940 resultados para Formal qualifications
In this thesis I examine a variety of linguistic elements which involve ``alternative'' semantic values---a class arguably including focus, interrogatives, indefinites, and disjunctions---and the connections between these elements. This study focusses on the analysis of such elements in Sinhala, with comparison to Malayalam, Tlingit, and Japanese. The central part of the study concerns the proper syntactic and semantic analysis of Q[uestion]-particles (including Sinhala "da", Malayalam "-oo", Japanese "ka"), which, in many languages, appear not only in interrogatives, but also in the formation of indefinites, disjunctions, and relative clauses. This set of contexts is syntactically-heterogeneous, and so syntax does not offer an explanation for the appearance of Q-particles in this particular set of environments. I propose that these contexts can be united in terms of semantics, as all involving some element which denotes a set of ``alternatives''. Both wh-words and disjunctions can be analysed as creating Hamblin-type sets of ``alternatives''. Q-particles can be treated as uniformly denoting variables over choice functions which apply to the aforementioned Hamblin-type sets, thus ``restoring'' the derivation to normal Montagovian semantics. The treatment of Q-particles as uniformly denoting variables over choice functions provides an explanation for why these particles appear in just this set of contexts: they all include an element with Hamblin-type semantics. However, we also find variation in the use of Q-particles; including, in some languages, the appearance of multiple morphologically-distinct Q-particles in different syntactic contexts. Such variation can be handled largely by positing that Q-particles may vary in their formal syntactic feature specifications, determining which syntactic contexts they are licensed in. The unified analysis of Q-particles as denoting variables over choice functions also raises various questions about the proper analysis of interrogatives, indefinites, and disjunctions, including issues concerning the nature of the semantics of wh-words and the syntactic structure of disjunction. As well, I observe that indefinites involving Q-particles have a crosslinguistic tendency to be epistemic indefinites, i.e. indefinites which explicitly signal ignorance of details regarding who or what satisfies the existential claim. I provide an account of such indefinites which draws on the analysis of Q-particles as variables over choice functions. These pragmatic ``signals of ignorance'' (which I argue to be presuppositions) also have a further role to play in determining the distribution of Q-particles in disjunctions. The final section of this study investigates the historical development of focus constructions and Q-particles in Sinhala. This diachronic study allows us not only to observe the origin and development of such elements, but also serves to delimit the range of possible synchronic analyses, thus providing us with further insights into the formal syntactic and semantic properties of Q-particles. This study highlights both the importance of considering various components of the grammar (e.g. syntax, semantics, pragmatics, morphology) and the use of philology in developing plausible formal analyses of complex linguistic phenomena such as the crosslinguistic distribution of Q-particles.
The following paper is an action research made with a group of 6 teenagers aged 11-13 from the city of Cali. The project was carried out at a non-formal education institution and basically describes the process of a teaching intervention in which the concepts of Critical Pedagogy and Task-Based Learning were the protagonists. The results show first, that students really need to feel motivated in order to accept a critical approach; second, that the role of the teacher in the achievement of the objectives is extremely relevant; it is necessary for them to have a critical perspective before working on this field besides the constant seeking of information in order to innovate in their classes; third, that the TBL (Task Based Learning) and the critical pedagogy are processes that need some time in order to bear fruits; and fourth, that a needs analysis is essential for the quality of the intervention.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as questões de Gênero veiculadas a partir do teatro operário na cidade do Rio Grande, que nos anos iniciais do século XX foi um agente educativo relevante na organização do operariado local, e sua relação com a formação da consciência histórica dos sujeitos envolvidos nesta prática cultural. Para tal fim, realizar-se-á a análise da obra dramatúrgica Amor e Ouro (1906), de autoria da militante libertária Agostina Guizzardi, ativa intelectual do movimento operário, bem como de outros escritos desta e de outros militantes do operariado rio-grandino, buscando-se, assim, estabelecer um diálogo entre as muitas vozes que compunham esta prática educativa. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa estabelecerá um diálogo entre História e Literatura, adotando como diretrizes norteadoras os pressupostos da Nova História Cultural, referencial teórico este que alargou o campo de pesquisa histórica, abrindo espaço para a inserção de novos sujeitos e outras fontes, entre elas, o texto literário.
