1000 resultados para Enrique Bolanos


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Regional disparities in unemployment rates are large and persistent. The literature provides evidence of their magnitude and evolution, as well as evidence of the role of certain economic, demographic and environmental factors in explaining the gap between regions of low and high unemployment. Most of these studies, however, adopt an aggregate approach and so do not account for the individual characteristics of the unemployed and employed in each region. This paper, by drawing on micro-data from the Spanish wave of the Labour Force Survey, seeks to remedy this shortcoming by analysing regional differentials in unemployment rates. An appropriate decomposition of the regional gap in the average probability of being unemployed enables us to distinguish between the contribution of differences in the regional distribution of individual characteristics from that attributable to a different impact of these characteristics on the probability of unemployment. Our results suggest that the well-documented disparities in regional unemployment are not just the result of regional heterogeneity in the distribution of individual characteristics. Non-negligible differences in the probability of unemployment remain after controlling for this type of heterogeneity, as a result of differences across regions in the impact of the observed characteristics. Among the factors considered in our analysis, regional differences in the endowment and impact of an individual’s education are shown to play a major role.


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Tras unha presentación da Base de datos sobre refranes del calendario y meteorológicos en la Romania (BADARE) e do progresivo baleirado nela de diversos atlas lingüísticos da Romania, preséntanse tres mostras da variación diatópica deste tipo de refráns no espazo iberorromance: (1) coa implicación do arco da vella, (2) dos roibéns e (3) das imaxes de ceo ovellado e afíns. Cómpre destacar o grande interese dos materiais contidos nos atlas románicos, que se poden complementar cos doutras obras vinculadas á lingua e ao territorio: repertorios paremiográficos, monografías dialectais, achegas diversas. Aínda que non parece factible un grande atlas paremiolóxico romance nin sequera de segunda xeración, pois os refráns (meteorolóxicos o de outros tipos) son nos atlas de primeira xeración unha propina ocasional, coidamos que mediante a base de datos BADARE se poden administrar eses materiais de xeito que faciliten o estudo da paremioloxía románica ligada ao territorio.


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Este artigo reúne refráns románicos que aconsellan cómo abrigarse nas diferentes estacións do ano. Distribuídos por meses (e corentenas), datas (fixas e móbiles) e outros espazos de tempo, constitúen unha mostra da cultura popular compartida no conxunto da Romania europea. Coma noutros tipos de paremias, cabe destaca-lo papel da rima e a atracción recíproca de certos tipos léxicos (coma saio e maio)


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Los últimos acontecimientos en materia de salud, como la aparición del SARS (síndrome agudo respiratorio severo) y el aumento de las infecciones nosocomiales han vuelto a poner en debate la importancia de que se apliquen las precauciones estándar por parte de todo el personal sanitario. Si bien las precauciones estándar están protocolizadas en la mayoría de los centros de salud de nuestro país, existe una gran confusión y desconocimiento al respecto


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Los últimos acontecimientos en materia de salud, como la aparición del SARS (síndrome agudo respiratorio severo) y el aumento de las infecciones nosocomiales han vuelto a poner en debate la importancia de que se apliquen las precauciones estándar por parte de todo el personal sanitario. Si bien las precauciones estándar están protocolizadas en la mayoría de los centros de salud de nuestro país, existe una gran confusión y desconocimiento al respecto


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Cancer treatment involves the participation of multiple medical specialties and, as our knowledge of the disease increases, this fact becomes even more apparent. The degree of multidisciplinarity is determined by several factors, which include the severity and type of disease, the increasing diversity in the available pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, and the range of specialists involved in cancer therapy, such as medical oncologists, radiotherapists, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, urologists, surgeons, and pneumologists, among others. Across Europe, the situation of cancer care can be variable due to the diversity of health systems, differences in drug reimbursement, and the degree of establishment of Medical Oncology as a medical specialty in the European Union states.


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El análisis de la prueba electrónica en nuestro ordenamiento debe de tener en cuenta que dicha fuente de prueba ha sido introducida a partir de la LEC 1/2000, aun cuando la misma ya venía siendo atendida y considerada por nuestra jurisprudencia, así para el caso del fax.Uno de los problemas que nos encontramos es dilucidar el cómo accede al proceso ya sea penal o civil o bien de otras jurisdicciones, y ello no sólo por cuestiones de "logística", sino por razones procesales ya que en muchos casos los tribunales son reacios a que se aporten los soportes informáticos, y tienden más a que el propio contenido de la prueba electrónica se aporte mediante los medios de prueba tradicionales.El objeto del presente trabajo es dar unas pautas al profesional del derecho para que sepa qué caminos puede usar para que la prueba electrónica acceda al proceso con plenas garantías, y gozando de la seguridad jurídico-procesal ante una impugnación de la adversa.


