979 resultados para Zementation <Geologie>


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The Pico de Navas landslide was a large-magnitude rotational movement, affecting 50x106m3 of hard to soft rocks. The objectives of this study were: (1) to characterize the landslide in terms of geology, geomorphological features and geotechnical parameters; and (2) to obtain an adequate geomechanical model to comprehensively explain its rupture, considering topographic, hydro-geological and geomechanical conditions. The rupture surface crossed, from top to bottom: (a) more than 200 m of limestone and clay units of the Upper Cretaceous, affected by faults; and (b) the Albian unit of Utrillas facies composed of silty sand with clay (Kaolinite) of the Lower Cretaceous. This sand played an important role in the basal failure of the slide due to the influence of fine particles (silt and clay), which comprised on average more than 70% of the sand, and the high content presence of kaolinite (&gt;40%) in some beds. Its geotechnical parameters are: unit weight () = 19-23 KN/m3; friction angle () = 13-38 and cohesion (c) = 10-48 KN/m2. Its microstructure consists of accumulations of kaolinite crystals stuck to terrigenous grains, making clayey peds. We hypothesize that the presence of these aggregates was the internal cause of fluidification of this layer once wet. Besides the faulted structure of the massif, other conditioning factors of the movement were: the large load of the upper limestone layers; high water table levels; high water pore pressure; and the loss of strength due to wet conditions. The 3D simulation of the stability conditions concurs with our hypothesis. The landslide occurred in the Recent or Middle Holocene, certainly before at least 500 BC and possibly during a wet climate period. Today, it appears to be inactive. This study helps to understand the frequent slope instabilities all along the Iberian Range when facies Utrillas is present.


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The Cutri Formations, type location, exposed in the NW of Mallorca, Spain has previously been described by lvaro et al., (1989) and further interpreted by Abbots (1989) unpublished PhD thesis as a base-of-slope carbonate apron. Incorporating new field and laboratory analysis this paper enhances this interpretation. From this analysis, it can be shown without reasonable doubt that the Cutri Formation was deposited in a carbonate base-of-slope environment on the palaeowindward side of a Mid-Jurassic Tethyan platform. Key evidence such as laterally extensive exposures, abundant deposits of calciturbidtes and debris flows amongst hemipelagic deposits strongly support this interpretation.


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Several vertebrae of a sauropterygian specimen have been recovered in Fuencaliente de Medinaceli (Soria Province, Castilla y Len, Spain). The remains come from MiddleUpper Triassic Muschelkalk Facies. This finding represents the first documented evidence of a Triassic tetrapod in Castilla y Len. The vertebrae belong to Nothosaurus, a sauropterygian genus found in Europe, Middle East, North of Africa and China. This genus is poorly-known in the Iberian record. The new remains constitute the first evidence of the species Nothosaurus giganteus, or a related taxon, in the Iberian Peninsula. This study reveals the occurrence of at least two species of the sauropterygian Nothosaurus in the Spanish record.


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Fossil associations from the middle and upper Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian) sedimentary succession of the Pamplona Basin are described. This succession was accumulated in the western part of the South Pyrenean peripheral foreland basin and extends from deep-marine turbiditic (Ezkaba Sandstone Formation) to deltaic (Pamplona Marl, Ardanatz Sandstone and Ilundain Marl formations) and marginal marine deposits (Gendulain Formation). The micropalaeontological content is high. It is dominated by foraminifera, and common ostracods and other microfossils are also present. The fossil ichnoasssemblages include at least 23 ichnogenera and 28 ichnospecies indicative of Nereites, Cruziana, Glossifungites and ?Scoyenia-Mermia ichnofacies. Body macrofossils of 78 taxa corresponding to macroforaminifera, sponges, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, annelids, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms and vertebrates have been identified. Both the number of ichnotaxa and of species (e. g. bryozoans, molluscs and condrichthyans) may be considerably higher. Body fossil assemblages are comparable to those from the Eocene of the Nord Pyrenean area (Basque Coast), and also to those from the Eocene of the west-central and eastern part of South Pyrenean area (Aragon and Catalonia). At the European scale, the molluscs assemblages seem endemic from the Pyrenean area, although several Tethyan (Italy and Alps) and Northern elements (Paris basin and Normandy) have been recorded. Palaeontological data of studied sedimentary units fit well with the shallowing process that throughout the middle and late Eocene occurs in the area, according to the sedimentological and stratigraphical data.


