953 resultados para Advanced age population
Introducción: Todos los trabajadores del área de la salud están en riesgo de padecer un accidente biológico. No obstante los estudiantes de estas aéreas, pueden presentar más riesgo porque apenas están en formación y no tienen la práctica o experiencia suficiente. Existen varios artículos que han estudiado la incidencia y prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en los trabajadores del área de la salud, Sin embargo, sobre esta problemática de la población estudiantil del área de la salud, se encuentra menos literatura. Por lo tanto con esta revisión sistemática se busca analizar y actualizar este tema. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura científica de artículos publicados en los últimos 14 años, en relación con la prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en estudiantes de medicina, odontología, enfermería y residentes del área de la salud a nivel mundial. Se llevó a cabo la búsqueda en la base de datos de Pubmed, encontrando un total de 100 artículos, escritos en inglés, francés, español o portugués. Resultados: Las prevalencias encontradas sobre accidentes biológicos en estudiantes fueron las siguientes: en países europeos a nivel de enfermería los valores oscilan entre 10.2 % a 32%, en medicina fueron del 16%-58.8%, y en odontología del 21 %. En países asiáticos, se encontró que en enfermería el porcentaje varía de 49%-96 %, en medicina van del 35% -68%, y en odontología varia de 68.a 75.4%. En Norte América, en medicina las cifras fluctúan alrededor del 11-72.7 % y en odontología giran alrededor del 19.1%. Finalmente respecto a Suramérica la prevalencia fue de 31.2 a 46.7% en medicina, y del 40% en enfermería. Conclusiones: Por lo anterior se pudo concluir que, la prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en los estudiantes del área de la salud es elevada y varía según el continente en el que se encuentren.
Esta revisión de la literatura tuvo como objetivo describir las actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer desde el modelo tripartito. Se revisaron 109 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en algunas bases de datos especializadas y herramientas de análisis de impacto. También se incluyeron fuentes secundarias ampliándose la búsqueda a los últimos 20 años (1995-2015). Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudios realizados sobre las actitudes hacia estas tres enfermedades son de tipo cuantitativo y la información se analizó con base en los componentes del modelo tripartito. Algunos aspectos sociodemográficos como el sexo y la edad están asociados con las actitudes hacia las tres enfermedades y predominan las creencias erróneas sobre ellas respecto a sus causas, curso y tratamiento. También predominan actitudes negativas hacia las tres enfermedades y las conductas e intenciones conductuales son diversas hacia cada una de ellas. No se hallaron antecedentes empíricos del estudio de la estructura de las actitudes propuesta por el modelo tripartito hacia las tres enfermedades. La Salud Pública ha liderado la investigación con base en el modelo de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas propuesto por la OMS.
El diagnóstico de cáncer ha sido asociado con un alto riesgo de presentar ideación suicida en comparación con la población no oncológica, sin embargo se ha considerado al apoyo social como un factor protector para la ocurrencia de esta conducta. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar la relación entre el apoyo social percibido y la ideación suicida en 90 pacientes oncológicos adultos en Bogotá, bajo la hipótesis de que a mayor apoyo social percibido, menor presencia de ideación suicida. Se midió la variable de apoyo social a través del cuestionario Duke UNC y la ideación suicida a través de cuatro instrumentos: Escala de Ideación Suicida (SSI), Escala de Desesperanza de Beck (BHS), el ítem 9 del Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI-IA) y una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados mostraron que no existe relación entre el apoyo social percibido y la ideación suicida. Por otro lado se identificó una prevalencia de suicidio entre 5,6% y 22,77%, confirmando que el paciente con cáncer considera el suicidio y es fundamental evaluar esta variable en esta población. Se considera importante continuar con la realización de investigaciones que permitan generalizar los resultados a la población oncológica colombiana.
