938 resultados para kryzys strefy euro


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Recent studies indicate that ascidians are efficiently dispersed by human transport. We have chosen the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) to address whether Clavelina oblonga is an introduced species in the Brazilian coast. Colonies of C. oblonga were sampled in different localities along Atlantic coasts of USA, Panama, and Brazil. The sequencing of 92 colonies resulted in three haplotypes for the species, two unique to Florida and the other shared by exemplars collected in Brazil and Panama; the latter haplotype is identical to the published sequence of Azores. Our evidence, including the absence of C. oblonga in the country's northern tropical waters, its association with artificial habitats and lack of COI variation suggest that the species has been introduced in the southeastern and southern Brazilian coasts. Previous records (85 years old) suggest that it could be a relatively long-term introduction.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os achados histopatológicos e de apoptose em pulmões de ratos preservados em soluções low-potassium dextran (LPD, baixo potássio dextrana), histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate (HTK, histidina-triptofano-cetoglutarato) ou salina normal (SN) em 6 h e 12 h de isquemia pela utilização de um modelo experimental de perfusão pulmonar ex vivo. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos Wistar foram anestesiados, randomizados e submetidos à perfusão anterógrada pela artéria pulmonar com uma das soluções preservadoras. Após a extração, os blocos cardiopulmonares foram preservados por 6 ou 12 h a 4ºC, sendo então reperfundidos com sangue homólogo em um sistema de perfusão ex vivo durante 60 min. Ao final da reperfusão, fragmentos do lobo médio foram extraídos e processados para histopatologia, sendo avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: congestão, edema alveolar, hemorragia alveolar, hemorragia, infiltrado inflamatório e infiltrado intersticial. O grau de apoptose foi avaliado pelo método TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling. RESULTADOS: A histopatologia demonstrou que todos os pulmões preservados com SN apresentaram edema alveolar após 12 h de isquemia. Não houve diferenças em relação ao grau de apoptose nos grupos estudados. CONCLUSÕES: No presente estudo, os achados histopatológicos e de apoptose foram semelhantes com o uso das soluções LPD e HTK, enquanto a presença de edema foi significativamente maior com o uso de SN.


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The activity of natural killer cells depends on the balance between activating and inhibitory signals coming from their receptors. Among these are the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) that recognize specific HLA class I allotypes. Here we characterized KIR genetic diversity and their HLA ligands in the population of Curitiba, Parana State (n = 164), and compared it with other worldwide populations. The distribution of 2DL4 alleles was also analyzed. The Curitiba population did not differ significantly from European and Euro-descendant populations, but as an admixed population showed higher genetic diversity. We found 27 KIR profiles, many of them uncommon in European populations, in agreement with the elevated historically recent gene flow in the study population. The frequencies of KIR genes and their respective HLA ligands were distributed independently and none of the analyzed individuals lacked functional KIR-HLA ligand combinations. KIR gene frequencies of 33 worldwide populations were consistent with geographic and ethnic distribution, in agreement with demography being the major factor shaping the observed gene content diversity of the KIR locus.


