963 resultados para information technology research


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The transformation of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into knowledge and learning technologies is increasingly becoming a matter of concern. Teaching settings associated with the use of blogs in Higher Education are presented in this paper, proceeding from an innovative learning experience of projects carried out by a group of professors between 2009 and 2013. Both, teachers and students who took part in the subjects that implemented the blog, considered it as helpful resource to create a virtual and learning-teaching environment due to the multiple potentialities it offers. Among some of these potentialities, some stand out: it makes easier the access to knowledge, promotes a more active and reflective learning, expands the social experience of learning, provides evidence about the students’ progress which helps to reorient the teaching-learning process, and encourages the critical judgment. Nevertheless, several problems related with the students’ participation and the teacher’s blog management have been identified.


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The development of the Internet and in particular of social networks has supposedly given a new view to the different aspects that surround human behavior. It includes those associated with addictions, but specifically the ones that have to do with technologies. Following a correlational descriptive design we present the results of a study, which involved university students from Social and Legal Sciences as participants, about their addiction to the Internet and in particular to social networks. The sample was conformed of 373 participants from the cities of Granada, Sevilla, Málaga, and Córdoba. To gather the data a questionnaire that was design by Young was translated to Spanish. The main research objective was to determine if university students could be considered social network addicts. The most prominent result was that the participants don’t consider themselves to be addicted to the Internet or to social networks; in particular women reflected a major distance from the social networks. It’s important to know that the results differ from those found in the literature review, which opens the question, are the participants in a phase of denial towards the addiction?


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In this article, we address the importance and relevance that social networks exhibit in their use as an educational resource.  This relevance relies in the possibility of implementing new learning resources or increasing the level of the participant's connectivity, as well as developing learning communities.  Also, the risk entailed from their use is discussed, especially for the students that have a low technological education or those having excessive confidence on the media.  It is important to highlight that the educational use of social networks is not a simple extension or translation of the student's habitual, recreational use, but that it implies an important change in the roles given to teachers as well as learners; from accommodative learning environments that only encourage memorization to other environments that demand an active, reflective, collaborative and proactive attitude, that require the development/acquisition of technological as well as social abilities, aptitudes and values.  It is also important to highlight that a correct implementation and adequate use will not only foment formal learning, but also informal and non-formal learning.


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Information retrieval in the age of Internet search engines has become part of ordinary discourse and everyday practice: "Google" is a verb in common usage. Thus far, more attention has been given to practical understanding of information retrieval than to a full theoretical account. In Human Information Retrieval, Julian Warner offers a comprehensive overview of information retrieval, synthesizing theories from different disciplines (information and computer science, librarianship and indexing, and information society discourse) and incorporating such disparate systems as WorldCat and Google into a single, robust theoretical framework. There is a need for such a theoretical treatment, he argues, one that reveals the structure and underlying patterns of this complex field while remaining congruent with everyday practice. Warner presents a labor theoretic approach to information retrieval, building on his previously formulated distinction between semantic and syntactic mental labor, arguing that the description and search labor of information retrieval can be understood as both semantic and syntactic in character. Warner's information science approach is rooted in the humanities and the social sciences but informed by an understanding of information technology and information theory. The chapters offer a progressive exposition of the topic, with illustrative examples to explain the concepts presented. Neither narrowly practical nor largely speculative, Human Information Retrieval meets the contemporary need for a broader treatment of information and information systems.


