927 resultados para Lithography -- Study and teaching


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Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) as a group have been subject to abuse. Individuals with ID need to be made aware of their rights. The 3Rs: Rights, Respect and Responsibility Human Rights Project is promoting rights awareness in individuals with ID, their caregivers and family members. To be effeCtive, abuse prevention must include support from the whole organization and its processes. This research evaluated the impact of the 3Rs initiative on the organization. It focused particularly on descriptions of organizational change perceived by full-time staff and managers in response to the initiation of the 3Rs Project. Behavioural interviews were conducted and a thematic analysis was used to describe changes in the organizational culture and behavioural mechanisms maintaining these changes. Systemic barriers to change were also explored. The results indicate that the Association is effectively implementing and supporting the rights-based philosophy.


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This study investigated the needs of adult ESL learners intending to pursue higher education in Canada. Its chief purpose was to enable educators and administrators to design ESL programs that would prepare students to function at optimal levels in academic and social settings during their university studies. The study adopted a mixed research method that was predominantly qualitative in its orientation and narrative in its implementation. It focused on an Intensive English Language Program (IELP) offered at an Ontario university. Using a holistic approach, the study sought to represent the various perspectives of all the participants in the program: the students, the instructors, and the administrators. Analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data gathered from 17 students, 6 instructors, and 1 administrator in the IELP showed that to a large extent the academic needs ofESL learners in the IELP were generally not being met. Most notably, the study found that learners were not receiving sufficient training in speaking and listening skills, a factor that contributed to their sense of insecurity and lack of confidence in their ability to communicate successfully in academic and social settings. The study also revealed that the solutions to many of the problems it identified lay not in the classroom but in the way the ESL program was structured administratively. One major recommendation to come out of the study is that programs like the IELP should be restructured so as to give them greater flexibility in meeting individual needs. While the study labored under certain limitations and did not achieve all of its goals, it did succeed in creating awareness ofthe problems and in establishing a methodological approach that can serve as a framework within which future research may be conducted in this somewhat neglected area.


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This qualitative study stemmed from a concern of the perceived decline in students' reading motivation after the early years of schooling, which has been attributed to the disconnect between the media students are accustomed to using outside the classroom and the media they predominantly use within the classroom. This research documented the effectiveness of a digital children's literature program and a postreading multimedia program on eight grade 1 students' reading motivation, word recognition, and comprehension abilities. Eight students were given ten 25-minute sessions with the software program over 15 weeks. Preprogram, interim-program, and postprogram qualitative data were collected from students, teachers, and parents through questionnaires, interviews, standardized reading assessment tools, classroom observations, field notes, and student behaviour observation checklists. Findings are summarized into 3 themes. The motivational aspects and constructivist styles of instruction in the digital reading programs may have contributed to 5 student participants' increased participation in online storybook reading at home. Qualitative data revealed that the digital children's literature program and multimedia postreading activities seemed to have a positive influence on the majority of grade 1 student participants' reading motivation, word recognition, and listening comprehension skills. These findings suggest the promise of multimedia and Internet-based reading software programs in supporting students with reading andlor behavioural difficulties. In keeping with current educational initiatives and efforts, increased use of media literacy practices in the grade 1 curriculum is suggested.


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This study examined the impact that collaborative learning had on the assessment and evaluation of writing practices of a group of teachers as they engaged in a community of learners. The study explored the development of teacher knowledge and perceptions as well as the implementation of effective assessment strategies in writing for students in grades 4 to 8 that could be achieved through collaboration. Teachers' perceptions of the value of collaboration were also embedded within the study. Multiple methods of data collection were used to gather rich and descriptive data. Those methods included interviews, observation, and documentation of meetings and of participants' perceptions of their assessment and evaluation practices. Five preexisting themes describing desired outcomes of change were used to analyze the data. These themes included: knowledge, attitude, skill, aspiration, and behaviour. While it was difficult to identify definitively the degree oflearning achieved by the participants, conclusions can be drawn that the participants experienced learning and some change in the areas of knowledge and skill, attitude, aspiration, and behaviour. What was notable was the continued belief on the part of the participants of the value of collaboration as a means of learning.


