999 resultados para Proteção ambiental, Brasil


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Meaning fuel and renewal energy source s derivative additives, the term biodiesel exists in Brazil since 1980, when it was signed its first patent by Expedito Parente. Since then, its importance has grown gradually due to the worsening of the ambient problems, since its use has became a highly promising alternative to the pollution decrease, as in the carbon dioxide issue as with the smoke and sulfur oxide. In Brazil, it was created the National Program of Production, whose objective is to insert the new product in the country s energy matrix, strengthening the economy and creating new employment opportunities, being an important product to the national energetic independence, since Brazil still imports diesel to its domestic consumption. This study aims to identify the ambient, social and economic perception of the teachers from the Technology Center of Natal city (CTGS-RN) to the biodiesel. For that, it was used a questionnaire closed questions, organized in the likart scale, directed to the tree spheres of the research analysis, the biodiesel and its social, ambient and economic nuances, totaling 31 questionnaires full answered. In its objectives, the research was descriptive and in its approach it was qualitative. To the data analysis it was used statistical tools (Statistic software, 6.1 version and Microsoft Excel 2003). The research revealed the predominance of the ambient aspect in the sight of the teachers, followed by the social ones. The economic factors represent a minor percentage in the analysis when compared to other


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natural resources that still enjoy, in the certainty that if we do not, could culminate at the end of that remains. The environmental contamination by fuels in the retail service of oil and biofuels, has been a subject of growing research in Brazil, due to the large pollution potential of this activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of implementing the Environmental Management System (EMS) in fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, but also describe the current situation the same as licensing and environmental characterization; identify existing barriers to implementation of EMS on the costs, technologies, knowledge, vision, present the potential benefits for the implementation of the EMS (social, economic and environmental), to identify the existence of plans for future action to implement the EMS , as a subsidy to promote the implementation of it. The methodology was developed through analysis of documents provided by the environmental agency responsible for licensing of retail service stations and fuel pala ANP. For data collection, we used the questionnaire was applied directly to managers or managers of sub-stations. Data were collected in 12 of 30 posts in the municipality. For purposes of data treatment was performed a descriptive analysis with respect to the opinion of twelve managers (respondents). The data acquired, according to the Likert scale were tabulated and analyzed using software SPSS 17.0 and Excel 2003, it was generated tables and graphs to observe the behavior of the data. The results showed that most respondents have a schooling level higher (58.3%) of the jobs surveyed 50% work on average 6 to 10 years and 41.6% are in operation for over 11 years , 75.0% do not have a license to operate and 12 stations, 58.3% were sued for not having a license to operate and are therefore in full commercial activity, 83% of jobs have some practice environmentally responsible, 75% agree in making planning future action to implement 8 the EMS in their ventures, 70% in full agreement that the high cost is a form of impediment to implementation of EMS; 66.67% agreed that resistance to change is an impediment to implementation of EMS; 90.91% agreed that the implementation of EMS is very complex, 80% of respondents agreed in a very significant environmental legislation is also a key factor preventing the implementation of EMS is noteworthy that 100% of respondents agreed that the knowledge about the use of the EMS will help to solve environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations, the implementation of the EMS will benefit with increased efficiency of resources applied to the findings by the agreement of 91.66% of respondents, where only 8, 33% disagreed, there was also a percentage of 100%, agreed that the company's image will be a great benefit, but also a contribution to solving environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations. Thus, the importance of the implementation of EMS in the fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, with an urgent need to be deployed. And the bodies responsible for policy on state-run and supervise more tightly and action, this type of activity, in order to regulate the sustainable functioning of retail service stations of fuel, thus promoting a better quality of life for the population of the municipality of natal-RN


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This work provides great contribution to the documental study of the Work Safety courses offered by CEFETs in Brazil, under the perspective of safety management and occupational health, using as a referential the specification OHSAS 18001 (BSI, 1999), as well as directions provided by OIT (ILO, 2001). The theoretical research compares technical and managing competences of the projects of Work Safety courses at CEFETs with the international legislation mentioned above. For field research, questionnaires containing open and close questions were answered by teachers and students aiming at identifying the importance of technical and managing competences for the formation of Work Safety technicians, besides trying to identify which level of minimal formal knowledge should be required to perform managing activities in the area of Work Safety Management Systems and Occupational Health (SGSSO, in Portuguese). The results of the theoretical research point out differences between the projects of the Work Safety technical courses at CEFETs under the perspective of SGSSO. The field research shows that students and teachers opinions converge about most technical and managing competences. In relation to academic formation, the research suggests divergences to the criterion stated by the norm ISO 19011(ABNT, 2002)