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Maize is one of the most important crops in the world. The products generated from this crop are largely used in the starch industry, the animal and human nutrition sector, and biomass energy production and refineries. For these reasons, there is much interest in figuring the potential grain yield of maize genotypes in relation to the environment in which they will be grown, as the productivity directly affects agribusiness or farm profitability. Questions like these can be investigated with ecophysiological crop models, which can be organized according to different philosophies and structures. The main objective of this work is to conceptualize a stochastic model for predicting maize grain yield and productivity under different conditions of water supply while considering the uncertainties of daily climate data. Therefore, one focus is to explain the model construction in detail, and the other is to present some results in light of the philosophy adopted. A deterministic model was built as the basis for the stochastic model. The former performed well in terms of the curve shape of the above-ground dry matter over time as well as the grain yield under full and moderate water deficit conditions. Through the use of a triangular distribution for the harvest index and a bivariate normal distribution of the averaged daily solar radiation and air temperature, the stochastic model satisfactorily simulated grain productivity, i.e., it was found that 10,604 kg ha(-1) is the most likely grain productivity, very similar to the productivity simulated by the deterministic model and for the real conditions based on a field experiment.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of medical adverse events in elderly patients admitted to an acute care geriatric unit, the predictive factors of occurrence, and the correlation between adverse events and hospital mortality rates. METHODS: This prospective study included 171 admissions of patients aged 60 years and older in the acute care geriatric unit in a teaching hospital in Brazil between 2007 and 2008. The following variables were assessed at admission: the patient age, gender, number of prescription drugs, geriatric syndromes (e. g., immobility, postural instability, dementia, depression, delirium, and incontinence), comorbidities, functional status (evaluated with the Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living), and severity of illness (evaluated with the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II). The incidence of delirium, infection, mortality, and the prescription of potentially inappropriate medications (based on the Beers criteria) were assessed during hospitalization. An observer who was uninvolved in patient care reported the adverse events. RESULTS: The mean age of the sample was 78.12 years. A total of 187 medical adverse events occurred in 94 admissions (55%). The predictors of medical adverse events were undetermined. Compared with the patients with no adverse events, the patients with medical adverse events had a significantly longer hospital stay (21.41 +/- 15.08 days versus 10.91 +/- 7.21 days) and a higher mortality rate (39 deaths [41.5%] versus 17 deaths [22.1%]). Mortality was significantly predicted by the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II score (odds ratio [OR] = 1.13, confidence interval [CI] 95%, 1.07 to 1.20), the Katz score (OR = 1.47, CI 95%, 1.18 to 1.83), and medical adverse events (OR = 3.59, CI 95%, 1.55 to 8.30). CONCLUSION: Medical adverse events should be monitored in every elderly hospitalized patient because there is no risk profile for susceptible patients, and the consequences of adverse events are serious, sometimes leading to longer hospital stays or even death.


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[EN] Background This study aims to design an empirical test on the sensitivity of the prescribing doctors to the price afforded for the patient, and to apply it to the population data of primary care dispensations for cardiovascular disease and mental illness in the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Implications for drug policies are discussed. Methods We used population data of 17 therapeutic groups of cardiovascular and mental illness drugs aggregated by health areas to obtain 1424 observations ((8 cardiovascular groups * 70 areas) + (9 psychotropics groups * 96 areas)). All drugs are free for pensioners. For non-pensioner patients 10 of the 17 therapeutic groups have a reduced copayment (RC) status of only 10% of the price with a ceiling of €2.64 per pack, while the remaining 7 groups have a full copayment (FC) rate of 40%. Differences in the average price among dispensations for pensioners and non-pensioners were modelled with multilevel regression models to test the following hypothesis: 1) in FC drugs there is a significant positive difference between the average prices of drugs prescribed to pensioners and non-pensioners; 2) in RC drugs there is no significant price differential between pensioner and non-pensioner patients; 3) the price differential of FC drugs prescribed to pensioners and non-pensioners is greater the higher the price of the drugs. Results The average monthly price of dispensations to pensioners and non-pensioners does not differ for RC drugs, but for FC drugs pensioners get more expensive dispensations than non-pensioners (estimated difference of €9.74 by DDD and month). There is a positive and significant effect of the drug price on the differential price between pensioners and non-pensioners. For FC drugs, each additional euro of the drug price increases the differential by nearly half a euro (0.492). We did not find any significant differences in the intensity of the price effect among FC therapeutic groups. Conclusions Doctors working in the Spanish NHS seem to be sensitive to the price that can be afforded by patients when they fill in prescriptions, although alternative hypothesis could also explain the results found.


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[ES] La cartografía geomorfológica es especialmente difícil en áreas con depósitos escasos, poco significativos y de cronología incierta,con formas multiedad y multiorigen. Tal es el caso de Galicia. Este trabajo es un intento de reconstruir la historia geomorfológica de Galicia durante el Cenozoico en un área especialmente relevante por su situación geodinámica. Se ha hecho un inventario exhaustivo de los niveles de terrazas erosivas y de acumulación en un tramo específico, por sus características morfológicas del curso principal del río Miño. Se presentan aquí los sistemas de terrazas entre Chantada y As Neves y se relacionan con las tres superficies de corrosión química (etched surfaces) más relevantes en la zona: R800, R600 y R400. Se analiza también su relación con el perfil longitudinal del río. Utilizando los únicos criterios existentes (continuidad topográfica y altitud), se propone para el sector estudiado un modelo evolutivo esencialmente determinado por la incisión fluvial asociada a la colisión entre la Placa Euroasiática y la Ibérica durante el Paleógeno y que geomorfológicamente se inicia a partir de la formación del aplanamiento R600, equivalente en Galicia a la Superficie Fundamental Peninsular.


