977 resultados para TA R07 WELS


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The detailed understanding of the electronic properties of carbon-based materials requires the determination of their electronic structure and more precisely the calculation of their joint density of states (JDOS) and dielectric constant. Low electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) provides a continuous spectrum which represents all the excitations of the electrons within the material with energies ranging between zero and about 100 eV. Therefore, EELS is potentially more powerful than conventional optical spectroscopy which has an intrinsic upper information limit of about 6 eV due to absorption of light from the optical components of the system or the ambient. However, when analysing EELS data, the extraction of the single scattered data needed for Kramers Kronig calculations is subject to the deconvolution of the zero loss peak from the raw data. This procedure is particularly critical when attempting to study the near-bandgap region of materials with a bandgap below 1.5 eV. In this paper, we have calculated the electronic properties of three widely studied carbon materials; namely amorphous carbon (a-C), tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) and C60 fullerite crystal. The JDOS curve starts from zero for energy values below the bandgap and then starts to rise with a rate depending on whether the material has a direct or an indirect bandgap. Extrapolating a fit to the data immediately above the bandgap in the stronger energy loss region was used to get an accurate value for the bandgap energy and to determine whether the bandgap is direct or indirect in character. Particular problems relating to the extraction of the single scattered data for these materials are also addressed. The ta-C and C60 fullerite materials are found to be direct bandgap-like semiconductors having a bandgaps of 2.63 and 1.59eV, respectively. On the other hand, the electronic structure of a-C was unobtainable because it had such a small bandgap that most of the information is contained in the first 1.2 eV of the spectrum, which is a region removed during the zero loss deconvolution.


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Non-hydrogenated tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) has shown superior field emission characteristics. The understanding of the emission mechanism has been hindered by the lack of any directly measured data on the band offsets between ta-C and Si. In this paper results from direct in situ X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) measurements of the band-offset between ta-C and Si are reported. The measurements were carried out using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) deposition system attached directly to an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) XPS chamber via a load lock chamber. Repeated XPS measurements were carried out after monolayer depositions on in situ cleaned Si substrates. The total film thickness for each set of measurements was approximately 5 nm. Analysis of the data from undoped ta-C on n and p Si show the unexpected result that the conduction band barrier between Si and ta-C remains around 1.0 eV, but that the valence band barrier changes from 0.7 to 0.0 eV. The band line up derived from these barriers suggests that the Fermi level in the ta-C lies 0.3 eV above the valence band on both p and n+Si. The heterojunction barriers when ta-C is doped with nitrogen are also presented. The implications of the heterojunction energy barrier heights for field emission from ta-C are discussed.


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A microelectronic parallel electron-beam lithography system using an array of field emitting microguns is currently being developed. This paper investigates the suitability of various carbon based materials for the electron source in this device, namely tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon (ta-C), nanoclustered carbon and carbon nanotubes. Ta-C was most easily integrated into a gated field emitter structure and various methods, such as plasma and heavy ion irradiation, were used to induce emission sites in the ta-C. However, the creation of such emission sites at desired locations appeared to be difficult/random in nature and thus the material was unsuitable for this application. In contrast, nanoclustered carbon material readily field emits with a high site density but the by-products from the deposition process create integration issues when using the material in a microelectronic gated structure. Carbon nanotubes are currently the most promising candidate for use as the emission source. We have developed a high yield and clean (amorphous carbon by-product free) PECVD process to deposit single free standing nanotubes at desired locations with exceptional uniformity in terms of nanotube height and diameter. Field emission from an array of nanotubes was also obtained. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.


