968 resultados para NEUTRON REFLECTIVITY


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Crystallization in amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films by irradiation with femtosecond laser was investigated. The reflectivity and X-ray diffraction measurements confirmed that the crystalline state has been achieved in amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films under the irradiation of fermosecond laser with an average power of 65 mW at a frequency of 1000 Hz and a pulsed width of 120 fs. The surface morphology before and after femtosecond laser irradiation was studied by scanning electron microscope; results showed that the surface of films with irradiation of femtosecond laser was composed of some the crystallized micro-region. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new composition content quaternary-alloy-based phase change thin film, Sb-rich AgInSbTe, has been prepared by DC-magnetron sputtering on a K9 glass substrate. After the film has been subsequently annealed at 200degreesC for 30 min, it becomes a crystalline thin film. The diffraction peak of antimony (Sb) are observed by shallow (0.5 degree) x-ray diffraction in the quaternary alloy thin film. The analyses of the measurement from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) show that the crystallization temperature of the phase change thin film is about 190degreesC and increases with the heating rate. By Kissinger plot, the activation energy for crystallization is determined to be 3.05eV. The reflectivity, refractive index and extinction coefficient of the crystalline and amorphous phase change thin films are presented. The optical absorption coefficient of the phase change thin films as a function of photon energy is obtained from the extinction coefficient. The optical band gaps of the amorphous and crystallization phase change thin films are 0.265eV and 1.127eV, respectively.


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The NiOx thin films were deposited by reactive dc-magnetron sputtering from a nickel metal target in Ar + O-2 with the relative O-2 content 5%. The as-deposited NiOx, thin films could represent a two-component system comprising crystalline NiO particles dispersed in an amorphous Ni2O3. Decomposition temperature of the as-deposited NiO, thin films was at about 263 degrees C. After annealed at 400 degrees C for 30 min in air, the surface morphology of the films became very rough due to the decomposition of the Ni2O3, leading to the changes of the optical properties of the NiO, thin films. The reflectivity of the films annealed at 400 degrees C was lower than that of the as-deposited one and the optical contrast was 52% at 405 nm. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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SbOx thin films are deposited by reactive dc-magnetron sputtering from all antimony metal target in Ar+O-2 with the relative O-2 content 7%. It is found that the as-deposited films call represent a two-component system comprising amorphous Sb and amorphous Sb2O3. The crystallization of Sb is responsible for the changes of optical properties of the films. The results of the static, test show that the SbOx thin films have good writing sensitivity for blue laser beams and the recording marks are very clear and circular. High reflectivity contrast of about 41% is obtained at a writing power 6 mW and writing pulse width 300 ns. In addition, the films show a good stability after reading 10000 times.


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Thin films of four nickel(II) and copper(II) hydrazone complexes, which will hopefully be used as recording layers for the next-generation of high-density recordable disks, were prepared by using the spin-coating method. Absorption spectra of the thin films on K9 optical glass substrates in the 300-700 nm wavelength region were measured. Optical constants (complex refractive indices N) and thickness d of the thin films prepared on single-crystal silicon substrates in the 275-675 nm wavelength region were investigated on a rotating analyzer-polarizer scanning ellipsometer by fitting the measured ellipsometric angles (Psi(lambda) and Delta(lambda)) with a 3-layer model (Si/dye film/air). The dielectric functions epsilon and absorption coefficients alpha as a function of the wavelength were then calculated. Additionally, a design to achieve high reflectivity and optimum dye film thickness with an appropriate reflective layer was performed with the Film Wizard software using a multilayered model (PC substrate/reflective layer/dye film/air) at 405 nm wavelength.


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Neste trabalho, três técnicas para resolver numericamente problemas inversos de transporte de partículas neutras a uma velocidade para aplicações em engenharia nuclear são desenvolvidas. É fato conhecido que problemas diretos estacionários e monoenergéticos de transporte são caracterizados por estimar o fluxo de partículas como uma função-distribuição das variáveis independentes de espaço e de direção de movimento, quando os parâmetros materiais (seções de choque macroscópicas), a geometria, e o fluxo incidente nos contornos do domínio (condições de contorno), bem como a distribuição de fonte interior são conhecidos. Por outro lado, problemas inversos, neste trabalho, buscam estimativas para o fluxo incidente no contorno, ou a fonte interior, ou frações vazio em barras homogêneas. O modelo matemático usado tanto para os problemas diretos como para os problemas inversos é a equação de transporte independente do tempo, a uma velocidade, em geometria unidimensional e com o espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN). Nos problemas inversos de valor de contorno, dado o fluxo emergente em um extremo da barra, medido por um detector de nêutrons, por exemplo, buscamos uma estimativa precisa para o fluxo incidente no extremo oposto. Por outro lado, nos problemas inversos SN de fonte interior, buscamos uma estimativa precisa para a fonte armazenada no interior do domínio para fins de blindagem, sendo dado o fluxo emergente no contorno da barra. Além disso, nos problemas inversos SN de fração de vazio, dado o fluxo emergente em uma fronteira da barra devido ao fluxo incidente prescrito no extremo oposto, procuramos por uma estimativa precisa da fração de vazio no interior da barra, no contexto de ensaios não-destrutivos para aplicações na indústria. O código computacional desenvolvido neste trabalho apresenta o método espectronodal de malha grossa spectral Greens function (SGF) para os problemas diretos SN em geometria unidimensional para gerar soluções numéricas precisas para os três problemas inversos SN descritos acima. Para os problemas inversos SN de valor de contorno e de fonte interior, usamos a propriedade da proporcionalidade da fuga de partículas; ademais, para os problemas inversos SN de fração de vazio, oferecemos a técnica a qual nos referimos como o método físico da bissecção. Apresentamos resultados numéricos para ilustrar a precisão das três técnicas, conforme descrito nesta tese.


