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Amphibian skin is a morphologically, biochemically and physiologically complex organ that performs the wide range of functions necessary for amphibian survival. Here we describe the primary structures of representatives of two novel classes of amphibian skin antimicrobials, dermatoxin and phylloxin, from the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa sauvagei, deduced from their respective precursor encoding cDNAs cloned from a lyophilized skin secretion library. A degenerate primer, designed to a highly conserved domain in the 5'-untranslated region of analogous peptide precursor cDNAs from Phyllomedusa bicolor, was employed in a 3'-RACE reaction. Peptides with molecular masses coincident with precursor-deduced mature toxin peptides were identified in LC/MS fractions of skin secretion and primary structures were confirmed by MS/MS fragmentation. This integrated experimental approach can thus rapidly expedite the primary structural characterization of amphibian skin peptides in a manner that circumvents specimen sacrifice whilst preserving robustness of scientific data.


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Scorpion venoms are a particularly rich source of neurotoxic proteins/peptides that interact in a highly specific fashion with discrete subtypes of ion channels in excitable and non-excitable cells. Here we have employed a recently developed technique to effect molecular cloning and structural characterization of a novel putative potassium channel-blocking toxin from the same sample of venom from the North African scorpion, Androctonus amoreuxi. The deduced precursor open-reading frame is composed of 59 amino acid residues that consists of a signal peptide of approximately 22 amino acid residues followed by a mature toxin of 37 amino acid residues. The mature toxin contains two functionally important residues (Lys27 and Tyr36), constituting a functional dyad motif that may be critical for potassium channel-blocking activity that can be affirmed from structural homologs as occurring in the venoms from other species of Androctonus scorpions. Parallel proteomic/transcriptomic studies can thus be performed on the same scorpion venom sample without sacrifice of the donor animal.


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We have isolated a novel bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist peptide, kinestatin, from toad (Bombina maxima) defensive skin secretion. Mass spectroscopy established a molecular mass of 931.56 Da and a provisional structure: pGlu-Leu/Ile-Pro-Gly-Leu/Ile-Gly-Pro-Leu/Ile-Arg.amide. The unmodified sequence, -QIPGLGPLRG-, was located at the C-terminus of a 116-amino-acid residue open-reading frame following interrogation of a sequenced B. maxima skin cDNA library database. This confirmed the presence of appropriate primary structural attributes for the observed post-translational modifications present on the mature peptide and established residue 2 as Ile and residues 5/8 as Leu. Kinestatin represents a prototype novel peptide from amphibian skin.


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Abstract BACKGROUND: Each year 40,000 men have a vasectomy in the UK whilst another 2400 request a reversal to begin a second family. Sperm can now be obtained by testicular biopsy and subsequently used in assisted conception with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The study aims were to compare sperm yields of men post-vasectomy or with obstructive azoospermia (OA) of unknown aetiology with fertile men and to assess any alteration in the clinical pregnancy rates after ICSI. METHODS: Testicular tissue was obtained by Trucut needle from men who had undergone a vasectomy >5yrs previously, had OA from other causes and from fertile men during vasectomy. Seminiferous tubules were milked to measure sperm yields. Numbers of Sertoli cells, spermatids and thickness of the seminiferous tubule walls were assessed using quantitative computerized analysis. RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS: Sperm yields/g testis were significantly decreased in men post-vasectomy and in men with OA, relative to fertile men. Significant reductions were also observed in early (40%) and mature (29%) spermatid numbers and an increase of 31% was seen in the seminiferous tubule wall (basal membrane and collagen thickness) of vasectomised men compared to fertile men. Clinical pregnancy rates in couples who had had a vasectomy were also significantly reduced.


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The secretion and activation of the major cathepsin L1 cysteine protease involved in the virulence of the helminth pathogen Fasciola hepatica was investigated. Only the fully processed and active mature enzyme can be detected in medium in which adult F. hepatica are cultured. However, immunocytochemical studies revealed that the inactive procathepsin L1 is packaged in secretory vesicles of epithelial cells that line the parasite gut. These observations suggest that processing and activation of procathepsin L1 occurs following secretion from these cells into the acidic gut lumen. Expression of the 37-kDa procathepsin L1 in Pichia pastoris showed that an intermolecular processing event within a conserved GXNXFXD motif in the propeptide generates an active 30-kDa intermediate form. Further activation of the enzyme was initiated by decreasing the pH to 5.0 and involved the progressive processing of the 37 and 30-kDa forms to other intermediates and finally to a fully mature 24.5 kDa cathepsin L with an additional 1 or 2 amino acids. An active site mutant procathepsin L, constructed by replacing the Cys26 with Gly26, failed to autoprocess. However, [Gly26]procathepsin L was processed by exogenous wild-type cathepsin L to a mature enzyme plus 10 amino acids attached to the N terminus. This exogenous processing occurred without the formation of a 30-kDa intermediate form. The results indicate that activation of procathepsin L1 by removal of the propeptide can occur by different pathways, and that this takes place within the parasite gut where the protease functions in food digestion and from where it is liberated as an active enzyme for additional extracorporeal roles.


