997 resultados para Digitization Copyright, Legislation, International Conventions, Costa Rica
En un mundo en que se habla de la necesidad de una compresión mutua entre diferentes culturas y en una sociedad que evoluciona vertiginosamente en todos los campos del saber, es necesario que reflexionemos aquí y ahora lo que significa nuestro quehacer como docentes de literatura. En los últimos años, los investigadores han señalado claramente las deficiencias de los programas, a la vez que han hecho valiosas propuestas al respecto.
En el siguiente artículo se analiza el tiempo requerido para graduarse como bachiller universitario, así como su relación con predictores socio demográficos y de aptitud académica. Se realizó un seguimiento hasta el año 2010 para la población estudiantil que ingresó entre los años 2000 y 2003 a la Universidad de Costa Rica. Al realizar comparaciones entre las curvas de sobrevivencia, mediante el estimador Kaplan-Meier, se encontró una probabilidad mayor de graduarse tempranamente en las mujeres y en aquellos(as) estudiantes que cursaron sus estudios fuera de la capital del país. Adicionalmente se construyeron modelos de regresión de Cox, encontrándose asociaciones entre el tiempo de graduación y el tipo de colegio de procedencia, la puntuación de una prueba de aptitud académica y la tenencia de beca socioeconómica. Los resultados apuntan a que altos niveles de aptitud académica están relacionados con menores tiempos de duración de la carrera. Por otra parte, el nivel socioeconómico no parece ser determinante en los tiempos de graduación, lo cual se explica porque probablemente la tenencia de beca mitiga el efecto de dicho factor
Ponencias del X Congreso de Filología, Lingüística y Literatura, "Álvaro Quesada Soto", celebrado el 8, 9 y 10 de octubre del 2003 en la Universidad Nacional (Heredia, Costa Rica)
A experiência na construção da governança ambiental em torno do Parque Nacional Tortuguero na Costa Rica é a questão principal deste artigo. A mesma será analisada a partir da implementação do Conselho Local de Tortuguero/Setor Oeste e das articulações de atores do Setor Costeiro, notadamente, onde há incidência maior de turismo. Estruturou-se este artigo com base em pesquisas qualitativas, a exemplo de coleta de informações da bibliografia especializada, de dados documentais, legais e também via entrevistas. Por meio de tais movimentos, identificou-se uma série de ações relacionadas à conservação do meio ambiente e do turismo, dentro de uma perspectiva sustentável. Entretanto, em que pese os avanços alcançados, constata-se ainda a necessidade de se empreender mais esforços por parte de todos os envolvidos, sobretudo do Estado e na sua interação com os demais atores, pois persistem problemas diversos que são, historicamente, são insustentáveis a pensar-se em manejo do meio ambiente.
Ofrece una visión panorámica de varios aspectos centrales del desarrollo ideológico, cultural y literario de Costa Rica. Recoge una serie de ensayos en los cuales se estudia la formación de un modelo de nación y nacionalidad desde la temporada de afirmación de la república a mediados del siglo pasado hasta las últimas décadas.
A Central American regional workshop on the SSF Guidelines, held in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, in December 2015 sought commitment to take forward the Guidelines in a binding manner.
Trabajo presentado en las Jornadas mistralianas Gabriela, escritora y educadora internacional, organizadas por el Colegio de Profesores de Chile (Santiago, Chile, Centro Cultural de España, 16 noviembre de 2005).
One way to do a bibliometric study is to examine each of the records that make up a database, each record and extract key areas that may disclose relevant information about the use of the database and documents in the collection . This article shows how a reference database allows to obtain important data that can reach conclusions that in some cases surprising. For this study we used the following fields of Database Control Documentary Indigenous Nationalities of Costa Rica 1979-2003: author, place of publication, publisher, year, language and support. The database analyzed has two thousand records and was developed in the Winisis. Moreover, analysis of documents was made after processing of the data, which was to export records to Excel software Winisis. After this information extracted from their chosen fields and are held by their respective separate chart or graph to present the results obtained. Furthermore, we show the application of different methods to learn more about the scientific aspects as: the Price Index, the Index of Collaboration This contribution will, first, for (as) students in the course of the race Metric Studies of Library and Information Science, National University, demonstrate and practice what you learned in this area. They may also benefit the (as) professionals from different areas, such as anthropologists (as), sociologists (as), linguists and librarians (as), among others (as).