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Si:SbOx films have been deposited by reactive dc-magnetron sputtering from a Sb target with Si chips attached in Ar + O-2 with the relative O-2 content 7%. The as-deposited films contained Sb metal, Sb2O3, SiO, Si2O3 and SiO2. The crystallization of Sb was responsible for the changes of optical properties of the films. The results of the blue laser recording test showed that the films had good writing sensitivity for blue laser beam (406.7 nm), and the recording marks were still clear even if the films were deposited in air 60 days, which demonstrated that doping silicon in SbOx films can improve the stability of SbOx films. High reflectivity contrast of about 36% was obtained at a writing power 6 mW and writing pulse width 300 ns. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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利用直流磁控反应溅射技术制备了氧气和氩气的分压比为5:100的NiOx薄膜。利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和光谱仪研究了热处理对薄膜的微观结构和光学性质的影响, 并对沉积态薄膜的粉末进行了热分析。沉积态的NiOx薄膜在262 ℃时开始分解, 导致NiOx薄膜的透过率增加和反射率降低。X射线衍射和示差扫描量热曲线(DSC)分析表明, 在热处理过程中并无物相的变化, 光学性质的变化是由于NiOx薄膜热分解引起薄膜表面形貌发生变化而引起的。通过Kissinger公式计算出


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Como eventos de fissão induzida por nêutrons não ocorrem nas regiões nãomultiplicativas de reatores nucleares, e.g., moderador, refletor, e meios estruturais, essas regiões não geram potência e a eficiência computacional dos cálculos globais de reatores nucleares pode portanto ser aumentada eliminando os cálculos numéricos explícitos no interior das regiões não-multiplicativas em torno do núcleo ativo. É discutida nesta dissertação a eficiência computacional de condições de contorno aproximadas tipo albedo na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN) para problemas de autovalor a dois grupos de energia em geometria bidimensional cartesiana. Albedo, palavra de origem latina para alvura, foi originalmente definido como a fração da luz incidente que é refletida difusamente por uma superfície. Esta palavra latina permaneceu como o termo científico usual em astronomia e nesta dissertação este conceito é estendido para reflexão de nêutrons. Este albedo SN nãoconvencional substitui aproximadamente a região refletora em torno do núcleo ativo do reator, pois os termos de fuga transversal são desprezados no interior do refletor. Se o problema, em particular, não possui termos de fuga transversal, i.e., trata-se de um problema unidimensional, então as condições de contorno albedo, como propostas nesta dissertação, são exatas. Por eficiência computacional entende-se analisar a precisão dos resultados numéricos em comparação com o tempo de execução computacional de cada simulação de um dado problema-modelo. Resultados numéricos para dois problemas-modelo com de simetria são considerados para ilustrar esta análise de eficiência.


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Power Point presentado en The Energy and Materials Research Conference - EMR2015 celebrado en Madrid (España) entre el 25-27 de febrero de 2015


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由于硝酸钡晶体具有很强的对称振动(频率1047 cm^-1)和较高的拉曼增益,可以用来产生受激拉曼激光.采用单端泵浦的外置拉曼振荡腔与双棱镜分光装置进行了硝酸钡晶体拉曼激光实验,泵浦源为倍频Nd: YAG的532 nm激光,硝酸钡晶体通过水溶液降温法生长,尺寸为10 mm×10 mm×48 mm,采用特殊镀膜的腔镜对各阶斯托克斯光进行优化选择.在泵浦源达到65 mJ时,获得21 mJ一阶斯托克斯光,输出波长为563 nm,以及16 mJ的二阶斯托克斯光,输出波长为599 nm,受激拉曼散射SRS最大的整体


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提出了基于菲佐干涉仪和多通道光电倍增管(PMT)阵列探测器组合的多普勒频移检测的方案, 适用于风速测量的直接探测多普勒激光雷达。首先介绍了工作原理, 再根据菲佐干涉仪光谱特征对频移检测用干涉仪进行了优化设计, 优化设计的菲佐干涉仪腔长150mm、平板反射率0.755。对提出的菲佐干涉仪和多通道光电倍增管阵列探测器组合的方案进行了数值模拟, 以分子散射作为背景噪声, 计算了该方法的风速测量误差。模拟结果表明, 设计的基于菲佐干涉仪的直接探测多普勒测风激光雷达, 在30 s的积分时间内、探测高度5 km以下,


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We report on the fabrication and characterization of low-loss planar and stripe waveguides in a Nd3+-doped glass by 6 MeV oxygen-ion implantation at a dose of 1x10(15) ions/cm(2). The dark mode spectroscopy of the planar waveguide was measured using a prism coupling arrangement. The refractive index profile of the planar waveguide was reconstructed from a code based on the reflectivity calculation method. The results indicate that a refractive index enhanced region as well as an optical barrier have been created after the ion beam processing. The near-field mode profiles of the stripe waveguide were obtained by an end-fire coupling arrangement, by which three quasitransverse electric modes were observed. After annealing, the propagation losses of the planar and stripe waveguides were reduced to be similar to 0.5 and similar to 1.8 dB/cm, respectively. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.