Introducción: La gran mayoría de las medidas de normalidad utilizadas para la interpretación de resonancia cardiaca son extrapoladas de las medidas de ecocardiografía. Los limitados registros de medidas de normalidad se encuentran ajustados en poblaciones extranjeras, no hay registros en latinoamericanos. Objetivo: Determinar las dimensiones cardiacas utilizando resonancia magnética en una población de personas sin antecedente médicos con repercusión cardiaca para lograr una muestra de valores que permitan ajustar las medidas de normalidad utilizadas por nuestro servicio. Materiales y métodos: se analizaron 45 sujetos sanos con edad comprendida entre los 21 y 45 años, las adquisiciones se realizaron utilizando un equipo de RM de 1,5 teslas, el análisis de las imágenes se realizó mediante el programa Cardiac Volume Vx. Se evaluaron múltiples parámetros morfofuncionales a través de análisis estadístico por medio del sistema SPSS versión 23. Resultados: Mediciones obtenidas de ventrículo izquierdo principales fueron volumen diastólico en mujeres de 62 ml +/- 7.1 y en hombres de 65 ml +/- 11.2 y fracción de eyección de 60 % +/- 5 en mujeres y de 62 % +/- 9 en hombres. En ventrículo derecho el volumen diastólico final se encontró 81.8 ml +/- 14.6 en mujeres y 100 ml +/- 24.8 en hombres y fracción de eyección de 53 % +/- 17 en mujeres y de 45 % +/- 12 en hombres. Volumen de fin de diástole de 50 +/- 12.7 ml en mujeres y de 49 ml +/- 19 ml en hombres y fracción de eyección de aurícula izquierda de 55 % +/- 0.08 en mujeres y de 50 % +/- 0.07 en hombres. Volumen de fin de diástole de 44.1 ml +/- 18.5 en mujeres y de 49.2 ml +/- 22.9 en hombres y fracción de eyección de aurícula derecha de 50 % +/- 11 en mujeres y de 45 % +/- 8 en hombres. Se obtuvieron otras medidas lineales y volumétricas adicionales de cavidades cardiacas y de grandes vasos supracardiacos. Conclusiones: se describen los valores de referencia de los parámetros morfofuncionales de las cavidades cardiacas y de vasos supracardiacos. El sexo fue tenido en cuenta como covariable relacionada con la modificación de los parámetros evaluados. Se sugieren variaciones en las medidas de cavidades cardiacas para la población estudiada relacionada con aclimatación crónica a la altitud de la ciudad de Bogotá.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El 80% de los niños y adolescentes con trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) presenta algún trastorno del sueño, en cuya génesis al parecer intervienen alteraciones en la regulación de la melatonina. El objetivo de este metaanálisis fue determinar la eficacia y seguridad de la melatonina para el manejo de ciertos trastornos del sueño en niños con TEA. MÉTODOS: Tres revisores extrajeron los datos relevantes de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados doble ciego de alta calidad publicados en bases de datos primarias, de ensayos clínicos, de revisiones sistemáticas y de literatura gris; además se realizó búsqueda en bola de nieve. Se analizaron los datos con RevMan 5.3. Se realizó un análisis del inverso de la varianza por un modelo de efectos aleatorios para las diferencias de medias de los desenlaces propuestos: duración del tiempo total, latencia de sueño y número de despertares nocturnos. Se evaluó la heterogeneidad interestudios con el parámetro I2 RESULTADOS: La búsqueda inicial arrojó 355 resultados, de los cuales tres cumplieron los criterios de selección. La melatonina resultó ser un medicamento seguro y eficaz para aumentar la duración total del sueño y disminuir la latencia de sueño en niños y adolescentes con TEA; hasta el momento la evidencia sobre el número de despertares nocturnos no es estadísticamente significativa. DISCUSIÓN: A la luz de la evidencia disponible, la melatonina es una elección segura y eficaz para el manejo de ciertos problemas del sueño en niños y adolescentes con TEA. Es necesario realizar estudios con mayores tamaños muestrales y comparados con otros medicamentos disponibles en el mercado.
