997 resultados para Mulheres Condições sociais
Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as redes sociais pessoais de idosos portugueses com filhos segundo o sexo da descendncia e o sexo do/a idoso/a, relativamente s caractersticas estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais. Metodologia: Para a avaliao das variveis em estudo foram utilizados o Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social Pessoal, verso para idosos (IARSP Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) para avaliar as dimenses da rede social pessoal e um inqurito por questionrio para caracterizao da amostra a nvel sociodemogrfico e sociofamiliar. Participantes: A amostra constituda por 498 idosos com filhos, com uma mdia de idades de 75 anos (DP=7,487), entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (60,8%), casados ou em unio facto (58,4%) e com escolaridade (70,7%). A maioria dos idosos inquiridos reside em aglomerado populacional (90,8%) e no usufrui de apoio de respostas sociais (78,1%). Resultados: Na anlise separmos 3 subamostras: idosos com filhos de ambos os sexos (n=218; 43,7%), idosos com filhos do sexo masculino (n=125; 25,2%) e idosos com filhos do sexo feminino (n=155; 31,2%). Os idosos com filhas apresentam valores mais elevados no apoio material e instrumental (p = 0,046), apoio informativo (p = 0,018), companhia social (p = 0,018) e reciprocidade de apoio (p < 0,001). O tamanho da rede menor no caso dos idosos com filhas comparativamente aos que tm filhos de ambos os sexos (p = 0,012). Analisando separadamente as redes das idosas e dos idosos da amostra, assinalamos que nas redes de idosos do sexo masculino apenas houve diferena na reciprocidade (p = 0,016), sendo menos recprocas as redes da subamostra com filhos apenas do sexo masculino; por sua vez, nas redes das idosas houve diferenas no tamanho da rede (p = 0,015) e na frequncia de contactos (p = 0,019) sendo maior nas idosas com filhos de ambos sexos; na proporo de relaes de vizinhana na rede (p = 0,005), sendo menor nas idosas que tm filhos de ambos os sexos; no apoio informativo (p = 0,022) e na reciprocidade (p = 0,005) sendo menores nas idosas com filhos do sexo masculino. Concluses: O nosso estudo revela que o sexo dos filhos influencia as redes sociais pessoais dos pais e mes idosos/as a nvel funcional, estrutural e relacional-contextual, sobretudo no caso das mulheres idosas, uma vez que as redes das idosas apresentam diferenas nas trs dimenses, o que no se verifica nos pais idosos, verificando-se tambm que os idosos com filhas do sexo feminino tm redes mais centradas nas relaes familiares. / Goals: This study aims to analyze the personal social networks structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics of Portuguese seniors with offspring, according to their sex. Methodology: To the variables evaluation, we have used the Personal Social Network Analysis Instrument, Elderly Version (IARSP Elderly) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) in order to evaluate the dimensions of the personal social network, and a questionnaire for demographic description. Participants: Our sample has 498 seniors with offspring, with an average of 75 years of age (DP = 7,487), between 65 and 98 years old, mostly females (60,8%), married (58,4%) with education (70,7%).The majority live on agglomeration (90,8%) and does not have the support of social services (78,1%). Results: In this analysis we've 3 groups: seniors with sons and daughters (n = 218; 43,7%), seniors with male offspring (n = 125; 25,2%) and seniors with female offspring ( n = 155; 31,2%). Seniors with daughters only shows higher values on material and instrumental support (p = 0,046), informative support (p = 0,018), social company (p = 0,018) and reciprocity support (p < 0,001). The network size is smaller on senior's with offspring, comparing the ones with sons and daughters (p = 0,012). On a separate analysis of the male and female seniors sample, it should be noticed that on the male seniors network there's been a difference on reciprocity only (p = 0,016) being less reciprocal the networks from the group exclusively with male sons; on the other end, on the female seniors network with sons and daughters there's been a difference on the network size (p = 0,015) and on the contact frequency (p = 0,019) being smaller on the seniors with offspring from both sex; on the proportion relation of network neighborhood (p = 0,005), smaller on the female seniors with sons and daughters; on informative support (p = 0,022) and on the reciprocity (p = 0,005), being smaller on the female seniors with male offspring. Conclusions: Our study reveals that the male and female offspring influences the personal social networks of senior mothers and fathers on a functional, structural and context-relational level, mostly on women, once that their network presents differences in the three dimension, something that does not happen with senior fathers, with the verification that the seniors with daughters do have social networks that are more centered in family relations.
Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as caractersticas estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais das redes sociais pessoais de famlias unipessoais idosas. Metodologia: Utilizmos para recolha de dados um questionrio para caracterizar sociodemograficamente a amostra, o Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social Pessoal (verso para idosos) (IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente 2012) e a escala de solido UCLA (Neto, 1989). Participantes: A amostra constituda por 567 indivduos com mdia de idades de 75,53 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (63,0%; n = 357). Predominam os sujeitos casados (53,7%; n = 304), com filhos (87,8%; n = 498) e em situao de coabitao (n = 450; 79,4%). Contudo, 20,6% (n = 117) vivem ss, constituindo as famlias unipessoais. Resultados: As redes sociais dos idosos tm em mdia 7,99 elementos, predominantemente familiares (M = 76,89%). Os participantes percecionam um nvel elevado de apoio por parte das suas redes. So redes coesas, pouco dispersas e os contactos entre os elementos so frequentes. As mulheres, os indivduos solteiros, vivos ou divorciados e os idosos sem filhos tm uma maior probabilidade de viverem ss (p < 0,05) e estes apresentam uma maior probabilidade de necessitar de apoio social formal (p < 0,05). As famlias unipessoais, quando comparadas com os que no vivem ss, apresentam um maior nmero de campos relacionais e maior proporo de relaes de amizade e de vizinhana (p < 0,05). Tm menor perceo de apoio material e instrumental, informativo, companhia social, acesso a novos vnculos e reciprocidade de apoio (p < 0,05). Alm disso, referem menor frequncia de contactos e uma maior disperso geogrfica (p < 0,05). Nas famlias unipessoais, observou-se a existncia de correlaes negativas significativas (p < 0,05) entre a percepo de solido e o tamanho da rede, a proporo das relaes familiares na rede, o apoio emocional e informativo e a reciprocidade de apoio. CONCLUSO: Os idosos com famlias unipessoais percecionam menor apoio por parte das suas redes, tendo uma maior propenso solido. fundamental, ao longo do ciclo vital, promover a quantidade e qualidade dos vnculos, no sentido de manter a efetividade do suporte das redes mesmo quando se vive s. / Objectives: The present study aims to analyze the structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics of older single-person households. Methodology: We used as instruments a questionnaire to evaluate sociodemographic data, the Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social Pessoal (version for elderly people: IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente 2012) and the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Neto, 1989). Participants: The sample consists of 567 individuals with an average age of 75.53 years, mostly females (63.0%; n = 357). There is a predominance of married individuals (53.7%; n = 304) with children (87.8%; n = 498). Older people live mainly in cohabitation (n = 450; 79.4%), however 20.6% oh them live alone, constituting one-person households. Results: The elderly personal social networks have 8 elements, on average, with a predominance of family relationships (M = 76.89%). The participants perceived a high level of support from their networks. In general the networks are cohesive, with low dispersion and have frequent contacts. The women, single, widowed or divorced and childless elderly are more likely to live alone (p < 0.05) and to need social services support (p < 0.05). The single-person households, compared with those who do not live alone, have a greater number of relational fields and a higher proportion of friendships and neighborhood relations (p < 0.05). They have a lower perception of material and informative support, social company and acess to new ties and reciprocal support (p < 0.05). They also refer lowest frequency of contacts and a wider geographical dispersion (p < 0.05). In single-person households there was a negative significant correlation between the perception of loneliness and the social network size, the proportion of family relationships in the network, emotional and informational support and reciprocal support. Conclusions: The elderly single-person households perceived less support from their networks and a greater propensity to loneliness. It is critical to promot the quality of ties, rather then their quantity, throughout the life cycle, in order to maintain the network effectiveness even when the person lives alone.