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[ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado describe el desarrollo de un prototipo para plataformas móviles, que permite determinar si un pez alcanza la talla mínima establecida para su consumo. Para ello se realiza la detección y segmentación de un pez, para posteriormente determinar si cumple con la talla mínima, utilizando como referencia una moneda de un euro para calibrar el tamaño. La detección se realiza aplicando la implementación del esquema de Viola-Jones, integrada en la librería  OpenCV, creando una serie de detectores propios  tanto para los peces como para la moneda. Asimismo se ha utilizado SDK del que dispone dicha librería para desarrollar la aplicación en plataforma móvil Android.


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[ES] La escasa disponibilidad de agua a bajo precio y el actual régimen de ayudas del REA, ambos decididos a nivel político, explican que el autoabastecimiento forrajero sea actualmente un objetivo inalcanzable en Canarias. El Plan de Forrajeras de Canarias pretende contrarrestar esta realidad e incrementar su nivel de autoabastecimiento. La ayuda financiera que supone el REA reduce el importe a pagar por el forraje importado frente al producto local, condicionando la adopción de decisiones por parte de los ganaderos. De acuerdo a los cálculos realizados, reutilizando el agua en lugar de verterla, el cultivo de Maralfalfa podría ser competitivo frente a la importación, siendo financieramente viable con precios del agua en un rango de 0,20-0,30 €/m3


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Prima di parlare di lotto zero, credo sia opportuno inquadrare in modo più preciso il significato che riveste la Secante per Cesena. La Secante è senza dubbio l’opera più rilevante e strategica in assoluto degli ultimi decenni ed è destinata a incidere in modo profondo (almeno così ci auguriamo) sulla vita della città, contribuendo a migliorarla sensibilmente. A questa arteria è affidato il compito di raccogliere tutto il traffico di attraversamento di Cesena, e specialmente quello rappresentato dai mezzi pesanti, che gravita principalmente sulla via Emilia, creando da tempo una situazione difficile, ma che negli ultimi anni è divenuta pressoché insostenibile: sono molte migliaia i veicoli che ogni giorno percorrono questa strada che già dalla fine degli anni Sessanta ha cessato di essere periferica e che ai giorni nostri fa ormai parte del centro urbano. La Secante, una volta completata, porrà un rimedio definitivo a questa situazione: secondo le previsioni, sarà in grado di smaltire in modo efficiente circa 40mila veicoli al giorno e, quindi, di rispondere alle necessità di circolazione della città per almeno i prossimi 20-30 anni. Proprio per l’importanza che il nuovo asse di collegamento riveste, diventa fondamentale garantirne la massima fruibilità, dedicando estrema attenzione non solo alla funzionalità della struttura in sé ( per altro progettata con criteri d’avanguardia, soprattutto per la parte in galleria, che si configura come il primo eco-tunnel italiano ), ma anche al complesso delle opere di collegamento con la viabilità preesistente: svincoli, nodi stradali, nuove connessioni. È in questo quadro che si inserisce il cosiddetto “lotto zero”, cioè quel tratto stradale che prolungherà il primo lotto della Secante verso Forlì e avrà una lunghezza pari a circa 1 chilometro. Entrando nel dettaglio, questo lotto dovrà portare il traffico in uscita dalla Secante dalla via comunale San Cristoforo alla via Provinciale San Giuseppe, sicuramente più idonea a sopportare l’importante mole di traffico veicolare e meglio collegata alla viabilità principale. Il lotto zero si congiungerà con la via Emilia attraverso la già esistente rotatoria davanti al cimitero di Diegaro. Naturalmente, il nuovo tratto sarà dotato di barriere acustiche: si è pensato a strutture in lamiera di acciaio, con funzioni fonoassorbenti e fonoisolanti, per una lunghezza totale di circa 310 metri. Il costo complessivo dell’opera si aggira intorno ai 25 milioni di euro. Il Comune di Cesena considera questo intervento irrinunciabile, e per questo si stanno valutando le soluzioni più opportune per una sua realizzazione in tempi ragionevolmente brevi. Non a caso, per accelerare le procedure già nel 2004 l’Amministrazione Comunale di Cesena e l’Amministrazione Provinciale di Forlì – Cesena hanno deciso di finanziare direttamente il progetto, e sono stati avviati contatti con i ministeri delle Infrastrutture e dell’Ambiente per sollecitarne l’approvazione e la conseguente disponibilità di fondi. D’altro canto, non si può dimenticare che il lotto zero s’inserisce nella necessità più complessiva di un nuovo assetto della viabilità del territorio, che troverà una risposta definitiva con il progetto della cosiddetta via Emilia bis. Si tratta di un intervento prioritario non solo per Cesena, ma per tutta la Romagna, e che acquisisce un significato ancor più rilevante alla luce del recente progetto relativo alla Civitavecchia-Orte-Cesena-Ravenna-Mestre. In quest’ottica, il lotto zero assume una funzione indispensabile per armonizzare la grande circolazione che gravita sul nodo cesenate, destinato a diventare ancora più rilevante nel momento in cui si svilupperà la dorsale autostradale appenninica, la futura E45/E55.