Na medicina equina, os problemas locomotores estão na origem da maioria das consultas veterinárias, provocando uma enorme preocupação para os proprietários e equitadores e exigindo um grande conhecimento por parte do veterinário. Assim, não são demais os estudos realizados nesta área, que permitem auxiliar os médicos veterinários sempre que se deparam com este tipo de problemas. Uma das ferramentas fundamentais para o diagnóstico das lesões ósseas e articulares nos membros é o raio-X. Desde que este foi tornado portátil, passou a ser um enorme aliado do veterinário, permitindo diagnósticos mais facilitados e imediatos no terreno. O objectivo da presente dissertação, para além de rever a bibliografia descrita acerca da incidência de lesões locomotoras, é também contribuir para a caracterização das lesões mais frequentes na medicina equina na população estudada que envolvam as estruturas óssea e articular dos membros do cavalo. As lesões locomotoras descritas no estudo, foram determinadas após uma observação rigorosa aos diferentes raios-X de 95 cavalos e os dados recolhidos foram tratados através de uma análise estatística utilizando o programa «SPSS®». Existe uma maior incidência de lesões nos membros anteriores quando comparado com os membros posteriores. Tanto o membro anterior direito, como o membro posterior direito são igualmente mais afectados do que os membros esquerdos, havendo também uma elevada distribuição das lesões em ambos os membros anteriores em simultâneo. No membro anterior, a lesão mais frequentemente diagnosticada é a osteoartrite, sendo a luxação uma das lesões menos encontradas. Para o membro posterior, é o esparvão que mais se diagnostica, contrastando com o síndrome podotroclear, que tem uma prevalência baixa. No membro anterior, a 3ª falange é uma das regiões mais afectadas, sendo a ulna uma das regiões menos afectadas. No membro posterior, é a região do curvilhão que representa um dos locais mais propícios a lesão, enquanto a 2ª falange é uma das regiões onde menos frequentemente se diagnosticam lesões no cavalo. Os resultados encontrados estão de acordo com a bibliografia descrita e sugerem a importância da continuidade deste tipo de estudos, nomeadamente abrangendo outras variáveis como a raça, a idade e o tipo de utilização do cavalo e, ainda, a utilização de outros métodos imagiológicos.
Populations on the periphery of a species' range may experience more severe environmental conditions relative to populations closer to the core of the range. As a consequence, peripheral populations may have lower reproductive success or survival, which may affect their persistence. In this study, we examined the influence of environmental conditions on breeding biology and nest survival in a threatened population of Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus) at the northern limit of the range in southeastern Alberta, Canada, and compared our estimates with those from shrike populations elsewhere in the range. Over the 2-year study in 1992–1993, clutch sizes averaged 6.4 eggs, and most nests were initiated between mid-May and mid-June. Rate of renesting following initial nest failure was 19%, and there were no known cases of double-brooding. Compared with southern populations, rate of renesting was lower and clutch sizes tended to be larger, whereas the length of the nestling and hatchling periods appeared to be similar. Most nest failures were directly associated with nest predators, but weather had a greater direct effect in 1993. Nest survival models indicated higher daily nest survival during warmer temperatures and lower precipitation, which may include direct effects of weather on nestlings as well as indirect effects on predator behavior or food abundance. Daily nest survival varied over the nesting cycle in a curvilinear pattern, with a slight increase through laying, approximately constant survival through incubation, and a decline through the nestling period. Partial brood loss during the nestling stage was high, particularly in 1993, when conditions were cool and wet. Overall, the lower likelihood of renesting, lower nest survival, and higher partial brood loss appeared to depress reproductive output in this population relative to those elsewhere in the range, and may have increased susceptibility to population declines.
