e FOSS. Os valores dos parâmetros de referência foram obtidos por meio de metodologias tradicionalmente aplicadas em laboratório de nutrição animal para matéria seca (MS), matéria mineral (MM), matéria orgânica (MO), proteÃna bruta (PB), estrato etéreo (EE), fibra solúvel em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra solúvel em detergente ácido (FDA), hemicelulose (HEM) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). O desempenho dos modelos foi avaliado de acordo com os erros médios de calibração (RMSEC) e validação (RMSECV), coeficiente de determinação (R2 ) e da relação de desempenho de desvio dos modelos (RPD). A análise exploratória dos dados, por meio de tratamentos espectrais e análise de componentes principais (PCA), demonstraram que os bancos de dados eram similares entre si, dando segurança de desenvolver os modelos com todas as amostras selecionadas em um único modelo para cada alimento, algaroba e palma. Na avaliação dos resultados de referência, observou-se que a variação dos resultados para cada parâmetro corroboraram com os descritos na literatura. No desempenho dos modelos, aqueles desenvolvidos com pré-processamento da amostra (pré-secagem e moagem) se mostraram mais robustos do que aqueles construÃdos com amostras in natura. O aparelho NIRS Perten apresentou desempenho semelhante ao equipamento FOSS, apesar desse último cobrir uma faixa espectral maior e com intervalos de leituras menores. A técnica NIR, associada ao método de calibração multivariada de regressão por meio de quadrados mÃnimos (PLS), mostrou-se confiável para prever a composição quÃmico-bromatológica de vagem de algaroba e da palma forrageira. Abstract: Forage species adapted to semi-arid conditions are an alternative to reduce the negative impacts in the feed supply for ruminants in the Brazilian Northeast region, due to seasonality in forage availability, as well as in the reducing of cost by providing concentrated feedstuffs. Among the species, mesquite pods (Prosopis juliflora SW DC) and spineless cactus (Opuntia and Nopalea) are highlighted for tolerating the drought and producion in periods where the forage is scarce, and have high nutritional value and also are well accepted by the animals. However, its use in animal diets requires a knowledge about its composition to prepare balanced diets. However, farmers usually do not use feed composition analysis, because their high cost and time-consuming. Thus, the Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in the (NIRS) is an important alternative to traditional methods. The objective of this study to develop and validate predictive models of the chemical composition of mesquite pods and spineless cactus-based NIRS spectroscopy, scanned in two different spectrometers and sample processing. Mesquite pods samples were collected in the states of Ceará, Bahia, Paraiba and Pernambuco, and samples of forage cactus in the states of Ceará, ParaÃba and Pernambuco. In order to obtain the spectra, it was used two NIR equipment: Perten DA 7250 and FOSS 5000. sSpectra of samples were initially obtained fresh (as received) using Perten instrument, and with The Unscrambler software 10.2, a group of subsamples was selected to model development, keeping out redundant ones. The selected samples were dried and ground, and scanned again in both Perten and FOSS instruments. The values of the reference analysis were obtained by methods traditionally applied in animal nutrition laboratory to dry matter (DM), mineral matter (MM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), soluble neutral detergent fiber (NDF), soluble acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicellulose ( HEM) and in vitro digestibility of dry matter (DIVDM). The performance of the models was evaluated according to the Root Mean Square Error of Calibration (RMSEC) and cross-validation (RMSECV), coefficient of determination (R2 ) and the deviation of Ratio of performance Deviation of the models (RPD). Exploratory data analysis through spectral treatments and principal component analysis (PCA), showed that the databases were similar to each other, and may be treated asa single model for each feed - mesquite pods and cactus. Evaluating the reference results, it was observed that the variation were similar to those reported in the literature. Comparing the preprocessing of samples, the performance ofthose developed with preprocessing (dried and ground) of the sample were more robust than those built with fresh samples. The NIRS Perten device performance similar to FOSS equipment, although the latter cover a larger spectral range and with lower readings intervals. NIR technology associate do multivariate techniques is reliable to predict the bromatological composition of mesquite pods and cactus.