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Monomers allowing for the introduction of [2,5-dimethylfuran]-protected maleimides into polyamides such as peptides, peptide nucleic acids, and peptoids were prepared, as well as the corresponding oligomers. Suitable maleimide deprotection conditions were established in each case. The stability of the adducts generated by Michael-type maleimide-thiol reaction and Diels-Alder cycloaddition to maleimide deprotection conditions was exploited to prepare a variety of conjugates from peptide and PNA scaffolds incorporating one free and one protected maleimide. The target molecules were synthesized by using two subsequent maleimide-involving click reactions separated by a maleimide deprotection step. Carrying out maleimide deprotection and conjugation simultaneously gave better results than performing the two reactions subsequently.


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Cyclic peptide architectures can be easily synthesized from cysteine-containing peptides with appending maleimides, free or protected, through an intramolecular Michael-type reaction. After peptide assembly, the peptide can cyclize either during the trifluoroacetic acid treatment, if the maleimide is not protected, or upon deprotection of the maleimide. The combination of free and protected maleimide moieties and two orthogonally protected cysteines gives access to structurally different bicyclic peptides with isolated or fused cycles.


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A novel method to synthesize cyclic oligonucleotides (5- to 26-mer) using the thiol-maleimide reaction is described. The target molecules were obtained after subsequent removal of thiol and maleimide protecting groups from 5′-maleimido-3′-thiol-derivatized linear precursors. Retro-Diels-Alder conditions deprotecting the maleimide simultaneously promoted cyclization cleanly and in high yield.


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The profound crisis that has affected the Spanish economy since mid - 2008 has been characterized by significant job losses and a marked rise in the country´s unemployment rate. However, unemployment has had a differential impact on different population groups. Compared to native, immigrant workers have experienced higher rates of job loss. Against this backdrop, this paper examines the differences between immigrants and natives (distinguished by gender) in terms of their probability of suffering job loss in the downturn of late 2008 and 2009. Our results indicate that the higher rate of job loss among female immigrant workers can be fully explained by their lower endowment of human capital. By contrast, human capital endowment and over-representation in certain occupations, sectors and regions in which the crisis had greatest impact do not appear to be the only reason for the penalty suffered by immigrant males in terms of their chances of losing their job in the downturn.


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The presence of e-portfolios in educational centres, companies and administrations has emergedstrongly during the last years by creating very different practices coming from different objectives and purposes. This situation has led researchers and practitioners to design and implement e-portfolios with little reference to previous knowledge of them; consequently, developments are disparate with many of the processes and dimensions used both in development and use being unnecessary complex. In order to minimize the inconveniences, unify these developmental processes and improve the resultsof implementation and use of e-portfolios, it seemed necessary to create a network of researchers, teachers and trainers coming from different universities and institutions of different kinds who are interested in the investigation and the practice of e-portfolios in Spain. Therefore, The Network on e-portfoliowas created in 2006, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and led by the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya. Besides the goals associatedwith the creation of this network and which wewanted to share with other European researchers and experts of other continents, we will also present in this paper some data concerned with the first study carried out on the use of e-portfolios in our country that shows where we are and which trends are the most important for the near future.


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Peer Reviewed


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Regional differences in real wages have been shown to be both large and persistent in the U.S. and the U.K., as well as in the economies of other countries. Empirical evidence suggests that wage differentials adjusted for the cost of living cannot only be explained by the unequal spatial distribution of characteristics determining earnings. Rather, average wage gap decomposition reveals the important contribution made by regional heterogeneity in the price assigned to these characteristics. This paper proposes a method for assessing regional disparities in the entire wage distribution and for decomposing the effect of differences across regions in the endowments and prices of the characteristics. The hypothesis forwarded is that the results from previous studies obtained by comparing average regional wages may be partial and nonrobust. Empirical evidence from a matched employer-employee dataset for Spain confirms marked differences in wage distributions between regions, which do not result from worker and firm characteristics but from the increasing role of regional differences in the return to human capital.