997 resultados para ambiente informatizado.


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Visando estudar as associações genéticas e fenotípicas entre a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e a produção de leite até 305 dias (P305) e avaliar as perspectivas de utilização da CCS como critério de seleção em bovinos leiteiros, utilizaram-se dados obtidos pelo Programa de Análise da Eficiência de Rebanhos Leiteiros e da Qualidade do Leite, desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Qualidade do Leite da ESALQ - USP. Por não apresentar distribuição normal, a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) foi transformada para uma escala logarítmica (ECS). Foram estimados os parâmetros genéticos para a P305 dias e a média dos escores de células somáticas (MECS). A média da produção de leite até 305 dias foi de 7.519,51 kg e a da MECS, de 4,04. As herdabilidades estimadas para P305 e MECS foram de 0,22 e 0,13, respectivamente, nas análises univariadas. Valores semelhantes foram estimados pela análise bivariada. A correlação genética entre a P305 e MECS foi de -0,16. Por apresentar correlação genética negativa, mas de baixa magnitude, a seleção para produção de leite não ocasionaria, a princípio, aumento indesejável da MECS.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da interação genótipo x ambiente (GxA), nas características peso à desmama e ganho de peso do nascimento à desmama, em machos e fêmeas da raça Simental, nascidos nas estações chuvosa e seca. Foram avaliados 20 mil animais, aos 210 dias de idade. Realizou-se uma análise multicaracterística, que considerou como distinta a mesma característica nos diferentes grupos ambientais, e uma análise unicaracterística, que considerou cada característica como a mesma em todos os grupos ambientais. Ainteração GxA foi avaliada por meio da correlação genética (r g). As interações foram consideradas importantes quando os valores de r g ficaram abaixo de 0,80. As distribuições posteriores das estimativas de herdabilidades mostraram ausência de heterogeneidade de variâncias entre os sexos, entretanto houve interação GxA entre os grupos ambientais. Observaram-se valores de correlação genética de 0,54 a 0,78 e 0,55 a 0,75 para peso à desmama e ganho de peso do nascimento à desmama, respectivamente. As seleções, baseadas tanto na análise unicaracterística quanto na multicaracterística, não mostraram diferenças significativas quanto ao ganho genético dos animais. Há efeito das estações de nascimento nas características avaliadas, em todos os grupos ambientais, e a interação GxA é mais evidente em fêmeas do que em machos.


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The last decade, characterized by the vertiginous growth of the computers worldwide net, brought radical changes in the use of the information and communication. Internet s use at business world has been largely studied; however, few are the researches about the academic use of this technology, mainly if we take into consideration institutions of technologic education. In this context, this research made an analysis of internet s use in a technologic education institution in Brazil, analyzing, in particular, the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte CEFET/RN for that standard use of this Information Technology (IT) tools and, at the same time, studying the determinant factors of this use. To reach the considered objectives, a survey research was effected, be given data collected daily through the research s questionnaire application to 150 teachers who answered a set of closed and scaled questions. The quantitative data were qualitatively analyzed, arriving a some significant results related to the standard use and the factors that influenced in the use of these Internet technologies, like: the age scale, the exposition s to the computer level, the area of academic graduation, the area of knowledge where acts and the title, exert significant influence in the academic use of Internet between the professors


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É apresentado um método para a estimativa do balanço térmico por radiação em vacas da raça Holandesa expostas ao sol e sob a sombra em uma pastagem, com o objetivo de estabelecer um padrão morfológico mais adequado para esses animais em região tropical. O método envolve a determinação das características do pelame (área de superfície de malhas negras, espessura da capa, comprimento e diâmetro dos pêlos, número de pêlos por unidade de área), temperatura da superfície da capa e da epiderme e variáveis ambientais (irradiância solar, temperatura do ar e de globo, vento). Foi determinada a quantidade de radiação de ondas curtas efetivamente transmitida através do pelame e que atinge as camadas profundas da epiderme. Demonstrou-se, por intermédio de um exemplo prático, que as áreas de pelame negro apresentaram balanço radiante mais elevado que as áreas brancas, mas estas últimas possuiam maior transmissividade para a radiação de ondas curtas. Animais predominantemente negros foram melhor protegidos contra a radiação de ondas curtas que os predominantemente brancos, especialmente quando a capa de pelame é pouco espessa (até 4 a 7 mm), mais adequada para ambientes tropicais.


