992 resultados para Statu quo
The research performed a sustainability assessment of supply chains of the anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) in Peru. The corresponding fisheries lands 6.5 million t per year, of which <2% is rendered into products for direct human consumption (DHC) and 98% reduced into feed ingredients (fishmeal and fish oil, FMFO), for export. Several industries compete for the anchoveta resources, generating local and global impacts. The need for understanding these dynamics, towards sustainability-improving management and policy recommendations, determined the development of a sustainability assessment framework: 1) characterisation and modelling of the systems under study (with Life Cycle Assessment and other tools) including local aquaculture, 2) calculation of sustainability indicators (i.e. energy efficiency, nutritional value, socio-economic performances), and 3) sustainability comparison of supply chains; definition and comparison of alternative exploitation scenarios. Future exploitation scenarios were defined by combining an ecosystem and a material flow models: continuation of the status quo (Scenario 1), shift towards increased proportion of DHC production (Scenario 2), and radical reduction of the anchoveta harvest in order for other fish stocks to recover and be exploited for DHC (Scenario 3). Scenario 2 was identified as the most sustainable. Management and policy recommendations include improving of: controls for compliance with management measures, sanitary conditions for DHC, landing infrastructure for small- and medium-scale (SMS) fisheries; the development of a national refrigerated distribution chain; and the assignation of flexible tolerances for discards from different DHC processes.
El presente trabajo analiza desde un punto de vista cuantitativo, mediante un modelo de equilibrio general de generaciones sucesivas, los efectos sobre la economía española de eliminar el actual sistema de Seguridad Social e implantar uno de capitalización. El análisis considera el proceso de transición y mide en términos de bienestar, quiénes son los agentes que se opondrían a este tipo de reforma. La consideración de la interacción entre el sistema de seguridad social y el sistema fiscal implica mayores beneficios asociados a una reforma de la seguridad social. Sin embargo, este tipo de reforma sigue generando pérdidas de bienestar para la mayoría de agentes vivos en el momentodel inicio de la reforma, existiendo un sesgo en favor del status quo.
Executive Summary I. Survey The Task Force conducted a wide-ranging survey of more than 9,000 licensed Iowa attorneys and judges to obtain their input on a variety of civil justice system topics. The survey results helped inform the Task Force of problem areas in Iowa’s civil justice system. II. Two-Tier Justice System The Task Force recommends a pilot program based on a two-tier civil justice system. A two-tier system would streamline litigation processes—including rules of evidence and discovery disclosures—and reduce litigation costs of certain cases falling below a threshold dollar value. III. One Judge/One Case and Date Certain for Trial Some jurisdictions in Iowa have adopted one judge/one case and date certain for trial in certain cases. The assignment of one judge to each case for the life of the matter and the establishment of dates certain for civil trials could enhance Iowans’ access to the courts, improve judicial management, promote consistency and adherence to deadlines, and reduce discovery excesses. IV. Discovery Processes Reforms addressing inefficient discovery processes will reduce delays in and costs of litigation. Such measures include adopting an aspirational purpose for discovery rules to “secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action,” holding discovery proportional to the size and nature of the case, requiring initial disclosures, limiting the number of expert witnesses, and enforcing existing rules. V. Expert Witness Fees The Task Force acknowledges the probable need to revisit the statutory additional daily compensation limit for expert witness fees. Leaving the compensation level to the discretion of the trial court is one potential solution. VI. Jurors Additions to the standard juror questionnaire would provide a better understanding of the potential jurors’ backgrounds and suitability for jury service. The Task Force encourages adoption of more modern juror educational materials and video. Rehabilitation of prospective jurors who express an unwillingness or inability to be fair should include a presumption of dismissal. VII. Video and Teleconferencing Options When court resources are constrained both by limited numbers of personnel and budget cuts, it is logical to look to video and teleconferencing technology to streamline the court process and reduce costs. The judicial branch should embrace technological developments in ways that will not compromise the fairness, dignity, solemnity, and decorum of judicial proceedings. VIII. Court-Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) Litigants and practitioners in Iowa are generally satisfied with the current use of private, voluntary ADR for civil cases. There is concern, however, that maintaining the status quo may have steep future costs. Court-annexed ADR is an important aspect of any justice system reform effort, and the Task Force perceives benefits and detriments to reforming this aspect of the Iowa civil justice system. IX. Relaxed Requirement of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law A rule authorizing parties to waive findings of fact and conclusions of law could expedite resolution of nonjury civil cases. X. Business (Specialty) Courts Specialty business courts have achieved widespread support across the country. In addition, specialty courts provide excellent vehicles for implementing or piloting other court innovations that may be useful in a broader court system context. A business specialty court should be and could be piloted in Iowa within the existing court system framework of the Iowa Judicial Branch. Appendix included as a separate document, is 176 pages.
