994 resultados para Chiloscyllium punctatum, Crescita, Sacco vitellino, Sviluppo embrionale, Illuminamento, Acquario


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We compared the effect of the number of weekly repetitions of a static stretching program on the flexibility, hamstring tightness and electromyographic activity of the hamstring and of the triceps surae muscles. Thirty-one healthy subjects with hamstring tightness, defined as the inability to perform total knee extension, and shortened triceps surae, defined by a tibiotarsal angle wider than 90° during trunk flexion, were divided into three groups: G1 performed the stretching exercises once a week; G2, three times a week, and G3, five times a week. The parameters were determined before and after the stretching program. Flexibility improved in all groups after intervention, from 7.65 ± 10.38 to 3.67 ± 12.08 in G1, from 10.73 ± 12.07 to 0.77 ± 10.45 in G2, and from 14.20 ± 10.75 to 6.85 ± 12.19 cm in G3 (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). The increase in flexibility was higher in G2 than in G1 (P = 0.018), while G2 and G3 showed no significant difference (G1: 4 ± 2.17, G2: 10 ± 5.27; G3: 7.5 ± 4.77 cm). Hamstring tightness improved in all groups, from 37.90 ± 6.44 to 29 ± 11.65 in G1, from 39.82 ± 9.63 to 21.91 ± 8.40 in G2, and from 37.20 ± 6.63 to 26.10 ± 5.72° in G3 (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). During stretching, a statistically significant difference was observed in electromyographic activity of biceps femoris muscle between G1 and G3 (P = 0.048) and G2 and G3 (P = 0.0009). No significant differences were found in electromyographic activity during maximal isometric contraction. Stretching exercises performed three times a week were sufficient to improve flexibility and range of motion compared to subjects exercising once a week, with results similar to those of subjects who exercised five times a week.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of image resolution manipulation on the photogrammetric measurement of the rearfoot static angle. The study design was that of a reliability study. We evaluated 19 healthy young adults (11 females and 8 males). The photographs were taken at 1536 pixels in the greatest dimension, resized into four different resolutions (1200, 768, 600, 384 pixels) and analyzed by three equally trained examiners on a 96-pixels per inch (ppi) screen. An experienced physiotherapist marked the anatomic landmarks of rearfoot static angles on two occasions within a 1-week interval. Three different examiners had marked angles on digital pictures. The systematic error and the smallest detectable difference were calculated from the angle values between the image resolutions and times of evaluation. Different resolutions were compared by analysis of variance. Inter- and intra-examiner reliability was calculated by intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). The rearfoot static angles obtained by the examiners in each resolution were not different (P > 0.05); however, the higher the image resolution the better the inter-examiner reliability. The intra-examiner reliability (within a 1-week interval) was considered to be unacceptable for all image resolutions (ICC range: 0.08-0.52). The whole body image of an adult with a minimum size of 768 pixels analyzed on a 96-ppi screen can provide very good inter-examiner reliability for photogrammetric measurements of rearfoot static angles (ICC range: 0.85-0.92), although the intra-examiner reliability within each resolution was not acceptable. Therefore, this method is not a proper tool for follow-up evaluations of patients within a therapeutic protocol.