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Chemical Stratigraphy, or the study of the variation of chemical elements within sedimentary sequences, has gradually become an experienced tool in the research and correlation of global geologic events. In this paper 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of the Triassic marine carbonates (Muschelkalk facies) of southeast Iberian Ranges, Iberian Peninsula, are presented and the representative Sr-isotopic curve constructed for the upper Ladinian interval. The studied stratigraphic succession is 102 meters thick, continuous, and well preserved. Previous paleontological data from macro and micro, ammonites, bivalves, foraminifera, conodonts and palynological assemblages, suggest a Fassanian-Longobardian age (Late Ladinian). Although diagenetic minerals are present in small amounts, the elemental data content of bulk carbonate samples, especially Sr contents, show a major variation that probably reflects palaeoenvironmental changes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios curve shows a rise from 0.707649 near the base of the section to 0.707741 and then declines rapidly to 0.707624, with a final values rise up to 0.70787 in the upper part. The data up to meter 80 in the studied succession is broadly concurrent with 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sequences of similar age and complements these data. Moreover, the sequence stratigraphic framework and its key surfaces, which are difficult to be recognised just based in the facies analysis, are characterised by combining variations of the Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr and CaCO3 contents


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The Museu Geolgico collections house some of the first sauropod references of the Lusitanian Basin Upper Jurassic record, including the Lourinhasaurus alenquerensis and Lusotitan atalaiensis lectotypes, previously considered as new species of the Apatosaurus and Brachiosaurus genera, respectively. Several fragmentary specimens have been classical referred to those taxa, but the most part of these systematic attributions are not supported herein, excluding a caudal vertebra from Maceira (MG 8804) considered as cf. Lusotitan atalaiensis. From the material housed in the Museu Geolgico were identified basal eusauropods (indeterminate eusauropods and turiasaurs) and neosauropods (indeterminate neosauropods, diplodods and camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms). Middle caudal vertebrae with lateral fossae, ventral hollow border by pronounced ventrolateral crests and quadrangular cross-section suggest for the presence of diplodocine diplodocids in north area of the Lusitanian Basin Central Sector during the Late Jurassic. A humerus collected from Praia dos Frades (MG 4976) is attributed to cf. Duriatitan humerocristatus suggesting the presence of shared sauropod forms between the Portugal and United Kingdom during the Late Jurassic. Duriatitan is an indeterminate member of Eusauropoda and the discovery of new material in both territories is necessary to confirm this systematic approach. The studied material is in according with the previous recorded paleobiodiversity for the sauropod clade during the Portuguese Late Jurassic, which includes basal eusauropods (including turiasaurs), diplodocids and macronarians (including camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms).


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Calcitic belemnite rostra are usually employed to perform paleoenvironmental studies based on geochemical data. However, several questions, such as their original porosity and microstructure, remain open, despite they are essential to make accurate interpretations based on geochemical analyses.This paper revisits and enlightens some of these questions. Petrographic data demonstrate that calcite crystals of the rostrum solidum of belemnites grow from spherulites that successively develop along the apical line, resulting in a regular spherulithic prismatic microstructure. Radially arranged calcite crystals emerge and diverge from the spherulites: towards the apex, crystals grow until a new spherulite is formed; towards the external walls of the rostrum, the crystals become progressively bigger and prismatic. Adjacent crystals slightly vary in their c-axis orientation, resulting in undulose extinction. Concentric growth layering develops at different scales and is superimposed and traversed by a radial pattern, which results in the micro-fibrous texture that is observed in the calcite crystals in the rostra.Petrographic data demonstrate that single calcite crystals in the rostra have a composite nature, which strongly suggests that the belemnite rostra were originally porous. Single crystals consistently comprise two distinct zones or sectors in optical continuity: 1) the inner zone is fluorescent, has relatively low optical relief under transmitted light (TL) microscopy, a dark-grey color under backscatter electron microscopy (BSEM), a commonly triangular shape, a patchy appearance and relatively high Mg and Na contents; 2) the outer sector is non-fluorescent, has relatively high optical relief under TL, a light-grey color under BSEM and low Mg and Na contents. The inner and fluorescent sectors are interpreted to have formed first as a product of biologically controlled mineralization during belemnite skeletal growth and the non-fluorescent outer sectors as overgrowths of the former, filling the intra- and inter-crystalline porosity. This question has important implications for making paleoenvironmental and/or paleoclimatic interpretations based on geochemical analyses of belemnite rostra.Finally, the petrographic features of composite calcite crystals in the rostra also suggest the non-classical crystallization of belemnite rostra, as previously suggested by other authors.