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The tourism has been presented as an alternative of production for determined regions of the Country. In this scene, one perceives that it is necessary to observe where each locality is situated in order to face an highly competitive and globalized world. The data used on this work was collected on a field research with the entrepreneurs of the coast of the City of Parnamirim/RN. The main objective of this research was to analyze the conditioning factors in the formation of clusters on tourism, according to the perception of the entrepreneurs of the Association of the Entrepreneurs of the Coast of Parnamirim AELP, based on the competitive advantages showed on Porter s model, referring to the conditions of the production factors, the demand, the associated and support sector, the strategy and structure of the company. On the statistical treatment, descriptive analysis and crossed analysis were carried through. According to the data, the research suggests the existence of some determinative factors that can generate competitive advantages, that whwn integrated, can congregate attributes that allow the formation of a competitive tourist accumulation in a region of the northeast coast of Brazil. The research also evidenced that the entrepreneurs have a strong dependence of the governmental actions


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The commitment assumed by Brazil to ILO in order to pursue actions toward the ILO/OSH-2001 adoption in the country poses the issue of modeling the institutional arrangement the set roles and relationship between government, standards organizations, health and safety organizations, professionals and other institutions to deploy the ILO/OSH-2001. This Thesis develop institutional arrangement models based on the current model and also in the ISO 9000 scheme and others. It is studied the US case with OSHA and VPP, the OHSAS 18001 and ANSI/AIHA Z-10, in addition to actual context of the regulating norms NR s. The scenarios developed are put to evaluation on feasibility, potential changes and effects on current MTE auditors work scheme. The main results are five scenarios developed and that the MTE auditors tend to be reactive to the change toward the ILO/OSH-2001.


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This essay aims to analyze different aspects regarding employees satisfaction about their work environment in order to preparethem to deal with quality programs. The study was developed through field and bibliographic research, which was turn in to a comparative analysis between the results obtained in a pilot research and the results from a final research applied to Brazilian Mail enterprise that got the bronze award of the Federal Government Quality Award. The main issue is to define where to act so that employees will be ready to deal with a quality program, identifying why they consider important, their influence in the insertion of the program and the relationship between satisfaction in the work environment and the success of such insertion


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The objective of this thesis was studying the factors which contribute to customer s satisfaction and loyalty, focusing the Norwegian model of satisfaction and loyalty of the consumer, applied in the sector of hotel services in Natal/RN, Brazil. The theoretical research was led through the concepts of service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty, models of quality management systems, national index of customer s satisfaction and methods which evaluate the customer s satisfaction. The field research was carried through from December 1st of 2004 to 24 st, among 381 international tourists who had been housed in the hotels of Natal. The analyses of the data had been made through the descriptive statistics and analysis of multiple regression. The results had evidenced that the main precedents variables of satisfaction had been: hotel s room, staff friendliness, hotel restaurant food and price paid; these are factors which explained, in 56,0% the variation of satisfaction with hotels. In relation to the constructs which had influenced the tourist s loyalty, were founds: tourist s satisfaction, hotel image and affective commitment, which had explained 53.0% of the data variability. The complaint management resulted as a basic factor for the tourist s satisfaction and loyalty


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os sistemas de Classificaes existentes para a garantia da gesto da qualidade no setor hoteleiro, tendo como foco principal a Matriz de Classificao para os Meios de Hospedagem da EMBRATUR e a ISO 9000, observando os benefcios que esses sistemas e/ou processos de gesto podero vir a proporcionar para o setor hoteleiro no que se refere qualidade de seus servios. Para a obteno dessas informaes foi realizada uma anlise comparativa dos sistemas de gesto da qualidade atravs de pesquisas bibliogrficas e de questionrios enviados para empreendimentos hoteleiros certificados e classificados, onde os principais resultados fornecidos pela pesquisa foram trabalhados de forma a apresentar, de maneira clara, a superioridade de um sistema em relao ao outro