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Para ser considerado prebiótico, um microrganismo deve atender a uma série de requisitos, sendo a manutenção da viabilidade, um dos principais. Culturas probióticas de Lactobacillus spp. e Bifidobacterium spp. foram cultivadas em leite em pó desnatado reconstituído 12% adicionado de 3% (p/v) de mel pasteurizado. Foram preparados controles sem mel. Todos os cultivos mantiveram-se viáveis por 46 dias a 7 °C atendendo o número mínimo exigido pela legislação. O maior número de células viáveis de L. casei-01 e L. casei Shirota (>9,0 log10 UFC.mL-1) foi observado nos cultivos contendo mel. A acidez titulável produzida por estas culturas foi de 1,44%. O número de células viáveis de L. acidophilus Sacco® aos 46 dias em cultivos com mel foi significativamente maior (p < 0,05) que nos controles. Considerando todo o período de estocagem, o mel exerceu efeito positivo significativo (p < 0,05) apenas para as culturas de Bifidobacterium. O menor crescimento e a menor acidificação no 46º dia foram observados nos cultivos de Bf. lactis Bb-12, sendo de 7,63 log10 UFC.mL-1 e 0,61% de acidez em presença de mel e 6,11 log10 UFC.mL-1 e 0,30% de acidez nos controles. Diferentemente, os cultivos de Bf. lactis Sacco® atingiram contagens de 9,11 log10 UFC.mL-1 e produziram 1,11% de acidez.


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Resumo Arterite de Takayasu é uma doença rara, de etiologia desconhecida, que acomete a aorta e seus principais ramos. É uma patologia, geograficamente mais comum no Sudeste Asiático, que acomete principalmente mulheres em idade reprodutiva. A apresentação clínica é inespecífica, com sinais e sintomas que variam de acordo com o seguimento arterial acometido. O vaso mais comumente afetado é a artéria subclávia, enquanto a estenose de artéria renal é relativamente incomum. Comprometimento cardíaco e associação com outras patologias também podem estar presentes. Apresentamos neste relato o caso de uma paciente idosa com diagnóstico tardio de arterite de Takayasu e várias comorbidades ou complicações relacionadas.


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Nella storiografia filosofica spagnola non esiste, probabilmente, una definizione ambigua e problematica come quella che riguarda la cosiddetta "Scuola di Barcellona". La tesi principale di questo articolo è che tale scuola non giunse mai a nascere, ma ne esistette soltanto una forma embrionale che non poté maturare perché, in conseguenza della situazione politica venutasi a creare con la guerra civile (1936-1939), i suoi componenti si dispersero nell'esilio. Ciò nonostante, è possibile riconoscere alcuni tratti comuni, seppur labili e (forse) non sostanziali, nella diaspora degli intellettuali catalani che rendono possibile definirla, con le dovute cautele, "Scuola di Barcellona". Tali caratteristiche comuni si possono far risalire a colui che, in un certo senso, fu il fondatore della scuola, essendo il principale maestro delle nuove leve filosofiche della Catalogna all'inizio del XX secolo: Jaume Serra Hunter.


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Il saggio, attraverso un'analisi delle riflessioni di Husserl e Scheler, si propone di esaminare la loro concezione sull'Europa e la tradizione culturale europea, mettendo in rilievo l'evoluzione e lo sviluppo delle loro posizioni avanti e dopo la prima Guerra mondiale.


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An interdisciplinary approach is used to identify a new graphic novel genre, 'comics camet', and its key features. The study situates comics camet in a historical context and shows it to be the result of a cross-pollination between the American and French comics traditions. Comics camet incorporates features from other literary genres: journalism, autobiography, ethnography and travel writing. Its creators, primarily European rriales, document their experiences visiting countries that Europe has traditionally defined as belonging to the 'East'. A visual and narrative analysis, using theoretical perspectives derived from cultural and postcolonial studies, examines how comics camet represents the non-European other and identifies the genre's ideological assumptions. Four representative texts are examined: Joe Sacco's Palestine (2001), Craig Thompson's, Camet de Voyage (2004), Guy Delisle's Pyongyang (2005) and Mrujane Satrpi's Persespolis 2 (2004). The study concludes that the comics camet genre simultaneously reinforces and challenges stereotypical assumptions about non-European people and places.