The Final Graduation submitted to qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Library and Information Science, with the title: Old National Bibliographical Books from 1830 to 1900 for the National Library of Costa Rica "Miguel Obregon Lizano," has raised the following objectives general: Identify, create a computerized catalog and investigate policies of conservation, preservation and loan in order to facilitate access and information retrieval, and dissemination of books published between 1830 to 1900 by a CDROM.According to the above objectives are to identify, select and separate, and integrate the National Bibliographical Old Books from 1830 to 1900, under investigation, determined in accordance with this study, a pioneer in the creation of bibliographic old in the National Library of Costa Rica "Miguel Obregon Lizano," a valuable amount of documents, which are not always available to (as) students (as), for lack of disclosure or because they are not represented in catalogs, consistent with recent technology dictates.According to research, it is considered that there is a lack of old collections, and therefore, the concept, organization and creation of such funds, reason leads them to testify that this would be one of the first forays into this subject, and thus, a great contribution to the National Library and for the field of librarianship and the country at large, as it has managed to create a source of access to information for the service (as) users (as): researchers (as), historians (as), anthropologists (as), and the community at large. Therefore, the fundamental purpose of this study the unquestionable usefulness of Old National Bibliographical Books for (as) users (as) researchers (as) of the National Library.
Constantly making efforts to strengthen reading habits in children from their earliest years of life, a process in which the family is established as the primary basis for the child to achieve the taste and interest in books. The school as being key to education supports and strengthens the skills taught in the home, with the help of technologies such as computers, disk reading, television, among other means, by which (as) children (as) found a door of communication with the outside world and everything around them. The children's library tends to use these technological means to attract children to reading, generating and taste for the various information resources, which over time will become a habit.This research is based on the "Contribution of the Library Miriam Alvarez Brenes and family in the formation of reading habits of children of the community of Garden I and II University in Heredia, through advocacy, in 2007 "
This project is a diagnosis of update needs and training for professionals in bibliotecology and its results will be used for the design of a Program of Permanent training in bibliotecology, which will be implemented in Bibliotecology School, Documentation and Information of the National University.The studied population is composed by all the teachers of Bibliotecology School, Documentation and Information of the National University, in October, 2007, and all the graduated students of licentiate of the EBDI from 2000 to 2007.The results of this investigation were obtained by means of a questionnaire that was filled by each one of the members of these two populations, who corresponded to 25 teachers of the EBDI and 18 graduates of licentiate. This one also presents the information that was obtained in interviews realized to the managers of the principal institutions who are professionals contracted in bibliotecology.The results obtained of this diagnosis will allow the elaboration of the Program of Permanent training in bibliotecology, considering the formative needs of the professionals in bibliotecology of the EBDI. This project includes the following products:a) Description of the social and demographic characteristics of teachers and of graduated of licentiate of the EBDI.b) Diagnosis of needs to update and training of bibliotecology professional teachers and of graduated of licentiate of the EBDI.c) Determination of the knowledge and skills that the needs to satisfy what big employers ask for.d) Recommendations for the program. Implementation.
Este documento describe el proceso que se llevó a cabo para conocer las necesidades de información de los(as) usuarios(as) reales y potenciales de las comunidades Jardines Universitarios 1 y Jardines Universitarios 2 que atiende la Biblioteca Infantil “Miriam Álvarez Brenes” de la Universidad Nacional. Además presenta las conclusiones y recomendaciones generadas por el estudio de usuarios(as), así como la caracterización actualizada de las comunidades meta contempladas en el estudio.