The mixed double-decker Eu\[Pc(15C5)4](TPP) (1) was obtained by base-catalysed tetramerisation of 4,5-dicyanobenzo-15-crown-5 using the half-sandwich complex Eu(TPP)(acac) (acac = acetylacetonate), generated in situ, as the template. For comparative studies, the mixed triple-decker complexes Eu2\[Pc(15C5)4](TPP)2 (2) and Eu2\[Pc(15C5)4]2(TPP) (3) were also synthesised by the raise-by-one-story method. These mixed ring sandwich complexes were characterised by various spectroscopic methods. Up to four one-electron oxidations and two one-electron reductions were revealed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). As shown by electronic absorption and infrared spectroscopy, supramolecular dimers (SM1 and SM3) were formed from the corresponding double-decker 1 and triple-decker 3 in the presence of potassium ions in MeOH/CHCl3.
Visible, near-infrared, IR and Raman spectra of magnesian gaspeite are presented. Nickel ion is the main source of the electronic bands as it is the principal component in the mineral where as the bands in IR and Raman spectra are due to the vibrational processes in the carbonate ion as an entity. The combination of electronic absorption and vibrational spectra (including near-infrared, FTIR and Raman) of magnesian gaspeite are explained in terms of the cation co-ordination and the behaviour of CO32– anion in the Ni–Mg carbonate. The electronic absorption spectrum consists of three broad and intense bands at 8130, 13160 and 22730 cm–1 due to spin-allowed transitions and two weak bands at 20410 and 30300 cm–1 are assigned to spin-forbidden transitions of Ni2+ in an octahedral symmetry. The crystal field parameters evaluated from the observed bands are Dq = 810; B = 800 and C = 3200 cm–1. The two bands in the near-infrared spectrum at 4330 and 5130 cm–1 are overtone and combination of CO32– vibrational modes. For the carbonate group, infrared bands are observed at 1020 cm–1(1 ), 870 cm–1 (2), 1418 cm–1 (3) and 750 cm–1 (4), of which3, the asymmetric stretching mode is most intense. Three well resolved Raman bands at 1571, 1088 and 331 cm–1 are assigned to 3, 1 and MO stretching vibrations.
Kaolinite surfaces were modified by mechanochemical treatment for periods of time up to 10 h. X-ray diffraction shows a steady decrease in intensity of the d(001) spacing with mechanochemical treatment, resulting in the delamination of the kaolinite and a subsequent decrease in crystallite size with grinding time. Thermogravimetric analyses show the dehydroxylation patterns of kaolinite are significantly modified. Changes in the molecular structure of the kaolinite surface hydroxyls were followed by infrared spectroscopy. Hydroxyls were lost after 10 h of grinding as evidenced by a decrease in intensity of the OH stretching vibrations at 3695 and 3619 cm−1 and the deformation modes at 937 and 915 cm−1. Concomitantly an increase in the hydroxyl stretching vibrations of water is found. The water-bending mode was observed at 1650 cm−1, indicating that water is coordinating to the modified kaolinite surface. Changes in the surface structure of the OSiO units were reflected in the SiO stretching and OSiO bending vibrations. The decrease in intensity of the 1056 and 1034 cm−1 bands attributed to kaolinite SiO stretching vibrations were concomitantly matched by the increase in intensity of additional bands at 1113 and 520 cm−1 ascribed to the new mechanically synthesized kaolinite surface. Mechanochemical treatment of the kaolinite results in a new surface structure.