Cette thèse présente une théorie de la fonction formelle et de la structure des phrases dans la musique contemporaine, théorie qui peut être utilisée aussi bien comme outil analytique que pour créer de nouvelles œuvres. Deux concepts théoriques actuels aident à clarifier la structure des phrases : les projections temporelles de Christopher Hasty et la théorie des fonctions formelles de William Caplin, qui inclut le concept de l’organisation formelle soudée versus lâche (tight-knit vs. loose). Les projections temporelles sont perceptibles grâce à l’accent mis sur les paramètres secondaires, comme le style du jeu, l’articulation et le timbre. Des sections avec une organisation formelle soudée ont des projections temporelles claires, qui sont créées par la juxtaposition des motifs distincts, généralement sous la forme d'une idée de base en deux parties. Ces projections organisent la musique en phrases de présentation, en phrases de continuité et finalement, à des moments formels charnières, en phrases cadentielles. Les sections pourvues d’une organisation plus lâche tendent à présenter des projections et mouvements harmoniques moins clairs et moins d’uniformité motivique. La structure des phrases de trois pièces tardives pour instrument soliste de Pierre Boulez est analysée : Anthèmes I pour violon (1991-1992) et deux pièces pour piano, Incises (2001) et une page d’éphéméride (2005). Les idées proposées dans le présent document font suite à une analyse de ces œuvres et ont eu une forte influence sur mes propres compositions, en particulier Lucretia Overture pour orchestre et 4 Impromptus pour flûte, saxophone soprano et piano, qui sont également analysés en détail. Plusieurs techniques de composition supplémentaires peuvent être discernés dans ces deux œuvres, y compris l'utilisation de séquence mélodiques pour contrôler le rythme harmonique; des passages composés de plusieurs couches musicales chacun avec un structure de phrase distinct; et le relâchement de l'organisation formelle de matériels récurrents. Enfin, la composition de plusieurs autres travaux antérieurs a donné lieu à des techniques utilisées dans ces deux œuvres et ils sont brièvement abordés dans la section finale.
A prepayment scheme for health through the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was commenced in Nigeria about ten years ago. Nigeria operates a federal system of government. Sub- national levels possess a high degree of autonomy in a number of sectors including health. It is important to assess the level of coverage of the scheme among the formal sector workers in Nigeria as a proxy to gauge the extent of coverage of the scheme and derive suitable lessons that could be used in its expansion. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive survey carried out among formal sector workers in Ilorin Kwara State, Nigeria. A stratified sampling technique was used to select study participants. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. Data was analysed with the SPSS. Ethical approval to conduct the study was obtained from the Bowen University Teaching Hospital Research Ethics Committee. A total of 370 people participated in the study. Majority, (78.9%) of the respondents were aware of the NHIS, however only 13.5 % paid for health care services through the NHIS. Logistic regression analysis shows that respondents with post-secondary education (OR = 9.032, CI = 2.562 – 31.847, p = 0.001) and in federal civil service (OR = 2.679, CI = 1.036 – 6.929, p = 0.042) were over nine and three times more likely to be aware of the scheme than others. Coverage of the scheme among the respondents was unimpressive. A lot still need to be done to fast-track the expansion of the scheme among this sector of the population.
Background The study upon which this paper is based was undertaken to understand users’ and non-users’ perceptions concerning facilitators and barriers to equitable and universal access to health care in resource-poor countries such as Malawi. In this study, non-users of health services were defined as people who were not in need of health services or those who had stopped using them due to significant barriers. Methods A total of 80 interviews with non-users of health services were conducted in Rumphi, Ntchisi, Phalombe and Blantyre Districts of Malawi. Interviews focused on why informants were not using formal health services at the time of data collection. In order to identify non-users, snowballing was used health surveillance assistants, village headmen and community members also helped. One focus group discussion was also conducted with non-users of health services who were members of the Zion Church. Results Informants described themselves as non-users of health services due to several reasons: cost of health services; long distances to health facilities; poor attitude of health workers; belief in the effectiveness of traditional medicines; old age and their failure to walk. Others were non-users due to their disability; hence they could not walk over long distances or could not communicate effectively with health providers. Some of these non-users were complete non-users, namely members of the Zion Church and those who believed in traditional medicine, and they stated that nothing could be done to transform them into users of health services. Other non-users stated that they could become users if their challenges were addressed e.g. for those who were non-users of health services due to poor attitudes of health workers, they stated that if these health workers were transferred they would be able to access health services. Conclusions Public health education targeting both health workers and non-users, ensuring a functional outreach program and addressing other health system challenges such as shortage of drugs and human resources would assist in transforming non-users into users of health services.
Este artículo se elaboró a partir de la investigación realizada en la comunidad de San Rafael de Alajuela, durante 1995-96. Dicho trabajo fue abordado desde la perspectiva de la sociología- jurídica. La iniciativa de efectuarla surgió de la necesidad de estudiar los procesos sociales en los cuales se rompe con la "normalidad social"y el orden jurídico estatal. Ello para avanzar en la comprensión de dichos fenómenos.
A presença num encontro científico sobre extensão rural, de um trabalho de investigação no âmbito do Ensino Básico poderá, para determinadas pessoas, parecer demasiado forçada, para outras uma surpresa e ainda para alguns, um facto que poderá, eventualmente, ser interessante. De facto, entre o mundo rural e o sistema formal de ensino, as conexões parecem não ter sido muito frequentes. Nem ao nível da escolaridade básica, nem no ensino secundário, sendo, muitas vezes, ligações virtuais ao nível de um ensino superior que, se preocupa, predominantemente com a componente tecnológica desse mundo rural, não prestando, muitas vezes, a devida e justa atenção à componente humana e social dessa realidade.