The population dynamics of long-lived birds are thought to be very sensitive to changes in adult survival. However, where natal philopatry is low, recruitment from the larger metapopulation may have the strongest effect on population growth rate even in long-lived species. Here, we illustrate such a situation where changes in a seabird colony size appeared to be the consequence of changes in recruitment. We studied the population dynamics of a declining colony of Ancient Murrelets (Synthliboramphus antiquus) at East Limestone Island, British Columbia. During 1990-2010, Ancient Murrelet chicks were trapped at East Limestone Island while departing to sea, using a standard trapping method carried on throughout the departure period. Adult murrelets were trapped while departing from the colony during 1990-2003. Numbers of chicks trapped declined during 1990-1995, probably because of raccoon predation, increased slightly from 1995-2000 and subsequently declined again. Reproductive success was 30% lower during 2000-2003 than in earlier years, mainly because of an increase in desertions. The proportion of nonbreeders among adult birds trapped at night also declined over the study period. Mortality of adult birds, thought to be mainly prebreeders, from predators more than doubled over the same period. Apparent adult survival of breeders remained constant during 1991-2002 once the first year after banding was excluded, but the apparent survival rates in the first year after banding fell and the survival of birds banded as chicks to age three halved over the same period. A matrix model of population dynamics suggested that even during the early part of the study immigration from other breeding areas must have been substantial, supporting earlier observations that natal philopatry in this species is low. The general colony decline after 2000 probably was related to diminished recruitment, as evidenced by the lower proportion of nonbreeders in the trapped sample. Hence the trend is determined by the recruitment decisions of externally reared birds, rather than demographic factors operating on the local breeding population, an unusual situation for a colonial marine bird. Because of the contraction in the colony it may now be subject to a level of predation pressure from which recovery will be impossible without some form of intervention.
Population models are essential components of large-scale conservation and management plans for the federally endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler (Setophaga chrysoparia; hereafter GCWA). However, existing models are based on vital rate estimates calculated using relatively small data sets that are now more than a decade old. We estimated more current, precise adult and juvenile apparent survival (Φ) probabilities and their associated variances for male GCWAs. In addition to providing estimates for use in population modeling, we tested hypotheses about spatial and temporal variation in Φ. We assessed whether a linear trend in Φ or a change in the overall mean Φ corresponded to an observed increase in GCWA abundance during 1992-2000 and if Φ varied among study plots. To accomplish these objectives, we analyzed long-term GCWA capture-resight data from 1992 through 2011, collected across seven study plots on the Fort Hood Military Reservation using a Cormack-Jolly-Seber model structure within program MARK. We also estimated Φ process and sampling variances using a variance-components approach. Our results did not provide evidence of site-specific variation in adult Φ on the installation. Because of a lack of data, we could not assess whether juvenile Φ varied spatially. We did not detect a strong temporal association between GCWA abundance and Φ. Mean estimates of Φ for adult and juvenile male GCWAs for all years analyzed were 0.47 with a process variance of 0.0120 and a sampling variance of 0.0113 and 0.28 with a process variance of 0.0076 and a sampling variance of 0.0149, respectively. Although juvenile Φ did not differ greatly from previous estimates, our adult Φ estimate suggests previous GCWA population models were overly optimistic with respect to adult survival. These updated Φ probabilities and their associated variances will be incorporated into new population models to assist with GCWA conservation decision making.
Variations in demographic rates due to differential resource allocation between individuals are important considerations in the development of accurate population dynamic models. Systematic harvesting can alter age structure and/or reduce population density, conferring indirect positive benefits on the source population as a result of a consequent redistribution of resources between the remaining individuals. Independently of effects mediated through changes in density and competition, demographic rates can also be influenced by within-individual competition for resources. Harvesting dependent life stages can reduce an individual's current reproductive costs, allowing increased investment in its future fecundity and survival. Although such changes in demographic rates are well known, there has been little exploration of the potential impact on population dynamics. We use empirical data collected from a successfully reintroduced population of the Mauritius kestrel Falco punctatus to explore the population consequences of manipulating reproductive effort through harvesting. Consequent increases in an individual's future fecundity and survival allow source populations to withstand longer and more intensive harvesting regimes without being exposed to an increase in extinction risk, increasing maximum sustainable yields. These effects may also buffer populations against the impacts of stochastic events, but directional shifts in environmental conditions that increase reproductive costs may have detrimental population-level effects.