Oleoyl-estrone (OE) is an adipose-derived signal that decreases energy intake and body lipid, maintaining energy expenditure and glycemic homeostasis. Glucocorticoids protect body lipid and the metabolic status quo. We studied the combined effects of OE and corticosterone in adrenalectomized female rats: daily OE gavages (0 or 10 nmol/g) and slow-release corticosterone pellets at four doses (0, 0.5, 1.7, and 4.8 mg/d). Intact and sham-operated controls were also included. After 8 d, body composition and plasma metabolites and hormones were measured. OE induced a massive lipid mobilization (in parallel with decreased food intake and maintained energy expenditure). Corticosterone increased fat deposition and inhibited the OE-elicited mobilization of body energy, even at the lowest dose. OE enhanced the corticosterone-induced rise in plasma triacylglycerols, and corticosterone blocked the OE-induced decrease in leptin. High corticosterone and OE increased insulin resistance beyond the effects of corticosterone alone. The presence of corticosterone dramatically affected OE effects, reversing its decrease of body energy (lipid) content, with little or no change on food intake or energy expenditure. The maintenance of glycemia and increasing insulin in parallel to the dose of corticosterone indicate a decrease in insulin sensitivity, which is enhanced by OE. The reversal of OE effects on lipid handling, insulin resistance, can be the consequence of a corticosterone-induced OE resistance. Nevertheless, OE effects on cholesterol were largely unaffected. In conclusion, corticosterone administration effectively blocked OE effects on body lipid and energy balance as well as insulin sensitivity and glycemia.
El presente trabajo analiza desde un punto de vista cuantitativo, mediante un modelo de equilibrio general de generaciones sucesivas, los efectos sobre la economía española de eliminar el actual sistema de Seguridad Social e implantar uno de capitalización. El análisis considera el proceso de transición y mide en términos de bienestar, quiénes son los agentes que se opondrían a este tipo de reforma. La consideración de la interacción entre el sistema de seguridad social y el sistema fiscal implica mayores beneficios asociados a una reforma de la seguridad social. Sin embargo, este tipo de reforma sigue generando pérdidas de bienestar para la mayoría de agentes vivos en el momentodel inicio de la reforma, existiendo un sesgo en favor del status quo.
Background: Patient change talk (CT) during brief motivational interventions (BMI) has been linked with subsequent changes in drinking in clinical settings but this link has not been clearly established among young people in non-clinical populations. Objective: To determine which of several CT dimensions assessed during an effective BMI delivered in a non-clinical setting to 20-year old men are associated with drinking 6 months later. Methods: Of 125 individuals receiving a face-to-face BMI session (15.8 ± 5.4 minutes), we recorded and coded a subsample of 42 sessions using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code 2.1. Each patient change talk utterance was categorized as `Reason´, `Ability´, `Desire´, `Need´, `Commitment´, `Taking steps´, or `Other´. Each utterance was graded according to its strength (absolute value from 1 to 3) and direction (i.e. towards (positive sign) or away (negative sign) from change/in favor of status quo). `Ability´, `Desire´, and `Need´ to change (`ADN´) were grouped together since these codes were too scarce to conduct analyses. Mean strength scores over the entire session were computed for each dimension and later dichotomized in towards change (i.e. mean core > 0) and away from change/in favor of status quo. Negative binomial regression models were used to assess the relationship between CT dimensions and drinking 6 months later, adjusting for drinking at baseline. Results: Compared to subjects with a `Taking steps´ score away from change/in favor of status quo, subjects with a positive `Taking steps´ score reported significantly less drinking 6 months later (Incidence Rate Ration [IRR] for drinks per week: 0.56, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 0.31, 1.00). IRR (95%CI) for subjects with a positive `ADN´ score was 0.58, (0.32, 1.03). For subjects with a positive `Reason´, `Commitment´, and `Other´ scores, IRR (95%CI) were 1.28 (0.77; 2.12) 1.63 (0.85; 3.14) and 1.03 (0.61; 1.72), respectively. Conclusion: A change talk dimension reflecting steps taken towards change (`Taking steps´) is associated with less drinking 6 months later among young men receiving a BMI in a non-clinical setting. Encouraging patients to take steps towa change may be a worthy objective for clinicians and may explain BMI efficacy.