Objetivos: Analisar as caratersticas sociodemogrficas e das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos de acordo com a composio das redes centrada na famlia. Metodologia: Para caraterizar as redes sociais pessoais utilizmos o Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social e Pessoal Idosos (IARSP-idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente, 2012) e um questionrio para descrever sociodemograficamente a amostra. Participantes: A amostra constituda por 567 idosos (M = 75,53 anos), com predominncia do sexo feminino (64,1%). A maioria casada (53,8%) e detm a 4 classe (51,3%). Os participantes, na sua maioria, tm filhos (87,8%) e no vivem ss (79,4%). Resultados: As redes so compostas em mdia por 8 elementos, dominadas por laos familiares (M = 76,90%). So redes coesas, com relaes interpessoais duradouras, com pouca disperso geogrfica e elevada frequncia de contactos. O apoio percebido nas redes sobretudo emocional e informativo. Quanto sua composio, 43,7% dos idosos tm uma rede exclusivamente familiar, 53,4% redes com famlia e outros campos relacionais e apenas 2,8% apresentam redes sem famlia. Os idosos com 76-85 anos, casados e com agregado familiar numeroso tm maior probabilidade de pertencer a redes exclusivamente familiares. Os idosos mais jovens e divorciados tendem a pertencer a redes mais diversificadas, enquanto as mulheres e os indivduos solteiros e sem filhos tm maior probabilidade de no ter laos familiares nas suas redes, compensando a sua ausncia com relaes de amizade e de vizinhana. As redes exclusivamente familiares esto associadas a maior perceo de apoio emocional, material e instrumental, companhia social e reciprocidade de apoio. As redes com famlia e outras composies caraterizam-se por ter mais elementos e uma maior disperso geogrfica. As redes sem famlia so as mais reduzidas e so normalmente homogneas para o gnero feminino e a nvel etrio, no grupo idoso. Concluses: Fica patente o papel central das famlias nas redes e no apoio informal. Contudo, ser essencial potenciar a diversificao e manuteno dos vnculos promovendo o acesso a novos contactos ao longo de todo o ciclo vital, de forma a garantir uma rede social pessoal diversificada e efetiva, em vnculos e recursos, que complemente as necessidades e favorea o bem-estar da pessoa idosa. / Objectives: To analyze the sociodemographical and personal social networks characteristics of the elderly according to the composition of the networks centered on the families. Methodology: For characterizing the personal social networks we used the Instrumento de Anlise da Rede Social Pessoal (IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente, 2012) and for sociodemographic characteristics we used a questionnaire. Participants: The sample consisted of 567 elderly (M = 75.53 years), mainly female (64.1%). The majority are married (53.8%) and have the 4th grade (51,3%). Overall the participants have offspring (87.8%) and do not live alone (79.4%). Results: On average, the networks have 8 elements, mostly relatives (M = 76.90%). The networks are cohesive, long-lasting, have a low geographical spread and we observed a high frequency of contacts. The networks provide mostly emotional (M = 2.64) and informative support (M = 2.37). Regarding its composition, 43.7% of the elderly have an exclusively family network, 53.4% have networks with family members and other relational fields and only 2.8% have no relatives in their networks. The elderly whose age is between 76-85 years, married and with a large household are more likely to belong to exclusively family networks. Younger and divorced elderly tend to belong to more diverse networks, as women and individuals unmarried and without offspring are more likely to do not have family bounds in their networks, with a higher proportion of friends and neighbors. Exclusively family networks are associated with greater perception of emotional, material and instrumental support, social company and reciprocal support. Networks with family and other fields are characterized by having more elements and a greater geographical spread. The social networks without family are smaller and are usually homogeneous for female gender and age, in the elderly group. Conclusions: The role of families in providing informational support is clear. However, it will be essential to enhance the diversification and maintain ties that promote access to new contacts throughout our entire life, to ensure a diversified social network that will be effective in bonds and resources that complement the needs and encourages the well-being of the elderly.