The thermal evolution process of RuO2–Ta2O5/Ti coatings with varying noble metal content has been investigated under in situ conditions by thermogravimetry combined with mass spectrometry. The gel-like films prepared from alcoholic solutions of the precursor salts (RuCl3·3H2O, TaCl5) onto titanium metal support were heated in an atmosphere containing 20% O2 and 80% Ar up to 600 °C. The evolution of the mixed oxide coatings was followed by the mass spectrometric ion intensity curves. The cracking of retained solvent and the combustion of organic surface species formed were also followed by the mass spectrometric curves. The formation of carbonyl- and carboxylate-type surface species connected to the noble metal was identified by Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy. These secondary processes–catalyzed by the noble metal–may play an important role in the development of surface morphology and electrochemical properties. The evolution of the two oxide phases does not take place independently, and the effect of the noble metal as a combustion catalyst was proved.
This paper presents a new method of eye localisation and face segmentation for use in a face recognition system. By using two near infrared light sources, we have shown that the face can be coarsely segmented, and the eyes can be accurately located, increasing the accuracy of the face localisation and improving the overall speed of the system. The system is able to locate both eyes within 25% of the eye-to-eye distance in over 96% of test cases.
In this work, natural palygorskite impregnated with zero-valent iron (ZVI) was prepared and characterised. The combination of ZVI particles on surface of fibrous palygorskite can help to overcome the disadvantage of ultra-fine powders which may have strong tendency to agglomerate into larger particles, resulting in an adverse effect on both effective surface area and catalyst performance. There is a significant increase of methylene blue (MB) decolourized efficiency on acid treated palygorskite with ZVI grafted, within 5 mins, the concentration of MB in the solution was decreased from 94 mg/L to around 20 mg/L and the equilibration was reached at about 30 to 60 mins with only around 10 mg/L MB remained in solution. Changes in the surface and structure of prepared materials were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, surface analysing and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with element analysis and mapping. Comparing with zero-valent iron and palygorskite, the presence of zero-valent iron reactive species on the palygorskite surface strongly increases the decolourization capacity for methylene blue, and it is significant for providing novel modified clay catalyst materials for the removal of organic contaminants from waste water.
Raman spectra of natrouranospinite complemented with infrared spectra were studied and related to the structure of the mineral. Observed bands were assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of (UO2)2+ and (AsO4)3- units and of water molecules. U-O bond lengths in uranyl and O-H…O hydrogen bond lengths were calculated from the Raman and infrared spectra.
Raman spectra of jáchymovite, (UO2)8(SO4)(OH)14•13H2O, were studied, complemented with infrared spectra, and compared with published Raman and infrared spectra of uranopilite, [(UO2)6(SO4)O2(OH)6(H2O)6] •6H2O. Bands related to the stretching and bending vibrations of (UO2)2+, (SO4)2-, (OH)- and water molecules were assigned. U-O bond lengths in uranyl and O-H…O hydrogen bond lengths were calculated from the Raman and infrared spectra.
Raman spectra of brandholzite Mg[Sb(OH)6].6H2O were studied, complemented with infrared spectra, and related to the structure of the mineral. An intense Raman sharp band at 618 cm-1 is attributed to the SbO symmetric stretching mode. The low intensity band at 730 cm-1 is ascribed to the SbO antisymmetric stretching vibration. Low intensity Raman bands were found at 503, 526 and 578 cm-1. Corresponding infrared bands were observed at 527, 600, 637, 693, 741 and 788 cm-1. Four Raman bands observed at 1043, 1092, 1160 and 1189 cm-1 and eight infrared bands at 963, 1027, 1055, 1075, 1108, 1128, 1156 and 1196 cm-1 are assigned to δ SbOH deformation modes. A complex pattern resulting from the overlapping band of the water and hydroxyl units is observed. Raman bands are observed at 3240, 3383, 3466, 3483 and 3552 cm-1, infrared bands at 3248, 3434 and 3565 cm-1. The first two Raman bands and the first infrared band are assigned to water stretching vibrations. The two higher wavenumber Raman bands observed at 3466 and 3552 cm-1 and two infrared bands at 3434 and 3565 cm-1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the hydroxyl units. Observed Raman and infrared bands are connected with O-H…O hydrogen bonds and their lengths 2.72, 2.79, 2.86, 2.88 and 3.0 Å (Raman) and 2.73, 2.83 and 3.07 Å (infrared).