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此复合体原先方7个种,1983年被处理为3个种。本文在黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河北、山西、山东、江苏、内蒙古对本复合体进行了居群取样,共46个居群。其内进行了引种、栽培实验。生物学特性观察、杂交、染色体观察,同工酶比较,以及用生物统计学进行了性状分析、数量分类学分析、茎解剖和芯粉的观察。 此复合体主要进行异花授粉(因为雄蕊先熟)、没发现无融合生殖。实生苗当年只长基生叶,第二年才抽茎开花。 2、此复合体酯酶酶谱的变异范围相当宽,有时。同一居群内的变异反而比居群间的还要大。因此酶谱在本复合体内的分类价值不大。 3、通过对32个居群进行染色体记数,友现辽东、辽西(绝大部分地区)、山西霍县的居群为二倍体(2n=34),另外还在锦州发现有几个个体2n = 36。其它地方的居群都力四倍体,2n=68、居群间的染色体形态相当一致。 4、通过对移栽自黑龙江口(A•gmelinii的二个居群)、北京(A•polyantha),山西东部(A•gmelinii和A•polyantha),锦州的二倍体共9个居群进了杂交试验,发现四倍体间能得到一些F1种子、而辽西二倍体与其它类群间却得不到F1种子。 5、性状分析,茎解剖和数量分类研究发现花的大小和形状、果实的大小和齿的有无、叶的大小和形状(长/宽),往头与花冠相对长度和种子形状等都有一定的分化,尤其是髓锥管束的有无等。通过分析可以分辨出3个二倍体和5个四倍体宗。在 3个二倍体宗中,辽西西部宗(A•polyantha var•ootra ta)与其它两个在形态上已经分化得相当分明,无疑可以作种处理,A•contracta(Kitag) Qu et Hang,另二个(分别在辽东和山西霍县)在形态上也已分化得相当明显,达到了种水平,A•polyantha和A•gme1ireii在5个四倍体宗中,山西东北部和河北的西北部高海拔分布的一个宗,由于它的花萼裂片具齿且狭长,花冠狭长而大、果实大,茎常中空等特征,仍然保留种的地位(A•elata)。另外分布于山西高海拔(包括四倍和二倍体)以及内蒙、吉林、黑龙江…三个宗,虽然有分化,但不明显,尤其是它们都无髓锥管束或仅少数个体有的特征,本文把它们处理为同一种(A•gmelinii)的3个不同三种。最后一个是分布于辽宁最西部、河北、山东、江苏北部、安徽、河南、陕西和甘肃的四倍体宗、它在形态上与辽东的二倍体相似、故作为A•polyantha的两个亚种处理,前者为A•polyantna sspscabricalyx后者为A•P•ssp polyantha: 可以推测过去此复合体的分布范围相当宽,后来逐渐分化成三个二倍宗体,由辽东的A•polyantha ssplyantha(2x)衍生的四倍体,逐渐向西迁移,山西霍县的二倍体产生的四倍体逐渐向北迁移直至东西伯利亚东南部和远东,最后分化成三个亚种。 本文采用杂交指数法,对山西东部和河北西部的A•gme1inii和A•polyantha居群间的杂交性近行了研究,认为两个种在四倍体水平的杂交可能是这两个种间性状在该地区彼此过渡的主要原因。


