970 resultados para Quantum Kinetic-theory


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Experimental and theoretical studies regarding noise processes in various kinds of AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with a quantum well are reported. The measurement processes, involving a Fast Fourier Transform and analog wave analyzer in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 MHz, a computerized data storage and processing system, and cryostat in the temperature range from 78 K to 300 K are described in detail. The current noise spectra are obtained with the “three-point method”, using a Quan-Tech and avalanche noise source for calibration. ^ The properties of both GaAs and AlGaAs materials and field effect transistors, based on the two-dimensional electron gas in the interface quantum well, are discussed. Extensive measurements are performed in three types of heterostructures, viz., Hall structures with a large spacer layer, modulation-doped non-gated FETs, and more standard gated FETs; all structures are grown by MBE techniques. ^ The Hall structures show Lorentzian generation-recombination noise spectra with near temperature independent relaxation times. This noise is attributed to g-r processes in the 2D electron gas. For the TEGFET structures, we observe several Lorentzian g-r noise components which have strongly temperature dependent relaxation times. This noise is attributed to trapping processes in the doped AlGaAs layer. The trap level energies are determined from an Arrhenius plot of log (τT2) versus 1/T as well as from the plateau values. The theory to interpret these measurements and to extract the defect level data is reviewed and further developed. Good agreement with the data is found for all reported devices. ^


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Electronic noise has been investigated in AlxGa1−x N/GaN Modulation-Doped Field Effect Transistors (MODFETs) of submicron dimensions, grown for us by MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) techniques at Virginia Commonwealth University by Dr. H. Morkoç and coworkers. Some 20 devices were grown on a GaN substrate, four of which have leads bonded to source (S), drain (D), and gate (G) pads, respectively. Conduction takes place in the quasi-2D layer of the junction (xy plane) which is perpendicular to the quantum well (z-direction) of average triangular width ∼3 nm. A non-doped intrinsic buffer layer of ∼5 nm separates the Si-doped donors in the AlxGa1−xN layer from the 2D-transistor plane, which affords a very high electron mobility, thus enabling high-speed devices. Since all contacts (S, D, and G) must reach through the AlxGa1−xN layer to connect internally to the 2D plane, parallel conduction through this layer is a feature of all modulation-doped devices. While the shunting effect may account for no more than a few percent of the current IDS, it is responsible for most excess noise, over and above thermal noise of the device. ^ The excess noise has been analyzed as a sum of Lorentzian spectra and 1/f noise. The Lorentzian noise has been ascribed to trapping of the carriers in the AlxGa1−xN layer. A detailed, multitrapping generation-recombination noise theory is presented, which shows that an exponential relationship exists for the time constants obtained from the spectral components as a function of 1/kT. The trap depths have been obtained from Arrhenius plots of log (τT2) vs. 1000/T. Comparison with previous noise results for GaAs devices shows that: (a) many more trapping levels are present in these nitride-based devices; (b) the traps are deeper (farther below the conduction band) than for GaAs. Furthermore, the magnitude of the noise is strongly dependent on the level of depletion of the AlxGa1−xN donor layer, which can be altered by a negative or positive gate bias VGS. ^ Altogether, these frontier nitride-based devices are promising for bluish light optoelectronic devices and lasers; however, the noise, though well understood, indicates that the purity of the constituent layers should be greatly improved for future technological applications. ^


