959 resultados para Fritz, Mark


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A booklet about soil, soil ecology and soil conservation produced by the Iowa Living Roadway Trust Fund and the Iowa Department of Transportation.


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There appears to be a limited but growing body of research on the sequential analysis/treatment of multiple types of evidence. The development of an integrated forensic approach is necessary to maximise evidence recovery and to ensure that a particular treatment is not detrimental to other types of evidence. This study aims to assess the effect of latent and blood mark enhancement techniques (e.g. fluorescence, ninhydrin, acid violet 17, black iron-oxide powder suspension) on the subsequent detection of saliva. Saliva detection was performed by means of a presumptive test (Phadebas®) in addition to analysis by a rapid stain identification (RSID) kit test and confirmatory DNA testing. Additional variables included a saliva depletion series and a number of different substrates with varying porosities as well as different ageing periods. Examination and photography under white light and fluorescence was carried out prior to and after chemical enhancement All enhancement techniques (except Bluestar® Forensic Magnum luminol) employed in this study resulted in an improved visualisation of the saliva stains, although the inherent fluorescence of saliva was sometimes blocked after chemical treatment. The use of protein stains was, in general, detrimental to the detection of saliva. Positive results were less pronounced after the use of black iron-oxide powder suspension, cyanoacrylate fuming followed by BY40 and ninhydrin when compared to the respective positive controls. The application of Bluestar® Forensic Magnum luminol and black magnetic powder proved to be the least detrimental, with no significant difference between the test results and the positive controls. The use of non-destructive fluorescence examination provided good visualisation; however, only the first few marks in the depletion were observed. Of the samples selected for DNA analysis only depletion 1 samples contained sufficient DNA quantity for further processing using standard methodology. The 28 day delay between sample deposition and collection resulted in a 5-fold reduction in the amount of useable DNA. When sufficient DNA quantities were recovered, enhancement techniques did not have a detrimental effect on the ability to generate DNA profiles. This study aims to contribute to a strategy for maximising evidence recovery and efficiency for the detection of latent marks and saliva. The results demonstrate that most of the enhancement techniques employed in this study were not detrimental to the subsequent detection of saliva by means of presumptive, confirmative and DNA tests.


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Originally published (London, 1675) as Antiquitates apostolicae ... as a continuation of Antiquitates christianae by Jeremy Taylor. Later editions published with numerous variations in title.


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Rezension von: Fritz-Peter Hager/Daniel Tröhler (Hrsg.): Neue Pestalozzi-Studien. Bd. 1: Anna Pestalozzis Tagebuch - Käte Silber: Anna Pestalozzi und der Frauenkreis um Pestalozzi. Bern/Stuttgart: Haupt 1993, 242 S.


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Rezension von: Fritz Bohnsack: Wie Schüler die Schule erleben. Zur Bedeutung der Anerkennung, der Bestätigung und der Akzeptanz von Schwäche. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2013 (285 S.; ISBN 978-3-8474-0049-3)


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Rezension von: Helmut Bremer / Mark Kleemann-Göhring / Christel Teiwes-Kügler / Jana Trumann (Hrsg.): Politische Bildung zwischen Politisierung, Partizipation und politischem Lernen. Beiträge für eine soziologische Perspektive. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa 2013 (341 S.; ISBN 978-3-7799-1589-8)


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Le présent mémoire porte sur la présence de la violence et de la sexualité sur la scène théâtrale québécoise, ainsi que sur l’influence du mouvement britannique In-yer-face sur la dramaturgie québécoise contemporaine. Par l’étude comparative des didascalies des textes ainsi que des mises en scènes de trois productions québécoises – soit Shopping and F**king (texte de Mark Ravenhill traduit par Alexandre Lefebvre, mise en scène de Christian Lapointe), Faire des enfants (texte d’Éric Noël, mise en scène de Gaétan Paré) et En dessous de vos corps je trouverai ce qui est immense et qui ne s’arrête pas (texte et mise en scène de Steve Gagnon) –, ce mémoire explore les diverses manières de représenter la violence et la sexualité sur la scène québécoise actuelle. Ce travail dépasse l’étude textuelle, il présente une réflexion sur le théâtre québécois et les nombreuses contraintes auxquelles les artistes doivent faire face lorsqu’ils veulent présenter un spectacle de théâtre comportant des scènes de violence et de sexualité au Québec.


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This dissertation examines a unique working class in the United States, the men and women who worked on the steamboats from the Industrial Revolution until the demise of steam-powered boats in the mid-20th century. The steamboat was the beginning of a technological system that was developed in America and used in such great numbers that it made the rapid population of the Trans-Appalachian West possible. The steamboat was forever romanticized by images of the antebellum South or the quick wit of Samuel Clemens and his sentimental book, Life on the Mississippi. The imagination swirls with thoughts of boats, bleach white, slowly churning the calm waters of some Spanish moss covered river. The reality of the boats and the experience of those who worked on them has been lost in this nostalgic vision. This research details the history of the western steamboat in the Monongahela Valley, the birthplace of the commercial steamboat industry. The first part of this dissertation examines the literature of authors in the field of labor history and Industrial Archaeology to place this work into the larger context of published literature. The second builds a framework for understanding the various eras that the steamboat went through both in terms of technological change, but also the change the workers experienced as their identity as a working class was being shaped. The third part details the excavations of two steamboat captains houses, those of Captain James Gormley and Captain Michael A. Cox. Both men represented a time in which the steamboat was in an era of transition. Excavations at their homes yield clues to their class status and how integrated they were in the local community. The fourth part of this study documents the oral histories of steamboat workers, both men and women, and their experience on the boats and on the river. Their rapidly declining population of those who lived and worked on the boats gives urgency for their lives to be documented. Finally, this study concludes with a synthesis of how worker identity solidified in the face of technological, socio-economic, and ideological change especially during their push for unionization and the introduction of the diesel towboat.


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Mark Klett focuses his talk about how photography and time interface and how this is illustrated through his photos. Introduction by Dahlia Morgan.


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Le présent mémoire porte sur la présence de la violence et de la sexualité sur la scène théâtrale québécoise, ainsi que sur l’influence du mouvement britannique In-yer-face sur la dramaturgie québécoise contemporaine. Par l’étude comparative des didascalies des textes ainsi que des mises en scènes de trois productions québécoises – soit Shopping and F**king (texte de Mark Ravenhill traduit par Alexandre Lefebvre, mise en scène de Christian Lapointe), Faire des enfants (texte d’Éric Noël, mise en scène de Gaétan Paré) et En dessous de vos corps je trouverai ce qui est immense et qui ne s’arrête pas (texte et mise en scène de Steve Gagnon) –, ce mémoire explore les diverses manières de représenter la violence et la sexualité sur la scène québécoise actuelle. Ce travail dépasse l’étude textuelle, il présente une réflexion sur le théâtre québécois et les nombreuses contraintes auxquelles les artistes doivent faire face lorsqu’ils veulent présenter un spectacle de théâtre comportant des scènes de violence et de sexualité au Québec.


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Specification for technical report, mark scheme. A template for a technical report is found at http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/14581


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Marking criteria for the poster assignment


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