958 resultados para guard-rail
Infrastructure development means for the making of living environment, transport and communications, disaster prevention and national land conservation, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and energy production and supply. Transport infrastructure development in Cambodia involved with (1) road, (2) railway, (3) port, inland-water way and (4) aviation. All model of transport infrastructure have special different kinds of importance. Railway is different from other base important of railways are transport passengers and traffic freight especially transport for heavy goods in huge capacity and in long distance by safer and faster. Transport in Cambodia for traffic freight export import base from Thailand and other via Sisophon and Shihanoukvill port. Traffic is increasing rapidly during nowadays railway condition in adequate of demand required. This is why Railway is selected as the topic of this paper to prevent monopoly of road transport. This paper, does review about infrastructure development plan for Railway in Cambodia as a long term strategy by review and analysis forecast on the previous performance of Royal Railways of Cambodia (RRC) transport traffic involved with condition of infrastructure development of railway in Cambodia. And also review the plan of development RRC but just only detail a plan of rehabilitation that is immediately needed. Suggest some recommendation at the last part. As Cambodia is a member country of ASEAN and also Mekong sub-region. For make sure that transport networks work effectively with a progress of economic integration, we make clear what is important for infrastructure development of railway in Cambodia from the standpoint of the development plan of Mekong sub-region. This paper is organized by 4 sections. Section 1 review about Infrastructure Development of Railway in Cambodia (IDRC) Historical Background, Follow by Section 2 will review the Current Situation of IDRC and some analysis of transport performance from previous years, Then Section 3 review of the focusing on traffic transport of RRC in the future, Section 4 review Infrastructure Development of Railway in Cambodia Future plans in long term; at last conclusion and recommendation. In section 1 does review history background of RRC from the rail first begun. But why is needed to review? Because of history background is involved infrastructure development of RRC in present time. History background made big gaps constraint and obstacle for socioeconomic development and poverty reduction, also left Cambodia with tragedy and left developed behind. After that remain infrastructure development needs huge fund and long time for restoration, reconstruction, rehabilitation and development into new technology as most of world practice.
This paper presents the architecture and the methods used to dynamically simulate the sea backscatter of an airborne radar operating in a medium repetition frequency mode (MPRF). It offers a method of generating a sea backscatter signal which fulfills the intensity statistics of real clutter in time domain, spatial correlation and local Doppler spectrum of real data. Three antenna channels (sum, guard and difference) and their cross-correlation properties are simulated. The objective of this clutter generator is to serve as the signal source for the simulation of complex airborne pulsed radar signal processors
In this paper, a new countermeasure against power and electromagnetic (EM) Side Channel Attacks (SCA) on FPGA implemented cryptographic algorithms is proposed. This structure mainly focuses on a critical vulnerability, Early Evaluation, also known as Early Propagation Effect (EPE), which exists in most conventional SCA-hardened DPL (Dual-rail with Precharge Logic) solutions. The main merit of this proposal is that the EPE can be effectively prevented by using a synchronized non regular precharge network, which maintains identical routing between the original and mirror parts, where costs and design complexity compared with previous EPE-resistant countermeasures are reduced, while security level is not sacrificed. Another advantage for our Precharge Absorbed(PA) - DPL method is that its Dual-Core style (independent architecture for true and false parts) could be generated using partial reconfiguration. This helps to get a dynamic security protection with better energy planning. That means system only keeps the true part which fulfills the normal en/decryption task in low security level, and reconfigures the false parts once high security level is required. A relatively limited clock speed is a compromise, since signal propagation is restricted to a portion of the clock period. In this paper, we explain the principles of PA-DPL and provide the guidelines to design this structure. We experimentally validate our methods in a minimized AES co-processor on Xilinx Virtex-5 board using electromagnetic (EM) attacks.
