952 resultados para Develop


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Within a country-size asymmetric monetary union, idiosyncratic shocks and national fiscal stabilization policies cause asymmetric cross-border effects. These effects are a source of strategic interactions between noncoordinated fiscal and monetary policies: on the one hand, due to larger externalities imposed on the union, large countries face less incentives to develop free-riding fiscal policies; on the other hand, a larger strategic position vis-à-vis the central bank incentives the use of fiscal policy to, deliberately, influence monetary policy. Additionally, the existence of non-distortionary government financing may also shape policy interactions. As a result, optimal policy regimes may diverge not only across the union members, but also between the latter and the monetary union. In a two-country micro-founded New-Keynesian model for a monetary union, we consider two fiscal policy scenarios: (i) lump-sum taxes are raised to fully finance the government budget and (ii) lump-sum taxes do not ensure balanced budgets in each period; therefore, fiscal and monetary policies are expected to impinge on debt sustainability. For several degrees of country-size asymmetry, we compute optimal discretionary and dynamic non-cooperative policy games and compare their stabilization performance using a union-wide welfare measure. We also assess whether these outcomes could be improved, for the monetary union, through institutional policy arrangements. We find that, in the presence of government indebtedness, monetary policy optimally deviates from macroeconomic to debt stabilization. We also find that policy cooperation is always welfare increasing for the monetary union as a whole; however, indebted large countries may strongly oppose to this arrangement in favour of fiscal leadership. In this case, delegation of monetary policy to a conservative central bank proves to be fruitful to improve the union’s welfare.


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This article describes the main research results in a new methodology, in which the stages and strategies of the technology integration process are identified and described. A set of principles and recommendations are therefore presented. The MIPO model described in this paper is a result of the effort made regarding the understanding of the main success features of good practices, in the web environment, integrated in the information systems/information technology context. The initial model has been created, based on experiences and literature review. After that, it was tested in the information and technology system units at higher school and also adapted as a result of four cycles of an actionresearch work combined with a case study research. The information, concepts and procedures presented here give support to teachers and instructors, instructional designers and planning teams – anyone who wants to develop effective b‐learning instructions.


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O presente relatório diz respeito a um estágio de natureza profissional realizado com o objectivo de constituir Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil no perfil de Edificações, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. O estágio subordinado ao tema “Prestação de serviços de Assessoria, Fiscalização e Coordenação de Segurança da Obra de REABILITAÇÃO DAS COBERTURAS, ACESSIBILIDADES E SEGURANÇA DA ANTIGA ESCOLA VEIGA BEIRÃO – PALÁCIO VALADARES, EM LISBOA”, decorreu na Pengest – Planeamento, Engenharia e Gestão, S.A., empresa vocacionada para a prestação de serviços de Assessoria, Gestão, Coordenação e Fiscalização de Obras, sector no qual possui vasta e diversificada experiência, e reconhecidos mérito e competência. O objectivo da empreitada é o de recuperação deste imóvel, intervenção necessária à instalação no local da Exposição “República e Ensino” enquadrada no âmbito das Comemorações do Centenário da República. A empreitada foi adjudicada ao Empreiteiro Teixeira Duarte, S.A, pelo valor de €998.072,76. O prazo é de 4,5 meses prevendo-se a conclusão para 18 de Março de 2010. Embora a proposta de estágio tenha decorrido no início de 2010, no âmbito do tema que viria a ser proposto e de forma a integrar a Estagiária numa empresa em pleno funcionamento, o estágio teve início aquando do início da empreitada, em Novembro de 2009. Exceptuando os trabalhos de montagem da grua-torre e dos andaimes para a cobertura provisória, que decorreram antes da consignação, foi acompanhado todo o processo de Fiscalização. A Estagiária participou na análise do Plano de Trabalhos, nas vistorias às fracções autónomas e edifícios adjacentes, nas visitas à obra e na elaboração de relatórios mensais. Acompanhou os procedimentos da Pengest no Controlo do Planeamento, da Qualidade e Financeiro. Em relação à Coordenação de Segurança em obra, por ser um tema tão vasto e específico, teve acesso aos relatórios, não tendo efectivamente participado nas actividades desenvolvidas sobre esta matéria. Sob a co-orientação da Eng.ª Isabel Vicente, responsável da Fiscalização e orientação do Eng.º José Pedro Fernandes do ISEL, a estagiária desenvolveu este estágio de forma proveitosa, sempre com o auxílio de uma equipa experiente em Gestão e Fiscalização.


