938 resultados para Minority


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We look at at the empirical validity of Schelling’s models for racial residential segregation applied to the case of Chicago. Most of the empirical literature has focused exclusively the single neighborhood model, also known as the tipping point model and neglected a multineighborhood approach or a unified approach. The multi-neighborhood approach introduced spatial interaction across the neighborhoods, in particular we look at spatial interaction across neighborhoods sharing a border. An initial exploration of the data indicates that spatial contiguity might be relevant to properly analyse the so call tipping phenomena of predominately non-Hispanic white neighborhoods to predominantly minority neighborhoods within a decade. We introduce an econometric model that combines an approach to estimate tipping point using threshold effects and a spatial autoregressive model. The estimation results from the model disputes the existence of a tipping point, that is a discontinuous change in the rate of growth of the non-Hispanic white population due to a small increase in the minority share of the neighborhood. In addition we find that racial distance between the neighborhood of interest and it surrounding neighborhoods has an important effect on the dynamics of racial segregation in Chicago.


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El interés por los valores subraya la ineludible dimensión ética de la educación. Así, los valores son aquello que propicia la consecución de una vida plena, cumplida; aquello que hace que la vida merezca la pena vivirla. Y al hablar de valores de lo que se trata es de la formación del carácter, una auténtica necesidad si se quiere hablar de educación en sentido pleno. Cuando se trata de hablar de valores inclinarse sobre uno u otro es tener una preferencia subjetiva, no justificable racionalmente, ni por tanto compatible, ya que todas las opciones son legítimas. Pero es difícil ser neutral y en la discusión ética es más difícil lograr el consenso. Las preferencias brotarán de la herencia recibida , de la digestión, del tiempo que haya y de la asociación de ideas. Esos contenidos valiosos se nos desvelan poco a poco, sólo en la medida en que uno aprende a objetivar sus intereses. Por eso la formación, la creación de intereses objetivos, el conocimiento de los valores de la realidad, es un elemento esencial para una vida lograda si uno está dispuesto a someterse a los valores, aumenta su capacidad de conocerlos; y a la inversa. Ese conocimiento de los valores no se adquiere por el discurso o la enseñanza, sino por la experiencia o la práctica. Por otro lado, el carácter apremiante de los valores está casi siempre en razón inversa de su altura: los más altos los que producen más gozo. En esta captación de los valores dos obstáculos principales: la apatía y la ceguera de la pasión.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: 'La educación ante la inclusión del alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo'


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This study explored the ethnic identity among 331 emerging adults (144 mestizos and 187 indigenous) from the Intercultural University of Chiapas (México). Scholars suggest that ethnicity is much more salient for ethnic minority adolescents than for adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority. Our aim was to compare the results of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) between the majority ethnic group and the minority group studied. Specifically, the following hypothesis was examined: adolescents who are members of the ethnic minority group (indigenous) will score significantly higher on ethnic identity than adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority group (mestizos). The results supported these hypothesis. We suggest that the effect of an intercultural educative model could explain these results


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This article lies within the sphere of studies initiated recently in various social sciences and which aim to introduce women's problems as an element of analysis, or in other words, the gender perspective. In the field of geography, the earliest contributions of this nature were made in English-speaking countries. It is only in the 1980s that similar contributions begin to appear in Spanish geography, albeit sporadically . In the first part of this article, an analysis is made of the presence of women geographers in Spanish universities, based on a questionnaire submitted to twenty-six departments of geography. The questionnaires provide information on the age, sex and marital status of women staff, and other relevant facts. It becomes evident that women lecturers are in the minority in Spanish university Geography Departments, especially in the top posts, although the percentage compares favourably with English-speaking countries. The second part of the article consists of a study of the written contributions of women geographers through the analysis of the various geographical magazines published by geography departments and other related bodies. The author reaches the conclusion that the percentage of articles written by women geographers is even lower than the corresponding percentage of staff members. Especially noteworthy is the very limited number of articles in the fields of physical geography and geographical theory, in contrast to a certain tendency to publish studies on, for example, population or urban topics with a highly restricted territorial scope


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O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo tratar da questão do perdão aos judeus no contexto pombalino. Desde a formação da nacionalidade portuguesa há sinais da presença dos judeus. No entanto, a trajetória desta minoria em Portugal nem sempre foi pacífica. Na época de D. Manuel I os judeus conversos ao cristianismo foram chamados de cristãos-novos, numa clara demonstração de desigualdade com os demais cristãos. Com a implantação da Inquisição em Portugal, os cristãos-novos de origem judaíca passaram a ser alvo prioritário das perseguições, inquirições, acusações e condenações. A trajetória dos critãos-novos em Portugal foi marcada por marchas e contramarchas dos monarcas portugueses e dos pontífices na concessão ou não dos perdões. No contexto de perseguição e ódio da Inquisição em Portugal aparece a figura do padre António Vieira que se posicionou em defesa dos judeus e dos cristãos-novos, além de propor a reestruração da Inquisição portuguesa. Como ponto de chegada nuclear do presente trabalho tratamos do período pombalino, com destaque para os vários diplomas promulgados por D. José. Estes diplomas que beneficiaram os cristãos-novos traziam um novo enquadramento jurídico decorrente da promulgação da Lei da Boa Razão, parte integrante da formação do direito português moderno.