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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assessment of clonal immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangements is an important diagnostic tool in mature B-cell neoplasms. However, lack of standardized PCR protocols resulting in a high level of false negativity has hampered comparability of data in previous clonality studies. In order to address these problems, 22 European laboratories investigated the Ig/TCR rearrangement patterns as well as t(14;18) and t(11;14) translocations of 369 B-cell malignancies belonging to five WHO-defined entities using the standardized BIOMED-2 multiplex PCR tubes accompanied by international pathology panel review. B-cell clonality was detected by combined use of the IGH and IGK multiplex PCR assays in all 260 definitive cases of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (n¼56), mantle cell lymphoma (n¼54), marginal zone lymphoma (n¼41) and follicular lymphoma (n¼109). Two of 109 cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma showed no detectable clonal marker. The use of these techniques to assign cell lineage should be treated with caution as additional clonal TCR gene rearrangements were frequently detected in all disease categories. Our study indicates that the BIOMED-2 multiplex PCR assays provide a powerful strategy for clonality assessment in B-cell malignancies resulting in high Ig clonality detection rates particularly when IGH and IGK strategies are combined.


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Pubertal development is impaired in mice lacking the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Nhlh2. The mechanisms underlying changes in reproduction in Nhlh2-deficient mice (Nhlh2-/-) are unclear. Here we show that hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone-1 (GnRH-1) content is reduced in adult Nhlh2-/- mice as is the number of GnRH-1 neurons localized to mid- and caudal hypothalamic regions. This reduction was detected postnatally after normal migration of GnRH-1 neurons within nasal regions had occurred. Phenotype rescue experiments showed that female Nhlh2-/- mice were responsive to estrogen treatment. In contrast, puberty could not be primed in female Nhlh2-/- mice with a GnRH-1 regimen. The adenohypophysis of Nhlh2-/- mice was hypoplastic although it contained a full complement of the five anterior pituitary cell types. GnRH-1 receptors (GnRHRs) were reduced in Nhlh2-/- pituitary gonadotropes as compared to wild type. In vitro assays indicated that Nhlh2 expression is regulated in parallel with GnRHR expression. However, direct transcriptional activity of Nhlh2 on the GnRHR promoter was not found. These results indicate that Nhlh2 plays a role in the development and functional maintenance of the hypothalamic-pituitarygonadal axis at least at two levels: 1) in the hypothalamus by regulating the number and distribution of GnRH-1 neurons and, 2) in the developing and mature adenohypophysis.


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We examine the dynamic optimization problem for not-for-profit financial institutions (NFPs) that maximize consumer surplus, not profits. We characterize the optimal dynamic policy and find that it involves credit rationing. Interest rates set by mature NFPs will typically be more favorable to customers than market rates, as any surplus is distributed in the form of interest rate subsidies, with credit rationing being required to prevent these subsidies from distorting loan volumes from their optimal levels. Rationing overcomes a fundamental problem in NFPs; it allows them to distribute the surplus without distorting the volume of activity from the efficient level.


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Viral and non-viral vectors have been developed for gene therapy, but their use is associated with unresolved problems of efficacy and safety. Efficient and safe methods of DNA delivery need to be found for medical application. Here we report a new monopolar system of non-viral electro-gene transfer into the thymus in vivo that consists of the local application of electrical pulses after the introduction of the DNA. We assessed the proof of concept of this approach by correcting ZAP-70 deficient severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in mice. The thymic electro-gene transfer of the pCMV-ZAP-70-IRES-EGFP vector in these mice resulted in rapid T cell differentiation in the thymus with mature lymphocytes detected by three weeks in secondary lymphoid organs. Moreover, this system resulted in the generation of long-term functional T lymphocytes. Peripheral reconstituted T cells displayed a diversified T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire, and were responsive to alloantigens in vivo. This process applied to the thymus could represent a simplified and effective alternative for gene therapy of T cell immunodeficiencies.


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Bradykinins and related peptides (BRPs) occur in the defensive skin secretions of many amphibians. Here we report the structures of BRPs and their corresponding biosynthetic precursor cDNAs from the Chinese brown frog, Rana chensinensis, and the North American leopard frog, Lithobates pipiens. R. chensinensis skin contained four transcripts each encoding a different kininogen whose organizations and spectrum of encoded BRPs were similar to those reported for the pickerel frog, Lithobates palustris. In contrast, from L. pipiens, a single skin kininogen was cloned whose structural organization and spectrum of mature BRPs were similar to those reported for the Chinese piebald odorous frog, Huia schmackeri. These data also implied that the endogenous precursor processing proteases in each species pair have identical site-directed specificities, which in part may be dictated by the primary structures of encoded BRPs. Thus the spectra of skin BRPs and the organization of their biosynthetic precursors are not consistent with recent taxonomy. The natural selective pressures that mould the primary structures of amphibian skin secretion peptides are thought to be related to the spectrum of predators encountered within their habitats. Thus similarities and differences in skin bradykinins may be reflective of predator spectra rather than indicative of species relatedness.


