986 resultados para Symmetry Viewpoint


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin kansainvälisen metsäteollisuudessa toimivan yrityksen markkinointiviestintää ja sen välittämien imagoviestien siirtymistä business-to-business markkinoilla. Tutkittavat viestit liittyivät kartonkipakkausten kestävän kehityksen ja ympäristöystävällisyyden imagon rakentumiseen. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimus pohjautui yrityksen teettämän aiemman asiakastutkimuksen aineistoon, jossa selvitettiin pakkauskartonkien mielikuvia kohderyhmässä. Lisäksi tutkittiin imagon viestintää markkinointiviestinnän näkökulmasta. Yrityksen online viestintää verrattiin asiakkaiden vastaavaan viestintään loppukäyttäjille ja selvitettiin siirtyivätkö kestävän kehityksen viestit loppukäyttäjille asti. Tuloksena saatiin osittain yhtenevä viestintä sekä yrityksen asiakkaiden että näiden loppukäyttäjille viestimien teemojen sisällöstä. Tutkimus osoitti, että tärkein viestinnällinen teema on pakkauksen kierrätettävyys. Toisena tärkeänä teemana ilmeni hiilijalanjäljen pienentämisestä viestivät seikat. Nousevana teemana voitiin havaita biohajoavia materiaaleja kohtaan osoitettu kiinnostus. Tutkimuksessa jaettiin vastaajat eri segmentteihin pakkauskartonkien käyttötarkoituksen mukaan ja verrattiin kestävän kehityksen tärkeyttä näiden segmenttien välillä. Segmenteittäin tarkasteltuna suuria eroja ei ollut havaittavissa.


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The directional consistency and skew-symmetry statistics have been proposed as global measurements of social reciprocity. Although both measures can be useful for quantifying social reciprocity, researchers need to know whether these estimators are biased in order to assess descriptive results properly. That is, if estimators are biased, researchers should compare actual values with expected values under the specified null hypothesis. Furthermore, standard errors are needed to enable suitable assessment of discrepancies between actual and expected values. This paper aims to derive some exact and approximate expressions in order to obtain bias and standard error values for both estimators for round-robin designs, although the results can also be extended to other reciprocal designs.


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Crystalline structures of zeolites can be studied using different representations: the internal symmetry obtained by X-Ray or neutron diffraction crystallography techniques or a systematic analysis of the basic structural units which can be arranged to build the geometries of each kind of zeolite. In this work the basic concepts of three building units, SBU (Secondary Building Units), SSU (Structural SubUnits) and PBU (Periodic Building Units) are presented. The properties of the resulting crystalline structures are discussed (pores, cavities, channels), describing the influence of each one of these properties in processes of physical-chemical interest. Representative case studies of known zeolite crystalline structures are also discussed in terms of their space group classification.


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New chemical systems have been recently designed for the study of complex phenomena such as oscillatory dynamics in the temporal domain and spatiotemporal pattern formation. Systems derived from oscillators based on the chemistry of bromate are the most extensively studied, with the celebrated Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction being the most popular example. Problems such as the formation of bubbles (CO2) and solid precipitate in the course of the reaction and the occurrence of simply short-lived oscillations under batch conditions are very common and, in some cases, compromise the use of some of these systems. It is investigated in this paper the dynamic behavior of the bromate/hypophosphite/acetone/dual catalyst system, which has been sugested as an interesting alternative to circumvent those inconvenients. In this work, manganese and ferroin are employed as catalysts and the complete system (BrO3-/H2PO2-/acetone/Mn(II)-ferroin) is studied under batch conditions. Temporal symmetry breaking was studied in a reactor under agitation by means of simultaneous records of the potential changes of platinum and Ag/AgBr electrodes, both measured versus a reversible hydrogen electrode. Additionally, spatio-temporal formation of target patterns and spiral waves were obtained when the oscillating mixture was placed in a quasi two-dimensional reactor.


