1000 resultados para Forest transport
Vol.23, No. 5, pp. 1024-1037, 2007.
El projecte contempla la resolució d’un Centre Operatiu d’Autobusos Metropolitans amb un programa que ha de donar cabuda a un mínim de 300 places d’aparcament de diferents mesures, tallers de manteniment, túnels de neteja, sortidors de repostatge, vestuaris, administració, oficines i serveis generals. L’emplaçament se situa en el barri de Sant Cosme del Prat de Llobregat, en un solar que esdevé la façana d’aquesta població a l’entrada a Barcelona des de l’aeroport. L’entorn el conformen els espais de protecció de les pistes que es perllonguen fins a tocar el Parc Natural del Delta del Llobregat, una zona humida protegida d’àmbit europeu. Al mateix temps, els requeriments del concurs sol•liciten mantenir un 50% de la superfície del solar com a parc urbà. Això comporta abordar la resolució d’un edifici extens, però de 3 alçades i mitja, per tal de poder encabir tot el programa. Tot i així, la proposta integra el gran volum de l’edificació en harmonia compositiva i cromàtica amb el canyissar i manté l’alçària en una cota similar a la dels edificis de l’entorn. L’àrea verda es concentra en la part de la parcel•la que té continuïtat directe amb el pati del nou Esplai del barri, per tal de optimitzar-ne l’ús. Al mateix temps, les àrees de circulació, neteja i manteniment dels autobusos se situen a la part posterior del solar, per fer-les compatibles amb la resta de requeriments funcionals i perquè la volumetria principal doni front a les vies d’entrada a l’àrea metropolitana. La cotxera està continguda en un únic volum lleugerament soterrat, per limitar l’alçària total. La construcció principal, de 120 x 55 x 14,5 metres, es troba configurada per una estructura regular que respecta les mesures i moviments dels autobusos, i per una pell consistent en una gelosia oberta en tres cares, i tancada en l’alçat nord. Aquest tancament es realitza amb prismes verticals de colors similars a la vegetació del entorn, separats harmònicament per tal de dissoldre lleument els contorns del volum. Com a contrapunt a la gran peça principal, es proposa un petit edifici vidriat que indica l’entrada a les oficines i conté les activitats administratives.Les àrees de funcionament es resumeixen en les següents:1. La circulació dels autobusos: el conjunt disposa de tres vies simultànies, una d’accés i dues de sortida, situades en línia amb dos punts de repostatge, aspiració interior i traspàs de dades i recaptacions, aptes per a ser utilitzades per tres vehicles alhora. També es disposen tres túnels de rentat previs a l’entrada a l’interior de la cotxera, amb pas per a tres carrils en by-pass. Es preveu una quarta via especial d’accés i sortida directes al taller, per situacions extraordinàries.2. La circulació dels vehicles de personal: tenen un accés i un recorregut independent al dels autobusos, amb control informatitzat. 3. La entrada peatonal de visites o personal: l’edifici disposa també d’una entrada peatonal que es produeix des de la porta principal, situada en el front del edifici administratiu.4. El edifici principal: consta de diferents nivells. El Nivell 0, a cota –1,3 m. es troba ocupat per la zona d’aparcament de vehicles privats (98 uts), l’aparcament de minibusos (20 uts), el taller d’autobusos (23 uts standard amb ITV, 2 uts articulats, 1 ut pintura articulat, 2 uts reparcions sostres), i l’àrea d’explotació i de dependències per conductors (vestidors, àrea de descans, cafeteria i espais habitables).El Nivell 1, a cota 2,4 m. està ocupat per l’aparcament de 47 autobusos de 13 m. de llarg i per 20 autobusos de 15 m.El Nivell 2, a cota 4,8 m. l’ocupen 22 places d’autobusos de 15 m., 6 places d’articulats i 37 de 13 m.El Nivell 3, a cota 7,2 m. és idèntic al Nivell 1.El Nivell 4, és idèntic al Nivell 2 i permet que la rampa continuï fins a un Nivell 5 de coberta, que excepcionalment pot convertir-se en aparcament descobert de 67 autobusos de més.La proposta contempla amb fermesa criteris de Sostenibilitat. Aquests es centren en primer lloc en la sobrietat del projecte que garanteix una organització clara en quan a circulacions i rendiment del espai i que, per tant, no malbarata més recursos dels necessaris. En segon lloc, s’aprofiten al màxim la llum i la ventilació naturals i, al mateix temps, es genera la pròpia energia per millorar la eficiència. També es resol el re-processament dels residus generats pel complex, es re-aprofiten les aigües utilitzades en els vestuaris i oficines pel rentat dels vehicles, i s’emmagatzemen les aigües pluvials per tal de complementar la generació d’energia i per escalfar amb el sol aigua calenta de neteja. En tercer lloc, es té especial cura en l’impacte ambiental del edifici, procurant adequar-lo a l’estructura urbana tant en alineacions com el alçària. També s’evita la contaminació acústica apantallant el so intern per tal de no enviar-lo a les àrees habitades, s’endrecen els accessos dels autobusos des de la rotonda de la via pública per alterar el mínim el trànsit dels veïns, i es concentra l’àrea verda en la zona on es té més contacte amb l’activitat veïnal comunitària: l’Esplai del barri.