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木根麦冬(Ophiopogon xylorrhizus Wang et Dai)属于铃兰科(Convallariaceae)或广义百合科(Liliaceae s.l.)沿阶草族(Ophiopogoneae)沿阶草属(Ophiopogon Ker-Gawl.),属于典型的濒危植物。前人已从细胞学、种群生态学、生殖生物学和遗传结构与多样性等方面对木根麦冬进行了研究,但在分子进化和分子细胞遗传学水平上的研究近为空白。本文运用染色体的荧光原位杂交(FISH)、PCR扩增和克隆、DNA测序、系统发育重建等方法,对18S rDNA作了染色体原位定位,研究了木根麦冬的Ss rRNA基因结构特点,并重建了该基因的系统发育树,探讨了5S rRNA多基因家族的分子进化模式和木根麦冬的濒危机制。主要结果如下: 1.对木根麦冬三个居群七个个体、及其最近姐妹种林生麦冬(Ophiopogon svlvicola Wang et Tang)一个个体的5S rRNA基因进行了PCR扩增和TA克隆,在两个种中共得到1085个具有插入片段的阳性克隆。 2.对木根麦冬三个居群六个个体的294个SS rRNA基因克隆,及林生麦冬一个个体的45个克隆,总计339个克隆进行了DNA序列测定,这是目前已完成的最大的单个物种的5S rRNA数据。结果表明:两个种的序列高度多样化,在339个拷贝中仅仅有13对(3.8%)是相同的,序列长度变化在307bp-548bp之间,长度变异主要发生在间隔区,单个碱基的插入和缺失(indel)频率很高,5bp以上片段的插入,缺失有11个,插入的序列通常是其两侧序列的重复和倒位。术根麦冬序列的分化指数(sequence differentiation index,SDI)是0.078,林生麦冬是0.032,两个物种间是0.149,木根麦冬的序列之间的分化明显大于林生麦冬。 3.以PAUP程序对339个5S rRNA基因拷贝的DNA序列(包括编码区和间隔区)作了系统发育分析,结果如下:在得到一个唯一的最俭约树中,所有木根麦冬的拷贝被聚成一支,而林生麦冬的则被聚到另一支,统计支持率(bootstrap)达到lOO%,表明这两个物种所有的的5S rRNA基因拷贝分别来自各自的一个祖先拷贝(建立者拷贝),而其共同祖先的其它拷贝则在物种形成中或之后丢失:在多基因家族中如此长期而单一的拷贝偏选( sorting)过程尚未有前人报道;由此基因系统发育树可以看出,在这两个物种形成之后,“建立者拷贝”经历了多次扩增过程而形成了一个直系的(orthologous)多基因家族。 4.在木根麦冬分支中,很少有亚分支是全部由一个居群或一个个体的拷贝组成的,不同居群、不同个体的拷贝混合在同一个亚分支中;对基因系统发育树、序列多样性和序列分化指数分析表明,5S rRNA基因家族内一致化(homogeruzation)过程很弱,不同拷贝是独立进化的,这在串联.重复的多拷贝基因家族中是不寻常的;由上述分析我们推测,在术根麦冬的进化历史上,居群间的基因交流远远比今天频繁,可能是某些外在因素在近期发生变化,导致自交和自交衰退,并进而导致濒危。 5.利用荧光原位杂交技术,成功地将18S rRNA基因定位在木根麦冬减数分裂期的染色体上,两对强信号和一对弱信号分别位于三对二价体染色体上。


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A microstructure based acoustic model is introduced, which can be used to optimize the microstructure of cellular materials and thus to obtain their optimal acoustic property. This acoustic model is an unsteady one which is appropriate in the limit of low Reynolds numbers. The model involves three elements. This first involves the propagation of acoustic waves passing the cylinders whose axes are aligned parallel to the direction of propagation. The second model relates to the propagation of acoustic waves passing the cylinders whose axes are aligned perpendicular to the direction of propagation. In both cases the interaction between adjacent cylinders is taken into account by considering the effect of polygonal periodic boundary conditions. As these two models are linear they are combined to give the characteristics of propagation at arbitrary incidence. The third model involves propagation passing spheres in order to represent the joints. Heat transfer is also included. These three models are then used to expand the design space and calculate the optimum cell structure for desired acoustic performance in a number of different applications. Moreover, the application fields are also analyzed.


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To further enhance the sound absorption of metal foams via combining the high sound absorption and good heat conductivity of the cellular foam metals, the use and acoustic modeling of these materials are reviewed. The predictions made by three viscous models developed by the authors for the propagation of sound through open-cell metal foams are compared with an experiment both for the metal foams and for the polymer substrates used to manufacture the foam. All models are valid in the limit of low Reynold's number which is valid for the typical cell dimensions found in metal foams provided the amplitude of the waves is below 160 dB. The first model considers the drag experienced by acoustic waves as they propagate passing rigid cylinders parallel to their axes, the second considers the propagation normal to their axes, and the third considers the propagation passing the spherical joints. All three are combined together to give a general model of the acoustic behavior of the foams. In particular, the sound absorption is found to be significant and well predicted by the combined model. In addition, a post-processing technique is described for the experiment used to extract the fundamental wave propagation characteristics of the material.


