977 resultados para Policiais - Orientação profissional


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A utilização de microrganismos para fins de controle biológico de doenças em plantas tem sido muito estudada no mundo. No caso do nematóide de cisto da soja (Heterodera glycines), uma das principais doenças da soja, o controle biológico é de grande importância devido à ausência de controle químico eficiente. Para se estudar o efeito de Bacilllus subtilis sobre H. glycines, foram conduzidos alguns experimentos de casa de vegetação e laboratório. Nos trabalhos de laboratório, verificou-se, em câmara de eclosão, que a presença de B. subtilis reduz a eclosão de ovos de H. glycines estimulados com exsudatos de sementes de soja. Foi observado também que o tratamento de raiz de soja com a bactéria inibiu a migração de larvas juvenis de H. glycines para a planta em comparação à raiz não tratada com a bactéria. Nos ensaios de casa de vegetação, utilizando-se vasos com solo infestados com ovos de H. glycines, observou-se uma redução de fêmeas na raiz de soja quando o solo ou sementes foram tratadas previamente com formulação pó-molhável ou calda contendo B. subtilis, respectivamente. Com base nesses resultados e sabendo-se que H. glycines apresenta dependência de estímulo de exsudatos vegetais para eclosão e orientação das larvas, pode-se afirmar que B. subtilis interfere nesse estímulo prejudicando o desenvolvimento do ciclo do nematóide.


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Este estudo aborda a avaliação do exercício da prática profissional (EAPP) no curso de enfermagem da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (Famema); tem como objetivo analisar a concepção de avaliação do professor que realizou o EAPP com estudantes de primeira a quarta séries do curso. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, modalidade análise de conteúdo e identificação da seguinte temática: as ambigüidades do processo de avaliação. Constata-se que a concepção do professor na avaliação no EAPP aproxima-se muito da abordagem de competência dialógica, que articula e integra resultados, atributos e contexto em situações distintas, com diferentes formas de realizar tarefas essenciais para a formação do enfermeiro. Contradições no processo avaliativo entre os professores, porém, estão presentes e necessitam ser constantemente trabalhadas.


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Partindo da experiência na enfermaria de um hospital-escola1, do confronto com o status-quo do trabalho dos psicólogos em hospitais e da avaliação da literatura sobre a clínica psicanalítica em hospital, esta pesquisa se propôs a buscar avanços frente a uma questão específica: a escuta psicanalítica no trabalho em enfermarias de hospital geral e as implicações dessa prática com o desejo do psicanalista. Foram entrevistados quinze psicólogos declaradamente de orientação psicanalítica, vinculados a unidades de internação e com experiência mínima de dois anos de trabalho em hospital geral. As entrevistas foram abertas e semi-estruturadas, com o intuito de contemplar de maneira uniforme a coleta de informações de cunho mais objetivo, assim como de facilitar a pertinência ao tema de estudo. A interpretação dos dados foi realizada à luz do referencial clínico psicanalítico (freud-lacaniano), sendo que tal interpretação nos permitiu identificar uma importante interação entre os impasses, presentes na instituição hospitalar, da prática clínica psicanalítica com questões pessoais e de formação do profissional, interação que se vincula à postura de trabalho adotada no hospital. Reafirmamos, através desta pesquisa, a possibilidade de fazer uso de uma escuta analítica no trabalho com pacientes internados, a qual está sempre voltada para as manifestações do inconsciente ao longo da fala, e na qual a direção do tratamento é a emergência do sujeito do inconsciente.


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INTRODUÇÃO: numa época em que o mercado odontológico exige que os serviços prestados possuam qualidade diferenciada, a utilização adequada de profissionais auxiliares constitui uma ferramenta importantíssima para se obter aumento de produtividade no consultório. Para tanto, a correta utilização dessa ferramenta exige que a equipe auxiliar seja tecnicamente capacitada e envolvida num ambiente onde as funções delegadas estejam fundamentadas nos preceitos éticos e nas bases legais que regem a profissão. OBJETIVO: identificação do perfil técnico da equipe auxiliar, analisando-se a percepção destes profissionais quanto ao seu papel nas atividades pertinentes à clínica ortodôntica, com base na legislação vigente. METODOLOGIA: o presente levantamento foi desenvolvido com base num questionário aplicado a todos os profissionais que auxiliam diretamente os ortodontistas regularmente inscritos no CRO-GO, que atendem nas cidades de Goiânia e Aparecida de Goiânia (GO), no período de maio a julho de 2003. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: verificou-se que diversos procedimentos não estabelecidos nas normas que regem a delegação de funções em Odontologia estão sendo executados pela equipe auxiliar, demonstrando que o conteúdo dessa legislação está sendo ignorado ou descumprido.