Objetivos: A investigao tem como objetivo geral analisar a associao entre a satisfao com a vida nos idosos e as caractersticas estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais das suas redes sociais pessoais. Metodologia: A recolha dos dados foi feita atravs de um questionrio sociodemogrfico, da Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS (Diener, 1985) que permite avaliar o grau de satisfao com a vida e tambm do Instrumento de Avaliao da Rede Social Pessoal IARSP Idosos (Guadalupe, 2009; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) que possibilita a anlise das caractersticas das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos. Participantes: A amostra constituda por 416 idosos com idades compreendidas entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos (M = 76,15; DP = 7,584). Os participantes so de ambos os sexos, mas na sua maioria do sexo feminino (63,7%; n = 265). A maioria dos sujeitos da amostra casada (51,2%; n = 213) e tem escolaridade (64,2%; n = 267). Resultados: Verifica-se que so as mulheres idosas, os casados e com escolaridade que percebem uma maior satisfao com a vida. Constata-se que existe uma maior proporo de idosos satisfeitos com a vida (53,8%; n = 83) em comparao com os medianamente satisfeitos (26,2%; n = 109) e com os insatisfeitos (20%; n = 83). Os idosos que apresentam uma maior satisfao percebida tm uma mdia mais elevada na proporo das relaes familiares nas redes (M = 80,67), no apoio emocional, material e instrumental, informativo, companhia social, e no acesso a novos vnculos, e consideram estar muito satisfeitos tanto com a rede (M = 2,92) como com o apoio que esta disponibiliza (M = 2,77). Concluso: Verificaram-se associaes estatisticamente significativas nas caractersticas estruturais da rede, no entanto so as caractersticas funcionais que atestam os principais resultados que nos permitem afirmar uma associao entre satisfao com a vida nos idosos e as relaes interpessoais, pelo contedo das relaes e pelo apoio que percecionam. Conclumos que os idosos que se consideram satisfeitos com a vida apresentavam, na generalidade, caractersticas de rede social mais positivas quando comparados com os que percebiam menor satisfao com a vida. / Objectives: The research has as main objective to analyze the association between life satisfaction in the elderly and the structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics of their personal social networks. Methodology: The data collection was done through a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS (Diener, 1985) that evaluates the degree of satisfaction with life and also the Personal Social Network Analysis Tool IARSP Elderly (Guadalupe, 2009; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) for the analysis of personal social networks characteristics. Participants: The sample consisted of 416 elderly aged between 65 and 98 years (M = 76,15; SD = 7,584). Participants are both genders, but mostly female (63,7%; n =265). Most of the participants are married (51,2%; n = 213) and have education (64,2%; n = 267). Results: It is found that are the older women, married and with education that perceive a greater satisfaction with life. There is a greater proportion of elderly satisfied with the lives (53,8%; n = 83) compared to the moderately satisfied (26,2%; n = 109) and the unsatisfied (20%; n = 83). Seniors who have a higher satisfaction have a higher average in the proportion of family relationships in their networks (M = 80,67), emotional support, material and instrumental, informational, social companionship, and access to new bonds, and consider to be very satisfied with their social network (M = 2,92) and with the social support that it provides (M = 2,77). Conclusion: There were statistically significant associations in the structural characteristics of the network, however are the functional characteristics that allow us to state an association between life satisfaction in the elderly through interpersonal relationships, the content of relations and the support they perceive. We conclude that elderly people who consider themselves satisfied with life showed, in general, have more positive characteristics of social personal network when compared to those who perceive less satisfaction with life.