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Odorous frogs of the sub-genus Odorrana are of oriental distribution, and are so called due to the foul smell of their defensive skin secretions released from specialized skin glands following stress or predator attack. Here we report the application of a “shotgun” skin secretion cDNA library cloning technique which can rapidly expedite identification of secretion bioactive peptides. From a library constructed from the skin secretion of the Large Chinese Odorous frog, Rana (Odorrana) livida, we have identified four novel peptides whose primary structures were deduced initially from cloned precursors. Subsequently, mature peptides were located in and structurally characterized from reverse phase HPLC fractions of skin secretion. Named lividins 1–4, these were found to be structural homologs of known antimicrobial peptide families from Rana frogs. Rapid identification of novel peptides can thus be rapidly achieved using this non-invasive, non-destructive technology and the extensive similarities revealed between antimicrobial peptide precursor organization and nucleic acid sequences would lend support to the hypothesis that they have a common ancestral origin.


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The Chinese bamboo leaf odorous frog (Rana (Odorrana) versabilis) and the North American pickerel frog (Rana palustris) occupy different ecological niches on two different continents with no overlap in geographical distribution. R. palustris skin secretions contain a formidable array of antimicrobial peptides including homologs of brevinin-1, esculentin-1, esculentin-2, ranatuerin-2, a temporin and a family of peptides considered of unique structural attributes when isolated, palustrins 1–3. Here we describe the structures of mature peptides and precursors of eight putative antimicrobial peptides from the skin secretion of the Chinese bamboo leaf odorous frog (Rana (Odorrana) versabilis). Each peptide represents a structural homolog of respective peptide families isolated from R. palustris, including two peptides identical in primary structure to palustrin 1c and palustrin 3b. Additionally, two peptides were found to be structural homologs of ranatuerin 2B and ranatuerin 2P from the closely-related North American species, Rana berlandieri (the Rio Grande leopard frog) and Rana pipiens (the Northern leopard frog), respectively. Both palustrins and ranatuerins have hitherto been considered unique to North American ranid frogs. The use of primary structures of amphibian skin antimicrobial peptides is thus questionable as a taxonomic device or alternatively, the micro-evolution and/or ancestry of ranid frogs is more highly complex than previously thought.


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We propose schemes for entanglement concentration and purification for qubit systems encoded in flying atomic pairs. We use cavity-quantum electrodynamics as an illustrative setting within which our proposals can be implemented. Maximally entangled pure states of qubits can be produced as a result of our protocols. In particular, the concentration protocol yields Bell states with the largest achievable theoretical probability while the purification scheme produces arbitrarily pure Bell states. The requirements for the implementation of these protocols are modest, within the state of the art, and we address all necessary steps in two specific setups based on experimentally mature microwave technology.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar la evolución de los destinos turísticos litorales consolidados a partir del análisis comparado entre Balneario Camboriú y Benidorm. Se trata de dos destinos localizados en contextos territoriales y turísticos diferentes, en los que se contrastan de manera empírica los indicadores de evolución de los destinos y se vinculan las dinámicas evolutivas con el modelo territorial-turístico resultante en cada destino. El análisis realizado permite contrastar los postulados de los modelos evolutivos clásicos (Butler, 1980) e incorporar los nuevos planteamientos de la geografía económica evolutiva. La investigación delimita cronológicamente los periodos de desarrollo de ambos destinos para identificar los factores con mayor incidencia en la evolución de los mismos. Una evolución marcada, fundamentalmente, por la ubicación geográfica, la planificación y gestión urbanoturística a diferentes escalas, la dependencia de determinados mercados emisores y la influencia de factores macroeconómicos. Un conjunto de factores interrelacionados que dibujan trayectorias dispares para los destinos analizados.


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The identification of non-linear systems using only observed finite datasets has become a mature research area over the last two decades. A class of linear-in-the-parameter models with universal approximation capabilities have been intensively studied and widely used due to the availability of many linear-learning algorithms and their inherent convergence conditions. This article presents a systematic overview of basic research on model selection approaches for linear-in-the-parameter models. One of the fundamental problems in non-linear system identification is to find the minimal model with the best model generalisation performance from observational data only. The important concepts in achieving good model generalisation used in various non-linear system-identification algorithms are first reviewed, including Bayesian parameter regularisation and models selective criteria based on the cross validation and experimental design. A significant advance in machine learning has been the development of the support vector machine as a means for identifying kernel models based on the structural risk minimisation principle. The developments on the convex optimisation-based model construction algorithms including the support vector regression algorithms are outlined. Input selection algorithms and on-line system identification algorithms are also included in this review. Finally, some industrial applications of non-linear models are discussed.