Partant de l'hypothèse qu'au cinéma, un plan travaillé à la manière d'un tableau engage non pas un arrêt du récit, mais un enrichissement de la logique narrative linéaire du film par une sémiotique tabulaire et des jeux de références intermédiales, cet article analyse le cas exemplaire et récurrent des plans qui reconstituent en « tableau vivant » La Cène de Léonard de Vinci. Christus (Giulio Antamoro, 1914-1916), Ben Hur, a tale of the Christ (Fred Niblo, 1925) ou Quo Vadis (Mervyn LeRoy, 1951) y sont explorés, ainsi que d'autres productions qui replacent la composition du Cenacolo à la fois en une « phase » et une « stase » dramatique et esthétique du récit christique. Des films tels que Viridiana (Luis Buñuel, 1961) sont aussi évoqués, qui font apparaître la composition comme une pause allégorique d'un récit contemporain, enrichi sur un plan énonciatif, symbolique et iconographique.
[cat] Aquest article vol refutar la hipòtesi que els partits decideixen sistemes electorals majoritaris i que decideixen també mantenir-los invariables, sempre que el sistema de partits s"aproximi al bipartidisme i cap dels dos grans partits pugui perdre la seva posició a favor d"un nou competidor. De manera inversa, els sistemes electorals proporcionals són la conseqüència del multipartidisme, en el qual cap partit té opcions de rebre la majoria dels vots. El cas valencià, però, confirma només parcialment la hipòtesi: els partits van aprovar el 1982 regles proporcionals perquè les eleccions dels parlaments autonòmics eren considerades secundàries, no només pel multipartidisme existent aleshores. En canvi, sí que es confirma que el canvi iniciat el 2006 amb la reforma estatutària manté, de moment, l"status quo per no alterar la formació de majories parlamentàries. Encara queda pendent, però, que es modifiqui la Llei Electoral, de la qual depèn quin mínim de vots per entrar a les Corts s"establirà.
“Els mitjans de comunicació i la construcció del relat polític. El cas del procés de transició nacional de Catalunya”, es presenta comuna proposta de recerca doctoral que té com a objectiu analitzar elsmecanismes emprats pels mitjans de comunicació per explicar el conflicte polític latent en les relacions socials i institucionalsentre Catalunya i Espanya. La recerca que es proposa va més enllà de l’anàlisi i l’evolució quantitativa de les diverses opcions deresolució del conflicte (independència, reforma constitucional imanteniment de l’statu quo), per centrar-‐se en l’ús d’un seguitd’estructures narratives
F. 2 « Sequitur officium de s. Ferreolo martire, de quo fit in ecclesia collegiata sancti Ferreoli in Puisaia XIIII° kl. otob. festum... » Cf. Cod. hag., III, 539. F. 13v Office des morts (incompl. de la fin).