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Metaheuristic methods have become increasingly popular approaches in solving global optimization problems. From a practical viewpoint, it is often desirable to perform multimodal optimization which, enables the search of more than one optimal solution to the task at hand. Population-based metaheuristic methods offer a natural basis for multimodal optimization. The topic has received increasing interest especially in the evolutionary computation community. Several niching approaches have been suggested to allow multimodal optimization using evolutionary algorithms. Most global optimization approaches, including metaheuristics, contain global and local search phases. The requirement to locate several optima sets additional requirements for the design of algorithms to be effective in both respects in the context of multimodal optimization. In this thesis, several different multimodal optimization algorithms are studied in regard to how their implementation in the global and local search phases affect their performance in different problems. The study concentrates especially on variations of the Differential Evolution algorithm and their capabilities in multimodal optimization. To separate the global and local search search phases, three multimodal optimization algorithms are proposed, two of which hybridize the Differential Evolution with a local search method. As the theoretical background behind the operation of metaheuristics is not generally thoroughly understood, the research relies heavily on experimental studies in finding out the properties of different approaches. To achieve reliable experimental information, the experimental environment must be carefully chosen to contain appropriate and adequately varying problems. The available selection of multimodal test problems is, however, rather limited, and no general framework exists. As a part of this thesis, such a framework for generating tunable test functions for evaluating different methods of multimodal optimization experimentally is provided and used for testing the algorithms. The results demonstrate that an efficient local phase is essential for creating efficient multimodal optimization algorithms. Adding a suitable global phase has the potential to boost the performance significantly, but the weak local phase may invalidate the advantages gained from the global phase.


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Strategic development of distribution networks plays a key role in the asset management in electricity distribution companies. Owing to the capital-intensive nature of the field and longspan operations of companies, the significance of a strategy is emphasised. A well-devised strategy combines awareness of challenges posed by the operating environment and the future targets of the distribution company. Economic regulation, ageing infrastructure, scarcity of resources and tightening supply requirements with challenges created by the climate change put a pressure on the strategy work. On the other hand, technology development related to network automation and underground cabling assists in answering these challenges. This dissertation aims at developing process knowledge and establishing a methodological framework by which key issues related to network development can be addressed. Moreover, the work develops tools by which the effects of changes in the operating environment on the distribution business can be analysed in the strategy work. To this end, the work discusses certain characteristics of the distribution business and describes the strategy process at a principle level. Further, the work defines the subtasks in the strategy process and presents the key elements in the strategy work and long-term network planning. The work delineates the factors having either a direct or indirect effect on strategic planning and development needs in the networks; in particular, outage costs constitute an important part of the economic regulation of the distribution business, reliability being thus a key driver in network planning. The dissertation describes the methodology and tools applied to cost and reliability analyses in the strategy work. The work focuses on determination of the techno-economic feasibility of different network development technologies; these feasibility surveys are linked to the economic regulation model of the distribution business, in particular from the viewpoint of reliability of electricity supply and allowed return. The work introduces the asset management system developed for research purposes and to support the strategy work, the calculation elements of the system and initial data used in the network analysis. The key elements of this asset management system are utilised in the dissertation. Finally, the study addresses the stages of strategic decision-making and compilation of investment strategies. Further, the work illustrates implementation of strategic planning in an actual distribution company environment.


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Samples of LDPE/modified starch blends 80/20 m/m before and after exposure to gamma rays were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction. The effect of gamma radiation is clearly seen in the samples irradiated at a dose of 25 kGy. The main alteration in the polymeric material after exposure at the radiation range was a decrease in the mechanical properties, alterations in the chemical structure of the blend with an increase in the carbonyl and vinyl indices and the appearance of new crystalline symmetry generating a crystalline domain not existing before in the blend.


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This paper presents the synthesis of the coordination polymers ∞[Ln(DPA)(HDPA)] (DPA=2,6-pyridinedicarboxylate; Ln= Tb and Gd), their structural and spectroscopic properties. The structural study reveals that the ∞[Ln(DPA)(HDPA)] has a single Ln+3 ion coordinated with two H2DPA ligands in tridentade coordination mode, while two others H2DPA establish a syn-bridge with a symmetry-related Ln3+, forming a two-dimensional structure. The spectroscopic studies show that ∞[Tb(DPA)(HDPA)] compound has high quantum yield (q x≈ 50.0%), due to the large contribution of radiative decay rate. Moreover triplet level is localized sufficiently over the emitter level 5D4 of theTb3+ ion, avoiding a retrotransference process between these states.