With 25% of the UK population predicted to be obese by 2010, the costs to individuals and society are set to rise. Due to the extra economic and social pressures obesity causes, there is an increasing need to understand what motivates and prevents consumers from eating a healthy diet so as to be able to tailor policy interventions to specific groups in society. In so doing, it is important to explore potential variations in attitudes, motivation and behaviour as a function of age and gender. Both demographic factors are easily distinguished within society and a future intervention study which targets either, or both, of these would likely be both feasible and cost-effective for policy makers. As part of a preliminary study, six focus groups (total n = 43) were conducted at the University of Reading in November 2006, with groups segmented on the basis of age and gender. In order to gather more sensitive information, participants were also asked to fill out a short anonymous questionnaire before each focus group began, relating to healthy eating, alcohol consumption and body dissatisfaction. Making use of thematic content analysis, results suggested that most participants were aware of the type of foods that contribute to a healthy diet and the importance of achieving a healthy balance within a diet. However, they believed that healthy eating messages were often conflicting, and were uncertain about where to find information on the topic. Participants believed that the family has an important role in educating children about eating habits. Despite these similarities, there were a number of key differences among the groups in terms of their reasons for making food choices. Older participants (60+ years old) were more likely to make food choices based on health considerations. Participants between the ages of 18–30 were less concerned with this link, and instead focused on issues of food preparation and knowledge, prices and time. Younger female participants said they had more energy when they ate healthier diets; however, very often their food choices related to concern with their appearance. Older female participants also expressed this concern within the questionnaire, rather than in the group discussions. Overall, these results suggest that consumer motivations for healthy eating are diverse and that this must be considered by government, retailers and food producers.
1. Shaver White and ISA Brown pullets were reared to 140 d in groups of 8 in cages on a 10-h photoperiod of incandescent light and maintained at an illuminance of 3 or 25 lux, or transferred from 3 to 25 lux or from 25 to 3 lux at 63 or 112 d of age. 2. There was no significant difference in sexual maturity, measured as eggs per 100 bird.d at 139 and 140 d, for ISA Brown maintained on 3 or 25 lux, but Shaver White pullets exposed to constant 3 lux matured significantly later than those maintained on 25 lux. 3. In Shaver Whites, sexual maturity was significantly delayed by an increase from 3 to 25 lux at 63 and 112 d, and advanced by a decrease from 25 to 3 lux at 112 d. Sexual maturity of ISA Browns was not significantly affected by a change in illuminance at 63 or 112 d, though responses were in the same direction as for Shaver Whites. 4. In both breeds, total feed consumed to 112 d was higher for birds on 3 lux than 25 lux, but lower between 112 d and 140 d when birds on 25 lux underwent rapid sexual development. In both breeds, body weight at 63 d was higher for birds exposed to 3 lux than 25 lux, but body weight gain thereafter was similar for the two light intensities. 5. In both breeds, plasma luteinising hormone (LH) concentration at 63 and 112 d was lower in birds maintained on 3 lux than 25 lux. At 63 and 112 d, transfers from 25 to 3 lux depressed, whereas transfers from 3 to 25 lux at 63 d, but not at 112 d, increased plasma LH. 6. Advances or delays in sexual maturity induced by changes in illuminance were not correlated with differences in feed intake, body weight gain, or with changes in plasma LH. 7. One possible explanation for the inverse relationship between the direction of change in illuminance at 63 and 112 d in pullets exposed to a 10-h photoperiod and the age at which they became sexually mature is that changes in light intensity and/or spectral composition affect the entrainment of the circadian rhythm of photoinducibility, to effect a phase shift in the photoinducible phase and/or the responsiveness of phototransduction pathways.
