974 resultados para Bernardi Claraevallensis
A gestão das instituições de ensino superior (IES) no Brasil tem apresentado inconsistências gerenciais: O que se faz não é o que o aluno espera. O que se ensina não é, geralmente, o que os universitários veem em seu Campus. A literatura aponta para, basicamente, duas questões as quais potencialmente apresentam maior impacto acerca desta realidade: A intervenção do governo na intenção de gerir a qualidade do ensino e a industrialização do ensino. Paralelo a estas questões, há uma carência na literatura de aportes ao que se refere à satisfação dos clientes. Muito embora existam modelos de mensuração, como a ACSI e o ESCI, e diversos conceitos de satisfação, os esforços direcionados para públicos específicos são insuficientes e/ou até inexistentes em alguns casos. Por fim, segundo o ANUP o Sudeste abriga quase a metade de todas as IES do país, sendo-as, com ampla predominância, instituições particulares, reiterando a relevância desta região para o Brasil e das IES privadas no país. Assim, este estudo se dispõe a aproximar os temas gestão de instituições de ensino superior, satisfação do consumidor e, por fim, o papel da região sudeste do país para a educação, com ênfase nas IES particulares, objetivando adaptar e validar um instrumento capaz de ser aplicado na gestão acadêmica e evidenciar os determinantes que promovem satisfação do universitário. Por meio deste projeto, pode-se analisar a utilização de um modelo adaptado do ACSI e identificar pesos e coeficientes entre as variáveis propostas: Expectativa, Qualidade, Valor e Satisfação.
MSC 2010: 30C45
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34E20, 35L80, 35L15.
This study evaluated the degree of conversion (DC%) of one experimental and different brands of composite resins light-cured by two light sources (one LED and one argon laser). The percentage of unreacted C = C was determined from the ratio of absorbance intensities of aliphatic C = C (peak at 1637 cm−1) against internal standards before and after curing: aromatic C–C (peak at 1610 cm−1) except for P90, where %C = C bonds was given for C–O–C (883 cm−1) and C–C (1257 cm−1). ANOVA and Tukey’s test revealed no statistically significant difference among Z350 (67.17), Z250 (69.52) and experimental (66.61 ± 2.03) with LED, just among them and Evolu-X (75.51) and P90 (32.05) that showed higher and lower DC%, respectively. For the argon laser, there were no differences among Z250 (70.67), Z350 (69.60), experimental (65.66) and Evolu-X (73, 37), however a significant difference was observed for P90 (36.80), which showed lowest DC%. The light sources showed similar DC%, however the main difference was observed regarding the composite resins. The lowest DC% was observed for the argon laser. P90 showed the lowest DC% for both light-curing sources.
Esta ponencia tiene el fin de analizar la construcción sintáctica 'jugar + a SN', para dar cuenta de la alternancia transitividad/ intransitividad de dicho verbo cuando se realiza con este complemento. En su definición del verbo 'jugar', el DRAE contempla usos transitivos e intransitivos que incluyen la estructura mencionada en un empleo intransitivo. No obstante, la definición atiende al empleo transitivo en ejemplos como 'jugar una partida'. En tanto, la Nueva Gramática de la lengua española. Manual (2010) presenta una clasificación de complementos directos preposicionales que comprende una subclase de verbos transitivos cuyos objetos directos son compatibles con la preposición 'a'. Para llevar a cabo nuestro objetivo recurrimos a las herramientas teórico metodológicas de la lingüística cognitiva, especialmente la teoría de los prototipos, dado que con sus límites borrosos permite establecer pasajes entre transitividad/ intransitividad que no son necesariamente tajantes. El corpus que se emplea en este trabajo es el Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual (CREA), según el filtro del español de Argentina. Después de haber examinado las muestras del corpus se puede arribar a algunas conclusiones. El complemento régimen preposicional ('a') ha ido gradualmente cargándose en el español rioplatense del sentido de un verbo transitivo más, al tiempo que derivó en la creación de un nuevo objeto directo preposicional ?de cosa? que incorpora rasgos afectivos/ subjetivos. Esto constituye uno de los grandes escollos para la comprensión de este tipo de objeto directo por parte de alumnos nativos y extranjeros, quienes en nuestros encuentros del ?Taller sobre prácticas del lenguaje: reflexiones gramaticales?, dictado en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, plantean sus dudas respecto de la identificación de estos usos transitivos/ intransitivos de verbos como 'jugar'
Research on women’s employment has proliferated over recent decades, often under a perspective that conceptualizes female labour market activity as independent of male presences and absences in the productive and reproductive spheres. In the face of these approaches, the article argues the need to focus on the couple as the unit of analysis of work-life articulation. After referring to the main theoretical arguments that, from a gender perspective within labour studies, have pointed out the relevance of placing the household as the central space for the analysis of the sexual division of labour, the article reviews different empirical contributions that have incorporated such perspective in the international literature. Next, the state of the art in the Spanish literature is presented, before arguing the desirability of applying such framework of analysis to the study of employment and care work in Spanish households, which are at present undergoing major transformations.
Paid reproductive work, especially in the case of cleaning and home-care for elderly people, is an important sector for foreign women in Italy. For this reason, since the beginning of the current economic crisis, scholars have wondered about the impact of the recession on migrant domestic workers. They have looked particularly at possible competition with Italian women entering the sector for lack of better alternatives. Our paper takes this discussion a step further by assessing the overall changes affecting migrant women in the Italian labour market, 2007-2012. We will look at how their position has been transformed, by taking both an ethnic perspective, in relation to Italian women, and a gender perspective, in relation to migrant men. By way of a conclusion, the argument will be made that there is a substantial lack of competition between Italian and foreign women in the care and domestic sector due to differences in their earnings, hours of work and activities.