The Solidary Economy is an area that has shown unusual traits to what is preached in the traditional economic organizations, even organizations that have very similar principles, as some cooperatives. This trait is approaching the concept of isonomy proposed by Ramos (1989). Given this context, and the notion that the isonomy is like a ideal type, the objective this work was to evidence particulars of isonomic environment the in economic and solidarity experiences, taking as an empirical research area the Grupo de Mulheres Decididas a Vencer, considered a solidary economic enterprise. For this, we used the descriptive-exploratory research of qualitative nature, where the object of such research is the know enterprise, therefore, also characterized as a case study, which were taken as research subjects six associates, they being the most active in the enterprise. From the five categories that characterize isonomy - minimum standards prescribing, self-gratifying activity, activities undertaken as a vocation, wide system of making decision and primaries interpersonal relations - and from the traits of a solidary economic enterprise the data analysis was built, through content analysis, specifically the categorial analysis. Given this context and reality in which it is Grupo de Mulheres Decididas a Vencer, with minimal rules and procedures for conducting activities, comparing them to a therapy, women choosing to insert in that environment, faced with a democratic space and unfettered bureaucracy in professional interpersonal relationships, in others words, an organizational space where they were shown signs of substantive rationality was possible to conclude that the Group will share experiences and characteristics of isonomy. This disclosure meets the multidimensional social that presupposes Paraecomomic Paradigm, enabling man to enter in different social environments of the economy in order to search for self-actualization
This is a study concerning in the structure of non governmental organizations, based on the institutional theory. It aims to understand the relation among structure, social projects and environmental influences, analyzing if there is coherence with project social or expresses adaptation to the institutional pressures of the environment. It introduces as theoretical support for the themes, studies about institutional theory and social structure. The research is descriptive and exploratory; it also applies to a study of case, based on the technical procedures. From the research universe, that was compound by non governmental organizations from Natal, RN, Brasil, it was chosen the Casa Renascer, a non governmental organization that works with the combat to the violence and sexual exploration of children and teenagers. The data collection process employed includes documental research, observations and semi structured research devices, guided by the organizational process proposed by Serva (1996) and by the institutional theory. The collected data were qualitatively treated. The analysis was divided into three parts, following the research matters. The social project characterization demonstrated that the organization went by three main phases. The first one, characterized by focus in women and girls education and health; the second shows the emphasis on girls in social risk situation, with preventive approach; and the last one, characterized by victims assistance of violence and sexual exploration. From the analysis using the institutional theory mechanisms, the results showed that exists coherence between structure and environmental influences, but a weak coherence between structure and social projects. It indicates as main determinant of the structure, an aspect forgotten by the institutional theory, the power. It was observed the presence from normative, coercive and mimetic mechanisms, highlighting normative influences
The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossor/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated
This study had like general objective analyzed the relation observed between working conditions and healthy, in the welfare perspective, by the Policilnica Zona Oestes healthy professionals. Were used like theoretical bases the categories of working conditions of Borges et al. (2013): working conditions and contractual legal; physical working conditions and materials; working conditions and characteristics of the work processes and working conditions and social management. For the analise of personal wellness in the job, were used the categories of Dessen and Paz (2010): friendship relations, relationship with the organization, growth opportunity, relations with customers , valuation and realization. For this, this research use the descriptive statistic and Bardin (1977) s content analysis besides the help of Manyeyes software, using the word clouds and trees words. Was possible identify that the working conditions have strong relations with the health of the health professionals of Policlnica, mainly about the physical and materials conditions that are precarious and influences the other dimensions of working conditions and conditions health. The welfare professionals is spoiled in the dimensions of realization and growth opportunity and influences the professionals health