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Currently, it stress it comes negative affecting the life of the people. In this direction, the present dissertação had as purpose to investigate the factors stressor in the environment of teaching work in a private university. For its concretion, bibliographical studies had been carried through, applied questionnaires, which were elaborated in elapsing of this dissertação, and comment of the environment of work of the professors. From the analysis of Spearman, of studies and comments 7 groups of variable had been analyzed, of which three of them if had shown excellent in the sprouting of stress it negative, namely: Environment of Work, characterization of the teaching activity and organization of the time/institucional aspects. From the displayed one, it is observed that the factors most excellent, that influence in the sprouting of stress it negative in the professors are: the imperfections of communication, the wage and the instability how much to horary the load definition attributed to these professionals


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A perda de calor por evaporação cutânea e as características morfológicas do pelame (espessura da capa, comprimento médio dos pêlos, número de pêlos por unidade de área e diâmetro médio dos pêlos) foram avaliadas em 254 cabras das raças Saanen, Alpina e mestiças ½ Boer ½ Saanen. Utilizou-se uma cápsula ventilada para medir a evaporação cutânea, determinada em três regiões do corpo (próximo ao pescoço, meio do flanco e quarto traseiro), enquanto as características morfológicas do pelame foram avaliadas a partir de amostras de pêlos, tomadas 18 cm abaixo da coluna vertebral, exceto a espessura da capa, que foi medida in situ. Os resultados indicaram que os animais apresentam pelame pouco denso, formado por pêlos finos e compridos. Animais mestiços (½ Bôer ½ Saanen) apresentaram taxas de evaporação cutânea mais elevadas que os puros das raças Saanen e Alpina.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The number of applications based on embedded systems grows significantly every year, even with the fact that embedded systems have restrictions, and simple processing units, the performance of these has improved every day. However the complexity of applications also increase, a better performance will always be necessary. So even such advances, there are cases, which an embedded system with a single unit of processing is not sufficient to achieve the information processing in real time. To improve the performance of these systems, an implementation with parallel processing can be used in more complex applications that require high performance. The idea is to move beyond applications that already use embedded systems, exploring the use of a set of units processing working together to implement an intelligent algorithm. The number of existing works in the areas of parallel processing, systems intelligent and embedded systems is wide. However works that link these three areas to solve any problem are reduced. In this context, this work aimed to use tools available for FPGA architectures, to develop a platform with multiple processors to use in pattern classification with artificial neural networks


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The industrial automation is directly linked to the development of information tecnology. Better hardware solutions, as well as improvements in software development methodologies make possible the rapid growth of the productive process control. In this thesis, we propose an architecture that will allow the joining of two technologies in hardware (industrial network) and software field (multiagent systems). The objective of this proposal is to join those technologies in a multiagent architecture to allow control strategies implementations in to field devices. With this, we intend develop an agents architecture to detect and solve problems which may occur in the industrial network environment. Our work ally machine learning with industrial context, become proposed multiagent architecture adaptable to unfamiliar or unexpected production environment. We used neural networks and presented an allocation strategies of these networks in industrial network field devices. With this we intend to improve decision support at plant level and allow operations human intervention independent