The research work that here is summarized, it is classed on the area of dynamics and measures of railway safety, specifically in the study of the influence of the cross wind on the high-speed trains as well as the study of new mitigation measures like wind breaking structures or wind fences, with optimized shapes. The work has been developed in the Research Center in Rail Technology (CITEF), and supported by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
To study the fluid motion-vehicle dynamics interaction, a model of four, liquid filled two-axle container freight wagons was set up. The railway vehicle has been modelled as a multi-body system (MBS). To include fluid sloshing, an equivalent mechanical model has been developed and incorporated. The influence of several factors has been studied in computer simulations, such as track defects, curve negotiation, train velocity, wheel wear, liquid and solid wagonload, and container baffles. SIMPACK has been used for MBS analysis, and ANSYS for liquid sloshing modelling and equivalent mechanical systems validation. Acceleration and braking manoeuvres of the freight train set the liquid cargo into motion. This longitudinal sloshing motion of the fluid cargo inside the tanks initiated a swinging motion of some components of the coupling gear. The coupling gear consists of UIC standard traction hooks and coupling screws that are located between buffers. One of the coupling screws is placed in the traction hook of the opposite wagon thus joining the two wagons, whereas the unused coupling screw rests on a hanger. Simulation results showed that, for certain combinations of type of liquid, filling level and container dimensions, the liquid cargo could provoke an undesirable, although not hazardous, release of the unused coupling screw from its hanger. The coupling screw's release was especially obtained when a period of acceleration was followed by an abrupt braking manoeuvre at 1 m/s2. It was shown that a resonance effect between the liquid's oscillation and the coupling screw's rotary motion could be the reason for the coupling screw's undesired release. Possible solutions to avoid the phenomenon are given.Acceleration and braking manoeuvres of the freight train set the liquid cargo into motion. This longitudinal sloshing motion of the fluid cargo inside the tanks initiated a swinging motion of some components of the coupling gear. The coupling gear consists of UIC standard traction hooks and coupling screws that are located between buffers. One of the coupling screws is placed in the traction hook of the opposite wagon thus joining the two wagons, whereas the unused coupling screw rests on a hanger. This paper reports on a study of the fluid motion-train vehicle dynamics interaction. In the study, a model of four, liquid-filled two-axle container freight wagons was developed. The railway vehicle has been modeled as a multi-body system (MBS). To include fluid sloshing, an equivalent mechanical model has been developed and incorporated. The influence of several factors has been studied in computer simulations, such as track defects, curve negotiation, train velocity, wheel wear, liquid and solid wagonload, and container baffles. A simulation program was used for MBS analysis, and a finite element analysis program was used for liquid sloshing modeling and equivalent mechanical systems validation. Acceleration and braking maneuvers of the freight train set the liquid cargo into motion. This longitudinal sloshing motion of the fluid cargo inside the tanks initiated a swinging motion of some components of the coupling gear. Simulation results showed that, for certain combinations of type of liquid, filling level and container dimensions, the liquid cargo could provoke an undesirable, although not hazardous, release of an unused coupling screw from its hanger. It was shown that a resonance effect between the liquid's oscillation and the coupling screw's rotary motion could be the reason for the coupling screw's undesired release. Solutions are suggested to avoid the resonance problem, and directions for future research are given.
The purpose of this study is to determine the critical wear levels of the contact wire of the catenary on metropolitan lines. The study has focussed on the zones of contact wire where localised wear is produced, normally associated with the appearance of electric arcs. To this end, a finite element model has been developed to study the dynamics of pantograph-catenary interaction. The model includes a zone of localised wear and a singularity in the contact wire in order to simulate the worst case scenario from the point of view of stresses. In order to consider the different stages in the wire wear process, different depths and widths of the localised wear zone were defined. The results of the dynamic simulations performed for each stage of wear let the area of the minimum resistant section of the contact wire be determined for which stresses are greater than the allowable stress. The maximum tensile stress reached in the contact wire shows a clear sensitivity to the size of the local wear zone, defined by its width and depth. In this way, if the wear measurements taken with an overhead line recording vehicle are analysed, it will be possible to calculate the potential breakage risk of the wire. A strong dependence of the tensile forces of the contact wire has also been observed. These results will allow priorities to be set for replacing the most critical sections of wire, thereby making maintenance much more efficient. The results obtained show that the wire replacement criteria currently borne in mind have turned out to be appropriate, although in some wear scenarios these criteria could be adjusted even more, and so prolong the life cycle of the contact wire.