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This work investigates the importance of Eco-Materiais applied in the civil construction and the necessity of knowledge of the real estate market, showing the importance of application of recycled products where inserted inside of a bigger scope of the sustainable development which has the subjects as the ambient management. In the theoretical referencial boarded the recycled and perfectly ecological products that demonstrate the applicability of this type of products in the sector of the civil construction, beyond the economic and social placesThe main popouse of the real estate sector is to show the awareness and demonstration in the negotiation of property constructed with these products, therefore, already it is practised by the market of the civil construction where much time sao commercialized by real estate and the its correctors lacking in same knowledge that is more deepened on these materials, having this evidence been made with statistical application of questionnaire and analyzed with base. We finish showing the statistical results with application of 142 questionnaires in a universe of 145 real estate from Natal/RN. With this, we may say that today exists a very strong concern with the environmental laws and the generated ambient impact in the civil construction and that the real estate sector has a feeling that the necessity of if inserting in this process, therefore, the real estate market in our State is in expansion and sensible to the necessity of changes, since the Natal/RN meets in the script of the tourism the International demanding of the professional that a globalized knowledge works with property, so the necessity of understanding the environmental laws and understanding application of the echo-materias used in the construction will give a better quality of life and at the same time to protect the nature


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with a BSC modeling for higher education institution focusing on private institution in the Brazilian context. It‟s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to for profit and non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with a new perspective (Government) and a change in the hierarchy of the main BSC perspective equaling financial to customer/society. Taking the national higher education assessment system of Education Ministry indicators a model is deployed and the relations between the indicators are measured with the Pearson correlation coefficient. As a result a model emerges with sound relations of indicators but a improvement in the financial indicators is needed


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with applying DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to the academic performance evaluation of graduate programs in Brazil, exploring it on a Mechanical and Production Engineering Program 2001-2003 data. The data used is that of the national assessment carried by CAPES, the governmental body in charge for graduate program assessment and certification. It is used the CCR output oriented DEA model, the CCR-Output with Assurance Region, and Window Analysis. The main findings are first that the CCR has the concerning problem of zero values of weights of outputs that is not appropriate in a sense that a graduate program has the higher efficiency score zeroing some output (e.g., number of academic papers published). Secondly, the Assurance Region method proved useful. Third, the Window Analysis also gave some light to the consistency of the performance in the time frame analysed. Also, the analysis results in the understanding that the Mechanics and Production Engineering should not be assessed jointly like currently applied by CAPES and rather should be assessed in its own field separately. Finally, the result of the DEA analysis showed some serious inconsistencies with the CAPES method. Graduate programs considered excellent has got low performance score and vice versa. This Thesis provides a strong argument in order to use DEA at least as a complimentary methodology for graduate program performance evaluation in Brazil


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Desde a criao da tecnologia e do seu uso pelas empresas, a relao custo e benefcio nem sempre foi bem elucidada tanto para os responsveis pela rea de tecnologia quanto para a alta direo. Mas, apesar disto, cada vez mais as organizaes investem maciamente em tecnologia, esperando que esta seja a soluo para diversos problemas. Por isto, esta questo tem se tornado crucial para o processo de tomada de decises, visto que investimentos nesta rea costumam ser dispendiosos e, na atual conjuntura, estas anlises precisam ser extremamente criteriosas para que se miniminizem as possibilidades de insucesso dos projetos, principalmente numa economia estabilizada e de concorrncia acirrada. Uma das alternativas que as empresas tm buscado para atingir o sucesso e correr menos riscos a terceirizao da rea de TI. Partindo desta viso, a presente dissertao tem por objetivo realizar uma investigao sobre a terceirizao dos servios de TI em todos os seus aspectos, isto , desde a sua motivao, servios efetivamente terceirizados, vantagens, desvantagens e possveis obstculos, a viso do alinhamento estratgico da TI, os processos de gesto de contratos e formas de controle e, por fim, tendncias futuras. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de mltiplos casos, envolvendo franquias do Sistema Coca-Cola no Brasil. O estudo apresenta uma pesquisa bibliogrfica sobre o processo de tomada de deciso empresarial, a anlise de investimentos, a gesto e a terceirizao da TI, o que permitem definir as dimenses de anlise da pesquisa. Na pesquisa de campo foram entrevistados os gerentes da rea de TI, nas cidades de Braslia-DF, Goinia-GO e Ribeiro Preto-SP. A pesquisa de campo permitiu identificar como as mesmas avaliam seus investimentos em TI, como esta rea gerenciada, o que as levou a optar pela terceirizao e como os processos terceirizados afetam a organizao. Por se tratar de uma pesquisa qualitativa, optou-se por analisar comparativamente as trs organizaes. Com a realizao deste estudo, obtiveram-se, como principais resultados, que as organizaes esto utilizando a terceirizao em TI para focar no negcio principal e, mesmo encontrando diversas desvantagens, inclusive com relao a custos, acreditam que os benefcios justificam. Ainda identificaram-se alguns obstculos internos para a terceirizao, principalmente quanto ao receio de se perder a inteligncia do negcio. O acompanhamento dessas atividades terceirizadas realizado pela equipe interna e por critrios estruturados, onde se verificam os nveis de servio