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Oxocarbons ions are cyclic compounds presenting unusual electronic and vibrational properties. These molecules anions possess a high symmetry and degree of electronic delocalization, characteristics that have been discussed in several structural and spectroscopic investigations. Compounds in which one or more of the carbonyl oxygen atoms are replaced by other atoms or groups are called pseudo-oxocarbons. Compounds formed by substitution of the carbonyl groups by nitrogen groups former a new class named squaraines. Specificity the dicyanomethylene groups are interesting because of the possibility of further extension of the electronic delocalization and a new coordination site. These molecules also present interesting coordination properties which make these systems potentially useful in crystal engineering research.


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The fact that biologically relevant molecules exist only as one of the two enantiomers is a fascinating example of complete symmetry breaking of chirality and has long intrigued our curiosity. The origin of this selective chirality has remained a fundamental enigma with regard to the origin of life since the time of Pasteur, 160 years ago. The symmetry breaking processes, which include autocatalytic crystallization, asymmetric autocatalysis, spontaneous crystallization, adsorption and polymerization of amino acids on mineral surfaces, provide new insights into the origin of biomolecular homochirality.


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Axis of quinary symmetry occur in molecular symmetry, as in the case of fullerenes, and in crystalline symmetry, in the quasicrystals. Minerals with pentagonal faces do not have this element of symmetry, as the pyrite (FeS2) which shows a ridge that is different from the other ones, in any face of the crystal. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate conceptual differences between pyritohedron and regular pentagonal dodecahedron symmetries, discussing students' difficulties to identify them. Also is proposed a didactic experiment with spatial models of the above-mentioned forms and the demonstration of its symmetries in clinographic projections.


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This study explores areas which need to be improved to develop the quality of patient education to support self-management of patients with mental illness in psychiatric hospitals. The study was conducted in five phases during the period 2000 – 2007. First, patients‘ (n = 313) satisfaction with patient education were investigated. Second, patients' (n = 51) experiences of patient education were explored. Third, a national survey was conducted to investigate realisation of patient education from the staff (n = 55) viewpoint. Fourth, outcomes of patient education were investigated by evaluating the impacts of different patient education methods on patients‘ (n = 311) attitudes towards medication, knowledge level and importance of information. Fifth, patients‘ (n = 16) perceptions of different patient education methods were explored. Patients reported poor satisfaction with patient education (Phase I), and they have considerable need to receive information during their hospital stay (Phase II). Described by staff, the content of patient education covered almost all informational areas investigated. However, discrepancies related to the realisation of patient education were found. (Phase III.) Evaluation of different patient education methods indicate that patients derived benefits from structured patient education with supportive methods (Phase IV) and patients also perceived that these methods supported their information receiving (Phase V). In order to improve the quality of patient education to support self-management of patients with mental illness patient education should be systematically and individually provided to all patients by using different educational methods. Realisation of this should be ensured by providing written instructions, improving nurses‘ knowledge and skills as well ensuring operating conditions.