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The 1970s are in the limelight of a growing historiographic attention, partly due to the recent opening of new archival resources. 1973, in particular, has a special interest in the historian’s eyes, as many are the events that happened that year: to name but a few, the Chilean coup, the October War, the ensuing oil crisis, the Vietnamese peace treaty. So it is may be not entirely surprising that not much attention has been paid to the Year of Europe, a nebulous American initiative destined to sum up to nothing practical - as Kissinger himself put it, it was destined to be the Year that never Was.1 It is my opinion, however, that its failure should not conceal its historical interest. Even though transatlantic relations have sometimes been seen as an uninterrupted history of crisis,2 in 1973 they reached what could then be considered as their unprecedented nadir. I believe that a thorough analysis of the events that during that year found the US increasingly at odds with the countries of Western Europe is worth carrying out not only to cast a new light on the dynamics of transatlantic relations but also to deepen our comprehension of the internal dynamics of the actors involved, mainly the Nixon administration and a unifying Europe. The Nixon administration had not carefully planned what the initiative actually should have amounted to, and its official announcement appears to have been one of Kissinger’s coups de theatre. Yet the Year of Europe responded to the vital priority of revitalising the relations with Western Europe, crucial ally, for too long neglected. But 1973 did not end with the solemn renewal of the Atlantic Declaration that Kissinger had sought. On the contrary, it saw, for the first time, the countries of the newly enlarged EC engaged in a real, if short-lived, solidarity on foreign policy, which highlighted the Nixon administration’s contradictions regarding European integration. Those, in addition to the numerous tensions that already strained transatlantic relations, gave birth to a downward spiral of incomprehensions and misperceptions, which the unexpected deflagration of the October war seriously worsened. However, even though the tensions did not disappear, the European front soon started to disintegrate, mainly under the strains imposed by the oil crisis. Significant changes in the leadership of the main European countries helped to get the tones back to normal. During the course of 1974-5, the substantial failure of the Euro-Arab dialogue, the Gymlich compromise, frequent and serene bilateral meetings bear witness that the worst was over.


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The present dissertation focuses on an unfinished project for the construction of an inland waterway between Padua and Venice, in northern Italy. The history of this channel is analysed in the context of the general debate for the development of a waterway network in the Padanian plain. The project of reconstructing and enlarging the existing ancient channels for the development of a modern river transport system was born at the beginning of the 20th century as an attempt to withstand the railway’s concurrency. The main project aimed at transforming the Po river and other small rivers and channels in a big waterway for the connection of the most important northern industrial cities with Venice’s harbour and the Adriatic sea. Even if the idea of restoring the historical channel between Padua and Venice arose at the end of the First World War, it was only during the years 50s that a new project was conceived and the waterway was included in a global project for the construction of a whole new channel from Venice to Milan. The new project, strongly supported by the local Christian Democratic Party, was managed for more than twenty years causing a huge expenditure of money. After a great investment by both the central State and the local bodies (more than 100 millions euro) the project was finally abandoned. This research reconstructs the historical process and the economical motivations that sustained that project until its failure. Moreover, with the aim of understanding the reasons and the differences of such a failure, the history of inland waterway transport in Italy is compared with contemporary developments in Germany.