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This study explores how effectively current research assistantships impart research methods, skills, and attitudes; and how well those experiences prepare the next generation of researchers to meet the evolving needs of an ever-expanding, knowledge- based economy and society. Through personal interviews, 7 graduate student research assistants expressed their perceptions regarding their research assistantships. The open- ended interview questions emphasized (a) what research knowledge and skills the graduate students acquired; (b) what other lessons they took away from the experience; and (c) how the research assistantships influenced their graduate studies and future academic plans. After participants were interviewed, the data were transcribed, memberchecked, and then analyzed using a grounded theory research design. The findings show that research assistantships are valuable educational venues that can not only promote research learning but also benefit research assistants' master's studies and stimulate reflection regarding their future educational and research plans. Although data are limited to the responses of 7 students, findings can contribute to the enhancement of research assistantship opportunities as a means of developing skilled future researchers that in tum will benefit Canada as an emerging leader in research and development. The study is meant to serve as an informative source for (a) experienced researchers who have worked with research assistants; (b) researchers who are planning to hire research assistants; and (c) experienced and novice research assistants. Further, the study has the potential to inform future research training initiatives as well as related policies and practices.


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The hospitality industry in Canada is growing. With that growth is a demand for qualified workers to fill available positions within all facets of the hospitality industry, one ofthem being cooks. To meet this labour shortage, community colleges offering culinary arts programs are ramping up to meet the needs of industry to produce workplace-ready graduates. Industry, students, and community colleges are but three of the several stakeholders in culinary arts education. The purpose of this research project was to bring together a cross-section of stakeholders in culinary arts education in Ontario and qualitatively examine the stakeholders' perceptions of how culinary arts programs and the current curriculum are taught at community colleges as mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in the Culinary Program Standard. A literature review was conducted in support of the research undertaking. Ten stakeholders were interviewed in preliminary and follow-up sessions, after which the data were analyzed using a grounded theory research design. The findings confirmed the existence of a disconnect amongst stakeholders in culinary arts education. Parallel to that was the discovery of the need for balance in several facets of culinary arts education. The discussions, as found in Chapter 5 of this study, addressed the themes of Becoming a Chef, Basics, Entrenchment, Disconnect, and Balance. The 8 recommendations, also found in Chapter 5, which are founded on the research results of this study, will be of interest to stakeholders in culinary education, particularly in the province of Ontario.


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This study examined the efficacy of providing four Grade 7 and 8 students with reading difficulties with explicit instruction in the use of reading comprehension strategies while using text-reader software. Specifically, the study explored participants' combined use of a text-reader and question-answering comprehension strategy during a 6-week instructional program. Using a qualitative case study methodology approach, participants' experiences using text-reader software, with the presence of explicit instruction in evidence-based reading comprehension strategies, were examined. The study involved three phases: (a) the first phase consisted of individual interviews with the participants and their parents; (b) the second phase consisted of a nine session course; and (c) the third phase consisted of individual exit interviews and a focus group discussion. After the data collection phases were completed, data were analyzed and coded for emerging themes, with-quantitativ,e measures of participants' reading performance used as descriptive data. The data suggested that assistive technology can serve as an instructional "hook", motivating students to engage actively in the reading processes, especially when accompanied by explicit strategy instruction. Participants' experiences also reflected development of strategy use and use of text-reader software and the importance of social interactions in developing reading comprehension skills. The findings of this study support the view that the integration of instruction using evidence-based practices are important and vital components in the inclusion oftext-reader software as part of students' educational programming. Also, the findings from this study can be extended to develop in-class programming for students using text-reader software.