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This dissertation considers the segmental durations of speech from the viewpoint of speech technology, especially speech synthesis. The idea is that better models of segmental durations lead to higher naturalness and better intelligibility. These features are the key factors for better usability and generality of synthesized speech technology. Even though the studies are based on a Finnish corpus the approaches apply to all other languages as well. This is possibly due to the fact that most of the studies included in this dissertation are about universal effects taking place on utterance boundaries. Also the methods invented and used here are suitable for any other study of another language. This study is based on two corpora of news reading speech and sentences read aloud. The other corpus is read aloud by a 39-year-old male, whilst the other consists of several speakers in various situations. The use of two corpora is twofold: it involves a comparison of the corpora and a broader view on the matters of interest. The dissertation begins with an overview to the phonemes and the quantity system in the Finnish language. Especially, we are covering the intrinsic durations of phonemes and phoneme categories, as well as the difference of duration between short and long phonemes. The phoneme categories are presented to facilitate the problem of variability of speech segments. In this dissertation we cover the boundary-adjacent effects on segmental durations. In initial positions of utterances we find that there seems to be initial shortening in Finnish, but the result depends on the level of detail and on the individual phoneme. On the phoneme level we find that the shortening or lengthening only affects the very first ones at the beginning of an utterance. However, on average, the effect seems to shorten the whole first word on the word level. We establish the effect of final lengthening in Finnish. The effect in Finnish has been an open question for a long time, whilst Finnish has been the last missing piece for it to be a universal phenomenon. Final lengthening is studied from various angles and it is also shown that it is not a mere effect of prominence or an effect of speech corpus with high inter- and intra-speaker variation. The effect of final lengthening seems to extend from the final to the penultimate word. On a phoneme level it reaches a much wider area than the initial effect. We also present a normalization method suitable for corpus studies on segmental durations. The method uses an utterance-level normalization approach to capture the pattern of segmental durations within each utterance. This prevents the impact of various problematic variations within the corpora. The normalization is used in a study on final lengthening to show that the results on the effect are not caused by variation in the material. The dissertation shows an implementation and prowess of speech synthesis on a mobile platform. We find that the rule-based method of speech synthesis is a real-time software solution, but the signal generation process slows down the system beyond real time. Future aspects of speech synthesis on limited platforms are discussed. The dissertation considers ethical issues on the development of speech technology. The main focus is on the development of speech synthesis with high naturalness, but the problems and solutions are applicable to any other speech technology approaches.


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee ekonomien ammatillisen kehittymisen tarpeita muuttuvassa maailmassa, jossa ammatillinen erityisosaaminen vanhenee nopeasti. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ekonomikunnassa koettuja ammatillisen kehittymisen tarpeita substanssin ja oppimistapojen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia ammatillisen kehittymisen tarpeita ekonomeilla on ja miten näihin tarpeisiin voisi vastata. Tutkimuksen pyrkimyksenä on selvittää myös, miten Suomen Ekonomiliitto SEFE voisi auttaa jäseniään kehittymään edelleen ammatillisesti. Aikuisoppimis- ja motivaatioteorioita on olemassa lukuisia. Pro gradun teoriaosassa selvitetään, miten aikuisten oppiminen tapahtuu, mitä se pitää sisällään ja mikä motivoi oppimaan. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan työelämän ekonomeille asettamia vaatimuksia tänään ja tulevaisuudessa. Pro graduni tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sähköistä kyselyä, ja otoksena oli 2000 SEFEn jäsenrekisteristä poimittua ekonomia. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että heterogeenisen ekonomikunnan näkemykset ammatillisen kehittymisen tarpeista ja varsinkin juuri itselle sopivista koulutusmuodoista eroavat melko paljon. Tärkeimmiksi ekonomiosaamisen osa-alueiksi nousivat seikat, joista on hyötyä muuttuvan maailman mukana pysymisessä, kuten valmius omaksua uusia asioita ja ongelmanratkaisutaito. Seuraavaksi tärkeimmäksi osaamisalueeksi nimettiin yleinen talouden tuntemus. Kehittää tulisi paitsi näitä osa-alueita, myös erilaisia johtamistaitoja. Tulosten mukaan suurin este ammatilliselle lisäkoulutukselle on ajan puute. Kyselyn vastauksissa painotettiin koulutuksesta saatavaa hyötyä suhteessa siihen laitettuihin panostuksiin. Kiireessä priorisoidaan työssä oppimista ja lyhyitä täsmäkoulutuksia.


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A simple, four-step method for better introducing undergraduate students to the fundamentals of molecular orbital (MO) theory of the polyatomic molecules H2O, NH3, BH3 and SiH4 using group theory is reported. These molecules serve to illustrate the concept of ligand group orbitals (LGOs) and subsequent construction of MO energy diagrams on the basis of molecular symmetry requirements.