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El texto presenta una experiencia socioconstruccionista que une el trabajo entre estudiantes de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona y de Magisterio de la Universidad del País Vasco. Un trabajo colaborativo entre docentes y estudiantes que conllevó compartir conocimientos y saberes a través del uso de nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (Skype y Blogs). El foco del artículo está situado en las relaciones de enseñanza y aprendizaje propias y singulares de una experiencia concreta, y en lo que se deriva de ello en el desarrollo de identidades de discentes y docentes; en esta línea, surgieron temas vinculados con: las posicionamientos emergentes, los modos de colocarse en los espacios de aprendizaje, las formas de relacionarse con los conocimientos, resistencias y potenciales del uso de nuevas tecnologías, etc. El texto está articulado en dos partes: una primera en la que brevemente se muestra el anclaje teórico que sustentó el trabajo (la investigación narrativa, y el trabajo educativo basado en Leaning by Desing); y una segunda parte que, llevando por título Desayunos Donostia–Barcelona y con una retórica basada en la novela de ficción, presenta experiencias significativas que hablan de los encuentros entre estudiantes y docentes. Dichas experiencias se inscriben dentro de las actividades de los grupos de innovación docente Indaga-t (2010PID-UB/33) y Elkarrikertuz (IT433-10), y es el resultado de trabajos colaborativos entre docentes e investigadores miembros de los mismos.El texto, que parte de la relación entre los grupos de innovación Indaga-t (2010PID-UB/33) y Elkarrikertuz (IT433-10), muestra una experiencia de colaboración que permite a los estudiantes establecer puentes entre diferentes comunidades y entre dos lugares de aprendizaje supuestamente alejados como son las facultades de Bellas Artes y Magisterio. Además nos ha ofrecido la oportunidad de construir experiencias de aprendizaje donde hemos aprendido a trabajar de un modo colaborativo entre docentes y estudiantes.


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In the last decade, data mining has emerged as one of the most dynamic and lively areas in information technology. Although many algorithms and techniques for data mining have been proposed, they either focus on domain independent techniques or on very specific domain problems. A general requirement in bridging the gap between academia and business is to cater to general domain-related issues surrounding real-life applications, such as constraints, organizational factors, domain expert knowledge, domain adaption, and operational knowledge. Unfortunately, these either have not been addressed, or have not been sufficiently addressed, in current data mining research and development.Domain-Driven Data Mining (D3M) aims to develop general principles, methodologies, and techniques for modeling and merging comprehensive domain-related factors and synthesized ubiquitous intelligence surrounding problem domains with the data mining process, and discovering knowledge to support business decision-making. This paper aims to report original, cutting-edge, and state-of-the-art progress in D3M. It covers theoretical and applied contributions aiming to: 1) propose next-generation data mining frameworks and processes for actionable knowledge discovery, 2) investigate effective (automated, human and machine-centered and/or human-machined-co-operated) principles and approaches for acquiring, representing, modelling, and engaging ubiquitous intelligence in real-world data mining, and 3) develop workable and operational systems balancing technical significance and applications concerns, and converting and delivering actionable knowledge into operational applications rules to seamlessly engage application processes and systems.


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The importance of digital inclusion to Europe is obvious: as we move towards an ever more internet-communicating society the lack of access to basic digital infrastructures for a significant segment of the population is both problematic for those individuals without access and also problematic for those providing services which should be efficient and fully utilised. The EU’s ‘Information Society’ project has been the central plank of the European attempt to build a European digital marketplace, a concept which necessitates digital inclusion of the population at large. It is a project which prefers universal service obligations to achieve inclusion. If that is to be the preferred solution I suggest that we must consider exclusion from the banking system, given that the Information Society is at root an economic community.

However, universal service obligations are not the only method whereby digital inclusion can be encouraged and I posit we may need to reconsider the role of the state as supplier of services through the concept of ‘social solidarity’.