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on osallistua corporate governance -keskusteluun tuomalla esiin riskienhallinnan näkökulma osuustoiminnallisessa yritystoiminnassa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata corporate governancen vaikutuksia tuottajaosuustoiminnallisten yritysten riskienhallintaan, selvittää tuottajaosuustoiminnan riskienhallinnan tilaa ja toteutusta ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä tuoda esille näkökulmia riskienhallinnan kehittämiseksi tuottajaosuustoiminnallisissa yrityksissä. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kolmea osuustoiminnan asiantuntijaa ja seitsemää riskienhallinnan ja hallinnon vastuuhenkilöä. Haastattelut tehtiin vuoden 2006 kesän ja alkusyksyn aikana. Tutkimuksen perusteella corporate governancen vaikutus organisaatioiden riskienhallintaan on ollut rajallinen. Myös riskienhallintaan sidoksissa olevien toimi- ja hallintoelinten osalta suosituksilla on ollut vähäinen vaikutus. Huolimatta corporate governancen ja riskienhallinnan merkityksen lisääntymisestä tuottajaosuustoiminnallisissa yrityksissä, konkreettisella tasolla riskienhallinta ei toteudu corporate governance -periaatteiden edellyttämällä tavalla niin, että riskienhallintaa voisi kuvata kokonaisvaltaiseksi, periaatteiltaan määritellyksi ja suunnitelmalliseksi prosessiksi. Tutkimuksessa on myös pyritty nostamaan esiin riskienhallinnan eroja eri organisaatiomallien välillä. Tarkastelussaolleiden perusosuuskuntien sekä hybridimallien väliset erot liittyvät lähinnä yritysten resurssien ja koon vaikutuksista syntyviin eroihin riskienhallinnan toteutuksessa ja organisoinnissa. Merkittävään rooliin tuottajaosuustoiminnallistenyritysten riskienhallinnassa nousee erillisen riskienhallintatoiminnon osaaminen ja sen hyödyntäminen organisaatioiden riskienhallintatyössä.
La implementación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en España es uno de los mayores retos que ha afrontado la Universidad en este país. No obstante no se dispone de un plan oficial conjunto de adaptación, lo que ha conducido a cierta arbitrariedad en el proceso a cada Universidad. Este artículo realiza una base de datos de más de 140 casos empíricos de adaptación en diferentes Universidades españolas, a partir de los cuáles resumimos los factores que afectan al éxito en la implementación del Sistema. La evidencia demuestra que realizar el proceso sin coordinación intra-Universidad, procurando el status quo y sin financiación ni aportación de recursos humanos, son tres errores graves que reducen la probabilidad de éxito del cambio.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as exposições pediátricas de radiologia intervencionista em dois hospitais do Estado da Bahia, visando contribuir para a construção de um cenário estadual e nacional, possibilitando o conhecimento das exposições e da necessidade de sua otimização, visto que as peculiaridades que envolvem a radiologia e a pediatria se potencializam quando se trata de procedimentos de radiologia intervencionista, em razão das doses elevadas de radiação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 32 procedimentos em quatro salas nos dois principais hospitais que realizam procedimentos de radiologia intervencionista pediátrica na Bahia. Foram avaliados os valores de kerma no ar incidente e o produto kerma-área no ar de 27 procedimentos cardiológicos e 5 procedimentos cerebrais. RESULTADOS: Os valores máximos de produto kerma-área e kerma obtidos para procedimentos cardiológicos foram, respectivamente, 129,9 Gy.cm² e 947,0 mGy, e para procedimentos cerebrais, 83,3 Gy.cm² e 961,0 mGy. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo mostraram valores de exposições superiores em até 14 vezes os obtidos em estudos realizados em outros países, chegando próximos de resultados obtidos para procedimentos em adultos. Isto revela quão elevadas podem ser as exposições pediátricas, indicando a necessidade de constante otimização dos procedimentos e avaliação das exposições.
Software faults are expensive and cause serious damage, particularly if discovered late or not at all. Some software faults tend to be hidden. One goal of the thesis is to figure out the status quo in the field of software fault elimination since there are no recent surveys of the whole area. Basis for a structural framework is proposed for this unstructured field, paying attention to compatibility and how to find studies. Bug elimination means are surveyed, including bug knowhow, defect prevention and prediction, analysis, testing, and fault tolerance. The most common research issues for each area are identified and discussed, along with issues that do not get enough attention. Recommendations are presented for software developers, researchers, and teachers. Only the main lines of research are figured out. The main emphasis is on technical aspects. The survey was done by performing searches in IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, and Inspect databases. In addition, a systematic search was done for a few well-known related journals from recent time intervals. Some other journals, some conference proceedings and a few books, reports, and Internet articles have been investigated, too. The following problems were found and solutions for them discussed. Quality assurance is testing only is a common misunderstanding, and many checks are done and some methods applied only in the late testing phase. Many types of static review are almost forgotten even though they reveal faults that are hard to be detected by other means. Other forgotten areas are knowledge of bugs, knowing continuously repeated bugs, and lightweight means to increase reliability. Compatibility between studies is not always good, which also makes documents harder to understand. Some means, methods, and problems are considered method- or domain-specific when they are not. The field lacks cross-field research.