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The relevance of rising healthcare costs is a main topic in complementary health companies in Brazil. In 2011, these expenses consumed more than 80% of the monthly health insurance in Brazil. Considering the administrative costs, it is observed that the companies operating in this market work, on average, at the threshold between profit and loss. This paper presents results after an investigation of the welfare costs of a health plan company in Brazil. It was based on the KDD process and explorative Data Mining. A diversity of results is presented, such as data summarization, providing compact descriptions of the data, revealing common features and intrinsic observations. Among the key findings was observed that a small portion of the population is responsible for the most demanding of resources devoted to health care


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Demand for organic foods within in Brazil are growing, characterizing itself for if constituting in a new strategical segment of commercialization. In this context, the objective of this research was to investigate the variables used by consumers in the purchase decision of organic products, aiming to characterize the level of competitiveness of these products, assisting in the creation of environmental strategies for the development of the activity and contributing in the increment of the knowledge about the subject, that can assist it in the increase of the commercialization and the consumption of these foods. From data collected in the city of Natal/RN, it was used a survey research, of exploratory and descriptive character. The sample was obtained using 401 questionnaires, in which was realized: the Test of Comparison of Averages, Descriptive analysis, analysis of Cluster and Qui-square. The results found in this study indicate that the main reasons for the organic food purchase are the absence of chemical pesticides in the product, followed by the care with own health and of the household. The main characteristics in the consumers of supermarkets, that are associates with purchase frequency of organic foods are the environmental behavior and lifestyle. Among the profile characteristics, gender, age and number of children are associates with the purchase frequency of these foods and the income and level education not showed association


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A Indstria Farmacutica uma das mais competitivas indstrias do mundo contemporneo, e um dos seus principais desafios est na comercializao de seus medicamentos, que na sua maioria depende da prescrio mdica. O objetivo deste estudo identificar as estratgias de avaliao de desempenho utilizadas pela Indstria Farmacutica de origem multinacional que atua no nordeste Brasileiro e o papel dos seus gerentes, para avaliar os propagandistas vendedores de medicamentos. Para tanto, buscouse reunir elementos para uma abordagem satisfatria que contemple a complexidade da temtica pesquisada: Avaliao de Desempenho, Estratgias da Indstria Farmacutica, Propaganda Mdica e Competncias dos Propagandistas de Medicamentos. A temtica justifica-se em razo da importncia estratgica dos propagandistas de medicamentos para a indstria farmacutica, que uma das indstrias que mais investe em pesquisa na atualidade, e contribui para melhorar a qualidade de vida e a sade humana. A metodologia caracterizada como um survey, de natureza quali-quantitativa. O objeto de estudo composto pelas empresas farmacuticas multinacionais de origem Americanas, Europeias e Asiticas, associadas INTERFARMA que atuam no Nordeste do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada atravs de um questionrio fechado (instrumento de pesquisa), composto por 5 perguntas fechadas que abordam a temtica central dessa dissertao, 27 afirmativas para medir a concordncia(escala likert) e 1 tabela contendo 46 competncias, aplicado junto a gerentes da indstria farmacutica. A anlise dos dados foi feita por meio das tcnicas de estatstica descritiva e uma anlise quantitativa para estabelecer o Ranking Mdio (RM) para a parte do questionrio que utilizou escala tipo Likert de 5 pontos para mensurar o grau de concordncia dos respondestes. Atravs dos resultados desta pesquisa foi possvel identificar as estratgias de avaliao de desempenho, utilizadas pelas empresas farmacuticas, que atuam no Nordeste do Brasil, na gesto dos propagandistas vendedores de medicamentos, e identificar as competncias essenciais dos propagandistas de medicamentos, na percepo dos gestores. Os resultados demonstraram que a Indstria Farmacutica desenvolve e utiliza vrias estratgias para medir e avaliar o desempenho dos propagandistas de medicamentos no Brasil, assim como em outros pases, e que na percepo dos gerentes da Indstria Farmacutica existem competncias consideradas essenciais ao bom desempenho profissional dos propagandistas de medicamentos da indstria farmacutica, contribuindo de para avano do conhecimento deste tema