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The aim of this paper is to identify and classify the numerous managerial issues encountered in the management of personnel in confined site construction. For the purpose of this research, a confined construction site is defined as a site where permanent works fit the site footprint, extending to levels above and/or below ground level, leaving spatial restrictions for other operations (e.g. plant and material movements, materials storage and temporary accommodation etc.) and require effective resource co-ordination beyond normal on-site management input. A literature review and analysis, case studies incorporating interviews and focus groups along with a questionnaire survey were used in order to gain a comprehensive insight into the issues in the management of personnel in a confined construction site environment. The following are the top five leading issues highlighted in the management of personnel in confined site construction; (1) Accidents due to an untidy site, (2) One contractor holding up another because of the lack of space, (3) A risk to personnel because of vehicular traffic on-site, (4) Difficult to facilitate several contractors at one work location, and (5) Numerous personnel working within the one space. In today’s modern environment, spatial restrictions are quickly becoming the norm in the industry. Therefore, the management of personnel on-site becomes progressively more difficult with the decrease in available space on-site. Where such environments exist, acknowledging the numerous issues highlighted above, aids site management in the supervision and co-ordination of personnel on-site, thus reducing accidents, increasing productivity and increase profit margins, in spatially restricted environments. As on-site management professionals successfully identify, acknowledge and counteract the numerous issues illustrated, the successful management of personnel on a confined construction site is achievable. By identifying the numerous issues, on-site management can proactively mitigate such issues through adopting counteractive measures and through successful identification of the traits identified.


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An overview of research on reconfigurable architectures for network processing applications within the Institute of Electronics, Communications and Information Technology (ECIT) is presented. Three key network processing topics, namely node throughput, Quality of Service (QoS) and security are examined where custom reconfigurability allows network nodes to adapt to fluctuating network traffic and customer demands. Various architectural possibilities have been investigated in order to explore the options and tradeoffs available when using reconfigurability for packet/frame processing, packet-scheduling and data encryption/decryption. This research has shown there is no common approach that can be applied. Rather the methodologies used and the cost-benefits for incorporation of reconfigurability depend on each of the functions considered, for example being well suited to encryption/decryption but not packet/frame processing. © 2005 IEEE.


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Informed by the resource-based view, this study draws on customer relationship management (CRM) and value co-creation literature to develop a framework examining the impact of social networking sites on processes to manage customer relationships. Facilitating the depth and networked interactions necessary to truly engage customers, social networking sites act as a means of enhancing customer relationships through the co-creation of value, moving CRM into a social context. Tested and validated on a data set of hotels, the main contribution of the study to service research lies in the extension of CRM processes, termed relational information processes, to include value co-creation processes due to the social capabilities afforded by social networking sites. Information technology competency and social media orientation act as critical antecedents to these processes, which have a positive impact on both financial and non-financial aspects of firm performance. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed accordingly.


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In clinical practice, pharmacists play a very important role in identifying and correcting medication discrepancies as older patients move across transition points of care. With increasing complexity of health care needs of older people, these discrepancies are likely to increase. The major concern with identifying and correcting medication discrepancies is that medication reconciliation is considered a retrospective problem – that is, dealing with medication discrepancies after they have occurred. It is argued here that a more proactive stance should be taken where doctors, nurses and pharmacists collectively work together to prevent medication discrepancies from happening in the first place. Improved involvement of patients and family members will help to facilitate better management of medications across transition points of care. Efficient use of information technology aids, such as electronic medication reconciliation tools, should also assist with organizational systems problems associated with the working culture, heavy workloads, and staff and skill mix of health professionals.


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Those living with an acquired brain injury often have issues with fatigue due to factors resulting from the injury. Cognitive impairments such as lack of memory, concentration and planning have a great impact on an individual’s ability to carry out general everyday tasks, which subsequently has the effect of inducing cognitive fatigue. Moreover, there is difficulty in assessing cognitive fatigue, as there are no real biological markers that can be measured. Rather, it is a very subjective effect that can only be diagnosed by the individual. Consequently, the traditional way of assessing cognitive fatigue is to use a self-assessment questionnaire that is able to determine contributing factors. State of the art methods to evaluate cognitive! fa tigue employ cognitive tests in order to analyse performance on predefined tasks. However, one primary issue with such tests is that they are typically carried out in a clinical environment, therefore do not have the ability to be utilized in situ within everyday life. This paper presents a smartphone application for the evaluation of fatigue, which can be used daily to track cognitive performance in order to assess the influence of fatigue.