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While a great amount of attention is being given to the development of nanodevices, both through academic research and private industry, the field is still on the verge. Progress hinges upon the development of tools and components that can precisely control the interaction between light and matter, and that can be efficiently integrated into nano-devices. Nanofibers are one of the most promising candidates for such purposes. However, in order to fully exploit their potential, a more intimate knowledge of how nanofibers interact with single neutral atoms must be gained. As we learn more about the properties of nanofiber modes, and the way they interface with atoms, and as the technology develops that allows them to be prepared with more precisely known properties, they become more and more adaptable and effective. The work presented in this thesis touches on many topics, which is testament to the broad range of applications and high degree of promise that nanofibers hold. For immediate use, we need to fully grasp how they can be best implemented as sensors, filters, detectors, and switches in existing nano-technologies. Areas of interest also include how they might be best exploited for probing atom-surface interactions, single-atom detection and single photon generation. Nanofiber research is also motivated by their potential integration into fundamental cold atom quantum experiments, and the role they can play there. Combining nanofibers with existing optical and quantum technologies is a powerful strategy for advancing areas like quantum computation, quantum information processing, and quantum communication. In this thesis I present a variety of theoretical work, which explores a range of the applications listed above. The first work presented concerns the use of the evanescent fields around a nanofiber to manipulate an existing trapping geometry and therefore influence the centre-of-mass dynamics of the atom. The second work presented explores interesting trapping geometries that can be achieved in the vicinity of a fiber in which just four modes are allowed to propagate. In a third study I explore the use of a nanofiber as a detector of small numbers of photons by calculating the rate of emission into the fiber modes when the fiber is moved along next to a regularly separated array of atoms. Also included are some results from a work in progress, where I consider the scattered field that appears along the nanofiber axis when a small number of atoms trapped along that axis are illuminated orthogonally; some interesting preliminary results are outlined. Finally, in contrast with the rest of the thesis, I consider some interesting physics that can be done in one of the trapping geometries that can be created around the fiber, here I explore the ground states of a phase separated two-component superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a toroidal potential.


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Do the laws of quantum physics still hold for macroscopic objects - this is at the heart of Schrödinger’s cat paradox - or do gravitation or yet unknown effects set a limit for massive particles? What is the fundamental relation between quantum physics and gravity? Ground-based experiments addressing these questions may soon face limitations due to limited free-fall times and the quality of vacuum and microgravity. The proposed mission Macroscopic Quantum Resonators (MAQRO) may overcome these limitations and allow addressing such fundamental questions. MAQRO harnesses recent developments in quantum optomechanics, high-mass matter-wave interferometry as well as state-of-the-art space technology to push macroscopic quantum experiments towards their ultimate performance limits and to open new horizons for applying quantum technology in space. The main scientific goal is to probe the vastly unexplored ‘quantum-classical’ transition for increasingly massive objects, testing the predictions of quantum theory for objects in a size and mass regime unachievable in ground-based experiments. The hardware will largely be based on available space technology. Here, we present the MAQRO proposal submitted in response to the 4th Cosmic Vision call for a medium-sized mission (M4) in 2014 of the European Space Agency (ESA) with a possible launch in 2025, and we review the progress with respect to the original MAQRO proposal for the 3rd Cosmic Vision call for a medium-sized mission (M3) in 2010. In particular, the updated proposal overcomes several critical issues of the original proposal by relying on established experimental techniques from high-mass matter-wave interferometry and by introducing novel ideas for particle loading and manipulation. Moreover, the mission design was improved to better fulfill the stringent environmental requirements for macroscopic quantum experiments.


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The Ran GTPase protein is a guanine nucleotide-binding protein (GNBP) with an acknowledged profile in cancer onset, progression and metastases. The complex mechanism adopted by GNBPs in exchanging GDP for GTP is an intriguing process and crucial for Ran viability. The successful completion of the process is a fundamental aspect of propagating downstream signalling events. QM/MM molecular dynamics simulations were employed in this study to provide a deeper mechanistic understanding of the initiation of nucleotide exchange in Ran. Results indicate significant disruption of the metal-binding site upon interaction with RCC1 (the Ran guanine nucleotide exchange factor), overall culminating in the prominent shift of the divalent magnesium ion. The observed ion drifting is reasoned to occur as a consequence of the complex formation between Ran and RCC1 and is postulated to be a critical factor in the exchange process adopted by Ran. This is the first report to observe and detail such intricate dynamics for a protein in Ras superfamily.