A presente comunicação apresenta a forma como a Escola Comunitária de São Miguel de Machede tem vindo a consolidar, na realidade de um pequeno território, um modelo de desenvolvimento local e de intervenção social, em que se assume a Educação como elementro matricial em todas as atividades e projetos. Um desenvolvimento centrado na construção, local, participada e crítica, dos conhecimentos e das capacidades necessárias para resolver os problemas das comunidades, recorrendo, em primeiro lugar, aos recursos endógenos, valorizando a diversidade existente e potenciando as qualificações académicas e profissionais, a inovação e a criatividade dos mais jovens e os saberes empíricos e a experiência dos mais adultos e idosos.
A principal infra-estrutura de qualquer comunidade é, na época contemporânea, a educação e formação das pessoas que a constituem. Hoje, mais do que nunca, a competitividade de cada sociedade e de cada pessoa assenta nas respetivas capacidades de aprender. A Educação Comunitária tenta assumir, neste contexto, uma das possíveis respostas que algumas comunidades locais têm procurado face aos desafios resultantes do desenvolvimento de características globalizantes mas, paradoxalmente, assimétrico, em termos geográficos, económicos, sociais e culturais. Procura-se, através de uma intervenção de proximidade, promover o desenvolvimento de competências e atitudes que tornem os habitantes da comunidade mais autónomos, empreendedores e criativos do ponto de vista social, comunitário e pessoal. Na presente comunicação pretende-se, por um lado, caraterizar os pilares do modelo pedagógico da Escola Comunitária de São Miguel de Machede, criada em 1998 e com sede na freguesia rural de São Miguel de Machede e, por outro, descrever, de forma sucinta, as atividades de Educação Não formal e de Empreendedorismo Social. De entre as várias atividades, destaca-se o Circuito da Aldeia, que visa promover o envolvimento da comunidade e o empreendedorismo social tem permitido aos jovens do meio urbano um contacto e uma experiência únicos, com o mundo rural, na sua dimensão mais essencial e genuína, contribuindo, ainda, para a preservação e valorização do património material e imaterial da nossa comunidade, tornando-se num bem transacionável, com elevado potencial gerador de riqueza.
The `Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir - OODC` (Public Concession of Building Rights), instrument instituted by The City Statute in 2001, has as main objective the recovery of urban property, seeking for a fair distribution the urbanization benefits. The possibility of usage of the OODC instrument is linked to the maximum utilization coefficient, determined to specific areas in accordance to existing infrastructure conditions, further taking into account the formal real estate market, expansion axis and crowding. Being an instrument which establishes values to be paid for a better use of land, it maintains a narrow relation to the real estate, incentivizing or discouraging the crowding in specific areas. The present study investigates the relationship between the criteria for the making of the Public Concession of Building Rights instrument and the dynamics of the formal real estate market. It takes as empiric universe Parnamirim (RN), part of the Natal Metropolitan Area (RN), focusing on the application of the OODC in the period of 2008-2010. It seeks to better understand the necessary basis for the formulation of the instrument, about how it works and its relation to the formal real estate market. It aims to depict the formal real estate market by presenting the production of urban space in Parnamirim in terms of intensity and nature of the real estate, furthermore identifying the licensed properties through the application of the municipality instrument. For the conclusion, it is discussed the criteria for the formation of OODC, its relationship to the dynamics of the formal real estate market and its influencing possibilities in the processes of usage and occupation of land in the context of urban planning
Adotando a educação popular, através de modalidades não formais, como raiz didática privilegiada e tendo consciência da responsabilidade social que lhe cabe, no território em que se encontra localizada (a região Alentejo), a Universidade de Évora, através da sua UPTE, pretende contribuir para a formação científica, cultural e técnica dos cidadãos do Alentejo, promovendo a sua participação em dispositivos formativos indutores de estilos de aprendizagem ao longo da vida que estimulem e reforcem o gosto e o prazer de aprender.
El constructivismo ruso se define como una práctica artística que respondió a las demandas sociales y culturales de una nueva sociedad. Se desarrolló como movimiento vanguardista que se propuso realizar un programa de vinculación de la obra artística con la vida, dejando atrás las formas del arte burgués y abriendo nuevas posibilidades a las funciones del arte en las condiciones sociales de la Revolución. El presente trabajo se propone la actualización de ese legado, me-diante apropiaciones irónicas de algunos de sus productos, en relación con las representaciones del heroísmo y el triunfalismo, del héroe y las masas, en los procesos políticos y culturales de la actualidad. En la medida que ese género de lenguaje ha sido utilizado en otros contex-tos, y las formulas constructivistas desbordan su enclave original en otras coor-denadas geopolíticas, este proyecto procura aprovechar las formulaciones ideoestéticas que fueron sustento de las propuestas constructivistas y productivis-tas al respecto de las experimentaciones del fotomontaje, la faktura y la factogra-fia.