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For a long time, museum’s form and function were impregnated with social exclusion, only accessible for a prosperous and educated minority. It held the monopoly on the past and therefore in a way on the present and the future. However times have changed and different perspectives on museum practices have been taken. In 1989 the British Peter Vergo mentioned as quoted below, a number of possible museologies, including a ‘new’, and therefore presumably an ‘old’ type of museology: “At the simplest level I would define it, as a state of widespread dissatisfaction with the ‘old’ museology, both within and outside the museum profession; and though the reader may object that such a definition is not merely negative, but circular, I would retort that what is wrong with the ‘old’ museology is that it is too much about museum methods, and too little about purposes of museums; that museology has in the past only frequently been seen, if it has been seen at all, as a theoretical and humanistic discipline.” (Vergo, 1989)


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A presente investigação tem como centralidade a mobilidade internacional de estudantes no caso, a dos africanos oriundos de Cabo Verde e da Guiné-Bissau, participantes do Programa Estudantes-Convênio de Graduação na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, inserida no fenômeno da internacionalização universitária, acentuada na globalização. O objetivo principal foi analisar o processo de inserção social e acadêmica desses estudantes, com ênfase para os dos cursos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Ciências da Computação, Engenharia da Computação e Medicina, nessa Instituição de Ensino Superior - IES. A metodologia foi norteada pela conjugação dos aportes teóricos e metodológicos qualiquantitativa, em que, na primeira, utilizou-se da entrevista semiestrutura dirigida para dezesseis sujeitos; sendo, a metade estudantes e a outra docentes, cuja análise optou-se pela Análise de Discurso (AD) da linha francesa, resultando as formações discursivas: motivações da mobilidade, registro nacional de estrangeiro, identidade étnica, relações étnicoraciais e o PEC-G: seu funcionamento nas práticas sociais na UFRN. Já a pesquisa quantitativa, foi constituída pela aplicação do questionário para o universo de 40 estudantes dos dois grupos e de todas as áreas de conhecimento, cuja interpretação dos dados, recorreu-se ao Programa SPSS. Já, para o recorte dos cursos específicos, foi utilizado, o do Google Doc, os quais, estão expressos em tabelas e gráficos. Os resultados revelaram que essa mobilidade estudantil africana está imersa por um misto de semelhanças e diferenças entre o Brasil e dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Poruguesa - PALOP; e mais dos contextos das hierarquias entre os países centrais, semiperiféricos e periféricos, provocadas pelas políticas de reajustes estruturais sobre os serviços educacionais, Sousa (Santos 2008; 2010), que se refletem nas trajetórias acadêmicas temporária no país de acolhimento. Aqui, também, enfrenta as fragilidades e os avanços das políticas públicas do Sistema de Ensino Superior, implementadas pelo governo brasileiro nas IES. Em termos quantitativos para os quatros cursos analisados, em diferentes e curtos períodos, quanto a distribuição de vagas (acesso), formas de desligamentos e conclusão apontaram especificidades. E, grosso modo, o curso de Medicina, apresentou os melhores índices de conclusão, seguidos, pelos de Arquitetura e da Engenharia da Computação. A maioria dos estudantes são do sexo masculino, mais da metade está representada pelos oriundos de Cabo Verde, o restante, pelos da Guiné-Bissau. Enquanto, no curso de Ciências da Computação, foi nula a conclusão de curso, e em função deste histórico de baixo desempenho dos estudantes-convênio PEC-G, teria havido o fechamento de vagas. Mas, verificando-se, que os índices de conclusão nesses cursos, apresentou uma média abaixo dos cursos de graduação da UFRN, nos quais, esses estudantes são minoria ao lado dos afrobrasileiros nas universidades do Brasil.


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This study examined the existing literature on current early intervention processes for children who are deaf or hard of hearing who are from low-income or minority families. The review of literature includes a framework of understanding the dynamics of low-income households and cultural differences among African Americans, Latin Americans, and American Indians.


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The main aim of the article is highlighting subplots present in the prose works of Nałkowska which are devoted to Ukrainian and Belarusian political prisoners. The author maintains that the Polish colonizing activity along the so-called ‘Eastern Borderland’ requires a detailed and comprehensive study. The results of this analys is should then be compared against contemporary Ukrainian literature as well as the history of the national liberation and nationalist movements at the beginning of 20th century. The article explores three prose texts by Nałkowska, that is, “Węzły życia” (The Bonds of Life), “Niedobra miłość” (Bad Love) and “Ściany świata” (The Walls of the World). The subplots present in all three works can be analyzed in terms of inevident, yet indelible traces pertaining to ethnic conflicts between Poles, Ukrainians and Belarusians, as well as the Jewish pogroms. The themes that span the above- mentioned text can be outlined as follows: first of all, the radical metamorphosis of political attitudes on the part of the protagonists representing former Legionists; secondly, the heroines’ active work for the benefit of the prisoners, also the political ones. In spite of censorship and visibly more and more extreme politics of the authoritarian state towards ethnic minorities, Nałkowska remained one of the few writers who managed to deliver the arrested history of persecutions. Keywords: politics of colonization, national minority, traces of conflict, political prisoners