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The current set of studies was conducted to examine the cross-race effect (CRE), a phenomenon commonly found in the face perception literature. The CRE is evident when participants display better own-race face recognition accuracy than other-race recognition accuracy (e.g. Ackerman et al., 2006). Typically the cross-race effect is attributed to perceptual expertise, (i.e., other-race faces are processed less holistically; Michel, Rossion, Han, Chung & Caldara, 2006), and the social cognitive model (i.e., other-race faces are processed at the categorical level by virtue of being an out-group member; Hugenberg, Young, Bernstein, & Sacco, 2010). These effects may be mediated by differential attention. I investigated whether other-race faces are disregarded and, consequently, not remembered as accurately as own-race (in-group) faces. In Experiment 1, I examined how the magnitude of the CRE differed when participants learned individual faces sequentially versus when they learned multiple faces simultaneously in arrays comprising faces and objects. I also examined how the CRE differed when participants recognized individual faces presented sequentially versus in arrays of eight faces. Participants’ recognition accuracy was better for own-race faces than other-race faces regardless of familiarization method. However, the difference between own- and other-race accuracy was larger when faces were familiarized sequentially in comparison to familiarization with arrays. Participants’ response patterns during testing differed depending on the combination of familiarization and testing method. Participants had more false alarms for other-race faces than own-race faces if they learned faces sequentially (regardless of testing strategy); if participants learned faces in arrays, they had more false alarms for other-race faces than own-races faces if ii i they were tested with sequentially presented faces. These results are consistent with the perceptual expertise model in that participants were better able to use the full two seconds in the sequential task for own-race faces, but not for other-race faces. The purpose of Experiment 2 was to examine participants’ attentional allocation in complex scenes. Participants were shown scenes comprising people in real places, but the head stimuli used in Experiment 1 were superimposed onto the bodies in each scene. Using a Tobii eyetracker, participants’ looking time for both own- and other-race faces was evaluated to determine whether participants looked longer at own-race faces and whether individual differences in looking time correlated with individual differences in recognition accuracy. The results of this experiment demonstrated that although own-race faces were preferentially attended to in comparison to other-race faces, individual differences in looking time biases towards own-race faces did not correlate with individual differences in own-race recognition advantages. These results are also consistent with perceptual expertise, as it seems that the role of attentional biases towards own-race faces is independent of the cognitive processing that occurs for own-race faces. All together, these results have implications for face perception tasks that are performed in the lab, how accurate people may be when remembering faces in the real world, and the accuracy and patterns of errors in eyewitness testimony.


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Cette thèse a été réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris, sous la direction de Michel Duchesneau (UdeM) et Esteban Buch (EHESS). La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l'Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Actes du colloque international (Rome, Istituto di Studi Romani, 2009 et 2010).


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Jusqu’à une époque récente, un juriste étudiait un modèle juridique donné car il le considérait comme le meilleur. Telle est la constatation formulée par les comparatistes Antonio Gambaro, Rodolfo Sacco et Louis Vogel dans les premières lignes de leur Droit de l’Occident et d’ailleurs. Cette attitude cadre difficilement avec le contexte globalisant actuel. En revanche, un nombre croissant de juristes manifestent un intérêt renouvelé à l’égard du génie propre aux différentes traditions juridiques. À l’intérieur même d’une tradition juridique, un recul théorique est parfois nécessaire afin de mieux en apprécier la sagesse. Pour H. Patrick Glenn, la tradition juridique est vivante et évolutive. Le droit civil privé du Québec, branche de la tradition romaniste, constitue la résultante d’un processus de transmission de connaissances juridiques dont la pertinence est constamment mise à l’épreuve du temps et du contexte social. Très tôt, les dépositaires du savoir issu de la tradition romaniste ont cherché à définir la place de l’être humain dans la nature et cela, à toute époque confondue. La relation humaine avec la terre a fait l’objet de réflexions juridiques poussées dans le droit classique comme dans le droit moderne. Le droit des biens privé du Québec, branche fondamentale du droit civil, a intériorisé et adapté la somme de ce savoir à son propre contexte social et historique. La conception juridique de la terre a varié considérablement à l’intérieur même de la tradition romaniste. Ce mémoire propose une étude des représentations sociales et historiques de la terre dans la tradition romaniste. Cette étude a été menée en recourant à une approche interdisciplinaire du droit qui puise dans le savoir des disciplines philosophiques et historiques. Au terme de cette analyse, il sera établi que la structure de la propriété civiliste a conduit à une fragmentation juridique de la terre en autant d’utilités qu’il est techniquement possible pour l’être humain d’en tirer.