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Der Plan, groe Mengen radioaktiver Materialien in Salinar- gesteine von Salzstcken einzulagern, schliet die Rck- holbarkeit praktisch aus. Bei der Abschtzung des Langzeitverhaltens der Gesteine, der Grubenbaue und des gesamten Diapirs sind - wie auch beim Einlagerungsvorgang selbst - Fehler nicht auszuschlieen und nicht korrigierbar. Die Antragsteller behandeln die geowissenschaftlichen Aspekte der Einlagerung (Teilprojekt 6) nicht qualifiziert und widmen den damit verbundenen Problemen eine unangemessen geringe Aufmerksamkeit. Sie lassen die einem solchen Projekt adquate planerische Sorgfalt vermissen, gehen mit den zur Verfgung stehenden Daten in ihrer Argumentation ungenau oder selektiv um und erwecken den Eindruck, unter der Erdoberflche nach dem 'trial-and-error'-Prinzip Vorgehen zu wollen. Salzstcke sind tektonisch grundstzlich instabile Gesteinskrper. Die an ihrem Aufbau berwiegend beteiligten Gesteine sind die wasserlslichsten der Erdkruste; sie reagieren am empfindlichsten auf mechanische und thermische Beanspruchung und sind am reaktionsfhigsten bei mglichen Interaktionen zwischen Einlagerungsmaterial und Einlagerungsmedium. Salzstcke sind die auf bergtechnische Eingriffe am sensibelsten reagierenden Gesteinskrper, insbesondere, wenn der am Salzspiegel herrschende Lsungszustand gestrt wird, wenn durch knstliche Hohlrume im Innern Kriechbewegung (Konvergenz) des gesamten Salinars ausgelst wird und wenn mit der Einlagerung thermische Belastungen einhergehen, welche hher sind als die mit der Gesteinsbildung und -Umbildung verbundenen Temperaturen es jemals waren. Da trotz dieser Empfindlichkeit Gewinnungsbergbau in Diapiren mglich ist, ist kein Beleg fr ihre Eignung als Endlager. Die Geowissenschaften verfgen ber Modellvorstellungen zur Deutung der Salinargenese, des Salzaufstiegs und des gebirgsmechanischen Verhaltens. Diese Modelle sind teils als 'Lehrbuchwahrheit1 allgemein akzeptiert, werden z.T. aber auch als Hypothesen kontrovers diskutiert. Langzeitprognosen ber das Verhalten von Gesteinen sind nicht verllich, wenn sie auf widersprochenen Modellvorstellungen ber das Wesen von Gesteinen und Gesteinsverhalten beruhen. Die Salzstockauswahl ging der geowissenschaftlichen Erkundung voraus. Die wenigen publizierten Daten zur regionalen Geologie lassen nicht auf einen bergbautechnisch besonders leicht zu beherrschenden Salzstock schlieen. Die Lage des Diapirs im Verbreitungsgebiet wasserreicher quartrzeitlicher Rinnensysteme spricht genauso gegen die Standortwahl wie die zu erwartende komplizierte Interntektonik und die politisch bedingte Unerforschbarkeit der Gesamtstruktur Gorleben-Rambow. Als Fehlentscheidung ist die durch Landkufe am Standort Gorleben vorweggenommene Auswahl des Fabrikgelndes einschlielich Schachtanlage und Tritiumwasser-Verpressung auf dem Salzstock zu werten. Der nicht auszuschlieende "Strfall Wassereinbruch" kann sich ber Tage auf die Standsicherheit der riesigen Gebude und Lagerbecken zerstrerisch auswirken und so Kontamination der Umgebung verursachen. Geowissenschaftliche Grnde, Erfahrungen aus der Bergbaukunde und die Erwartung, da man fehlerhaftes Handeln nicht ausschlieen kann, fhren den Verfasser zu der berzeugung, da die Endlagerung radioaktiver Abflle im Salz nicht zu empfehlen und nicht zu verantworten ist.


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Diese Verffentlichung ist der zweite und umfangreichste Ausschnitt meiner Examensarbeit. Ein erster Ausschnitt ber die Crinoiden des Grenzgebietes Deutschland-Niederlande wurde bei "grondboor en hamer" eingereicht (in niederlndischer Sprache), ein dritter Ausschnitt ber die Crinoiden des Osning-Sandsteins ist fr eine Zeitschrift des Naturkunde-Museums Bielefeld vorgesehen. Ziel der Examensarbeit ist es, erstens die Mega-, Meso- und Mikroreste der Crinoiden der nordwestdeutschen Unterkreide mglichst vollstndig zu erfassen und systematisch zu bearbeiten, zweitens deren stratigraphische sowie palogeographische bzw. fazielle Verbreitung zu ermitteln. Es wurde versucht, fr diese Arbeit den grten Teil der in den verschiedenen Sammlungen vorhandenen Crinoidenreste zu bercksichtigen.