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This qualitative study aimed to investigate the methodological perspective, the contents, possible outcomes and the role of Physical Education professionals in multidisciplinary staff of Recreation in hospitals. The study consisted of a survey applied to 20 adults of both sexes, volunteers, working in multidisciplinary team at a hospital in Leme, SP. Data were descriptively analyzed through content analysis technique, indicating that the time of engagement of that professional in that team was on average 12.8 months. Physical Education Professionals act mainly with joy faced the patients, making them well accepted. In relation to the contents used by these professionals, toys were the most mentioned, followed by books, puppets, role play and music. The team noticed some positive changes in patients after Physical Education Professional performances, and his engagement in the health team was considered very important, highlighting the urgency of new shares to enlarge this Professional participation in health multidisciplinary teams.


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The Gymnastics, in its extensive historical background, were part of the reasoning in the area now known as Physical Education. Deepening the knowledge from the historical Gymnastics during his education is extremely important for professional performance in Physical Education, as this knowledge can serve as a tool for the current configuration of the Gymnastics. Thus, this study presents a review of the literature that you want the frontline of the importance of historical knowledge Gymnastics during his education, is looking ahead to fetch reflect the current format of the same from an informed historically built as it is from the preservation of the knowledge that will be legitimized new avenues for the development of Gymnastics.


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This study aimed to verify the effects of four different minimum soil watler potentials (-30, -40, -50 e -70 kPa) and two different plastic tunnel positions (North-South and East-West) on net melon yield. The results showed that in the East-West position the yield and fruit weight were higher than in the North-South position. The highest yields of melon crop were obtained from -30 kPa. to -40 kPa minimum soil water potential.


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In this paper is proposed a methodology for semiautomatic CBERS image orientation using roads as ground control. It is based on an iterative strategy involving three steps. In the first step, an operator identifies on the image the ground control roads and supplies along them a few seed points, which could be sparsely and coarsely distributed. These seed points are used by the dynamic programming algorithm for extracting the ground control roads from the image. In the second step, it is established the correspondences between points describing the ground control roads and the corresponding ones extracted from the image. In the last step, the corresponding points are used to orient the CBERS image by using the DLT (Direct Linear Transformation). The two last steps are iterated until the convergence of the orientation process is verified. Experimental results showed that the proposed methodology was efficient with several test images. In all cases the orientation process converged. Moreover, the estimated orientation parameters allowed the registration of check roads with pixel accuracy or better.


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The aim of this paper is to present a model for orientation of pushbroom sensors that allows estimating the polynomial coefficients describing the trajectory of the platform, using linear features as ground control. Considering that pushbroom image acquisition is not instantaneous, six EOP (Exterior Orientation Parameters) for each scanned line must be estimated. The sensor position and attitude parameters are modeled with a time dependent polynomial. The relationship between object and image space is established through a mathematical model based on the equivalence between the vector normal to the projection plane in the image space and to the vector normal to the rotated projection plane in the object space. The equivalence property between planes was adapted to consider the pushbroom geometry. Some experiments with simulated data corresponding to CBERS scene (China-Brazil Earth Resource Satellite) were accomplished in order to test the developed model using straight lines. Moreover, experiments with points ground with the model based on collinearity equations adapted to the pushbroom geometry were also accomplished. The obtained results showed that the proposed model can be used to estimate the EOP of pushbroom images with suitable accuracy.


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This paper discussed the professor's role in teacher education during the trainee activities. Several scenarios were identified in the literature and the potential improvement that tutorial actions could have was highlighted. Three main dimensions of tutorial actions were proposed: education is to advise for life, to advise is to support the student to perceive alternative processes, attitudes and perceptions and to advise is to develop the student towards his or her learning process. It is proposed that the professor exercise educational tutoring and not only specific tutoring, these last ones usually focused on the classroom only.


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The aim of this research was to describe the process of professional education of judo coaches in Brazil. In order to do this, documental sources were used as means of data collection. Results showed that highly regarded institutions such as Confederação Brasileira de Judô, Federação Paulista de Judô, and Liga Paulista de Judô all support educational structures that resembles the apprenticeship system, that is, education which provide mostly employment-preparation skills for trained labour, in detriment of education on the application of scientific principles aiming at improving sporting performance. In conclusion, Brazilian judo seems to be kept away from the academic formation model and linked to the know how to do traditions. © FTCD/CIDESD.


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Introduction: Otoacoustic emissions can be an alternative for cochlear evaluation in noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). Objective: To investigate the correlation between the findings of audiometry results and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) in the military police. Method: from cross-sectional and retrospective study, 200 military police officers were submitted to audiological evaluation - pure tone audiometry and DPOAE. Results: considering the provisions of Ordinance 19 of the Labour Department, the results were suggestive of induced hearing loss by high sound pressure levels in 58 individuals, distributed as follows: 28 (48.3%) bilateral cases and 30 (51.7%) unilateral cases, and 15 (25.85%) in each ear. The correlation between the audiometric and DPOAE showed statistical significance in most of the frequencies tested in both ears, confirming that the greater the degree of hearing loss, the smaller the DPOAE amplitudes. In addition, there was observed significant difference between the DPOAEs amplitudes of normal subjects and listeners with hearing loss, confirming the lowering of responses in the group with hearing loss. Conclusion: considering that the correlation between pure tone audiometry and DPOAE, we conclude that otoacoustic emissions can be a complementary tool for the detection and control of NIHL in military police.