In this present work, the conditions of displacements and the behaviors of the users are evaluated, face to the physical adequacies in accessibility in the inserted area in the central quadrilateral of the Quarter of Cidade Alta, in the City of Natal/RN, space clipping established by its great meaning historical and cultural. For this reason such area was a target of an integrated actions plan during the years of 1993 and 1998, with the implantation of part of the Project CIDADE SEM BARREIRAS (City without Barriers) and, later, the implementation of the Project CIDADE PARA TODOS's proposals (City for All), having as supports the constant Brazilian norms inserted into the NB9050/1994 and in the Municipal law number 4.090/92, effective ones in the period of the interventions. Considering that the carried through actions at the time were directed to the elimination of the architectural barriers to guarantee the right to go and to come, the research received a human universe formed by all the people in situation of displacement in the central area of the interventions in the quarter of the Cidade Alta, independently of their locomotive or sensorial conditions, emphasizing the aspects most excellent how much to the accessibility of the sidewalk, as promotional of mobility, integration and urban organization, as well as of the public squares of that one quadrilateral, conceived, originally, as spaces of aggregation and social inclusion. The work appealed to the direct comment and the gotten results had been collated with the ex port facto law and technique norms, of the year of 2004, and with the legal devices contained in the Federal Decree number 5.296/2004, as way to certify the levels of efficiency of these adaptations in that it says respect to the current conditions of demanded accessibility and urban mobility
O trabalho capaz de proporcionar sentimentos de identificao, permitindo a partilha de experincias, a aquisio de status social e identidade profissional, mas tambm pode colocar o trabalhador em situaes desagradveis. As condições a que os trabalhadores esto expostos no seu trabalho e os constrangimentos organizacionais podem despoletar riscos para a sua sade mental, social e fsica. A exposio a riscos psicossociais no trabalho tem consequncias para a sade dos trabalhadores. Riscos estes que esto relacionados com a organizao do trabalho, com o contedo das tarefas e com o ambiente vivenciado no local de trabalho. Para alm de consequncias para a sade, a exposio a fatores de risco pode ter consequncias que prejudicam o trabalhador, a organizao e a sociedade em geral, exemplo dessa consequncia o absentismo. O absentismo caracterizado pela ausncia do trabalhador ao seu local de trabalho, podendo ter na sua essncia mltiplas causas, sendo, por sua vez, causador de diversos problemas. A insatisfao com as condições e caractersticas do trabalho e os problemas de sade causados e agravados pela exposio aos riscos leva ao elevado absentismo. Esta dissertao tem como intuito compreender a perceo dos assistentes operacionais acerca da exposio a fatores de riscos psicossociais, compreender a que se deve o elevado ndice de absentismo laboral e perceber se existe relao entre este e as condições de trabalho e a perceo de exposio a riscos psicossociais. Participaram do estudo 85 assistentes operacionais, entre os 32 e os 65 anos, de escolas e jardins de infncia do conselho. A recolha de dados foi realizada atravs do questionrio INSAT2013 e pela tcnica de observao no sistematizada, onde se procurou observar, com o intuito de compreender, as atividades, comportamentos, dificuldades, interaes/relaes e satisfao do trabalhador assistente operacional. Os principais resultados apresentam uma percepo moderada, por parte dos trabalhadores a riscos psicossociais de modo geral e a sua relao com o elevado absentismo. Umas das concluses que se destaca na dissertao que a elevada carga de trabalho reforada com a reduo de colaboradores levam ao aumento do absentismo.
GOMES, Z. B. ; LOURENO, Andr Lus Cabral de . Atuao do Estado como empregador de ltima Instncia: uma proposta para eliminar o desemprego estrutural do Brasil. In: Encontro Nacional de Economia Poltica, 13. 2008, Joo Pessoa/PB. Anais... Joo Pessoa: ENEP, 2008.