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Furthered mainly by new technologies, the expansion of distance education has created a demand for tools and methodologies to enhance teaching techniques based on proven pedagogical theories. Such methodologies must also be applied in the so-called Virtual Learning Environments. The aim of this work is to present a planning methodology based on known pedagogical theories which contributes to the incorporation of assessment in the process of teaching and learning. With this in mind, the pertinent literature was reviewed in order to identify the key pedagogical concepts needed to the definition of this methodology and a descriptive approach was used to establish current relations between this conceptual framework and distance education. As a result of this procedure, the Contents Map and the Dependence Map were specified and implemented, two teaching tools that promote the planning of a course by taking into account assessment still in this early stage. Inserted on Moodle, the developed tools were tested in a course of distance learning for practical observation of the involved concepts. It could be verified that the methodology proposed by the above-mentioned tools is in fact helpful in course planning and in strengthening educational assessment, placing the student as central element in the process of teaching and learning


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The goal of this work is to propose a SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) solution based on Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) in order to make possible a robot navigates along the environment using information from odometry and pre-existing lines on the floor. Initially, a segmentation step is necessary to classify parts of the image in floor or non floor . Then the image processing identifies floor lines and the parameters of these lines are mapped to world using a homography matrix. Finally, the identified lines are used in SLAM as landmarks in order to build a feature map. In parallel, using the corrected robot pose, the uncertainty about the pose and also the part non floor of the image, it is possible to build an occupancy grid map and generate a metric map with the obstacle s description. A greater autonomy for the robot is attained by using the two types of obtained map (the metric map and the features map). Thus, it is possible to run path planning tasks in parallel with localization and mapping. Practical results are presented to validate the proposal


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Breast cancer, despite being one of the leading causes of death among women worldwide is a disease that can be cured if diagnosed early. One of the main techniques used in the detection of breast cancer is the Fine Needle Aspirate FNA (aspiration puncture by thin needle) which, depending on the clinical case, requires the analysis of several medical specialists for the diagnosis development. However, such diagnosis and second opinions have been hampered by geographical dispersion of physicians and/or the difficulty in reconciling time to undertake work together. Within this reality, this PhD thesis uses computational intelligence in medical decision-making support for remote diagnosis. For that purpose, it presents a fuzzy method to assist the diagnosis of breast cancer, able to process and sort data extracted from breast tissue obtained by FNA. This method is integrated into a virtual environment for collaborative remote diagnosis, whose model was developed providing for the incorporation of prerequisite Modules for Pre Diagnosis to support medical decision. On the fuzzy Method Development, the process of knowledge acquisition was carried out by extraction and analysis of numerical data in gold standard data base and by interviews and discussions with medical experts. The method has been tested and validated with real cases and, according to the sensitivity and specificity achieved (correct diagnosis of tumors, malignant and benign respectively), the results obtained were satisfactory, considering the opinions of doctors and the quality standards for diagnosis of breast cancer and comparing them with other studies involving breast cancer diagnosis by FNA.


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Este trabalho propõe um ambiente computacional aplicado ao ensino de sistemas de controle, denominado de ModSym. O software implementa uma interface gráfica para a modelagem de sistemas físicos lineares e mostra, passo a passo, o processamento necessário à obtenção de modelos matemáticos para esses sistemas. Um sistema físico pode ser representado, no software, de três formas diferentes. O sistema pode ser representado por um diagrama gráfico a partir de elementos dos domínios elétrico, mecânico translacional, mecânico rotacional e hidráulico. Pode também ser representado a partir de grafos de ligação ou de diagramas de fluxo de sinal. Uma vez representado o sistema, o ModSym possibilita o cálculo de funções de transferência do sistema na forma simbólica, utilizando a regra de Mason. O software calcula também funções de transferência na forma numérica e funções de sensibilidade paramétrica. O trabalho propõe ainda um algoritmo para obter o diagrama de fluxo de sinal de um sistema físico baseado no seu grafo de ligação. Este algoritmo e a metodologia de análise de sistemas conhecida por Network Method permitiram a utilização da regra de Mason no cálculo de funções de transferência dos sistemas modelados no software