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苏联植物学家A.L.塔赫他间在<有花植物(木兰植物)分类大纲>(Ta-khtaian,1980)中认为广义的木兰目是最原始的和最古老的类群,由它产生被子植物所有其它主要分枝。根据这个观点,作者试图以木兰科玉兰(Magnol iadenudata Desr.),花粉个体发育为主题,探讨它们的原始性状、特点及其在系统发育上的地位。 下面就其花粉个体发育顺序,扼要概括如下: 1.小孢子母细胞、减数分裂到四分体时期:细胞器发生重组,质体和线粒体发生脱分化与再分他的循环。在此期间,细胞中还有大量胞质小泡,高尔基体小泡参与胼胝质壁物质的形成,其他小泡与脂体物质的沉积有关。晚二分体时期,原外壁物质开始沉积,胞质小泡可能涉及原外壁的形成和未来萌发孔的位置。 2.游离小孢子时期:细胞器变得丰富而活跃,特别是粗糙内质网大量出现,它们与脂体的形成和运输有关。此时,外壁外层已形成,外壁内层和内壁开始发育。 3.两细胞花粉时期;质体出现极性分布,生殖细胞中不含质体。生殖细胞随着位置的推移,其形状和壁的结构、性质也发生变化,生殖细胞由凸透镜形变成球形以至梭形。同时,生殖细胞壁最初含纤维素和胼胝质物质,以后壁物质逐渐消失,当生殖细胞变为梭形时,在生殖细胞壁的双层膜间又出现亲锇物质沉积。有趣的是,在生殖细胞星球形时,营养细胞中的脂体紧挨并围绕生殖细胞,形成一层明显的脂体冠。 玉兰成熟花粉为远极单槽,营养细胞中造粉体里园球形,内部充满大量均匀小淀粉颗粒,生殖细胞形状特殊,在有丝分裂前两极具明显的细胞质延伸和突起。从花粉个体发育着,玉兰花粉壁带有若干裸子植物性状和原始特征。最重要的特点表现在:①外壁内层具片层状结构;②I柱:状层虽具稀疏小柱,但在孢壁分沁过程中,”在小柱之问还有大小不同的孢粉素颗粒;③在萌发孔处,外壁外层往往扩张、外折,形似穗花杉和香榧的残余气囊。玉兰花粉的内壁特殊,由内壁-l、内壁-2和内壁-3等三层形状和质地不同的结构组成。值得注意的是百合科的麝香百合内壁也呈明显不同的三层结构。 玉兰绒毡层为多层细胞,属分泌型。绒毡层细胞中细胞器很丰富,减数分裂期问达到高峰。细胞核明显地被质体和线粒体所包围。粗糙内质网常与膳体连在一起。四分体时期,原乌氏体排出,孢粉素在其上沉积。推测原乌氏体和孢粉素前体物质的形成与粗糙内质网活动和膳体形成有关,乌氏体有单个存在,也有以聚乌氏体或复合乌氏体形式出现。周绒毡层膜在二分体时期即开始形成,最初呈间断的薄膜小片,以后连续发育成膜。周绒毡层膜位于靠药壁细胞的绒毡层细胞四周及中层绒毡层细胞外切向面,而靠药室腔的绒毡层细胞则未见此膜。 总之,玉兰的生殖细胞特殊,附带脂体冠;后期呈梭形,两极具明显的胞质延伸和突起,不含质体。孢壁结构具明显原始性状,在某种意义上,一方面类似裸子植物,另一方面又有百合科的特点。绒毡层结构也有一些值得深入探讨的问题。