Re-introduction is a technique widely used in the conservation of threatened bird species. With advances in aviculture the use of captive-produced individuals as the release stock is becoming more commonplace, and ideally, survival of captive-produced, released individuals should be no different from their wild-bred counterparts. During the late 1980s the Critically Endangered Mauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus) was successfully re-introduced into the Bambous mountain range, Mauritius, some 30 years after its local extinction. Between 1987 and 2001 the developing population was closely monitored enabling us to construct re-sighting histories for 88 released and 284 wild-bred kestrels. We used age-structured models in the survival analysis software program MARK to determine if an individual's origin influenced its subsequent survival. Our analysis indicated no compelling evidence for reduced survival among juvenile captive-reared and released individuals, relative to their wild-bred counterparts, across the majority of cohorts and only limited evidence of a cohort-specific effect. This study illustrates that despite the lack of a formal experimental approach it is still feasible to conduct an assessment of re-introduction outcomes and techniques.
1. Disease epizootics can significantly influence host population dynamics and the structure and functioning of ecological communities. Sarcoptic mange Sarcoptes scabiei has dramatically reduced red fox populations Vulpes vulpes in several countries, including Britain, although impacts on demographic processes are poorly understood. We review the literature on the impact of mange on red fox populations, assess its current distribution in Britain through a questionnaire survey and present new data on resultant demographic changes in foxes in Bristol, UK. 2. A mange epizootic in Sweden spread across the entire country in < 10 years resulting in a decline in fox density of up to 95%; density remained lowered for 15–20 years. In Spain, mange has been enzootic for > 75 years and is widely distributed; mange presence was negatively correlated with habitat quality. 3. Localized outbreaks have occurred sporadically in Britain during the last 100 years. The most recent large-scale outbreak arose in the 1990s, although mange has been present in south London and surrounding environs since the 1940s. The questionnaire survey indicated that mange was broadly distributed across Britain, but areas of perceived high prevalence (> 50% affected) were mainly in central and southern England. Habitat type did not significantly affect the presence/absence of mange or perceived prevalence rates. Subjective assessments suggested that populations take 15–20 years to recover. 4. Mange appeared in Bristol's foxes in 1994. During the epizootic phase (1994–95), mange spread through the city at a rate of 0.6–0.9 km/month, with a rise in infection in domestic dogs Canis familiaris c. 1–2 months later. Juvenile and adult fox mortality increased and the proportion of females that reproduced declined but litter size was unaffected. Population density declined by > 95%. 5. In the enzootic phase (1996–present), mange was the most significant mortality factor. Juvenile mortality was significantly higher than in the pre-mange period, and the number of juveniles classified as dispersers declined. Mange infection reduced the reproductive potential of males and females: females with advanced mange did not breed; severely infected males failed to undergo spermatogenesis. In 2004, Bristol fox population density was only 15% of that in 1994.
Re-introduction is a technique widely used in the conservation of threatened bird species. With advances in aviculture the use of captive-produced individuals as the release stock is becoming more commonplace, and ideally, survival of captive-produced, released individuals should be no different from their wild-bred counterparts. During the late 1980s the Critically Endangered Mauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus) was successfully re-introduced into the Bambous mountain range, Mauritius, some 30 years after its local extinction. Between 1987 and 2001 the developing population was closely monitored enabling us to construct re-sighting histories for 88 released and 284 wild-bred kestrels. We used age-structured models in the survival analysis software program MARK to determine if an individual's origin influenced its subsequent survival. Our analysis indicated no compelling evidence for reduced survival among juvenile captive-reared and released individuals, relative to their wild-bred counterparts, across the majority of cohorts and only limited evidence of a cohort-specific effect. This study illustrates that despite the lack of a formal experimental approach it is still feasible to conduct an assessment of re-introduction outcomes and techniques. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.