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Despite a massive expansion of education in Portugal, since the 1970’s, educational attainment of the adult population in the country remains low. The numbers of working-age people in some form of continuing education are among the lowest, according to the OECD and EU-27 statistics. Technological Schools(TS), initially created in the 1990’s, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Economy in partnership with industry and industrial associations, aimed to prepare qualified staff for industries and services in the country, particularly in the engineering sector, through the provision of post secondary non-university programmes of studies, the CET (Technological Specialization Courses). Successful CET students are awarded a DET(Diploma of Technological Specialization), which corresponds to Vocational Qualification level IV of the EU, according to the latest alteration (2005) of the Education Systems Act (introduced in 1986). In this, CET’s are also clearly defined as one of the routes for access to Higher Education (HE), in Portugal. The PRILHE (Promoting Reflective and Independent Learning in Higher Education) multinational project, funded by the European Socrates Grundtvig Programme, aimed to identify the learning processes which enable adult students in higher education to become autonomous reflective learners and search best practices to support these learning processes. During this research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to determine how students organise their studies and develop their learning skills. The Portuguese partner in the project’ consortium used a two case studies approach, one with students of Higher Education Institutions and other with students of TS. This paper only applies to students of TS, as these have a predominant bias towards engineering. Results show that student motivation and professional teaching support contribute equally to the development of an autonomous and reflective approach to learning in adult students; this is essential for success in a knowledge economy, where lifelong learning is the key to continuous employment.


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Mestrado em Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.


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Paper to be presented at the ESREA Conference Learning to Change? The Role of Identity and Learning Careers in Adult Education, 7-8 December, 2006, Université Catholique Louvain, Louvain–la-Neuve, Belgium


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Versão editor: http://www.isegi.unl.pt/docentes/acorreia/documentos/European_Challenge_KM_Innovation_2004.pdf


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One of the main concerns of today’s organizations is to cope with the rapid pace of change while maintaining their competitive advantage. This means that firms must be innovative, create new knowledge and have new ideas constantly. Similarly, one of the main concerns of lecturers is to help students to develop creativity. According to some authors, new ideas, new thoughts, innovation can arise in an appropriate environment and with the development and train of adequate competences and skills. This means that although some persons were born more creative than others, it is possible to help those less creative to improve their innovative capacities and competences. The question that remains now is “how”. How can we, as lecturers and educators help our students to become more creative? In this paper we describe a Portuguese case study that took place at ISCAP (School of Accountancy and Administration of Porto – Portugal), in the course of Business Communication, in the unit “Marketing Communication” (3rd year (1st Bologna cycle), 1st semester). We will describe and characterize the situation at the beginning of the semester (situation A), explain the tasks and activities proposed to students and the final result (situation A2). We will discuss differences between situation A and A2, formulate some hypotheses concerning differences and draw some recommendations.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Gestão e Administração dos Serviços de Saúde.


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Translator’s training and assessment has used more and more tools and innovative strategies over the years. The goals and results to achieve haven’t changed much, however: translation quality. In order to accomplish it, the translator and all the tasks and processes he develops appear as crucial, being pre-translation and post-translation processes equally important as the translation itself, namely as far as autonomy, reflexive and critical skills are concerned. Finally, the need and relevance of collaborative tasks and networks amongst virtual translation communities, led us to the decision of implementing ePortfolios as a tool to develop the requested skills and extend the use of Internet in translation. In this paper we describe a case-study of a pilot experiment on the using of e-portfolios as a translation training tool and discuss their role in the definition of a clear set of objectives and phases for the completion of each task, by helping students in the management of the projects deadlines, improving their knowledge on the construction and management of translation resources and deepening their awareness about the concepts related to the development of eportfolios.