This study focuses on the effectiveness of resilient wheels in reducing railway noise and vibrations, and compares the effectiveness of three types of wheels. The finite elements method has been used to characterise the vibratory behaviour of these wheels. The model has been excited with a realistic spectrum of vertical track irregularities, and a spectral analysis has been carried out. Results have been post-processed in order to estimate the sound power emitted. These calculations have been used to assess the effectiveness of the resilient wheel designs in reducing noise emitted to the environment and in propagating structural vibrations.
Flat or worn wheels rolling on rough or corrugated tracks can provoke airborne noise and ground-borne vibration, which can be a serious concern for nearby neighbours of urban rail transit lines. Among the various treatments used to reduce vibration and noise, resilient wheels play an important role. In conventional resilient wheels, a slightly prestressed Vshaped rubber ring is mounted between the steel wheel centre and tyre. The elastic layer enhances rolling noise and vibration suppression, as well as impact reduction on the track. In this paper the effectiveness of resilient wheels in underground lines, in comparison to monobloc ones, is assessed. The analysed resilient wheel is able to carry greater loads than standard resilient wheels used for light vehicles. It also presents a greater radial resiliency and a higher axial stiffness than conventional Vwheels. The finite element method was used in this study. A quarter car model was defined, in which the wheelset was modelled as an elastic body. Several simulations were performed in order to assess the vibrational behaviour of elastic wheels, including modal, harmonic and random vibration analysis, the latter allowing the introduction of realistic vertical track irregularities, as well as the influence of the running speed. Due to numerical problems some simplifications were needed. Parametric variations were also performed, in which the sensitivity of the whole system to variations of rubber prestress and Poisson’s ratio of the elastic material was assessed.Results are presented in the frequency domain, showing a better performance of the resilient wheels for frequencies over 200 Hz. This result reveals the ability of the analyzed design to mitigate rolling noise, but not structural vibrations, which are primarily found in the lower frequency range.
En este artículo se describe el proceso de diseño e implementación de la base de datos RVDynDB (Rail Vehicle Dynamic parameters DataBase), que pretende ser un extenso repositorio de los modelos de dominio público empleados en la simulación dinámica de vehículos ferroviarios en todo el mundo. Atendiendo a sus características de flexibilidad, extensibilidad e independencia de la plataforma, se ha escogido un modelo de datos XML, que facilita el almacenamiento de datos de procedencia muy heterogénea, al tiempo que permite compartir el contenido de la base de datos con otros usuarios a través de internet. Se ha presentado también el lenguaje RVDynML (Rail Vehicle Dynamic parameters Markup Language), que define la estructura de la información almacenada en la base de datos. Al ser un lenguaje basado en XML, con el tiempo podría llegar a convertirse en un estándar para el intercambio de datos sobre los principales parámetros constructivos que definen el comportamiento dinámico de los vehículos.Se han seleccionado 173 referencias bibliográficas, cuyos datos se han utilizado para construir la base de datos, constituida por un total de 957 registros. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado una aplicación específica con MATLAB para gestionar las búsquedas en la base de datos. Para ello se ha empleando una API de Java que proporciona una interfaz para el DOM, que permite permiten acceder, modificar, insertar o eliminar los elementos y atributos que componen un documento XML.
Virtual certification partially substitutes by computer simulations the experimental techniques required for rail vehicle certification. In this paper, several works were these techniques were used in the vehicle design and track maintenance processes are presented. Dynamic simulation of multibody systems was used to virtually apply the EN14363 standard to certify the dynamic behaviour of vehicles. The works described are: assessment of a freight bogie design adapted to meter-gauge, assessment of a railway track layout for a subway network, freight bogie design with higher speed and axle load, and processing of the data acquired by a track recording vehicle for track maintenance.