This work is dedicated to investigation of the energy spectrum of one of the most anisotropic narrow-gap semiconductors, CdSb. At the beginning of the present studies even the model of its energy band structure was not clear. Measurements of galvanomagnetic effects in wide temperature range (1.6 - 300 K) and in magnetic fields up to 30 T were chosen for clarifying of the energy spectrum in the intentionally undoped CdSb single crystals and doped with shallow impurities (In, Ag). Detection of the Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations allowed estimating the fundamental energy spectrum parameters. The shapes of the Fermi surfaces of electrons (sphere) and holes (ellipsoid), the number of the equivalent extremums for valence band (2) and their positions in the Brillouin zone were determined for the first time in this work. Also anisotropy coefficients, components of the tensor of effective masses of carriers, effective masses of density of states, nonparabolicity of the conduction and valence bands, g-factor and its anisotropy for n- and p-CdSb were estimated for the first time during these studies. All the results obtained are compared with the cyclotron resonance data and the corresponding theoretical calculations for p-CdSb. This is basic information for the analyses of the complex transport properties of CdSb and for working out the energy spectrum model of the shallow energy levels of defects and impurities in this semiconductor. It was found out existence of different mechanisms of hopping conductivity in the presence of metal - insulator transition induced by magnetic field in n- and p-CdSb. Quite unusual feature opened in CdSb is that different types of hopping conductivity may take place in the same crystal depending on temperature, magnetic field or even orientation of crystal in magnetic field. Transport properties of undoped p-CdSb samples show that the anisotropy of the resistivity in weak and strong magnetic fields is determined completely by the anisotropy of the effective mass of the holes. Temperature and magnetic field dependence of the Hall coefficient and magnetoresistance is attributed to presence of two groups of holes with different concentrations and mobilities. The analysis demonstrates that below Tcr ~ 20 K and down to ~ 6 - 7 K the low-mobile carriers are itinerant holes with energy E2 ≈ 6 meV. The high-mobile carriers, at all temperatures T < Tcr, are holes activated thermally from a deeper acceptor band to itinerant states of a shallower acceptor band with energy E1 ≈ 3 meV. Analysis of temperature dependences of mobilities confirms the existence of the heavy-hole band or a non-equivalent maximum and two equivalent maxima of the light-hole valence band. Galvanomagnetic effects in n-CdSb reveal the existence of two groups of carriers. These are the electrons of a single minimum in isotropic conduction band and the itinerant electrons of the narrow impurity band, having at low temperatures the energies above the bottom of the conduction band. It is found that above this impurity band exists second impurity band of only localized states and the energy of both impurity bands depend on temperature so that they sink into the band gap when temperature is increased. The bands are splitted by the spin, and in strong magnetic fields the energy difference between them decreases and redistribution of the electrons between the two impurity bands takes place. Mobility of the conduction band carriers demonstrates that scattering in n-CdSb at low temperatures is strongly anisotropic. This is because of domination from scattering on the neutral impurity centers and increasing of the contribution to mobility from scattering by acoustic phonons when temperature increases. Metallic conductivity in zero or weak magnetic field is changed to activated conductivity with increasing of magnetic field. This exhibits a metal-insulator transition (MIT) induced by the magnetic field due to shift of the Fermi level from the interval of extended states to that of the localized states of the electron spectrum near the edge of the conduction band. The Mott variablerange hopping conductivity is observed in the low- and high-field intervals on the insulating side of the MIT. The results yield information about the density of states, the localization radius of the resonant impurity band with completely localized states and about the donor band. In high magnetic fields this band is separated from the conduction band and lies below the resonant impurity bands.