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The aim of this article is to present a Project in the Oporto’s Institute of Accounting and Administration, which pretends to contribute for a change in the way of teaching and learning Mathematics. One of the main objectives of this project is to innovate the teaching and learning processes, exploring technologies as a pedagogical resource and to induce higher motivation to students, improve the rate of success and make available to students a set of materials adapted to their needs. This concern is justified due to the fact that students have a weak preparation, without consolidated basis. Since the year 2007/2008 the courses were adjusted to the Bologna process, which requires several changes in teacher’s and student’s roles, methodologies and assessment. The number of weekly classes has been reduced, so it was necessary to develop new strategies and methodologies to support the student. With the implementation of the Bologna Process in the Accounting degree, we felt a great need to provide other types of activities to students. To complement our theoretical and practical classes we have developed a project called MatActiva based on the Moodle platform offered by PAOL - Projecto de Apoio On-Line (Online Support Project). Moodle allows us to use the language TEX to create materials that use mathematical symbols. Using this functionality, we created a set of easy to use interactive resources. In MatActiva project, the students have access to a variety of different materials. We have followed a strategy that makes the project compatible with the theoretical and practical subjects/classes, complementing them. To do so, we created some resources, for instance multiple-choice tests, which are the most accessed by the students. These tests can be realized and corrected on-line and for each wrong answer there is a feedback with the resolution. We can find other types of resources: diagnostic tests, theoretical notes. There are not only the pre-requirements for subjects mathematics, but also materials to help students follow up the programs. We also developed several lessons. This activity consists of a number of pages, where each page has contents and leads to other pages, based on the student's progress. The teacher creates the choices and determines the next page that the student will see, based upon their knowledge. There is also an area of doubts, where the students can place all the mathematical doubts they have, and a teacher gives the answers or clues to help them in their work. MatActiva also offers an area where we can find some humour, curiosities, contests and games including mathematical contents to test the math skills, as well as links to pages about mathematical contents that could be useful for the study. Since ISCAP receives ERASMUS students and some of them attend mathematics, we developed some materials in English, so they can also use MatActiva. The main objectives of our project are not only to bring success in the subjects of mathematics, but also to motivate the students, encourage them to overcome theirs difficulties through an auto-study giving them more confidence and improve their relationship with the mathematics as well as the communication between students and teachers and among students.


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Na sua origem o Projecto de Apoio OnLine do ISCAP (PAOL) tinha como principal fonte impulsionadora a necessidade emergente de desenvolver soluções sustentadas de integração das tecnologias como apoio às aulas presenciais ministradas na instituição. Este elemento impulsionador ainda hoje se mantém como uma das principais alavancas, agora alargada transversalmente nas áreas de conhecimento da instituição e na inclusão das competências didáctico-pedagógicas. Com o desenvolvimento do projecto, ganharam importância crescente as fontes próprias de criação de conhecimento e de soluções técnicas, capazes de responder aos anseios da comunidade escolar. Este artigo pretende enquadrar e explicitar, através da mostra de casos práticos e de uma análise dos resultados de uso da plataforma Moodle, o percurso seguido pelo projecto, a estratégia adoptada e as acções implementadas. Abstract Initially ISCAP’s Online Support Project (PAOL), was instigated by the emergent necessity to develop sustainable solutions in order to integrate technologies as a means to support the institution’s traditional in-class lessons. This propulsive element, still valid today as one of the main levers, has now transversally extended into the various knowledge areas within the institution and the inclusion of pedagogic-didactical competences. With the development of the project, the institution’s own sources of knowledge creation and technical solutions capable of answering the needs of the institutions’ community became ever more crucial. This article seeks to frame and explain, by showing practical cases and the analysis of the results as to the use of the learning platform Moodle, the path taken by the project, the strategy adopted and the actions implemented.


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This paper will focus on some aspects of translation based on blending distinct linguistic domains such as the vocabulary of Hotel Industry, of Enology and Gastronomy in Spanish by tertiary level students (2nd year) of the course of Hotel Management. Portuguese students, most of the times, rely on a L1 (Portuguese) general language, namely using false cognates in the above mentioned areas in the Spanish and English classes in, at a first sight helpful but misleading way, hoping to succeed by using the word that seems correct to the context, when there isn’t, because: •they choose a word suitable to the context in L2, but the choice of that word is often misleading, by relying in a false L1 reality that is going to adulterate reality in the L2 domain, •but it seems that the opposite is also true, and takes place too; The difficulty in making such type of distinctions is due to: •the lack of linguistic and lexical knowledge; • the need to study the cause of these chromaticisms, by: • being in touch with specific literature; . working, not only with their peers, but also with their language teacher to develop strategies to diminish and, if possible, to eradicate this type of linguistic and, mainly translation problem, that causes so many learning constraints.