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El projecte "Ecoauditoria del CEIP l'Entorn, pla d'acció i seguiment" consisteix en la diagnosi ambiental del centre, el pla d'acció, l'execució i el seguiment indispensables per a que el centre pugui aconseguir el distintiu d'Escola Verda que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya. S'introdueix un assaig pedagògic encaminat en l'Educació per la Sostenibilitat


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El projecte “Ecoauditoria de l’IES Santa Coloma de Farners” consisteix en: la diagnosi ambiental del centre, les propostes de les línees d'acció, les propostes d’ actuació, la valoració i anàlisi de les propostes i l’ autoseguiment del pla d’ acció indispensables per a que el centre pugui aconseguir el distintiu d'Escola Verda que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya. Incorporar l’ educació ambiental en el currículum escolar és un altre dels objectius d’ aquest treball. Així que es proposen activitats curriculars amb l’ objectiu de transmetre una major sensibilització ambiental a l’alumnat i a tota la comunitat educativa en general


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Aquest manual recull un conjunt de problemes que engloben els principals camps de la física clàsica. El seu enfocament està dirigit a estudis preuniversitaris (batxillerat, cicles formatius de grau superior) i pretén ser un complement tant dels manuals ja existents, com una ajuda per aquells estudiants ja universitaris que vulguin repassar els seus coneixements previs


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El projecte correspon a la assignatures de 1r curs de Fonaments Físics a l’Enginyeria Mecànica. Els alumnes han de dedicar un total de 16 h distribuïdes al llarg de dues setmanes amb un número aproximat de 8 h/setmana. Les classes expositives del professor corresponen a 2 h/setmana (1 h explicació conceptes i 1 h d’aplicació de conceptes en problemes). Els alumnes han d’assolir els conceptes simultàniament al desenvolupament del projecte. Els grups formats cooperen en el projecte, en el desenvolupament i comprensió dels exercicis i en la resolució de dubtes respecte la matèria relacionada amb el projecte


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El projecte correspon a la assignatures de 1r curs de Fonaments Físics a l’Enginyeria Mecànica. El projecte correspon a un treball de síntesi dels conceptes i les seves aplicacions dels següents temes: 1.Anàlisi dimensional. 2.Camp elèctric: 2.1. Intensitat de camp elèctric. 2.2. Potencial elèctric. 2.3. Característiques elèctriques dels aïllants i conductors. 2.4. Conductors en equilibri electrostàtic. 3.Electrocinètica: 3.1. Resistivitat i resistència. 3.2. Llei d’Ohm


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En aquest document es detalla l’experiència que s’ha portat a terme en l’Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdG. Concretament en l’assignatura de Fonaments Físics per l’enginyeria en l’àmbit de les titulacions de Disseny Industrial i d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial especialitat en Mecànica. L’objectiu general de l’activitat és aportar als alumnes els coneixements bàsics sobre camps elèctrics i teoria de circuits, des dels fonaments conceptuals, passant per l’aplicació dels conceptes en problemes fins a realitzar un esquema del procés, així com la utilització de les noves tecnologies tot aplicant com a tècnica d’aprenentatge basat en problemes: Project Based Learning (APB)


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Aquest manual recull un conjunt de problemes que engloben els principals camps de la física clàsica. El seu enfocament està dirigit a estudis preuniversitaris (batxillerat, cicles formatius de grau superior) i pretén ser un complement tant dels manuals ja existents, com una ajuda per aquells estudiants ja universitaris que vulguin repassar els seus coneixements previs


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Llibre preparat per ser utilitzat com a material de text de Física bàsica, assignatura de lliure elecció de 6 crèdits, del segon quadrimestre dels nous plans d'estudis d' Informàtica Tècnica (especialitats de Sistemes i de Gestió) i d' Enginyeria Tècnica Agrícola (especialitats d' Explotacions Agropecuàries i d' Indústries Agràries i Agroalimentàries) de la Universitat de Girona. L’objectiu estratègic és donar als alumnes, en un sol quadrimestre, la formació necessària per a seguir un curs de primer de física, així com que l’alumne tingui agilitat en la transformació d’unitats, s’habituï a comprovar la raonabilitat dels resultats i sigui capaç de superar la noció que la física és un conjunt de formules inconnexes