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Obiettivo del presente lavoro è approntare un’analisi interpretativa dell’operatività dalle Finanziarie regionali, valutarne gli investimenti in capitale di rischio e, in particolare, l’attività di private equity, evidenziando le tendenze in atto, i possibili percorsi evolutivi e le eventuali criticità. La metodologia adottata ha previsto un’articolazione del lavoro lungo due principali direttive: un’analisi di tipo quantitativo sui bilanci di sette esercizi (dal 2002 al 2008), con la finalità di indagare nel dettaglio gli aspetti economici, finanziari e patrimoniali delle Finanziarie regionali attive sul territorio italiano; un’analisi qualitativa basata su un’approfondita rassegna della letteratura internazionale e su interviste mirate ad un campione ampiamente rappresentativo della popolazione osservata. I risultati raggiunti fanno ragionevolmente supporre che sia in atto una profonda ristrutturazione dell’intero sistema delle Finanziarie, che ha visto innanzitutto aumentare il controllo pubblico nella compagine sociale. L’indagine contabile ha permesso di identificare la presenza di due modelli di business ben differenziati: alcune Finanziarie sono orientate ad attività con forte contenuto di intermediazione finanziaria; altre invece sono focalizzate sull’attività di erogazione di servizi sia finanziari di consulenza che reali. L’investimento in capitale di rischio costituisce un attività centrale per le Finanziarie regionali; l’analisi dedicata a tali impieghi ha permesso di individuare, tra esse, alcune realtà tipiche del merchant banking, e più di frequente, del modello di holding. Complessivamente le Finanziarie campionate detengono oltre 400 partecipazioni per un valore che supera 1,7 miliardi di euro; prevalentemente concentrati su una ristretta cerchia di realtà spesso con impatto strategico sul territorio, ovvero strumentali. Segnatamente all’attività di private equity, è stato possibile rilevare come la politica d’investimento delle Finanziarie regionali sia complementare rispetto a quella mediamente espressa dal mercato domestico, anche se restano critici, anche per le Finanziarie, gli investimenti su imprese target con fatturato compreso tra 2 e 10 milioni di euro. Le evidenze circa la struttura dei contratti segnalano una parziale conformità alla best practice individuata dalla letteratura internazionale. In particolare l’uso limitato dello stage financing, la bassa partecipazione alla gestione sono le principali criticità individuate. Infine, della fase di riorganizzazione che pare interessare il sistema delle Finanziarie, si trova conferma nella percezione dei suoi operatori. Interpellati sul futuro dell’attività di investimento in capitale di rischio, hanno fornito indicazioni che consentono di concludere l’esistenza di una polarizzazione delle Finanziarie su due gruppi: da un lato quelle che implementeranno, più o meno, l’attività di private equity, dall’altro quelle che, viceversa, abbandoneranno tale strumento. La normativa sulle società a partecipazione pubblica regionale e la scarsa autonomia nella gestione delle misure affidate sono ritenute, dalle Finanziarie “interessate”, il principale fattore di freno alla loro crescita nel mercato del private equity.


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This thesis selects concrete, steel and their relation as research subjects, mainly commentary and discusses the property changes of steel and concrete materials under and after high temperature.The differences and comparisons of reasearch methods and ways between different researchers and different papers,particularly for chinese researches and chinese papers,and partly for comparison between chinese papers methods and Euro-Amercian papers methods about Fire Resistance Behavior of Reinforced Concrete will be summarized and analyzed.The researches on fire-resistance behavior of reinforced concrete become more and more important all over the world. And I would find differences between Chinese researches results, between Chinese researches results and other countries researches results.


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This work has been realized by the author in his PhD course in Electronics, Computer Science and Telecommunication at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Italy. The subject of this thesis regards important channel estimation aspects in wideband wireless communication systems, such as echo cancellation in digital video broadcasting systems and pilot aided channel estimation through an innovative pilot design in Multi-Cell Multi-User MIMO-OFDM network. All the documentation here reported is a summary of years of work, under the supervision of Prof. Oreste Andrisano, coordinator of Wireless Communication Laboratory - WiLab, in Bologna. All the instrumentation that has been used for the characterization of the telecommunication systems belongs to CNR (National Research Council), CNIT (Italian Inter-University Center), and DEIS (Dept. of Electronics, Computer Science, and Systems). From November 2009 to May 2010, the author spent his time abroad, working in collaboration with DOCOMO - Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH (DOCOMO Euro-Labs) in Munich, Germany, in the Wireless Technologies Research Group. Some important scientific papers, submitted and/or published on IEEE journals and conferences have been produced by the author.