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In this thesis the critical dynamics of several magnetoelectric compounds at their phase transition were examined. Mostly measurements of the dielectric properties in the frequency range of below 1 Hz up to 5 GHz were employed to evaluate the critical exponents for both magnetic field and temperature-dependent measurements. Most of the materials that are part of this work show anomalous behavior, especially at very low temperatures where quantum fluctuations are of the order of or even dominate those induced thermally. This anomalous behavior manifests in different forms. In Dy2Ti2O7 we demonstrate the existence of electric dipoles on magnetic monopoles. Here the dynamics at the critical endpoint located at 0.36K and in a magnetic field of 1T parallel to the [111] direction are of special interest. At this critical endpoint the expected critical slowing down of the dynamics could not only not be observed but instead the opposite, critical speeding-up by several orders of magnitude, could be demonstrated. Furthermore, we show that the phase diagram of Dy2Ti2O7 in this field direction can be reproduced solely from the dynamical properties, for example the resonance frequency of the observed relaxation that is connected to the monopole movement. Away from this point of the phase diagram the dynamics are slowing-down with reduction of temperature as one would expect. Additional measurements on Y2Ti2O7, a structurally identical but non-magnetic material, show only slowing down with reduction of temperature and no additional features. A possible explanation for the observed critical speeding-up is a coherent movement of magnetic monopoles close to the critical field that increases the resonance frequency by reducing the damping of the process. LiCuVO4 on the other hand behaves normally at its phase transition as long as the temperature is higher than 0.4 K. In this temperature regime the dynamics show critical slowing-down analogous to classical ferroelectric materials. This analogy extends also towards higher frequencies where the permittivity displays a ‘dispersion’ minimum that is temperature-dependent but of the order of 2 GHz. Below 0.4K the observed behavior changes drastically. Here we found no longer relaxational behavior but instead an excitation with very low energy. This low energy excitation was predicted by theory and is caused by nearly gapless soliton excitations within the 1D Cu2+ chains of LiCuVO4. Finally, in TbMnO3 the dynamics of the phase transition into the multiferroic phase was observed at roughly 27 K, a much higher temperature compared to the other materials. Here the expected critical slowing-down was observed, even though in low-frequency measurements this transition into the ferroelectric phase is overshadowed by the so-called c-axis relaxation. Therefore, only frequencies above 1MHz could be used to determine the critical exponents for both temperatureand magnetic-field-dependent measurements. This was done for both the peak frequency as well as the relaxation strength. In TbMnO3 an electromagnetic soft-mode with small optical weight causes the observed fluctuations, similar to the case of multiferroic MnWO4.


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This thesis discusses memory effects in open quantum systems with an emphasis on the Breuer, Laine, Piilo (BLP) measure of non-Markovianity. It is shown how the calculation of the measure can be simplifed and how quantum information protocols can bene t from memory e ects. The superdense coding protocol is used as an example of this. The quantum Zeno effect will also be studied from the point of view of memory e ects. Finally the geometric ideas used in simplifying the calculation of the BLP measure are applied in studying the amount of resources needed for detecting bipartite quantum correlations. It is shown that to decide without prior information if an unknown quantum state is entangled or not, an informationally complete measurement is required. The first part of the thesis contains an introduction to the theoretical ideas such as quantum states, closed and open quantum systems and necessary mathematical tools. The theory is then applied in the second part of the thesis as the results obtained in the original publications I-VI are presented and discussed.