Question Can we predict where forest regrowth caused by abandonment of agricultural activities is likely to occur? Can we assess how it may conflict with grassland diversity hotspots? Location Western Swiss Alps (4003210m a.s.l.). Methods We used statistical models to predict the location of land abandonment by farmers that is followed by forest regrowth in semi-natural grasslands of the Western Swiss Alps. Six modelling methods (GAM, GBM, GLM, RF, MDA, MARS) allowing binomial distribution were tested on two successive transitions occurring between three time periods. Models were calibrated using data on land-use change occurring between 1979 and 1992 as response, and environmental, accessibility and socio-economic variables as predictors, and these were validated for their capacity to predict the changes observed from 1992 to 2004. Projected probabilities of land-use change from an ensemble forecast of the six models were combined with a model of plant species richness based on a field inventory, allowing identification of critical grassland areas for the preservation of biodiversity. Results Models calibrated over the first land-use transition period predicted the second transition with reasonable accuracy. Forest regrowth occurs where cultivation costs are high and yield potential is low, i.e. on steeper slopes and at higher elevations. Overlaying species richness with land-use change predictions, we identified priority areas for the management and conservation of biodiversity at intermediate elevations. Conclusions Combining land-use change and biodiversity projections, we propose applied management measures for targeted/identified locations to limit the loss of biodiversity that could otherwise occur through loss of open habitats. The same approach could be applied to other types of land-use changes occurring in other ecosystems.
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Peer reviewed
Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien käyttö on muuttanut metsäteollisuuden kunnossapidon työntekijän toimenkuvaa kunnossapidon perustoiminnoista itseohjautuvampaan tietojen käsittelyyn ja jalostamiseen. Työn tavoitteena oliselvittää mobiilin työtilausjärjestelmän vaikutuksia metsäteollisuuden kunnossapidon kenttätyössä. Mobiilin työtilausjärjestelmän käyttö metsäteollisuuden kunnossapidossa mahdollistaa tärkeän kunnossapitotiedon keräämisen ja tarkentamisen kentällä, jossa se usein on ajanmukaisinta ja tarkinta. Haasteellisinta on oikeanlaisen teknologian löytäminen ja standardoiminen kunnossapidon toimintaympäristöihin. Myös organisaation toimintoprosessien on oltava selkeät ennen kuin prosesseja voidaan tehostaa teknologisin keinoin.