Muchos estudios encuentran un efecto del origen social sobre la ocupación y el salario incluso tras controlar la educación. Este efecto, que suele ser pequeño, puede ser un artificio resultante del deficiente control de la educación. Este trabajo examina la importancia de controlar en detalle la educación desagregando las carreras universitarias. Estudiamos el clasismo del mercado de trabajo para una promoción de titulados en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) en los seis años entre su graduación en 1997 y 2003. Esta es la fecha de la encuesta gracias a la cual podemos medir la influencia del status social de los padres sobre las oportunidades de empleo de los hijos no con título universitario en general, sino con el mismo título universitario. Encontramos que la influencia del origen social sobre la clase profesional y los ingresos disminuye mucho cuando se controlan las titulaciones, y que no se observa en la mayor parte de ellas, pero sí en algunas, en concreto Políticas y Sociología y Económicas. Esta concreción allana el camino para investigar las vías por las que esta influencia se produce.
Este artículo pretende ser complemento y continuación de mis anteriores trabajos sobre la figura de Petrus Hispanus O. P., Auctor Summularum. Comienzo presentando algunos nuevos documentos relacionados con las cuestiones ya examinadas en mis artículos de 1997 y 2001. A continuación, me ocupo de las cuestiones aplazadas en el artículo de 2001: los problemas relativos a la figura de “Petrus Ferrandi” y su posible relación con el “auctor Summularum”, así como los argumentos de Tugwell contra la hipótesis de la posible identidad de estas dos figuras, examinados ahora desde la perspectiva del autor de la Legenda prima. Tras analizar testimonios procedentes de muy diversos ámbitos, afirmo, por una parte, que la hipótesis de la identidad entre “Petrus Ferrandi” y “Petrus Hispanus” podría ser correcta y, por otra parte, que no hay argumentos concluyentes que obliguen a afirmar con seguridad que el autor de la Legenda prima es Pedro Ferrando. Aunque los análisis no permiten por el momento determinar si es “Petrus Alfonsi” o “Petrus Ferrandi” el “auctor Summularum”, los testimonios recogidos y las conexiones establecidas contribuirán, sin duda, a orientar futuras investigaciones en torno a la figura de “Petrus Hispanus”.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Comunicação.
Por su carácter iterativo o frecuentativo, las formaciones verbales con sufijo –tā- (–sā-) suelen ser consideradas coloquiales. Desde este punto de vista puede resultar especialmente revelador un estudio de las mismas en Plauto y Terencio. Específicamente el propósito de este trabajo es comprobar si entre las diferencias lingüísticas reconocidas entre ambos autores se puede incluir el uso que cada uno de ellos hace de estas formaciones.
The authors present three cases of symptomatic, large, benign, nonparasitic hepatic cysts. The diagnosis was determined by US and CT scan, the latter enabling differential diagnosis with neoplastic or hydatid cysts. All patients were treated with open hepatic resection. In 2 cases, laparoscopy was performed to enable complete diagnosis. The authors used LigaSure™ (Covidien, USA) instrument, avoiding bleeding complications and reducing surgery time. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of benigntic cysts. CT follow-up at 6 months and 1 year demonstrated the efficacy of the surgery, with no recurrences.
Introduction. Breast phyllodes tumors (PT) are uncommon fibroepithelial lesions having potential malignant features. These tumors have characteristic features, like phleomorphism, mitoses and overgrowth of the stroma with possible infiltrative margins. The clinical behaviour could be unpredictable, since the relatively high recurrence rate despite correct surgical strategy. Conventional diagnostic examinations show high sensitivity and specificity, but cannot demonstrate the differences between benign and malignant PT. MRI is not more effective. Patients and methods. Sixteen patients affected by PT have been surgically treated at our Institution. All patients received mammography and ultrasonography (US) as preoperative diagnostic work-up. Results. in 13 patients, US was effective in preoperative diagnosis of PT. Mammography was uneffective in detecting breast lesions in 5 cases, while in 11 cases mammographic findings presented benign features, with a round opacity with moderate tissue density and well-defined wall. Conclusion. US remains the most useful diagnostic test in detecting PT. However, there is no test effective in identifying malignat PT. In case of suspicion, fine needle biopsy should be performed.
Esta dissertação é composta por 5 artigos.
The Whipple’ Disease (W.D.) is a very rare disease with an incidence of 1 per 1.000.000 inhabitants; it is a systemic infection that may mimic a wide spectrum of clinical disorders, which may have a fatal outcome and affects mainly male 40-50 years old. The infective agent is an actinomycete, Tropheryma Whipplei (T.W.) that was isolated 100 years after first description by Wipple, and identified in macrophages of mucosa of the small intestine by biopsy which is characterized by periodic acid-Schiff-positive, products of the inner membrane of his polysaccharide bacterial cell wall. The multisystemic clinical manifestations evolve rapidly towards an organic decay characterized by weight loss, malabsorption, diarrhea, polyathralgia, opthalmoplegia, neuro-psychiatric disorders and sometimes associated to endocarditis. Early antibiotic treatment with trimethoprim and sulfometathaxazole reduces the fatal evolution of the disease. The authors present a rare experience about a female subject in which the clinical gastrointestinal signs were preceded by neuro-psychiatric disorders, and evolved into obstruction and intestinal perforation which required an emergency surgery with temporary ileostomy, recanalized only after adequate medical treatment with a full dose of antibiotic and resolution of clinical disease for the high risks of fistulae for the edema and lymphadenopathy of mucosa. The diagnosis was histologically examined by intestinal biopsy performed during surgery, which showed PAS-positive histiocytes, while PRC polymerase RNA was negative, which confirms the high sensibility of PAS positive and low specificity of RNA polymerase for T.W.