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Enhancement of financial inclusivity of rural communities is often recognised as a key strategy for achieving economic development in third world countries. The main objective of this study was to examine the factors that influence consumers’ choice of a rural bank in Gicumbi district of Rwanda. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and analysed using a binary probit regression model and non-parametric procedures. Most consumers were aware of Popular Bank of Rwanda (BPR) and Umurenge SACCO through radio advertisements, social networks and community meetings. Accessibility, interest rates and quality of services influenced choice of a given financial intermediary. Moreover, the decision to open a rural bank account was significantly influenced by education and farm size (p<0.1). These results indicate the need for financial managers to consider these findings for successful marketing campaigns.


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Con la llegada de Juan Pablo II al Papado simultáneamente se configuró un nuevo orden mundial y aparecieron fenómenos políticos, sociales y económicos que generaron factores de desestabilización dentro de los Estados, planteándole nuevos objetivos a su diplomacia pontificia y asumir nuevos desafíos como el diálogo diplomático y la mediación en el marco de una diplomacia de reputación para la honestidad, a fin de optimizar su capacidad de resolución de conflictos y emplear la diplomacia satisfactoriamente, lo que a su vez permitió una acción papal más directa en los asuntos mundiales.


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El marcaje de proteínas con ubiquitina, conocido como ubiquitinación, cumple diferentes funciones que incluyen la regulación de varios procesos celulares, tales como: la degradación de proteínas por medio del proteosoma, la reparación del ADN, la señalización mediada por receptores de membrana, y la endocitosis, entre otras (1). Las moléculas de ubiquitina pueden ser removidas de sus sustratos gracias a la acción de un gran grupo de proteasas, llamadas enzimas deubiquitinizantes (DUBs) (2). Las DUBs son esenciales para la manutención de la homeostasis de la ubiquitina y para la regulación del estado de ubiquitinación de diferentes sustratos. El gran número y la diversidad de DUBs descritas refleja tanto su especificidad como su utilización para regular un amplio espectro de sustratos y vías celulares. Aunque muchas DUBs han sido estudiadas a profundidad, actualmente se desconocen los sustratos y las funciones biológicas de la mayoría de ellas. En este trabajo se investigaron las funciones de las DUBs: USP19, USP4 y UCH-L1. Utilizando varias técnicas de biología molecular y celular se encontró que: i) USP19 es regulada por las ubiquitin ligasas SIAH1 y SIAH2 ii) USP19 es importante para regular HIF-1α, un factor de transcripción clave en la respuesta celular a hipoxia, iii) USP4 interactúa con el proteosoma, iv) La quimera mCherry-UCH-L1 reproduce parcialmente los fenotipos que nuestro grupo ha descrito previamente al usar otros constructos de la misma enzima, y v) UCH-L1 promueve la internalización de la bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es realizar un análisis de los desafíos más relevantes que tuvo que enfrentar el Papa Benedicto XVI durante su pontificado. Con la llegada del Joseph Ratzinger al Vaticano se genera un cambio en la percepción de la comunidad internacional hacia la sede pontificia y esa percepción va obteniendo otros matices a medida que se va desarrollando el pontificado, con la respuesta de Benedicto XVI hacia los desafíos que va enfrentando como el diálogo interreligioso, que previamente había venido trabajando su antecesor Juan Pablo II y el tema de la pedofilia, el cual se encargó de destapar luego de haber sido por años un tabú inconcebible de destapar para la iglesia católica.