The deposits of two volcanic debris avalanches (VDA I and II) that occur in the upper Maronne valley, northwest sector of Cantal Volcano, France, were studied to establish their mechanisms of formation, transport and deposition. These two volcanic debris avalanches that clearly differ with regard to their structures, textures and extensions, exemplify the wide spectrum of events associated with large-scale sector collapse. VDA I is voluminous (similar to1 km(3) in the upper Maronne valley) and widespread. The deposits comprise two distinct facies: the block facies that forms the intermediate and upper part of the unit and the mixed facies that crops out essentially at the base of the unit. The block facies consists of more or less brecciated lava, block-and-ash-flow breccia and pumice-flow tuff megablocks set in breccias resulting from block disaggregation. Mixing and differential movements are almost absent in this part of the VDA. The mixed facies consists of breccias rich in fine particles that originate from block disagregation, as well as being picked up from the substratum during movement. Mixing and differential movements are predominant in this zone. Analysis of fractures on lava megablocks suggests that shear stress during the initial sliding is the principal cause of fracture. These data strongly indicate that VDA I is purely gravitational and argue for a model in which the initial sliding mass transforms into a flow due to differential in situ fragmentation caused by the shear stress. VDA II is restricted to low-topography areas. Its volume, in the studied area, is about 0.3 km(3). The deposits consist of brecciated, rounded blocks and megablocks set in a fine-grained matrix composed essentially of volcanic glass. This unit is stratified, with a massive layer that contains all the megablocks at the base and in the intermediate part, and in the upper part a normally graded layer that contains only blocks <1 m in size. The different lithologies present are totally mixed. These observations suggest that VDA II may be of the Bezymianny-type and that it underwent a flow transformation from a turbulent to a stratified flow consisting of a basal hyperconcentrated laminar body overlain by a dilute layer. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The main objective of this study was todo a statistical analysis of ecological type from optical satellite data, using Tipping's sparse Bayesian algorithm. This thesis uses "the Relevence Vector Machine" algorithm in ecological classification betweenforestland and wetland. Further this bi-classification technique was used to do classification of many other different species of trees and produces hierarchical classification of entire subclasses given as a target class. Also, we carried out an attempt to use airborne image of same forest area. Combining it with image analysis, using different image processing operation, we tried to extract good features and later used them to perform classification of forestland and wetland.
Determining the biogeographical histories of rainforests is central to our understanding of the present distribution of tropical biodiversity. Ice age fragmentation of central African rainforests strongly influenced species distributions. Elevated areas characterized by higher species richness and endemism have been postulated to be Pleistocene forest refugia. However, it is often difficult to separate the effects of history and of present-day ecological conditions on diversity patterns at the interspecific level. Intraspecific genetic variation could yield new insights into history, because refugia hypotheses predict patterns not expected on the basis of contemporary environmental dynamics. Here, we test geographically explicit hypotheses of vicariance associated with the presence of putative refugia and provide clues about their location. We intensively sampled populations of Aucoumea klaineana, a forest tree sensitive to forest fragmentation, throughout its geographical range. Characterizing variation at 10 nuclear microsatellite loci, we were able to obtain phylogeographic data of unprecedented detail for this region. Using Bayesian clustering approaches, we demonstrated the presence of four differentiated genetic units. Their distribution matched that of forest refugia postulated from patterns of species richness and endemism. Our data also show differences in diversity dynamics at leading and trailing edges of the species' shifting distribution. Our results confirm predictions based on refugia hypotheses and cannot be explained on the basis of present-day ecological conditions.
Spain’s transport infrastructure policy has become a paradigmatic case of oversupply and of mismatch with demand. The massive expansion of the country’s transport infrastructure over the last decade has not been a response to demand bottlenecks or previously identified needs. For this reason, the intensity of use today on all interurban modes of transport in Spain falls well below that of other EU countries. This paper analyzes the institutional and regulatory factors that have permitted this policy, allowing us to draw lessons from the Spanish case that should help other countries avoid the pitfalls and shortcomings of Spanish policy.