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Una detallada descripción de la dinámica de bajas energías del entrelazamiento multipartito es proporcionada para sistemas armónicos en una gran variedad de escenarios disipativos. Sin hacer ninguna aproximación central, esta descripción yace principalmente sobre un conjunto razonable de hipótesis acerca del entorno e interacción entorno-sistema, ambas consistente con un análisis lineal de la dinámica disipativa. En la primera parte se deriva un criterio de inseparabilidad capaz de detectar el entrelazamiento k-partito de una extensa clase de estados gausianos y no-gausianos en sistemas de variable continua. Este criterio se emplea para monitorizar la dinámica transitiva del entrelazamiento, mostrando que los estados no-gausianos pueden ser tan robustos frente a los efectos disipativos como los gausianos. Especial atención se dedicada a la dinámica estacionaria del entrelazamiento entre tres osciladores interaccionando con el mismo entorno o diferentes entornos a distintas temperaturas. Este estudio contribuye a dilucidar el papel de las correlaciones cuánticas en el comportamiento de la corrientes energéticas.


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We discuss decoherence in discrete-time quantum walks in terms of a phenomenological model that distinguishes spin and spatial decoherence. We identify the dominating mechanisms that affect quantum-walk experiments realized with neutral atoms walking in an optical lattice. From the measured spatial distributions, we determine with good precision the amount of decoherence per step, which provides a quantitative indication of the quality of our quantum walks. In particular, we find that spin decoherence is the main mechanism responsible for the loss of coherence in our experiment. We also find that the sole observation of ballistic-instead of diffusive-expansion in position space is not a good indicator of the range of coherent delocalization. We provide further physical insight by distinguishing the effects of short- and long-time spin dephasing mechanisms. We introduce the concept of coherence length in the discrete-time quantum walk, which quantifies the range of spatial coherences. Unexpectedly, we find that quasi-stationary dephasing does not modify the local properties of the quantum walk, but instead affects spatial coherences. For a visual representation of decoherence phenomena in phase space, we have developed a formalism based on a discrete analogue of the Wigner function. We show that the effects of spin and spatial decoherence differ dramatically in momentum space.


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We determine numerically the single-particle and the two-particle spectrum of the three-state quantum Potts model on a lattice by using the density matrix renormalization group method, and extract information on the asymptotic (small momentum) S-matrix of the quasiparticles. The low energy part of the finite size spectrum can be understood in terms of a simple effective model introduced in a previous work, and is consistent with an asymptotic S-matrix of an exchange form below a momentum scale p*. This scale appears to vanish faster than the Compton scale, mc, as one approaches the critical point, suggesting that a dangerously irrelevant operator may be responsible for the behaviour observed on the lattice.


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This thesis presents theoretical investigations of the sub band structure and optical properties of semiconductor quantum wires. For the subband structure, we employ multiband effective-mass theory and the effective bond-orbital model both of which fully account for the band mixing and material anisotropy. We also treat the structure geometry in detail taking account of such effects as the compositional grading across material interfaces. Based on the subband structure, we calculate optical properties of quantum-wire structures. A recuring theme is the cross-over from one- to ~wo-dimensional behavior in these structures. This complicated behavior procludes the application of simple theoretical models to obtain the electronic structure. In particular, we calculate laser properties of quantum wires grown in V-grooves and find enhanced performance compared with quantum-well lasers. We also investigate optical anisotropy in quantum-wire arrays and propose an electro-optic device based on such structures.


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Entanglement distribution between distant parties is an essential component to most quantum communication protocols. Unfortunately, decoherence effects such as phase noise in optical fibres are known to demolish entanglement. Iterative (multistep) entanglement distillation protocols have long been proposed to overcome decoherence, but their probabilistic nature makes them inefficient since the success probability decays exponentially with the number of steps. Quantum memories have been contemplated to make entanglement distillation practical, but suitable quantum memories are not realised to date. Here, we present the theory for an efficient iterative entanglement distillation protocol without quantum memories and provide a proof-of-principle experimental demonstration. The scheme is applied to phase-diffused two-mode-squeezed states and proven to distil entanglement for up to three iteration steps. The data are indistinguishable from those that an efficient scheme using quantum memories would produce. Since our protocol includes the final measurement it is particularly promising for enhancing continuous-variable quantum key distribution.