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France is known for being a champion of individual rights as well as for its overt hostility to any form of group rights. Linguistic pluralism in the public sphere is rejected for fear of babelization and Balkanization of the country. Over recent decades the Conseil Constitutionnel (CC) has, together with the Conseil d’État, remained arguably the strongest defender of this Jacobin ideal in France. In this article, I will discuss the role of France’s restrictive language policy through the prism of the CC’s jurisprudence. Overall, I will argue that the CC made reference to the (Jacobin) state-nation concept, a concept that is discussed in the first part of the paper, in order to fight the revival of regional languages in France over recent decades. The clause making French the official language in 1992 was functional to this policy. The intriguing aspect is that in France the CC managed to standardise France’s policy vis-à-vis regional and minority languages through its jurisprudence; an issue discussed in the second part of the paper. But in those regions with a stronger tradition of identity, particularly in the French overseas territories, the third part of the paper argues, normative reality has increasingly become under pressure. Therefore, a discrepancy between the ‘law in courts’ and the compliance with these decisions (‘law in action’) has been emerging over recent years. Amid some signs of opening of France to minorities, this contradiction delineates a trend that might well continue in future.


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A combination of in situ and ex situ X-ray scattering techniques and transmission electron microscopy has been used to study the crystallization behaviour of polyethylene, following the imposition of melt shear. In the case of a branched material, the imposition of shear flow up to a rate of 30 s(-1) was found to induce no anisotropy. Although shearing the linear material only ever induced a very small degree of anisotropy in the melt, for shear rates > 0.15 s(-1), subsequent crystallization resulted in increasing anisotropy. Blends of the above two polyethylenes were produced, in which the linear material constituted the minority fraction (similar to 10%). Isothermal crystallization at temperatures where extensive crystallization of the branched material does not occur demonstrated that the behaviour of the linear component of the sheared blend mirrored that of the linear polyethylene alone. However, in addition, it was found that when crystallized in the presence of an oriented morphology, the branched polymer also formed anisotropic structures. We have termed the process templating, in which the crystallization behaviour of the bulk of the system (similar to 90% branched material) is completely altered (spherulitic to oriented lamellar) by mapping it onto a pre-existing minority structure (similar to 10% linear polymer). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article explores conflicts over a series of ruins located within Zimbabwe's flagship National Park. The relics have long been regarded as sacred places by local African communities evicted from their vicinity, and have come to be seen as their ethnic heritage. Local intellectuals' promotion of this heritage was an important aspect of a defensive mobilization of cultural difference on the part of a marginalized minority group. I explore both indigenous and colonial ideas about the ruins, the different social movements with which they have been associated and the changing social life they have given the stone relics. Although African and European ideas sometimes came into violent confrontation - as in the context of colonial era evictions - there were also mutual influences in emergent ideas about tribe, heritage and history. The article engages with Pierre Nora's notion of 'sites of memory', which has usefully drawn attention to the way in which ideas of the past are rooted and reproduced in representations of particular places. But it criticizes Nora's tendency to romanticize pre-modern 'memory', suppress narrative and depoliticize traditional connections with the past. Thus, the article highlights the historicity of traditional means of relating to the past, highlighting the often bitter and divisive politics of traditional ritual, myth, kinship, descent and 'being first'. It also emphasizes the entanglement of modern and traditional ideas, inadequately captured by Nora's implied opposition between history and memory. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We apply a new X-ray scattering approach to the study of melt-spun filaments of tri-block and random terpolymers prepared from lactide, caprolactone and glycolide. Both terpolymers contain random sequences, in both cases the overall fraction of lactide units is similar to 0.7 and C-13 and H-1 NMR shows the lactide sequence length to be similar to 9-10. A novel representation of the X-ray fibre pattern as series of spherical harmonic functions considerably facilitates the comparison of the scattering from the minority crystalline phase with hot drawn fibres prepared from the poly(L-lactide) homopolymer. Although the fibres exhibit rather disordered structures we show that the crystal structure is equivalent to that displayed by poly(L-lactide) for both the block and random terpolymers. There are variations in the development of a two-phase structure which reflect the differences in the chain architectures. There is evidence that the random terpolymer includes non-lactide units in to the crystal interfaces to achieve a well defined two-phase structure. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The paper reports a study of children's attitudes to school based on a questionnaire survey of 845 pupils in their first year of secondary school in England, together with interviews with a sample of the children. A clearly structured set of attitudes emerged from a factor analysis which showed a distinction between instrumental and affective aspects of attitudes but also dimensions within these, including a sense of teacher commitment and school as a difficult environment. Virtually all children had a strong sense of the importance of doing well at school. However, a substantial minority were not sure that they would stay on after 16. There were few differences between boys and girls or between children from different socio-economic backgrounds but children planning to leave at 16 enjoyed school less and were less sure that it had anything to offer them. There was an almost universal commitment to the value of education but, for a minority, an ambivalence about the experience and relevance of schooling for them.