Spain’s transport infrastructure policy has become a paradigmatic case of oversupply and of mismatch with demand. The massive expansion of the country’s transport infrastructure over the last decade has not been a response to demand bottlenecks or previously identified needs. For this reason, the intensity of use today on all interurban modes of transport in Spain falls well below that of other EU countries. This paper analyzes the institutional and regulatory factors that have permitted this policy, allowing us to draw lessons from the Spanish case that should help other countries avoid the pitfalls and shortcomings of Spanish policy.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ennakoida liiketoimintaprosessien sähköistymisen kehittymistä käyttämällä skenaariomenetelmää, yhtä laajimmin käytetyistä tulevaisuuden tutkimisen menetelmistä. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat erityisesti tulevaisuuden e-business -ratkaisut metsäteollisuudessa. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään skenaariomenetelmän ominaisuuksia, skenaariosuunnittelun periaatteita sekä menetelmän sopivuutta teknologian ja toimialan muutosten tarkasteluun. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa selvitetään teknologian muutoksen vaikutusta toimialojen kehitykseen. Todettiin, että teknologisella muutoksella on vahva vaikutus toimialojen muutoksiin, ja että jokainen toimiala seuraa tietynlaista kehitystrajektoria. Yritysten tulee olla tietoisia teknologisen muutoksen nopeudesta ja suunnasta, ja seurata toimialansa kehityksen sääntöjä. Metsäteollisuudessa muutosten radikaali luonne sekä ICT-teknologian nopea kehitys asettavat haasteita liiketoimintaprosessien sähköistämisen kentässä. Empiriaosuudessa luotiin kolme erilaista skenaariota e-busineksen tulevaisuudesta metsäteollisuudessa. Skenaariot perustuvat pääosin aiheen asiantuntijoiden tämän hetkisiin näkemyksiin, joita koottiin skenaariotyöpajassa. Skenaarioiden muodostamisessa yhdistettiin kvalitatiivisia ja kvantitatiivisia elementtejä. Muodostetut kolme skenaariota osoittavat, että e-busineksen vaikutukset tulevaisuudessa nähdään pääosin positiivisina, ja että yritysten tulee kehittyä aktiivisesti ja joustavasti pystyäkseen hyödyntämään sähköisiä ratkaisuja tehokkaasti liiketoiminnassaan.
Suomalainen metsäteollisuus on muutoksen partaalla. Uutisissa on nähty miten metsäyrityksen sulkevat tehtaita ja paperikoneita. Suomalaisessa metsäteollisuudessa keskitytään tällä hetkellä lähinnä kulujen alentamiseen ja tuottavuuden parantamiseen. Edellytyssille, että suomalainen metsäteollisuus pysyy kilpailukykyisenä, ovat kuitenkinuudet innovaatiot ja toimialojen välinen yhteistyö. Työn tavoitteena oli luoda toimintamalli UPM-Kymmene Oyj:lle, minkä avulla ydinliiketoimintaan kuulumattomat tuote- ja palveluideat saataisiin hyödynnettyä. Aihe on erittäin ajankohtainen, mikäli halutaan pitää tuotanto jatkossakin Suomessa. Luotumalli painottaa pk-sektorin roolia ja potentiaalia kehittää UPM-Kymmeneltä peräisin olevia ja heidän ydinliiketointaan kuulumattomista tuote ja palveluideoistauusia yrityksiä, tuotteita ja palveluita. Malli edustaa uudenlaista ajattelutapaa ja sen käyttöönotto vaatii perinteisen yrityskulttuurin uudistamista UPM-Kymmenessä.
Despite large changes in salt intake, the mammalian kidney is able to maintain the extracellular sodium concentration and osmolarity within very narrow margins, thereby controlling blood volume and blood pressure. In the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), aldosterone tightly controls the activities of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and Na,K-ATPase, the two limiting factors in establishing transepithelial sodium transport. It has been proposed that the ENaC/degenerin gene family is restricted to Metazoans, whereas the α- and β-subunits of Na,K-ATPase have homologous genes in prokaryotes. This raises the question of the emergence of osmolarity control. By exploring recent genomic data of diverse organisms, we found that: 1) ENaC/degenerin exists in all of the Metazoans screened, including nonbilaterians and, by extension, was already present in ancestors of Metazoa; 2) ENaC/degenerin is also present in Naegleria gruberi, an eukaryotic microbe, consistent with either a vertical inheritance from the last common ancestor of Eukaryotes or a lateral transfer between Naegleria and Metazoan ancestors; and 3) The Na,K-ATPase β-subunit is restricted to Holozoa, the taxon that includes animals and their closest single-cell relatives. Since the β-subunit of Na,K-ATPase plays a key role in targeting the α-subunit to the plasma membrane and has an additional function in the formation of cell junctions, we propose that the emergence of Na,K-ATPase, together with ENaC/degenerin, is linked to the development of multicellularity in the Metazoan kingdom. The establishment of multicellularity and the associated extracellular compartment ("internal milieu") precedes the emergence of other key elements of the aldosterone signaling pathway.