Dissertao apresentada para a obteno do grau de mestre na especialidade de Educao Social e Interveno Comunitria
na busca por compreender a insero e participao de mulheres na poltica partidria na contemporaneidade que esta dissertao, situada na linha de pesquisa Culturas, Linguagens e Utopias, tem como objetivo analisar as narrativas de vereadoras de municpios que esto localizados na regio sul do Rio Grande do Sul no perodo de 2009-2012. O corpus de anlise constitui-se de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas com as onze vereadoras participantes a partir da metodologia de investigao narrativa. Partindo das contribuies dos Estudos Culturais e de Gnero em suas vertentes ps-estruturalistas procurou-se problematizar alguns discursos e prticas que emergiram nas narrativas com base nas contribuies da anlise do discurso de Michel Foucault. Assim, verificou-se que a representao cultural das mulheres neste campo poltico est fundamentada em concepes essencialistas do gnero feminino como a sensibilidade. Isso vem provocando discusses na cincia poltica e nos estudos de gnero a partir de termos como poltica de ideias, poltica de desvelo que discutem a presena das mulheres em decorrncia ou no desses atributos. O fato que esses discursos vm instituindo diferenas na participao de homens e mulheres na poltica e constituindo formas de ser mulher na poltica partidria e de fazer poltica diferenciada das dos homens de forma menos dura, rgida. Ao debruar-se na insero das mulheres nessa esfera pblica constatou-se uma trajetria marcada pelas noes de pblico e privado que impediu ao longo de nossa histria a participao das mulheres no campo poltico e o desenvolvimento de sua cidadania. Alm disso, nas narrativas das vereadoras fica evidente que as mulheres no foram constitudas para participarem do que hoje um direito seu: a esfera pblica de deciso da poltica. Isso foi constatado a partir do convite que foi feito para a candidatura pelos partidos que a partir das cotas partidrias procuraram mais significativamente por mulheres para concorrer. Tambm se observou neste estudo o capital poltico de ingresso das mulheres nessa esfera: o capital familiar, capital dos movimentos sociais e capital de ocupao em cargos pblicos. Quanto a participao das mulheres no cotidiano de seus mandatos identificamos a dificuldade de ser mulher e poltica na atualidade. As negociaes com os partidos e os colegas, a conciliao entre a famlia e a vida pblica; os focos de atuao dedicados as reas sociais e nesse destacamos mais significativamente a educao. Por fim, o que pretendemos foi desconfiar da mxima lugar de mulher no na poltica e conhecer as trajetrias e histrias de mulheres que cotidianamente entre conflitos e disputas lutam pelo seu lugar na esfera pblica, pelo exerccio de sua cidadania.
Following a drop in estrogen in the period of menopause some women begin to lose bone mass more than 1% per year reaching the end of five years with loss greater than 25%. In this regard, factors such as older age, low calcium intake and premature menopause favor the onset of osteoporosis. Preventive methods such as nutritional counseling to a proper diet and the support of technology through applications that assess dietary intake are essential. Thus, this study aimed to develop an application for Android platform focused on the evaluation of nutritional and organic conditions involved in bone health and risks for developing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. To achieve this goal we proceeded to a study of 72 women aged 46-79 years, from the physical exercise for bone health of the Laboratory for Research in Biochemistry and Densitometry the Federal Technological University of Paran program. Data were collected in the second half of 2014 through tests Bone Densitometry and Body Composition, Blood Tests, Anthropometric data and Nutrition Assessment. The study included women with a current diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis primary, aged more than 45 years postmenopausal. For the assessment of bone mineral density and body composition used the device Absorptiometry Dual Energy X-ray (DXA) brand Hologic Discovery TM Model A. For anthropometric assessment was included to body mass, height, abdominal circumference, Waist circumference and hip circumference. The instrument for assessing food consumption was used Recall 24 hours a day (24HR). The estimated intake of energy and nutrients was carried from the tabulation of the food eaten in the Software Diet Pro 4. In a sub sample of 30 women with osteopenia / osteoporosis serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase tests were performed. The results demonstrated a group of women (n = 30) average calcium intake of 570mg / day ( 340). The analysis showed a mean serum calcium within the normal range (10,20mg / dl 0.32) and average values and slightly increased alkaline phosphatase (105.40 U / L 23.70). Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between the consumption of protein and the optimal daily intake of calcium (0.375 p-value 0.05). Based on these findings, we developed an application early stage in Android platform operating system Google, being called OsteoNutri. We chose to use Java Eclipse where it was executed Android version of the project; choice of application icons and setting the visual editor for building the application layouts. The DroidDraw was used for development of the three application GUIs. For practical tests we used a cell compatible with the version that was created (4.4 or higher). The prototype was developed in conjunction with the Group and Instrumentation Applications Development (GDAI) of the Federal Technological University of Paran. So this application can be considered an important tool in dietary control, allowing closer control consumption of calcium and dietary proteins.
Tese (doutorado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Cincia da Informao, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincia da Informao, 2015.